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Accepted Haloboss29's Drama Application


Level 27
Out Of Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Discord username:
Dupa Yash#5110

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I do own a microphone.

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I completely acknowledge and understand.

Describe your activity on the server:
Unless there is a family issue that needs attention, I am on almost every day. Weekends are when I'm most active, but I'll continue to work hard to meet the quota and be active on SRP.

Do you have any previous bans?:
No, and I plan to keep it this way.

Links to previous applications and appeals on the server:



What is your current role on the server?:
I am currently playing a 27-year-old Adult character, but I've gotten bored of the adult role and decided that now I'd love to rejoin the teacher faction because of my initial love for it and the newfound time I can dedicate to it.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

P.A, more specifically drama.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I was previously an Art teacher, however, I switched to drama and spent my last month teaching as a drama teacher. I quit for personal reasons that have recently been resolved. Teaching was the highlight of my experiences in SRP, it was extremely fun and I loved meeting new co-workers and teaching the students about something I am very passionate about, acting. Although it has not been long since I last worked as a teacher at Karakura, I would love to come back and continue my career as it was truly the most fun part of my day. Despite the fact that I only spent 5 months working as a teacher, it was possibly the best 5 months I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience. I dearly miss being a part of the teacher faction, despite only fairly recently taking my leave from it. I have achieved some boredom from the role of an adult, missing my previous responsibilities and interactions from when I was a teacher, and reseeking the roleplay experience as I'd had before. I miss my students and the relationships I'd developed with students and fellow faculty alike. The adult role now feels dull to me, dearly missing my previous position.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I acknowledge this fact and I understand completely.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
After hosting a class, every teacher must do /class end, this triggers the logging system; inside of the Karakura Academics discord, there is a channel that is specifically set for class logs. After every class, it is shown how many students attended, how many people there were online at the time of hosting, the period that the class was hosted on, and the username of the teacher that hosted said class. This is to ensure that every teacher has met the quota that month and is eligible for a paycheck determinable by the teacher's classes that month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
  • Be aware of your surroundings,
  • Listen to any questions someone may have,
  • As a teacher, don’t yell at your students and don’t lose your temper. Yelling at your students and losing your temper will only make them act up more than they already were, instead, calmly clap your hands or find a fun way to get the students to quiet down.
  • Be considerate of other students as you participate.
  • Try your hardest on the work you provide for your teacher.
  • Respect yourself, and your peers whilst in the classroom.
  • Pay attention and keep your electronic devices or anything that may be distracting in your bag.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Outside of SRP, I used to roleplay a lot in discord with my best friend, whom I recently introduced to SRP after 3 or 4 years of playing on SRP. My best friend and I have played numerous characters together, varying in character type and personality. In general, we went through 7 generations, all of which lasted 2 months minimum. Apart from this, I was also previously a teacher for 5 months before resigning my role for personal issues that affected the quality of my word heavily. While teaching, I taught two subjects; I started off with Art and ended with Drama and have spent an astounding amount of time on the server developing my experience and aiming to become a better roleplayer in general.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department
↳ Description: The HD of a department is the teacher that watches over the NQTs and UTs until they are promoted to QT, the HD’s job is to ensure everyone in their department is doing their job and doing it correctly, in addition, if another teacher in the department has a question, it is the HD’s job to answer the question to the best of their ability.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A Qualified Teacher is a Teacher that has finished all training and has put noticeable effort into their work, this meaning an active teacher who deals with troublemakers accordingly and knows the overall rules of teaching.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A teacher that has only recently gone through training, a newer Teacher that can still learn from other teachers along the way. They can now hold their own classes, with guidance

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: A Teacher that has yet to finish Teacher training and prove themselves worthy of NQT, they have a lot to learn and a lot of time to learn it. They have yet to hold any classes, they have a lot more to learn

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve.
A teacher ensures that students are well-informed about the subject they teach, and they ensure that they know what is expected of them during their transition into college and adulthood in general.. Teachers earn 350k for hosting 10 classes, 450k for hosting 15 classes, and 500k for teaching 10 bonus classes. While there are different methods used by each teacher, I have seen that hands-on teaching is the most popular. Culinary classes, for example, do not teach you how to make the dish, but rather you learn as you work; it's more about learning from mistakes and moving forward. Teachers are to be used as mentors for students, as responsible adults students are meant to rely on.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
It would be impossible to run a school without teachers. SRP would not exist if it were not for the school. Teachers play a key role in the server, as they manage the school, teach students, and make SRP what it is and provide the consequences and praise to student's actions. Roleplay hub started off being nothing but School roleplay, without Teachers Roleplay Hub would have never gotten the opportunity to expand as much as it has today. Without the classes, everyone would be extensively bored throughout the school day, especially those who regularly don't go out of their way to talk to new people, or strangers. It would just be everyone standing around, talking and waiting for the school day to simply end, you would be stuck there.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
MoScOw (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have)
However, the majority of the teachers may plan as they please, as I've realized from previously being a teacher.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

A petite 29-year-old woman stood amidst the classroom, ocean blue eyes, and dark blonde hair that flowed gracefully down her shoulders despite its lack of styling. Despite her scrawny form, she was almost always well-dressed to indicate respect for her position and to feel more authoritative. She'd typically act very strict and professional, however frequently expressing a bubbly and open demeanor, always willing to help students, friends, and coworkers alike. Outside of school grounds, amongst her friends, she'd act as erratically as she pleased, before going back into her more professional mannerisms while in public.
She'd typically and almost always act sweet, polite, and professional to her students, but was very casual towards her coworkers, seeing as she saw the majority of them as her friends and tried to hang out and enjoy the company of them, even off of school grounds. She took pride in learning from her coworkers, even if she'd believed herself experienced at her job, and aimed to be as professional and as good as a teacher as she could be.
Halo often spent time practicing her own interests, alongside the ones that pertained to the class, being very passionate about what she taught and indicating strong reliability for the knowledge she possessed in drama. Due to her upbringing, she was particularly knowledgeable in her subject, despite her seeking more tips, whilst even teaching the class herself.
Despite her lovable attitude whilst at school, she also could be particularly sassy on occasion once truly irritated, shooting back with funny quips and comments, but despite this route being taken on occasion, it only seemed to make her more likable to some of the students.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Halo would at first approach the situation passively, calmly, and collectedly asking the students to adjust their attitude, and observe the situation in case there is a reason the students are behaving brashly. If they are simply acting out, she would continue to calmly warn them, indicating the threat of the possibility of them receiving detention due to their attitude and wording. If they are still behaving poorly and inappropriately, she would calmly issue them detention, likely equipped with a vaguely amusing comment to deescalate the situation if necessary.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
She'd tuck her arms behind herself, raising her voice as she spoke, and lifting her tone. "Excuse me." She called out to the class, before releasing a relatively unsatisfied sigh. and lifted her arms in front of himself, a loud clap ringing across the classroom to gather the class' attention, and a smile reappeared on her face. "Thank you. Please do not do that again, alright?" She'd hum. "If you disrespect me and interrupt my class again, I'm afraid that I will have to start issuing punishments."

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Halo would typically spend time in the teacher's lounge when she saw there was nothing to attend to, typically planning classes or making friendly banter with the fellow faculty she felt comfortable and adjusted with. She'd typically keep to herself if unacquainted, waiting to be approached first. She'd continue to act politely to her coworkers, making small talk while working on classes or her own personal work.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me She'd smile warmly towards her class as they'd begun to take their seats and prepare for the class ahead for this period, fluffing out her hair before she'd allow her feet to meet the ground, standing up and trotting away from her desk, her heels making a loud 'clack. . . clack' on the ground before she'd greeted the middle of the stage, tucking her arms behind her torso as she batted her eyelashes at the students before the petite woman. "Hello everyone! Welcome back to drama, I'm so glad to be back, I'd prefer to skip over the greetings, let's just get to the lesson, shall we?" She smiled, turning to the board behind herself and writing out 'METHOD ACTING' boldly in cursive.

/me The petite teacher stood stiffly in place in the front of the room, evidently irritated at the lack of respect and the current inappropriate language that was echoing vividly around her previously tame and polite classroom. She'd draw out a sigh, one almost as dramatic as her class, before she'd look up to the students utilizing the blatantly unappreciated words. "Excuse me-" She smiled, still appearing polite despite her blatant irritance. "Would you mind watching your language, please? I don't want to have to stay after fourth period to issue any detentions. . .If you want the attention you're seeking, however, the stage is always here next time I need participants for improv." She'd hum, satisfied as her classroom fell back to its previous respectful energy, and resumed the lesson.

/me She'd sit politely on the ground, off to the side from the stage as she'd observe the student's performance, paying intricate attention to small details and taking internal noting on a few aspects she'd planned to discuss after it was over, occasionally offering a reassuring nod as the students went about their performance. Once completed, she'd seem to almost float to her feet, pulling herself up effortlessly back to her feet as she smiled warmly upon the small group, clapping loudly to the student's performance and nodding, allowing them to reclaim their seats and sit back down, before repositioning herself at the front of the room on the stage. "Thank you all so much for that lovely performance! Now, let's go over some points, just for next time, alright?"

/me /me Her feet slid across the stage floor, moving gracefully into a twirl before she stood firmly and rather aggressively, her shoulders wide,and her feet the width of her shoulders, standing pridefully before resuming her typical graceful stands, her feet together, her hands cupped in front of herself, before she lowered herself into a casual but polite and graceful bow. "Goodmorning everyone." She'd smile, raising herself to look pridefully around the class, appearing graceful in her mannerisms. "Today, as you've likely heard over the intercom, we'll be discussing the impact of body language and demeanor, and how it correlates to your expression and emotions."


Growing up, Halo faced much despair, perhaps being what initially sparked her fascination in the dramatic acting aspects of the artistic world.
She was born in Kyoto, Japan. Her mother German and a Japanese father whom fell in love in their mother's homeland. After 4 years after her sisters Kelly and Yui were born, and they'd moved to Japan, their parents got a divorce for a variety of reasons, affairs, devastation, mental problems running through the family and causing much instability, and an immense amount of stress for the young Halo Sugimoto.
She and her sister, Yui, went with their mother, and Kelly disappeared with their father. She'd discovered she'd had a brother in the mix all the meanwhile, one she wouldn't meet in depth until much later, but immediately felt close to, not that it mattered too much at the time, being a very brief realization but one to dwell on. Her mother acted very coldly to her, being an unstable and harsh woman, and only intensified with the separation from her father and its circumstances.
She'd need something to cope, clinging onto this specific acting interest, and finding it something to channel her life of tragedy into. As things started to get better when she was older, she moved to Karakura with Kelly, Yui, and eventually her brother, Winmo. She'd found a home in Karakura, where she'd discovered freedom and friendships. She'd forged bonds, meeting people as she'd grown older.
She found comfort in school, though not always following the rules, she aspired to be like one of the teachers she'd learned under, and dedicated herself to that goal, going to college and majoring in Acting and Teaching, before she'd worked found herself working at her old school, as she'd dreamed, working as a Performing Arts teacher. She'd continue to grow, however, expanding her bonds, to those new and old, and working to improve herself despite her struggles, channeling her pain into art through her work, and teaching the troubled students of Karakura the same.
Eventually, she adopted a few children, even eventually getting engaged and finding herself very at peace with the life she'd forged for herself within karakura, despite some of the parts of the city she'd despised and felt sickened by. She felt pride in the life she found through what felt like hell and all she'd been through, finding love in her position as a teacher the most.
She'd briefly quit her position due to personal circumstances, wanting a break from her position and role as a teacher due to the stress it had put on her at the time. However, once she had quit, she'd felt a wave of regret, and over the weeks without her position as a drama teacher, she felt herself dearly missing her students and the relationships she'd made, she missed the classes, the happiness she could give to students as their teacher, and the opportunity to give them an education in a subject she'd loved. Feeling worse without her position, she quickly went to work to receive her position back.

In-Character Information


SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Halo Sugimoto

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Halo Sugimoto

Preferred Name:
Ms. Sugimoto

Age (Minimum is 27):

Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Teaching, Art, Acting
Dance, Photography

Native Languages:
Other Languages:
German, Russian

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
Unfortunately not.


Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:
No, I do not have any questions.
Last edited:


Level 342
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, you have been accepted for the position of Teacher at Karakura High School.

- You won't need to undergo training as you have previously been a teacher.​

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