players online

Police Application | luvnnyla


Level 61

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
I got banned once for assisting in a duping/not reporting it. And I do not intend on making that list into 2 or more, as I was newer to SRP when I got the ban.

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm on whenever I can be online, if it was a scale from 1-10 it would be a 6-7, I'm on whenever I can be online, either if its me AFK or hanging out with friends.

Which timezone are you in?

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag

Do you have a microphone:
Yes, I do have a microphone.

List your current and past applications:


JSL Application | NylaBear_ | SchoolRP
Clay's Height Application | SchoolRP
EMS [ Psychiatrist ] | luvnnyla SRP | SchoolRP
French Application | SchoolRP
Ban Appeal | SchoolRP
Language Application |German |Re-application | SchoolRP

(With most of these, exept for the recent ones, I was fairly new to SRP.)

Vivian's Receptionist application | SchoolRP
SassyToddlerRP's Tutor application | SchoolRP
SassyRP's Librarian Application | SchoolRP
ThingRP2's Receptionist Application | SchoolRP
JSL Language Application | SchoolRP
ThingRP2's School Counselor application | SchoolRP
JSL Language | SchoolRP(x4)
Ban Appeal | SchoolRP
Language Application|German | SchoolRP
Language Application| Chinese | SchoolRP

What is your motivation for applying?:
I recently had a lot of time on my hands, meaning I have more and more time to be on SRP, and my school year is also coming to an end, I'll be able to be on alot more during the summer as well. I've also been seeing a lot of KPD online. I've also been trying my best to get a role in the server to see it from another point of view once again, and then also seeing how gangrp is on the inside, I want to see how it is for the people who, take a stop to gangrp'ers through arresting their characters, mattering on what they have done. And then also going along with being an EMS before, it also goes into how much KPD does, seeing what happens with the KPD, on the hand of the majors; finding out what happened, after the EMS did what they can do. Or seeing what happens to those calls to the KPD, seeing what happened or the end product of such.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I do, and I'm open to learn more about such.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
KPD, or any kind of police work, it goes along with taking care of searching apartments for weapons that are illegal, responding to calls that are needed to be taken care of, as well as taking care of other KPD/police members. They also go along with keeping all the citizens safe, getting rid of the criminals and trying their best to make sure that the city doesn't go into gang chaos.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
If there weren't police on SRP, people would be losing characters more often than normal, as well their wont always is that fear or thinking of "oh I did this crime, now I may have to deal with the time of this character being put into jail", there would also be way-way more people going into jail, and not being able to use a character they may love playing as it gives them that boundary.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do acknowledge that, and I completely agree with it.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I am 100% agreeing with being dedicated to the role I am applying for.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?
As long as I am not busy oocly, or I am AFK while the training is happening, I'll be happy to attend.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Of course, dealing with IC harassment is something that you are almost signing up for going with situations that happen during events.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

There stands a 5'1 German female, having a burn mark on her shoulder, it was from a carving. She had light blonde hair, with brown eyes, one of them being prosthetic. She also had a slightly muscular build.

What they're like on and off the job?
While on the job, she tries to stay focused staying off of her phone, either talking with employees or sitting at the front desk, waiting for people to come in.

While off the job, she mainly hangs out with family or friends that she made, while exploring the city, taking time with what she does.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

Vivians plans for the future, are to succeed in a job she loves doing, and do it for as long as she can. Her outlook on her fellow co-workers, they're all friends or future friends, they could be people she may have to help in the future.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Vivian was born on a sunny April 1st afternoon, either way, she was welcomed into the world by her parents, since it was the day for joking around, they took it as a joke, to her mother, her father being a different story. Living with her eldest sister, and brother, them being twins. She always looked up to them, as they were her eldest siblings she wanted to be just like them or somewhat even close to being like them. Mainly learning from them before she was able to go to school, she started learning early and she took it and ran with it. As soon as she got to the first grade of school, she became one of the popular kids, quickly clinging to someone named Marina, soonly becoming best friends, though... All best friends don't end up with a happy ending, do they? Throughout elementary school, she always got good grades, stayed out of trouble, and was favored, yet at home was a different story. Her parents still took her as a joke. Then came middle school, the time that ruined her life. She started well, her best friend sticking by her side. Making more friends, her father saw her as a perfect child, even though this was the time at school when she started to cause trouble. Getting lunch detentions but never daring to get anywhere close to an after school detention or going onto a weekend one, she didn't want to know what her family would think of her because of that, her siblings would dislike her, stop teaching her how to be a good person, and how to get better grades, and her father and mother would be mad and ground her. The middle school days are the days where everything goes downhill right? Vivian kept trying to go somewhere in life, as Marina her best friend, the person that was meant to stay with her by her side, the person she loved as a friend. Was trying to stay where she wanted, trying to stay a child, as Vivian had enough, she was trying to go somewhere in life early on. That wasn't something she shouldn't try to do, as soon as she did she got into gangs, she got into crime, it wasn't good for a kid like her, a small kid in a big world for her to be a part of. She decided to leave Marina behind. She then went into high school, trying her best still going along with what her siblings and parents were saying to her, to find a purpose in life, to find something that she can focus on for a lifetime, something she loved doing. This was also when she met her high school sweetheart, Fukui, which soon had to end due to them both being accepted into colleges too far apart from each other, saying if they would ever meet again, they would try it one last time. As soon as she got into college she also left crime, saying that it wasn't a good way of letting out stress, it wasn't good hurting other people, maybe she should try doing something, else that could be the opposite of what she was doing in high school, deciding to study criminology,

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Vivian Luck Keigo

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Vi, ViVi

Preferred Name:



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

She has 4 years of training.

Working Experience:
She has 2 years of working experience.

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:



Native Languages:

Other Languages:
French, Japanese

Last edited:


Level 328
Thank you for applying for KPD. Unfortunately, the higher-up team and I
have decided to deny this application. Most times it is simply due to the fact that
there are more suitable applicants, so feel free to give it another shot on the next cadet wave!​

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