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skzomia | Reporter Application


Level 8



OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes, I do. My username is jenau.

List your timezone and country:
BST (currently)
GMT+3/KWT (original)

Describe your activity:
I consider myself extremely active, I've been an active player for 3 years since I first the server. I took a break one time which was about 8 months ago but it was a short period of break, I came back to the server again, and I've been playing quite a lot. I usually play from 5-8 hours per day, mostly every day due to the fact that I'm on a summer holiday at the moment, however, when I have college I play the same amount of time, mostly on the weekends.

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
No, I don't have any previous bans on the server.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages): [ACCEPTED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED]
+ I applied for journalism for the second time around 2021 in the discord server.

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
My motivation for applying to be a reporter is because of the skills that I can provide in this specific field which is a reporter, my knowledge and experience with being a former journalist twice in my time playing in this server got my motivation higher within applying for this. I want to achieve many more things than a journalist can do, and I trust my own skills, which is why I fit in this position. I want to set goals when I accomplish this position, what motivates me more is that I will gain more experience than I already have. I am already interested in this field because of my interests, which include being able to brainstorm a lot of ideas and write about different topics. Also, it has been a priority for me to become a reporter since I have good communication and writing skills. I would benefit from this position not only in the game but also in real life. It's very helpful to be a reporter, especially in today's life where spreading news is needed more within roleplay. Furthermore, this will help me meet new people that I haven't had a chance to meet before. Last but not least, I would say that a reporter's job has always been fascinating to me. It will provide me with an opportunity to hear people's stories from a lot of perspectives.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have a lot of experience with writing specifically itself, I have been a journalist twice on the server and I had a good amount of time and experience because of it. I used to write a bunch of reports, along with interviews. I consider myself someone who is passionate about writing itself. As part of my major in literature and arts, I am required to write a lot, which has improved my writing skills and my ability to brainstorm ideas. Writing is pretty much an integral part of my life at that point. I write and type whenever i have essays to write or research to do.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I am aware of that and I will follow the set of rules provided to me.

Why should we accept you over others?:

The reason why you should accept me over others is that I consider myself fit for this position, especially since I have been a journalist member twice. I consider myself a sharp-witted person, which allows me to think quickly and solve things I am passionate about at my job. As well, I am very dedicated and always strive to do my best when it comes to a job that I have been considering applying for some time now. I would say that I am committed to giving my best effort and positivity throughout this position, as I'm always eager to take on new challenges. Moreover, I will bring unique perspectives to the table, having worked with the same path before. I believe in my strong writing skills and ability to craft engaging and coherent stories enable me to communicate complex issues in a clear and compelling manner. As a result of my experience, I should be considered because I have an unwavering passion for reporting, and I view it as not just a job but a responsibility to inform, inspire, and create a positive change in this field.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Yes, I understand. I will stay completely natural with all reports, and I will stay active and complete the monthly quota.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A reporter to me is a lot of things, reports work revolves around researching, gathering, and reporting information on a wide range of topics and issues that occur in the city. Reporters are responsible for providing the right news to inform citizens about it. Furthermore, as a reporter, you have to attend events, interview people, write articles, and deliver news. Also, a reporter should have good communication skills and they have to be open-minded and good listeners as well to engage and convey information clearly. Every reporter has to stay up to date with the news from around the city and look into it more if needed.




IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:

Miume Sakai

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Miss Miume / Ms. Miume / Ms. Sakai

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:

During my time in school, I participated in the journalism club with my friends, where we had a great time writing reports about the school’s happenings and rumors. Later, when I turned 18, I took up jobs at retail shops and restaurants, which significantly enhanced my communication abilities and efficiency in handling various tasks due to the extensive experience gained during my present time there.

Tokyo University: Bachelor's degree in Communications and a Minor in Law.
Tokyo University of Arts: Master's Degree in Literature.

Nationality and born location:
Japanese/Japan, Tokyo.

Phone Number: 030-

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
The best way to describe my personality would be to say that I am hardworking and competitive about what I do. My definition of myself is one who is brash and confident in her early twenties, I am unshakable in her pursuit of my job and what I believe to be necessary for the whole community. Despite my kindness and confidence, and my selflessness, all I need in life are opportunities and challenges ahead of me in order to succeed. I am considered someone who stands out from the rest and no one has ever seen me lose my composure. I enjoy situations that I find interesting, any public speechless or chaotic situation, I'm here for it and I'll listen and stay all day to understand it. My job is very important to me, so whenever I get one, I provide my full attention and focus.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I am interested in writing about multiple things as I am free to write about anything, I enjoy writing about different things that evolve the city in general which includes sudden crimes that occur in the city, disasters that people should be aware of, and famous situations that people need to pay attention to such as opinions, issues that the public faces and new unique stories around the city. I will certainly achieve this by researching the topic I’m writing about, going to places, and interviewing people. As well as seek out stories or issues that I may find difficult or challenging to cover. I will for sure step out of my comfort zone, that is because a reporter’s job is to get out and face the real world to get information. Also, stepping out of my comfort zone will certainly allow me to grow personally and professionally. It will open new opportunities, broaden my perspective, and enhance my own skills.

What are your expectations for the job?:
For this job, I expect to do a lot of research and dig deep into the topics that I intend to write and report on. And, I will be going around and asking people who were involved in whichever incident or event caught my attention and felt needed to be shared with the public. This is why I expect to be doing a great deal of research and digging into multiple new stories and topics. Also, I expect myself to have good communication skills because interviewing people is a significant part of the job. Besides all of that, I expect to be true to myself by avoiding reporting with sensitivity and conflicts of interest.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
No, I have never had a criminal record in my life.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Japanese and English.






[!] beeping sound of the radio as you click, the rich timbre of Miume's voice from the radio filled the space [!]

"Good day, Karakura City. Miume Inori here speaking yet again with another issue that needs to be discussed!
Before we dig deep into this... I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!"

[!] Miume Inori continues speaking through the audio [!]

In Karakura City, we have recently witnessed such saddening scenes that are rarely discussed, such as animal cruelty and abuse. People around here, especially young people, often get away with this type of behavior. Even old people seem to be joining in this act of cruelty towards animals. We can say, however, that ma many of the citizens in Karakura inflict physical and verbal abuse on animals.

What kinds of animals are most likely to be affected by this? Let's be honest, it happens to all animals equally. However, the data in Karakura reveals that cats face a higher risk, approximately 67%, of experiencing abuse compared to dogs, with a difference of 35%. Reports from Karakura indicate a concerning surge in abuse cases since 2021, which is undeniably saddening. Let us also consider the welfare of birds and foxes, despite their ability to protect themselves to some extent. Birds, classified as small mammals, might be more vulnerable to mistreatment when kept as pets in living conditions around the city here.

Animal abuse continues to persist in many forms, and in Karakura, neglect remains a prevalent and distressing issue. Animals endure the pain of physical abuse, subjected to random kicks and hits by individuals. Additionally, abandonment is all too common, leaving animals to suffer in distressing circumstances. Moreover, the grim reality of animal fighting cannot be ignored, with dogs often coerced into battling each other in certain areas of Karakura. It's evident that there is a pressing need to address these alarming acts of cruelty and work towards creating a safer and more compassionate environment for our dear animals of Karakura.

Isn’t it truly heart-wrenching news? It’s crucial for us to give more attention to this subject. We must raise awareness about animal issues and offer our support in any way possible. Fortunately, we have the law on our side to provide better production for animals, and we are grateful for the presence of the Karakura Police Department, which will assist whenever there is a case of animal abuse or similar incidents. However, this selfish behavior needs to cease immediately, as it has gone too far. Finally, as citizens, it is our responsibility to come together, show compassion, and offer support in addressing the significant issues and challenges that continues to arise in Karakura.

All right, then! Our report for today has come to an end, and I hope everyone enjoyed it. Miume Inori was once again on the line! I hope to see you all tune in to the next report.

[!] Radio audio would slowly fade off [!]



Location: Karakura City.
Date: 2/6/2022


[!] cameras rolling with the date and location on the corner of the video as Miume would start with the introduction [!]

"Greetings, citizens of Karakura! I am here today to interview one of the most talented people we all know, please welcome Mrs. Honami Tsugami!"

[!] video would expand towards both of them in one frame as they would be seated in front of each other [!]

"Good afternoon Mrs. Honami, My name is Miume Inori and I'm pleased to finally meet you here!"

"Thank you for having me today! It's a pleasure meeting you as well."

"Before we start, tell me, how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing well, just trying to do what I normally do. I appreciate you asking!"

"Of course! Now, let's begin with this interview."

[!] Paper flipping [!]

"Wow! You're all over Karakura, it appears that you're trending #1 on Karakura! Can you tell me about yourself?"

"It was unbelievable to me when I first saw it! Thanks to everyone who stays on top of my new items. Ah, yes! My full name is Honami Tsugami, I am one of Tokyo's designers, and I am 30 years old."

"Pleasure meeting you! Now, What was your motivation for being a fashion designer? can you tell us about it?"

"There is no end to what I could say about this! It has been my passion to be involved in fashion and clothing since I was eight years old. As someone who is passionate about creative expression, I find it fascinating to turn my sketches into designs while using fabrics, I have always felt motivated by it!"

"Very interesting! The news is full of coverage about your brand EXTRA. In your opinion, how do you stay up to date on the latest fashion trends?"

"As a fashion enthusiast, I was always attending fashion events as a first step! Moreover, it's important to subscribe to fashion magazines, websites, and blogs. It is also essential to keep up with the latest trends on social media."

"Your point is well taken! Your steps are very helpful, do you feel social media is useful in pursuing this career?"

"Nowadays, it's actually quite useful, I would say, but I'm enjoying using it! My experience with social media is very positive, I keep up with the latest trends through it."

"The popularity of social media has skyrocketed lately, I agree! All right, then."

"Moving on to the next question! What type of pattern do you like working with the most?"

"Oh right! There are so many patterns to choose from, floral patterns are among the most popular. It's a pleasure to work with pastel colors like navy blue and lilac, It's among the colors that youngsters are seeking."

"Interesting! All right, I will ask a variety of questions now. "

"Can you tell us a little bit about your educational background?"

"For sure! Well, during my time at Kyoto University, I studied fashion design, and I also had a minor in marketing. I have also participated in fashion online courses and programs, and have worked on improving myself during my time in college!"

"Wow, that's quite interesting! Those are the moments when you realize that you are capable of achieving anything by yourself"

"In any case, what do you think are the primary duties of a fashion designer from your perspective?

"Yes, there are a number of duties that I could discuss. Nevertheless, the main duties require researching trends, sketching designs, and choosing fabrics and trims, which is probably the most enjoyable part!"

"I find your description of fashion to be enjoyable! Is there anything you dislike about fashion designers or the industry that you can share with us?"

"Certainly there are, among them is the wasteful aspect of throwing away a design when the designer gets the wrong outcome of the sketch. The process itself takes a lot of time and energy, so it can be quite draining!"

"There is no doubt that it takes hard work! The disadvantages must be numerous, but what about the advantages?"

"The truth is we travel a lot to do fashion shows and events, so that is something I enjoy and I feel very confident when I am able to share my designs all over the world, especially Karakura!"

"Glad to hear it's going well for you, though we know how hard it can be when you succeed at something you have inspired to become!"

"Now, we all know that there's a bunch of negativity in today's community. How do you respond to criticism from people?"

"The bottom line is that I always listen to them and make sure they're on the same page, but when they're going too far, that's when I decide to step out and avoid it as much as possible!"

"You are absolutely correct. Never listen to people who put negative thoughts in your life, they will only let you down."

"I would like to ask you now, since we are at the end of our interview, what are the most important skills that someone should possess in order to be a successful fashion designer? "

"Yes! I believe the most important skill is having an open mind, a strong sense of creativity, and artistic vision. As well as communication skills, since you'll be staying in touch with a lot of customers, clients, and other designers."

"Your answers are well-spoken, Miss Honami! I'm sure our viewers are excited to hear all of this information!"

"Thank you for attending this interview, it has been a pleasure! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to be here with me, and share your story with us!"

"I am grateful for the opportunity to be here! It's delightful to participate in this fantastic interview."

[!] The scene would transition to a brief 15-second video showing Honami Tsugami engrossed in her fashion sketching. Afterward, the interview screen with Miume Inori in the frame would appear [!]

"Great to hear that you all enjoyed getting to know Honami Tsugami! I hope you found this interview helpful if you are considering a fashion career. Once again, this was Miume Inori signing off!"

[!] Video would stop recording... [!]

Last edited:


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you will be placed on pending until a slot opens back up!
Please DM @Aania if you have any queries about the application.



Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.

If you find yourself to be able to increase your activity, please re-apply!

Please DM @Aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application

You are free to re-apply at any point in time!

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