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Accepted Teacher App V7 (Department Change)


Level 143
OOC Info
: WeeabooTrashlor
Discord: WeeabooTrashlord#1054
Age: 18
Timezone: CST

Do you acknowledge that inactivity will result in demotion?: I understand fully. If I ever need to be inactive for a long period of time, I'll be sure to post an inactivity log beforehand.

Server Activity
: I log in on a near-daily basis, either roleplaying as a student on my HS Track account, or as a teacher on my main.

Previous Bans
: I was banned once for fly hacking, though was unbanned within an hour as it was a misconception.

Current Roles: HS Track, English HD

Character Knowledge
Miki is unmotivated, crude, arrogant, and incredibly lazy. Once a diligent worker who put pride into everything she did, the woman finds it easier to simply get by, which leads her to failing at most things. That being said, she holds herself in a high regard, confident that she is capable of excelling at everything, even the things she doesn't care for. She acts based on her own feelings, not caring much about things unless it directly involves her or the people she cares about.

She clearly treats students based on how much she likes them, openly berating and patronizing those she finds tedious to deal with. She only acts with professionalism and tact when in the presence of her superiors, which she'll do anything to suck up to; at any other time, she has the same level of maturity as a middle schooler.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing.

Miki would likely not get involved, unless their behavior was disrupting either her own or another students' activities. If she was to intervene, she'd likely just wave them off with a warning, as she genuinely doesn't care much about language, roughhousing and the like. If they ignored her, Miki would take up a more stern persona, demanding they behave, before threatening detentions for everybody involved.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say.
Seeing her time as valuable, she'd be upset at the lack of respect she was being given. Assuming that absolutely nobody was listening, Miki would likely lash out verbally against the class (as a whole), ranting on about respect, and how her time was important. After this, she'd likely dismiss the class, frustrated with the sinkhole she'd poured her time into.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does Miki act?
Being one of the only safe places to relax, Miki would typically abandon reservation in the teachers' office, casually lounging around at a desk spouting the regular complaints of students and whatever else she finds displeasing. Though if a superior was present, she'd act more professionally, keeping (for the most part) quiet, and sticking to her work.

Detailed Actions:
Tomoko Miki sat on the front desk with one leg crossed over the other, patiently waiting for students to enter the room. Once all the seats were filled, she hopped down to the floor, speaking out in an loud, ear-piercing voice. "Hey listen up, class is starting!"

Tomoko Miki looked through the packet she'd been handed, absolutely disgusted with with what had been written. She looked up to the student who'd given it to her with a disfigured glare, scoffing. Without even commenting, she set a fresh packet in front of them.

Tomoko Miki approached the sleeping student's desk with a thin stack of worksheets in hand. Without even a moment of hesitation, the woman gave them a good smack on the top of the head, nearly shouting "Hey! Eyes open, head up! We're in the middle of class!"

Tomoko Miki walked around the room, setting (at least) two worksheets on each desk. "So yeah, fill out the packet, I don't care if you're on your phones or talking with each other, just get it done by the end of the period."

Tomoko Miki was born the sole child of a happy, healthy, functional family. They ran a small bakery known simply as "Miki Confections," which sold fresh sweets and candies at low prices. While it lacked innovation and personality, the quality of it's products and welcoming environment kept the store running over the years. Tomoko's intention growing up was to work at and eventually claim ownership of the store.

Once she had graduated from middle school however, she was sent across the water to study abroad in the United States. While her parents claimed it would be an exciting experience which would be good for her, Tomoko disagreed, seeing the act as needlessly cruel; her parents had torn her social life in two and simultaneously crushed her childhood dream, leaving the girl heartbroken.

Once she arrived in the states, Tomoko moved in with her grandparents, which she'd never met prior. Neither party spoke the other's language fluently, leading Tomoko to not even bother trying to communicate her new guardian; it was only through time that she allowed them to help her learn, and learned to (at the very least) appreciate her new family.

Tomoko's most difficult issue was adapting to school; on top of struggling with the language, she had zero connections, causing her to primarily spend her time alone: the exact opposite from how she wanted to live. She signed up for extra curriculars, allowing her to meet and communicate with others in ways that weren't simply speaking. She found athletics to be great for making friends without speaking the language, though once she'd grown more fluent she participated in miscellaneous performing and physical arts.

Upon her high school graduation, Tomoko had already given up on her previous childhood dream, instead opting to follow her newfound passions in English and Psychology. She studied at a community college, living primarily off of scholarships and the financial aid from her family, allowing her to achieve two bachelor's degrees in her chosen fields within the span of five years.

Post-graduation, the woman had little success in finding a job. Trying her luck at nearly a dozen places, she reluctantly settled for a teaching job at a public school, where she taught high school English. She initially hated the job, though grew fond of it over time, learning to take pride in passing down her knowledge and experiences.

After her contract was over, she moved back to Japan, where she found another teaching job at Karakura High, where she taught Physical Education; it seemed like she spent far too much time and money just to teach an unrelated subject to minors, though she hadn't much room to complain. The town and school was kind to the woman, though her debts were not. She let Karakura in search of a position somewhere with higher wages. After months of failure, regret and burning a deep hole into her savings, Tomoko re-applies for a new position at Karakura High. Hooray.

IC Information
SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full name: Tomoko Miki
Title: Miss
Given Name: Tomoko Miki
Preferred Name: Miss Miki
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Shinto
Martial Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Tokyo, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience
: 10 years
Working Experience: 10 years
Academic Degree: Bachelor's
Year of Graduation: 2010
Majors: Psychology
Minors: Modern Language, Music
Native Language: Japanese
Other Languages: English, French
Preferred Teaching Subject: Sociology, specializing in Psychology

I am more than aware that this character should in no way shape or form be held responsible for any sort of job which is even loosely related to youth, which is the exact reason why I think it'd be hilarious for Tomoko Miki to be a teacher again. That being said, I'm more than willing to tone down her personality for the sake of realism or to keep a cleaner image for the faculty if you deem it necessary. Just let me know if any changes need to be made.
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Sociology Teacher at Karakura High School.

After carefully reading through your application, I have concluded that your application is up to par with the standards expected when reviewing Teachers applications.

- Your position has been updated on the roster, you'll be put back to Qualified Teacher for the time being.
- DM me via Discord to get your roles and permissions setup: @KimiNoUso#9999.​
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