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Accepted Teacher Application v8


Level 140
Performing Arts Teacher Application

by Alimonino (otherwise known as philbertman42, bald_eagle1776)

For a period of about two and a half years, I was a somewhat consistent teacher who did my best to fulfill the role I had been granted. Over time, the quality and quantity of my activities took a significant dive, especially as I gained more responsibilities both on and off of the server. I’ve never lost the desire to hold small scale activities in events, though admittedly my drive to ensure they were both interesting and compliant with IC and OOC rules had been overtaken by chronic laziness.

I’d like to believe the quality of my roleplay and the characterization of my teachers was consistently good throughout my time as a teacher. If there is one thing I pride myself in, it’s my ability to roleplay in a group environment in an engaging way. During my time as teacher, I often walked the boundary of what is acceptable for roleplay, and often passed it; this is what led to my eventual removal, which I have reflected on as I thought over how I would like to continue playing in this faction. In spite of my history with being less responsible than what is expected, I’m ready to take on the role with more sincerity after my mandatory unpaid vacation.

I’m applying as my previous teacher character, Asuka Deguchi; I’m unsure whether or not she had been fired ICly or not (as I was removed from the faction solely through DMs for what seemed to be OOC reasons), but if you’re unwilling to let me play this character then I’m open to using a different one.

IGN: Alimonino

Discord: Alimonino#0512

Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a functional microphone.

Timezone: CST or GMT-5

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I acknowledge this fact and understand that if I fail to stay active for an extended period of time without a proper inactivity log, my teacher role will be removed.

Activity on SchoolRP: Up until March, I had been a decently consistent teacher who typically fulfilled the quota (save a few odd months of on and off inactivity) for a period of about two and a half years. On my second account I’ve held the position of Track Captain since September (eight months), during which I’ve hosted consistent activities and practices for my team and the small circle surrounding it.

I play SchoolRP consistently throughout the week, logging in for at least a few hours every odd day or so. My primary focus recently has been developing my captain character, though I hope for the opportunity to continue using my adult character in the specific environment she was designed for.

Previous Infractions: I’ve had numerous warnings for miscellaneous offenses throughout the years, though they are typically few and far between. I’ve been banned once in 2019 for fly hacking, though it was a misconception and had been quickly resolved with the involved admin.

Current Roles: Adult, Track-Captain, Bird.

What subject are you applying to teach?: I am applying for my character to teach within the “Performing Arts” department. Preferably, I would like to not have a specialty and instead switch between subjects in the department every so often, as to keep things fresh and to challenge myself to come up with new ideas regularly.

What is your motivation in applying to be a teacher?: Hosting activities on SRP is a creative means of entertaining and expressing myself in a way which engages the players who are somehow intrigued enough to follow along in the misadventures of my various oddball characters.

With all due respect to the players who have put time and effort into teaching, many of the classes on the server recently have been mediocre; lessons are oftentimes not engaging, trying too hard to be realistic, or lack any genuine attempt at roleplay between the teacher and students. Throughout my time on the faction my goal was to produce an interesting, unique, and engageable environment for students to roleplay in; if it wasn’t through my non-conforming class structure, then it was in the strange characterization of my teachers. Even if only through myself, I’d like to change this critical flaw in one of the primary factions on this server.

Over all else, I’ve genuinely enjoyed most aspects of being on the teacher faction, and would like to take up a place on the roster once again.

Do you understand that you are applying for UT, and may have to go through training?: As somebody who has attained the position of HD twice over a few years of teaching, it would be hilarious if I went through training again. Imagine some guy who’s been around a few months giving me all these pointers or whatever, only for me to tell them to paste “in:teacher-chat from:Alimonino#0512” into the academics search bar- lol.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?: The class logs are an automated system which tracks when a teacher hosts class. It records the number of players present at the time of dismissal, alongside its run time and room number. They are important solely for gauging a teacher’s activity, as without them there would be no reliable way to ensure a teacher was fulfilling their responsibilities.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: The rules you need to follow while playing on your teacher account can be found in the “Faculty Information” document, which is (to my information) pinned in each faculty channel in the Academics Discord. To summarize, you need to act maturely both IC and OOC, keep relationships with students professional, and remain calm whenever possible.

Roleplay Experience: Outside of the four years I’ve spent with SchoolRP, I have moderate amounts of experience roleplaying in online forums and discord in smaller, niche communities, and have even done campaigns over tabletop roleplaying games such as D&D and Pathfinder; my experience in Minecraft trumps anything else I’ve done, though I believe it to show through my writing and the unique characterization of my various personas.

Teacher Ranking System: From least to greatest seniority there is Unqualified, Newly Qualified, Qualified, and Head of Department. UTs are those who are still in training, and are unable to host classes without a higher ranking teacher present. NQTs and QTs are both teachers that have completed their training, with the only significant difference being their time spent on the faction. HDs are the teachers in charge of any specific department, and hold the responsibility of managing the teachers underneath them. The expectations for lesson quality and consistency scale with ranking, meaning HDs should be producing good classes regularly.

General Knowledge: In a practical setting, a teacher's duty is to prepare their students for their life ahead of them; this extends past academic topics, branching out into real world skills and abilities which will help them later down the line. A good teacher should act as a role model in their students’ lives, leading them responsibly to adulthood.

The average annual salary of a high school teacher in Japan is ¥3.8 million (approximately $29,000.) As with any other occupation, a teacher's wages typically increase as they spend more time with one school and take on more responsibilities. Teachers on SchoolRP are paid a ¥350,000 minimum wage with a bonus of ¥50,000 per additional 5 classes at the end of each month if they have completed their quota. Both in-game and in real life, being a teacher is something you need to be intrinsically motivated to do, as it requires much time and effort for (generally) mediocre pay.

Every teacher has their own distinct way of conveying information, with subtle differences that appeal to some students better than others. Some opt to present information in the traditional and straightforward way, while others choose to bring life to their curriculum through engaging and interactive lessons; there is no inherently wrong method, as everybody learns and comprehends information differently. By adapting to these differences on a case by case basis, teachers can ensure their students are properly learning the presented material.

Why are teachers important to SRP?: The function of a teacher on SchoolRP is to provide a unique setting for players to roleplay which can’t be found anywhere else: a classroom environment with various other students allows for players to meet and interact with one another, while also allowing them to learn about faculty characters in a natural and realistic environment. Lessons, games, and other teacher-led activities are the ever sought “main event” of the server for many people, so having sentient players who can fulfill the teacher role is a must for this genre of server.

Additionally, a teacher serves as somebody who is immediately recognizable as knowledgeable, and is among the first people an inexperienced player would go to if they have questions. There are many roles of immediate significance that share this trait as well (such councilor, professor, or other faculty) though it’s only to be expected on a community driven server such as SRP.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: There is no official lesson planning system used in Karakura, at least none which is publicly available to view.

Funnily enough, people are still answering “MOSCO'' to this question despite the original Faculty Handbook thread which used the term having been deleted or private for a long time. It’s almost as though people are copying one another instead of figuring out the answers through legitimate means, lol.

Asuka Deguchi is an eccentric oddball with the youthful passion of your typical kawaii genki vtuber girl, often matching the vibes with horrifying accuracy; she speaks with a distinct “moe moe” tone as though she were an anime idol girl, often manifesting this energy through erratic movement and over-the-top acts of affection.

The woman has a small frame, standing up at a stunted 150cm (4’11”.) Her fashion sense revolves around stylizing her outfits over her favorite characters from otaku media, making most of her clothes (including what she wears to work) cosplay. Her hair is typically tied back into a long fishtail braid, which she wears down her back. Asuka has a warm and generally approachable aura to her, given her kind outlook and childlike sense of joy.

Deguchi is surprisingly intelligent despite her immature demeanor, having both a great understanding of her material and an agile mind when it comes to new information. Her spatial awareness is outstanding, and she can more than hold her own in deeper, more intellectual settings.

She holds a deep passion in loving and caring for those around her, which extends to both the faculty and students whom she interacts with on a daily basis; oftentimes her affection comes off as overbearing, to the dismay of any unfortunate soul who doesn’t want to be assaulted with warm, fuzzy hugs.

When enacting disciplinary measures, Deguchi is always courteous of the students she is working with; their emotions and overall well being will always be her highest priority, and she sees to it that any altercation is swiftly replaced with a constructive and meaningful conversation where all parties can communicate freely.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: Deguchi would wriggle her way into the group, calling their attention to her with an abrupt corny joke or out of context one-liner. Giving no time for anybody to even ask what she was talking about, the woman would go on a tangent about time and place, and how they should consider their setting when talking about inappropriate or potentially disturbing topics. Finally, she would politely ask them to either quiet down or go to a more private area if they wished to continue speaking in such vulgar tongue.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: More often than not, if a class has disassociated with instruction then it’s the teacher’s fault, either in providing engaging content or in the pacing of their activity. If class began to stall and it was clear that her lesson was failing, Deguchi would shift gears and transition into a game or activity which could ideally be tied back to the subject she had tried to talk about. If absolutely nothing worked to regain control over the class she would simply dismiss everybody, as not to waste any more time.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?: Having never been taught the words “tranquility” or “boundaries,” Deguchi would erratically pester any poor unfortunate soul who only wished for some quiet time away from ruthless teenagers and their unfathomably foolish antics. There is no predicting what this woman would do in a locked room with no supervision, and I pray for any ignorant mortal who would let themselves be involved in her unhinged antics.


Asuka Deguchi was born and raised in a quiet neighborhood in Tsukuba, Japan. During the entirety of her youth, Asuka’s home life was abysmal; with her mother having walked out during the girl’s infancy, the only parental guidance she’d receive would be from a detached and borderline abusive father. While he never actively did much to directly harm the child, Asuka’s father found her to be an unwanted pest, and only kept her due to external pressure from his family and peers. Regardless of his minimal involvement in her life on top of his generally poor treatment of his daughter, Asuka has always loved her father dearly.

Almost as soon as she was capable, Asuka began to raise herself; stumbling through learning how to do basic tasks such as cooking (microwave dinners and instant ramen) was a long and arduous process, especially without a positive adult influence present. Her growth was inevitably stunted due to malnourishment as oftentimes she’d either not be fed or would simply forget to eat, being too immersed in whatever her father had graced upon her to keep the young girl occupied.

Through consuming otaku materials from a young age, Asuka grew obsessed with ideas of grandeur, and of living out the unrealistic escapist fantasies she’d seen in her favorite pieces of media. Throughout the entirety of her secondary education, Asuka was obsessed with the extraordinary; she pretended there was a latent power hidden deep within herself, as she was secretly an agent of the Gods sent to investigate the meaning behind the occult and otherworldly events which “happened” around her. This mission of hers led to a series of break-ins and minor thefts of “heavenly artifacts” which were documented and stored for safekeeping in the back of her closet. She was occasionally caught and harshly reprimanded for her acts of stupidity, though it was never enough to deter her from doing it again.

Similarly to her embarrassingly chuunibyou behaviors, Asuka developed an overwhelmingly goofy and eccentric personality from saturating herself in as much anime, manga, and light novels as she could get her hands on. She idolized the characters from her favorite pieces of media, and replicated their personalities to the point where her own was an amalgamation of all of their coolest or cutest traits.

The girl has never had issues in expressing herself or her interests, though doing so had always led to isolation; being as eccentric as she was, it was difficult for her to find people her age that she could form meaningful relationships with and actually connect to. This issue would persist throughout her entire life, even through her time as a working adult.

Asuka rarely struggled academically, managing not only to land a place in her college of choice but an assortment of scholarships to financially support her post-secondary schooling. Throughout her higher education, the woman would go on to lead a generally fulfilling life, taking on part-time jobs and internships to gain experience and knowledge to supplement her as she transitioned into adulthood. Following her graduation, Asuka would work numerous short-term teaching jobs, taking whatever contracts she could manage; her plan of working wherever she could spanned out over a decade, during which she would teach in Karakura multiple times.

After bumming it out as a shut-in NEET for a few months, Asuka Deguchi’s desire to work flares up once again! She dons her most professional looking smart person glasses (which had no prescription as she’d ordered them from a cosplay boutique), and sets out to construct the greatest application this world has ever seen! But all is not well when laziness and procrastination had become the status quo, and just as her application was nearing completion the listing for her preferred position vanished, with the bulk of recent applicants assumedly taking it up! Oh dear… In a moment of desperation and quick thinking, she crosses out “English'' and writes “Performing Arts!!!!!” with a glittery gel pen beside it. It was a flawless plan, one which would undoubtedly succeed!.. If only she didn’t spend the next month, again, doing nothing… Is this really about her anymore?

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Title
: Miss Asuka Deguchi
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Buddhist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience
: 9 years
Academic Degree: Master’s in Psychology
Year of Graduation: 2011

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: French

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No


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Level 342
HS Sports Lead

- Welcome back. You may continue to play the character you applied with should you be sensible/serious with your roleplay.
- I appreciate the effort shown in your application.

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