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Denied Vivian's Receptionist application


Level 61
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Nyla/Buddy#7713

How old are you? (Optional): N/A

What is your time zone?: EST

Describe your activity on the server: 7-8/10, I’m on whenever I can be on, which means whenever I’m not out and about oocly, meaning whenever I’m not at school or with family. This is a lot of the time, as whenever I’m free as goes for over the weekend, also on a normal day, I'm on whenever I can be on, which is as soon as I'm back from school.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I have been banned, yet that was when I was newer to SRP, which was for assisting in a duping/not reporting it, and it was 12/27/2020.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I acknowledge that and if I ever do have to go inactive, I will either fill out some sort of inactivity log or ask to leave the team if it's going to be for a while.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: School Receptionist

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: The school receptionist is the person that welcomes all of the students, going to teachers and professors going into the school. They also take care of everything going on at the front desk as well, making sure kids aren't making a mess or causing fights by the front of the school, right when you walk into the school. Also, make sure if there's any EMS or KPD, they know where they are going and know where they are needed. Or if students need to know where to go they help to make sure they know where, they can also ask some basic questions to the receptionists and they will answer them, or they direct them to someone who can answer the questions correctly. They also help if there's nobody else on school grounds to take care of something, such as a fight or detention. They are also the people that people go to incase there is a fight, as they are at the front of the school there may not exactly be a fellow employee around (most likely hosting a class or dealing with another situation) they are always open, and they help the kids or authority telling them where they are needed, or helping them out on where they need to go.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I would say, I have a decent amount of experience going from gangrp to being an EMS. As I've also been on SRP for almost 2-3 years now, I'm ready to learn new things along with new roleplaying styles.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

JSL Application | NylaBear_ | SchoolRP
Russian Application | SchoolRP
Clay's Height Application | SchoolRP
EMS [ Psychiatrist ] | luvnnyla SRP | SchoolRP
French Application | SchoolRP
Ban Appeal | SchoolRP
Language Application |German |Re-application | SchoolRP

DENIED (With some of these, I was still newer to SRP.)
SassyToddlerRP's Tutor application | SchoolRP
SassyRP's Librarian Application | SchoolRP
ThingRP2's Receptionist Application | SchoolRP
JSL Language Application | SchoolRP
ThingRP2's School Counselor application | SchoolRP
JSL Language | SchoolRP
JSL Language | SchoolRP
JSL Language | SchoolRP
JSL Language Application | SchoolRP
Ban Appeal | SchoolRP
Language Application|German | SchoolRP
Language Application| Chinese | SchoolRP

What is your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

College Bachelor [20] (NylaBear)
Grade-12 [18] (luvnnyla)

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Staying calm without the whole time, letting the student say what they want to say to her, acting interested too. Once the student finishes she asks for what happened beforehand or if they had any reason to lash out as they did, if they don't wish to answer her questions, she'd let them be but whenever she sees a higherup around, she'll tell them, or whenever they're about again, she'll ask them again, whichever one would come first.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: She wouldn't approach the situation alone, she would look around for a student counselor, a teacher anybody, with either a higher role than her or one that has the same role as her. And ask them to walk in with her, separate them. And talk to them each one on one, while bringing them both to the nurse's office, making sure they're both okay along the way and asking what started the fight, and trying to find a balanced ground to it, so it doesn't happen again.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?: Approach them, and have them stop whatever they are doing, if anyone is around leave the area with the employee, go to the teacher's lounge or somewhere more private, she doesn't want to tell them they're doing something bad in front of people, she wouldn't want to embarrass them (only if it's needed she would, like if they don't wish to walk into another area, or if it's happened before.) Then tell them what they were just doing within unacceptable, and tell them how they can fix what they were doing for the future, and make a fair warning they if it happens again she'll be telling a higher up, or whoever is a higher power than her.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? She's more of the quiet type of person, so she'd mainly stay silent, reading the room, reading a book, maybe even start a conversation with someone on a topic she knows well. Or if any other teachers or employees need help with anything she'll talk to them about it, she always has an open ear to people she'll work with, making sure everyone is doing okay, mentally or physically.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me she sat there for a moment, trying to refrain from paying attention to the student, who was annoying her fellow employee, her face still going into a smile, trying to look friendly before getting up from her seat, walking next to her fellow employee "Hello there! If you guys need anything, please just ask, do not annoy the receptionists. If you do not, walk away, please." The smile still resting on her face.

/me she stood there for a moment, almost like she was processing what she just witnessed before walking forward, placing her foot between the 2, then putting her arms out, pushing them both away from each other, forcefully. "I thought you troublemakers were able to hide this much more easily." Tapping her foot on the ground, stepping between the both of them, then another so that she was a now to their other side, "If this happens again, you will have to face consequences. Now, get to the nurse you two, I don't want to see this happen again." Then grabbing the student's arm that didn't look as badly bruised and punched up, bring them with her. "Now.. Are you badly hurt?"

/me she let out a slight sigh, "Saddening isn't it? This is our third time today we had some sort of officer here.. Anyways, head to the back of the school and goes upstairs to the roof, the Deans office should be there." As she was talking she was trying her best to grab the attention of [insert students name] by snapping her fingers or glancing over to them, pointing to the officer. "[Insert student name] should be able to help you if you need anything."

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Vivian Saki Keigo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Preferred Name: Miss Vi (students) Vi (co-workers)

Age (Minimum is 25): 27
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: Married

Academic Degree: Masters
Year of Graduation: 2016
Major(s): Communication, Psychology
Minors: Education

Nationality: German
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
Native Languages: German
Other Languages: French, Japanese

Vivian was born on a sunny April 1st afternoon, either way, she was welcomed into the world by her parents, since it was the day for joking around, they took it as a joke, to her mother, her father being a different story. Living with her eldest sister, and brother, them being twins. She always looked up to them, as they were her eldest siblings she wanted to be just like them or somewhat even close to being like them. Mainly learning from them before she was able to go to school, she started learning early and she took it and ran with it. As soon as she got to the first grade of school, she became one of the popular kids, quickly clinging to someone named Marina, soonly becoming best friends, though... All best friends don't end up with a happy ending, do they? Throughout elementary school, she always got good grades, stayed out of trouble, and was favored, yet at home was a different story. Her parents still took her as a joke. Then came middle school, the time that ruined her life. She started well, her best friend sticking by her side. Making more friends, her father saw her as a perfect child, even though this was the time at school when she started to cause trouble. Getting lunch detentions but never daring to get anywhere close to an after school detention or going onto a weekend one, she didn't want to know what her family would think of her because of that, her siblings would dislike her, stop teaching her how to be a good person, and how to get better grades, and her father and mother would be mad and ground her. The middle school days are the days where everything goes downhill right? Vivian kept trying to go somewhere in life, as Marina her best friend, the person that was meant to stay with her by her side, the person she loved as a friend. Was trying to stay where she wanted, trying to stay a child, as Vivian had enough, she was trying to go somewhere in life early on. That wasn't something she shouldn't trying to do, as soon as she did she got into gangs, she got into crime, it wasn't good for a kid like her, a small kid in a big world for her to be a part of. She decided to leave Marina behind. She then went into high school, trying her best still going along with what her siblings and parents were saying to her, to find a purpose in life, to find something that she can focus on for a lifetime, something she loved doing. Which was oddly enough, welcoming people, talking to people that may not know where they are or what they are doing in a situation where she knew everything. As she slowly started to think of ideas while she became the quiet kid of her school/grade. She also losta lott of friends that year, but at that point she was more focusing on where she wanted to go in life, she wanted to know where, as soon as possible. She kept thinking until she was 16 which was when she came to Karakura for the first time, she thought maybe if she was away from people she would be able to think better, and as that happened she met friends that she could keep for a lifetime, during these conversations in classes about "What do YOU want to be when your older?" she finally figured it out, oddly enough it was becoming a receptionist, it was someone who fit what she wanted to do, it was something she could live for ages upon ages just so she could do so if it was needed. Saying when she hit grade-12 she found her then future wife, that same year she also got engaged, following that after a few months they both got married. And went to college together, understanding that they were both studying different things and that they both wanted to take semi-different paths, they could still end up in the same place in the long run in a school. As she was doing so she also left crime, for good. (709)

Motivation for Joining KHS: Mainly to get more involved with Karakura, and the ages of Highschool/college are a big part of the city, with a lot of others works that are well respected(such as kpd and ems) But the job that I'm going for is something that I enjoy doing, a lot. And it will feel good, and be at home to me if I get accepted in a place I have been for some time of my life. It'll also be a good way for me to make more friends by working in a school, becoming friends with the teachers and professors, and other staff itself. It'll also be a good thing to put on my job application for me working as a school receptionist.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"): N/A

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I don't think that I should be accepted over other people, yet if I am accepted you gain another person, that wants to be a part of the job. Gain another person that works hard for what they want, you gain another person that wants another point of view on the world, to see what the world is like some other people's perspectives going to the adult part of the world.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

Whenever you read this, or go threw these. I hope you have a good day!
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Level 105
Thank you for taking the time to apply! Unfortunately, today, your school employee application has been


- Good luck in the future if you choose to re-apply!

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