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Level 48

Crime roleplay is engaging in illegal and criminal activity that entails consequences from the government or other criminal organisations that seek vengeance. This can take a variety of forms, from petty and insignificant theft to murder. An extensive variety of criminal roleplay, including delinquency, gang affiliation and rivalry, antagonism, street gangs, organised crime syndicates, yakuza clans, vigilantism, etc., are widely recognised for SchoolRP.

All of these, nevertheless, are categorised as "GangRP," which is an abbreviation for "Gang Roleplay," and the Karakura Crime Faction primarily targets these kind of audiences to catch their attentiveness. That being said, every single one of these is distinct, and unique in their own right, with varying moral standards and a tendency to commit crimes that are completely dissimilar from one another.

DELINQUENT ROLEPLAY: You have personally heard it! Until recently, delinquency had not played any significant part in the Crime faction. To put it simply, delinquency is simply a group of adolescents causing trouble on school grounds and in the streets! This can take many different forms, from discouraged behaviour to misdemeanours and occasional felonies such street racing, harassment, bullying, assault, assault with a weapon, vandalism, and so on. These are typically the less well-known features of gang roleplay, which is why they didn't become generally recognised until recently. Delinquent roleplaying includes a lot of activities like rivalry between delinquent gangs, spray and turf conflicts, money betting on street races, attacking jocks on school grounds, starting fights, jeopardising stores and other locations, and more. Individuals who are involved in the delinquency community frequently use a fighting style called P2L abbreviated for "Play to Lose."

STREET GANGS: They may differ from delinquent gangs in that they are more likely to be aggressive and inflict collateral damage than anyone else, but they nonetheless follow a similar pattern! To terrorise the government, the police, and the citizens of Karakura City, they frequently use more force than delinquents and commit more hazardous crimes. These are the more popular versions of gang roleplay, which are criticised for being "cookie-cutter" gangs due to their lack of homogeneity and consistency. Additionally, they adhere and add onto the common misconception that all roleplayers in the Crime faction are the same. Regardless, some of these street gangs happen to be outstanding and tend to roleplay properly with the right leadership.

ANTAGONISM: In a way, I would probably go into detail about antagonism. A previous staff member named Hobbits, however, has written a detailed post about this that also covers the general details of the criminal roleplay and crime faction. I recommend reading it. Antagonism.

YAKUZA & VIGILANTISM: Naturally, this is a unique and less renowned part of the Crime faction. Yakuza clans are well known for their emphasis on roleplaying while simultaneously assisting the city's civilians for a variety of reasons. They regularly coexist with the government and police department and are not always criminals. Although vigilantism may appear like a morally righteous endeavour, the law generally does not support this view for many reasons. Moral endeavours tend to differ from person to person, seeing as moral isn't entirely subjective. Regardless, this is something worth trying as you indulge into the Crime faction.

You now know the overall structure of the Crime faction and the various types of organisations that are part of it. Now, let's get to the most significant aspect of the faction: permissions and IC motive, which is also arguably the most problematic aspect of this server. To begin with, let me explain what permissions and IC motive are. When it comes to conflict with other participants of the Crime faction on SchoolRP, permissions and IC motive are important factors that determine what you can do to an opponent's character. You need a variety of permissions in order to commit a specific crime or inflict certain damage, and in order to engage in these crimes, you will need the IC motive in order to carry out the permissions themselves.

IC MOTIVE: An incentive and motive obtained by your character or by a different character who provided you permission to act in this way, which serves as the initial motivation for your character's actions. The role of IC motive is not limited to the criminal faction; it can also be involved in riddles of the kind that ask, "Would you do this, or would you do that?" There are other methods to obtain an IC motive, such as having your character become involved in an altercation with an opponent after being insulted and humiliated by them. An IC reason is necessary for every physical altercation in order to carry out your permissions in the first place. You can not execute nor act on permissions without the validity or existence of IC motive.

MINOR ASSAULT PERMISSIONS: Because there are so many diverse IC motives, this lets your character knock out a person. If you possess permissions for minor assault, you are limited to using weapons that are suitable for causing "minor" harm to an individual. To knock someone unconscious, for example, you are permitted to use a metal baseball bat or spiked gloves. A spiked bat, however, can only be used with major assault permissions.

MAJOR ASSAULT PERMISSIONS: This is the more hazardous section of crime roleplay, where you participate in crimes that could endanger your life or the life of an opponent. You will want a distinct and specific IC motive in order to carry out major assault permissions. After all, you cannot act on permissions without an IC motive. You are limited to a few things with majors: You can stab someone nonlethally, carve them, knock them out, and kidnap them.

KILL PERMISSIONS: You have advanced to a new permission stage in crime roleplay. It is generally not feasible to obtain these kinds of permissions without consent. Nonetheless, there are certain situations in which it is. For instance, joining an organisation that has been verified or unverified and being attacked by another member of an organisation with a similar status (unverified, or verified). This is not limited to just UVG/VG members. If you were majorly assaulted by a black market dealer or black market associate, given that you know the name and identity of the black market associates and dealers, you can also obtain kill permission on them. In addition, if the black market discovers that you attempted to steal a shipment or sold a weapon on their weapons profile, they can obtain kill permission. To act on these kill permissions, you will need a very compelling IC motive; the claim that your character is deranged or insane is not enough justification. Get confirmation from a staff member if you need to determine the validity of your IC motive and permissions.

MUGGING PERMISSIONS: Imagine that you were attacked by someone who harmed you with a weapon or a mask. For a 1-week period, you gain the permissions to mug these items automatically. Although they are restricted to certain weapons, you can also take most weapons and masks during a fight. For example, you cannot mug a ballistic mask or a spiked glove until your opponent is knocked out. To have an advantage in the middle of the fight, you can, however, disarm their gas mask or mug their metal baseball bat.

To know how you gain these permissions in the first place, click here, category 9.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the most challenging aspect of Crime and Gang roleplay, you can see that this is the starting point for all members of the faction, new or experienced. In any case, you may access that information
here for more information about weapons, permission limitations, and more.

There must be a realistic element to SchoolRP even though it is not totally based on realism. It goes without saying that a criminal is not going to be a fearless beast. When you are in danger or when the rules deem it appropriate, you have to exhibit some level of fear, and anxiety.

FearRP: What Is It? "FearRP" is a term that is a bit vague and has a lot of inconsistencies, but it basically means that a character roleplays fear appropriately for the situation at hand. This is common among the corresponding factions such as the police, school, and crime factions.

When is FearRP required? There are several instances in which you will have to roleplay fear appropriately during roleplay. There is not a specific regulation regarding how to "FearRP", as it's a completely vague and loose term. They will mostly come with common sense, and you will get a grasp on it over time. Here are some examples and instances where you will need to roleplay FearRP appropriately:

- Being threatened by other players (i.e. criminals, thugs, etc) that outnumber you or tend to have weapons that are deadlier than you. You are not a fearless beast, again, so you will have to roleplay fear appropriately and accordingly to the situation at hand.

- If you are given an order by the Karakura Police Department. According to the OOC rules conducted by SchoolRP, you will have to FearRP consistently when being ordered by the Police Department. There are some circumstances that allow you to bypass and override this rule, which can be optimised with common sense.

- If you are being threatened by S.L.T.

PainRP: What is it? Roleplaying PainRP involves imitating the consequences of injury, regardless of the degree of severity of the wound—from minor to life-threatening. You run the risk of 1. People not wanting to roleplay with you if you don't roleplay these appropriately, 2. Receiving a FailRP warning by staff members, as PainRP tends to be mandatory.

I do not need to go into more detail, thankfully, there's a fully up-to-date guide provided by 6Pancake that goes into detail regarding PainRP here.

What is the step towards creating a crime syndicate or an organised criminal organisation in-character?

Well, time to give you the bad news. Creating a proper crime syndicate is not an easy step to take., as it is nothing comparable to cookie-cutter street organisations that cause havoc and focus on using permissions out of everything else. A crime syndicate is an overly complex organised crime organisation that needs hours ontop of hours to be put into it, and simply speaking, it will require overly specific research to be put into it. Each and every crime syndicate is different, where this type of roleplay offers a completely unique form of roleplay for those who participate with the creation of an organisation like this. Regardless, creating an in-character crime syndicate not only requires a goal and future achievements in mind, but also require a solid foundation in lore and leadership. Say, one syndicate I saw rise and go wanted to contest the black market themselves. They gathered in squads and precisely planned operations and expeditions to steal black market shipments to weaken the foundation of Karakura's criminal organisation.

What should I acknowledge as I try to form a street gang?

Street gangs are considered the middle ground between delinquent groups and chaos groups. They aren't built on the foundation of organised crimes, due to their disorganized and careless way of executing their fair share of operations. Street gangs are mostly known for vandalism, weapons trafficking which is open grounds for crime syndicates and Yakuza clans as well, theft, kidnapping, so on and so forth. Street gangs in-real-life share the foundation of sloppy and illicit crimes. However, they are not necessarily known for killing people or committing hazardous crimes. That is most likely not the same case for a street gang on SchoolRP, and as such, they do not require as much research nor input towards their creation. They are very popularised and awfully bland, which may not peak participants of the same faction once it has been created.

What should I acknowledge whilst trying to make a delinquent gang/group?

Delinquent gangs as of recently, have been extremely overdone and overused to the point that cookie-cutter gangs have been executed less times than they have. Regardless, delinquent gangs tend to commit petty form of crimes and are typically not seen on the radar of actual crime organisations/syndicates nor formally seen as dangerous people by the Karakura Police Department. They tend to be unorganised and aren't entirely endangering, and their worst crimes tend to go from assault with a weapon to vandalism. Delinquents share common ground in spray and turf warfare and are often seen on school grounds harassing or humiliating various individuals for their money or for entertainment. Delinquent groups don't take as much research due to their mellow way of executing things.

At the same time, to figure out how to create a gang that could be recognised by the black market, you can read this official guide by Cam
Inspired by Kana's Post.

THE ZONES: PUBLIC ZONES, SAFE ZONES, DANGER ZONES, CITY ZONES: What are they exactly? Of course, to each and every location and region within the city, every organisation or criminal is limited to committing a certain calibre of illict crime. So let it simplify it here.

DANGER ZONES: These are hazardous areas with just the powerplant serving the definition of a "dangerzone." If there is an IC motive, anyone and everyone inside danger zones has the ability to attack you with minor assault permissions. To put it another way, if you were in Powerplant and someone approached you and asked for 5,000 yen and you refused, they may knock you unconscious, using your "refusal" as the IC motive.

CITY ZONES: These are the regions that are secluded from areas such as School, Plaza, Zen Garden, Hospital, Police Department, Shrine, and so on and so forth. They don't have any restrictions and are free reign when it comes to executing any form of permissions.

PUBLIC ZONES: These include locations like the police station, hospital, and plaza. All types of major assaults are prohibited, with the exception of kidnapping. You cannot use weapons that are used for major attack permissions in these regions, and you are expected to FearRP appropriately. With a few alterations, you are essentially restricted to minor assault permissions. In general, you are not allowed to GangRP in these areas.

SAFE ZONES: This consists of the school and the shrine. However, there are exceptions. In the school, you are able to minorly assault people with the exclusion of being able to use any weaponry. If you use weapons, you will be warned by staff. However, you can not instigate any form of combat in the shrine as it's a restrictive safezone. At the same time, you are not able to run to these safezones in the middle of a chase.

There are two known form of combat styles on SchoolRP, that being rolling combat and P2L; abbreviated for "Play to Lose". I will go into the utmost detail into explaining the differences between both on a larger scale. First, we will indulge more into rolling combat as it's largely favored among the Crime faction.

ROLLING COMBAT: You roll according to the actions that you and your opponent provide, as the name "Rolling Combat" suggests. If you are in range and trying to get away from someone, you have to roll. Unless you are behind someone, you must roll in order to hit them. Unless they are behind you, you have to roll against someone who is attempting to hit you. Naturally, this goes without saying: RNG variables are what determine the outcome of each conflict system. The strength of your character and your combat expertise will not influence who prevails in the conflict between your characters and the opposition. It's all dependent on luck, as this combat system is entirely luck-based.

Examples: Your character is currently standing behind someone, it's your turn to action. You decide to hit the back of their head. That is an honoured action, and therefore you do not have to roll and you get a K.O point automatically.

Your character is standing in front of someone, it's the opposition's turn to action against you. They decide to try and hit your character's abdomen. In return, both of you must roll accordingly. If you roll higher than the opposition, then your character dodged the move. If the opposition rolls higher, then you must roleplay several factors accordingly: PainRP, falling or stumbling backwards, so on and so forth. Rolling might be taking away the factor of realism, but you must stay within the vicinity of realism when your character gets harmed. You or the opposition only get a K.O point if either character's head is directly affected. In this case, getting kicked in the abdomen will not result in a K.O point.

P2L, "Play to Lose": Play to Lose is what you think it is. It's a combat style that follows similarly to 'automatically honoured' combat system, or a similar style to DND (but doesn't follow it exclusively). It's ambitiously used majorly by jocks, delinquents, and gang roleplayers who push for roleplay rather than RNG-based fights. There's no certain winner unless both you and the opposition(s) determine who wins the fight ahead of time with a mutual agreement out-of-characterly. Otherwise, you have to think tactfully and be smart about your character's decisions. Make realistic choices regarding your character's attacks and defenses. Unfortunately, "Play to Lose" tends to take much more time to grow accustomed to, that's why new players don't gain a grasp on it with ease.

As always, a lot of people are more than willing to fight using the Play to Lose system if you ask. You also have to be realistic whenever it comes to the battles between your character and their opposition. If you decide to be unrealistic and essentially "powergame" your way into a victory, then chances are people will be less inclined to commence a P2L battle with you.

Assuming you read the complete guide along with the additional guidelines listed below and didn't skim the bottom of the thread, you should now have a fundamental grasp of how GangRP and CrimeRP function as a whole. Naturally, the best course of action would be to create a ticket or ask questions in the KC (Karakura Crime) discord server if you have any unanswered and unclear inquiries. They are more than inclined and willing to assist you in any stance.

1. No matter what, you should always treat others with respect. The grounds where one engages in crime within the faction are extremely competitive, as every member of the Crime faction is fully aware of. You can hold grudges against somebody because they got you imprisoned or took a mask or other weapon from you. You should still be respectful of them, though. This applies not only to other members of the faction but also to roleplayers who are police officers in general. Just keep in mind that everyone is only trying to be fair and thorough and having fun.

2. If you ever happen to get into a competitive and argumentative quarrel with someone, where the situation escalates from an in-character conflict to an out-of-character dispute, ensure that you do not become toxic. If someone on the opposing side is simply being rude or is not abiding by the rules, you can always correct them by providing any rule from sections 7-9 of the rules handbook. You are always able to place a ticket for staff to assist with your inquiries if they aren't budging as well.

3. Practicality. If you were granted permissions through an in-character conflict—whether minor, major, or kill permissions—you should evaluate your character's motive. For example, it makes no sense to knock someone unconscious just because they grabbed you unless there are certain circumstances, whereas they grab you whilst you're running from the government. Shattering someone's limb just because they knocked you unconscious is illogical and senseless. People won't want to roleplay or interact with you at all if you are just CrimeRPing to use permissions without any thought given to the storyline or character development of your character. In fact, it casts the Crime faction in a negative light, which hurts its reputation overall. Realism is important.

4. You may not always get what you want. Understand that engaging in an in-character conflict could end in a win or a defeat, particularly if it's a rolling fight. You won't always win because everything depends solely on luck and random number generators (RNG) factors. If you don't win, accept it with respect. Avoid becoming aggressive and toxic, and don't brag about your victories either. It's all about having fun; you win some, you lose some. In any event, move on and accept your defeat with a grain of salt.


Usually, one can conduct crimes on purpose without having to go to the black market to purchase any weapons or masks to conceal their identities. After all, all it takes to knock someone unconscious is a few fists and a headbutt! Not at all? Allow me to lead you through the black market and show you where to get both masks and weapons.

There are several kinds of masks and weapons. Some are available for purchase by the general public, while others are only available to the exclusive criminal organisations in Karakura, which include both verified and unverified gangs. You are limited to using some of the lousy yet most common masks and weapons in the city if you are not a member of either a verified or an unverified gang.

For some examples, if you are not in an unverified/verified organisation, you can only buy weapons such as metal baseball bats, spiked gloves, pocket knives, etc, whilst also being limited to gas mask purchases from the black market.

Assuming you are in an unverified organisation, you presumably already know the basics of buying from the black market, thus this guide isn't the most useful one out there. However, you can buy more powerful and lethal weapons, such a sai blade to disarm any enemy weaponry, a tactical knife, a sturdy ballistic face mask, and a crowbar to break into residences.

Last and for all, a verified organisation is able to buy the rmost lethal weaponry of all such as katanas, fireaxes, spiked bats, and naginatas.

Given the current cost of weapons, one may wonder why they would want to purchase a naginata, which is more expensive than a katana. For example, katanas have the ability to amputate limbs and stab at a distance. If properly adapted, a naginata can definitely outclass a katana in power. Remember that a katana can only reach three blocks, while a naginata can reach four blocks. When facing someone with a naginata and wielding a katana, you usually need use FearRP if they are within range, which is four blocks or less. Additionally, even though they are in range to attack you instead, you are unable to attack them if they are four blocks away. Nevertheless, one must handle weapons with tactfulness. A spiked glove may be mugged only after your character has been knocked unconscious, but it has a 1-block range. A metal baseball bat can be instantly mugged out of a person's hand while having a 3-block range.

The weaponry guideline ends here, a nice conclusion. You must wait for a notification or a message in the #opening channel of the Karakura Crime discord before contacting a black market dealer. While the opening message will provide you with the hotline of the black market, you will supply your wants and the dealer will provide you a spot. Nevertheless, you risk getting blacklisted from using the hotline for an indefinite period of time if you do not have the money.

For more information regarding the weapon & mask profiles, please research into them

LAST UPDATE: 14th of June, 2024
~ DarkxWalker, builder of the pyramids
Last edited:


Level 69
Nice guide, it looks really cool and will be very useful to new Rp'ers and more experienced ones. I also noticed how yo use certain fonts to write your post sometimes which is really cool.

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