IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-judge-application.78595/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-professor-application.75443/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedpanda-hs-council-application.70954/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraceds-psychiatrist-application.68997/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/qiu-jing-teacher-application.60469/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angels-kpd-application.60030/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedfutures-doctor-application.79861/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummer-kpd-application-5.77413 / - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummers-shrine-maiden-application-1.76961/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-shopkeeper-application-2-chika-no-himitsu.76031/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-kpd-application-4.75393/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/the-illusionist-disgracedcorns-bmd-application.75108/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-3-the-letters-of-life.71300/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-2-the-return.69940/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-reporter-application-2.67197/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-psychiatrist-application-3.65958/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-first-reporter-application.65574/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-counselor-application.64986/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-ems-application-2.63881/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangely-shop-application.63627/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangel-hospital-application.61816/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zoi-lawyer-application.60437/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/staff-application.72728/ - DENIED
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server consists of three separate things.
The main amount of time I spend on the server is in the government faction! It’s a pretty good faction and I like the roleplay I get from it sometimes. I spend about 2-4 hours a day on government , depending on how I feel that day. I would say compared to the amount of time I see other government workers on it would probably be a 9/10 activity.
GangRP and Crimerp are the next thing I actively take part in sometimes. I spend about an hour a day doing either of the two. I would say compared to other people in the crime scene this would be a 5/10 in terms of activity.
The final thing I spend my time on the server doing is working at shops. It’s probably my favorite thing I do on the server. I work at about 4 and I would say that compared to the other people I work with in these stores my activity would probably be a 10/10 in those.
My average playtime on the server with those 3 together probably averages out to about 5-6 hours on SRP a day averaging out at an 8/10 in activity.
Discord Name:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-judge-application.78595/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-professor-application.75443/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedpanda-hs-council-application.70954/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraceds-psychiatrist-application.68997/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/qiu-jing-teacher-application.60469/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angels-kpd-application.60030/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedfutures-doctor-application.79861/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummer-kpd-application-5.77413 / - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummers-shrine-maiden-application-1.76961/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-shopkeeper-application-2-chika-no-himitsu.76031/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-kpd-application-4.75393/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/the-illusionist-disgracedcorns-bmd-application.75108/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-3-the-letters-of-life.71300/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-2-the-return.69940/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-reporter-application-2.67197/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-psychiatrist-application-3.65958/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-first-reporter-application.65574/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-counselor-application.64986/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-ems-application-2.63881/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangely-shop-application.63627/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangel-hospital-application.61816/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zoi-lawyer-application.60437/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/staff-application.72728/ - DENIED
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server consists of three separate things.
The main amount of time I spend on the server is in the government faction! It’s a pretty good faction and I like the roleplay I get from it sometimes. I spend about 2-4 hours a day on government , depending on how I feel that day. I would say compared to the amount of time I see other government workers on it would probably be a 9/10 activity.
GangRP and Crimerp are the next thing I actively take part in sometimes. I spend about an hour a day doing either of the two. I would say compared to other people in the crime scene this would be a 5/10 in terms of activity.
The final thing I spend my time on the server doing is working at shops. It’s probably my favorite thing I do on the server. I work at about 4 and I would say that compared to the other people I work with in these stores my activity would probably be a 10/10 in those.
My average playtime on the server with those 3 together probably averages out to about 5-6 hours on SRP a day averaging out at an 8/10 in activity.
Day and Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Vacation | 10:00 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 |
School | 16:30 - 24:00 | 16:30 - 24:00 | 16:30 - 24:00 | 16:30 - 24:00 | 16:30 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 | 10:00 - 24:00 |
What is your motivation for applying?:
Crime on the server
KPD always scratched my itch to do something related to the crime or gang side of the server. While GangRP has its brief period of excitement for me I find majoring people or committing crimes to be rather stressful, preventing me from one of the parts of GangRP people care so much about. I also like the crimeRP side of the server and I’ve actually enjoyed bounty hunter quite a lot during my time on the server! But, again it was still not as exciting as KPD was for me. I struggle to get information on people without being super obvious about it to the point of it being actually really sad to watch. Which again leaves KPD as the best option to keep my interest in crime.
Comparison to other factions I’ve been in
While I have enjoyed most of the factions I’ve been part of, especially EMS and government with them being my second and third favorite factions I’ve been a part of on the server, nothing ever came close to KPD. The people in the faction are great and were all wonderful to talk with when I first joined KPD. Even though I was a new player and probably didn’t deserve to be in KPD they were still all welcoming to me and encouraged me to keep going whenever something went wrong. And while I may not be a new player anymore I wish to join KPD again so that in the case where I do get accepted however unlikely it is I will eventually have a situation like that where I can help out players like KPD helped me out in the past when I was new. If it weren’t for KPD I probably wouldn’t have stayed on SRP this long.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
There are two divisions within the KPD. Both of those divisions contain quite a few ranks each having their own things they have access to in KPD. Making promotions something sought after. The ranks are as follows.
Main division
A new officer in the force. This is the role given once accepted for KPD. They go through two weeks of training before being given exams. They can’t go off duty and can’t patrol unless with others.
Patrol officer
The second rank in the KPD. At this point people can decide if they want to go into detective when spots open. Or stay in the main division. They also are able to go off duty and patrol alone if given approval depending on the safety level.
Third rank in the KPD. They are able to switch to Detective when spots open. They also are given the ability to train cadets if they are given approval to train. They have similar permissions as Patrol officers.
The fourth rank of the main division. They are able to train cadets at this point. They can also go off duty and are usually the commanding officer when it comes to letting people go on patrol.
The first rank in the Main division is a higher-up. Their permissions include being able to train and give exams to cadets. They can give permission to go off duty.to other officers.
A second higher-up in KPD. They are able to do the same things as the Lieutenant while also usually being in charge of who gets promoted to Lieutenant and training the sergeants.
Detective Division
Detective constable
The first rank of detective division. They receive training on how to do their job as a detective. After they pass, they are promoted to Detective sergeant. Just like every other rank in the detective division, what they do is pretty secret.
Detective sergeant
The second rank of Detective Division. They are able to lead more things than a regular Detective constable could. They are able to go off duty with permission from a higher-up and usually patrol alone without approval from a commanding officer.
Detective Inspector
The rank before higher-up. They usually lead most investigations and interrogations. Their work is usually viewed by the detective division higher-ups to be decided for a promotion or not.
Detective Chief Inspector
Able to train the Detective Constables. They can give off duty permission to any of the members of the KPD. They can patrol alone without needing permission from anyone.
Detective Superintendent
The final rank of the detective division. They are able to train the detective constables. Along with giving exams for the detective constables. They decide who enters the detective division along with who is promoted to Detective Chief inspector.
The Commissioner
In charge of the entire KPD. Anything any of the other roles can do the commissioner can usually do.
Item | Ranks with access | What it looks like in game |
Radio | All of KPD | |
Baton | All of KPD | |
Stun blaster | All of KPD | |
Riot Shield | All of KPD | |
Handcuffs | All of KPD | |
Breathalyzer | All of KPD | |
Pepper spray | All of KPD | |
Gas mask | | |
Crowbar | Patrol Officer/Detective Constable and above | |
Police Bike | Detective Constable and above | N/A |
Police cruiser | Sergeant/ Detective inspector and above | N/A |
Tranquilizer | Sergeant/ Detective inspector and above | |
Gloves | All of KPD | N/A (ItemRP) |
Fingerprint scanner | All of KPD | N/A (ItemRP) |
First aid kit | All of KPD | N/A (ItemRP) |
Body camera | All of KPD | N/A (ItemRP) |
Luminol spray | All of KPD | N/A (ItemRP) |
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SRP for several reasons with those reasons being that they encourage having fear when you are committing crimes on the server. Because, despite the constant suggestions to make them weaker, I personally believe that KPD being strong actually makes things more interesting because there is fear of what you are doing, making it even more exciting when you succeed. The second reason is a pretty obvious one but still a reason why they are important. The reason being that KPD needs to be around so that people can’t go around committing crimes to the point of the server being unplayable with criminals roaming free with no risk of getting arrested.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge that if training is held at all when I am online I will be expected to attend or I will be punished and if I’m ever online during training I will be absolutely sure to show up if needed.
What's your character's full name?:
My full name is Katie Martinez-Andreev.
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
As of right now I am 34 years old.
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
My pronouns are She/Her and I am a female.
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
I have my masters in criminology and a minor in economics.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
The languages I currently know are German, Japanese sign language and Korean. I don’t speak German very well as I don’t have a need to speak it as often as sign language and Korean so I would say I’m a novice in terms of the language. Korean I’m probably advanced in but not fluent and I’ve known sign language for years so I would say I’m completely fluent in terms of Japanese sign language.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
What she looks like
Katie Martinez is a 5’4 Spanish woman. She has scars on most of her body along with two or three prosthetics from previous fights she had gotten into. She looks good if you ignore the several scars on her body. She has no sense of design and will usually wear whatever she can find that day not caring how she looks or what people think of her.
Art of her (Done by KomiVA)
What makes her unique
Katie is unique because she has gone through terrible things in her life. This ranges from watching her sister die in front of her eyes to having her arm lost to a bear. But yet throughout all of that she never gave up and continued to push on. Showing that is not ever willing to quit. She is also unique because she isn’t a social person yet she has worked for stores, KPD and Government all of which involved talking to people.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a casual situation Katie likely just remains quiet sitting as far as she can from everyone else attempting to interact with as little people as possible. She will however talk to the few people she knows but usually not for long and the conversations are mostly small talk. Katie isn’t really that comfortable in a casual situation.
In a professional situation she is like a completely different person. She will act with no fear leading over the people instructing them what to do if she were to be in charge. And if she weren’t in charge would listen to what the person in charge is saying and if anyone asks questions or doesn’t do what they were told to do she will usually help them out to make sure everything goes perfectly. She does not let stress affect her work when in a stressful situation. She is most comfortable in professional situations.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
My idea on co-workers and teamwork is that it is vital. Without teamwork and co-workers to help you, failure is more likely. Especially working as an officer where people will try and attack you. During my previous time as an officer I took too many risks on my own believing that I didn’t need co-workers at all. But following my return I intend to work with my co-workers more and be a better officer because of that.
What's your character's backstory?
Chapter 1. Life before Karakura
Before she moved to Karakura Katie lived a pretty stressful life. She was always doing school work because of her parents being super hard on her. She always hated it and never wanted to be doing something that they wanted her to do. She always knew from when she was a kid that she wanted to be an officer as it had been a life goal of hers despite her parents opinion on it. Eventually it all led to her leaving Karakura when a war broke out where her parents lived causing her dad to have to go to war. Following that she used it as an opportunity to leave as she took a plane to Karakura.
Chapter 2. Being 18 in Karakura
Katie moved to Karakura at the age of 18. She was alone and nobody else in her family lived there or so she believed. Until eventually after an incident where she lost her eye and recovered she saw her sister in the streets. They caught up before eventually Katie went to college there getting her masters degree in criminology. During that time a lot of her family and friends got hurt which only made her desire to be a KPD officer grow greater. Eventually at 32 years old she finished her degree after a couple brief pauses to solve issues arising with her friends and family.
Chapter 3. Joining KPD
She joined KPD at 33 years old. At the time of joining she had very little injuries with only a missing eye that she later got the eye fixed. She eventually got promoted to Patrol officer and no major injuries or trauma happened during that rank. The next rank she made it to was corporal. This rank had a lot of bad things happen to her. First off she got locked in a freezing room with a ghost and a couple other officers during the first wave of Cadets she got to train. Some other injuries occurred during that time along with her starting to date someone called Seresu Andreev. She then got promoted to Sergeant which during that time she got engaged to Seresu then Seresu disappeared for a while leading to them breaking up. Her sister died putting Katie down a path of revenge, She lost an arm and a leg. Before eventually being forced to quit KPD due to how insane she was. Later she came back and moved to the detective division and started dating Ume Andreev and eventually getting engaged to them before fullying quitting KPD.
Chapter 4. Time outside of Karakura
She spent her time outside of Karakura in a new place for only a year. She stayed with Ume for most of that year. During that time she got therapy for the trauma she had from being a police officer in KPD. The time outside of Karakura was a short period in her life without too much of note happening besides recovering her mental state. She then returned to Karakura in August of 2024.
Chapter 5. Return as a Judge
After a couple months of living in Karakura again she put in an application to become a judge believing that KPD was too dangerous for her. After around 2 months working as a Judge and going through several trials she finally experienced the trial in which an officer arrested someone with no proof and didn’t show up to the trial. While she kept silent during the trial only speaking to give the not guilty verdict it broke her to see the arrest.
Chapter 6. Why does she want to be an officer again..
The reason she wants to become an officer again is to bring justice to the people of Karakura again. While many of the trials ended up having guilty verdicts there were a couple in which the arrests were not justified. She also wants to come back to KPD to protect the people of the city once again like she had so many years ago.
My full name is Katie Martinez-Andreev.
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
As of right now I am 34 years old.
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
My pronouns are She/Her and I am a female.
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
I have my masters in criminology and a minor in economics.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
The languages I currently know are German, Japanese sign language and Korean. I don’t speak German very well as I don’t have a need to speak it as often as sign language and Korean so I would say I’m a novice in terms of the language. Korean I’m probably advanced in but not fluent and I’ve known sign language for years so I would say I’m completely fluent in terms of Japanese sign language.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
What she looks like
Katie Martinez is a 5’4 Spanish woman. She has scars on most of her body along with two or three prosthetics from previous fights she had gotten into. She looks good if you ignore the several scars on her body. She has no sense of design and will usually wear whatever she can find that day not caring how she looks or what people think of her.
Art of her (Done by KomiVA)
What makes her unique
Katie is unique because she has gone through terrible things in her life. This ranges from watching her sister die in front of her eyes to having her arm lost to a bear. But yet throughout all of that she never gave up and continued to push on. Showing that is not ever willing to quit. She is also unique because she isn’t a social person yet she has worked for stores, KPD and Government all of which involved talking to people.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a casual situation Katie likely just remains quiet sitting as far as she can from everyone else attempting to interact with as little people as possible. She will however talk to the few people she knows but usually not for long and the conversations are mostly small talk. Katie isn’t really that comfortable in a casual situation.
In a professional situation she is like a completely different person. She will act with no fear leading over the people instructing them what to do if she were to be in charge. And if she weren’t in charge would listen to what the person in charge is saying and if anyone asks questions or doesn’t do what they were told to do she will usually help them out to make sure everything goes perfectly. She does not let stress affect her work when in a stressful situation. She is most comfortable in professional situations.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
My idea on co-workers and teamwork is that it is vital. Without teamwork and co-workers to help you, failure is more likely. Especially working as an officer where people will try and attack you. During my previous time as an officer I took too many risks on my own believing that I didn’t need co-workers at all. But following my return I intend to work with my co-workers more and be a better officer because of that.
What's your character's backstory?
Chapter 1. Life before Karakura
Before she moved to Karakura Katie lived a pretty stressful life. She was always doing school work because of her parents being super hard on her. She always hated it and never wanted to be doing something that they wanted her to do. She always knew from when she was a kid that she wanted to be an officer as it had been a life goal of hers despite her parents opinion on it. Eventually it all led to her leaving Karakura when a war broke out where her parents lived causing her dad to have to go to war. Following that she used it as an opportunity to leave as she took a plane to Karakura.
Chapter 2. Being 18 in Karakura
Katie moved to Karakura at the age of 18. She was alone and nobody else in her family lived there or so she believed. Until eventually after an incident where she lost her eye and recovered she saw her sister in the streets. They caught up before eventually Katie went to college there getting her masters degree in criminology. During that time a lot of her family and friends got hurt which only made her desire to be a KPD officer grow greater. Eventually at 32 years old she finished her degree after a couple brief pauses to solve issues arising with her friends and family.
Chapter 3. Joining KPD
She joined KPD at 33 years old. At the time of joining she had very little injuries with only a missing eye that she later got the eye fixed. She eventually got promoted to Patrol officer and no major injuries or trauma happened during that rank. The next rank she made it to was corporal. This rank had a lot of bad things happen to her. First off she got locked in a freezing room with a ghost and a couple other officers during the first wave of Cadets she got to train. Some other injuries occurred during that time along with her starting to date someone called Seresu Andreev. She then got promoted to Sergeant which during that time she got engaged to Seresu then Seresu disappeared for a while leading to them breaking up. Her sister died putting Katie down a path of revenge, She lost an arm and a leg. Before eventually being forced to quit KPD due to how insane she was. Later she came back and moved to the detective division and started dating Ume Andreev and eventually getting engaged to them before fullying quitting KPD.
Chapter 4. Time outside of Karakura
She spent her time outside of Karakura in a new place for only a year. She stayed with Ume for most of that year. During that time she got therapy for the trauma she had from being a police officer in KPD. The time outside of Karakura was a short period in her life without too much of note happening besides recovering her mental state. She then returned to Karakura in August of 2024.
Chapter 5. Return as a Judge
After a couple months of living in Karakura again she put in an application to become a judge believing that KPD was too dangerous for her. After around 2 months working as a Judge and going through several trials she finally experienced the trial in which an officer arrested someone with no proof and didn’t show up to the trial. While she kept silent during the trial only speaking to give the not guilty verdict it broke her to see the arrest.
Chapter 6. Why does she want to be an officer again..
The reason she wants to become an officer again is to bring justice to the people of Karakura again. While many of the trials ended up having guilty verdicts there were a couple in which the arrests were not justified. She also wants to come back to KPD to protect the people of the city once again like she had so many years ago.
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No. You can not legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. Any sharp weapon in Karakura is illegal and shouldn’t be bought or sold. They are extremely dangerous and only lead to the ruining of one's life. If people would quit using them then maybe Karakura could actually have a peaceful environment. Without constant injuries and deaths but I suppose most of the people in this damn city are too far gone anyway. I’ll keep dreaming about a peaceful town though.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
While there are more than five medical items that don’t require a prescription the five that I can currently list right now are
No. You can not legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. Any sharp weapon in Karakura is illegal and shouldn’t be bought or sold. They are extremely dangerous and only lead to the ruining of one's life. If people would quit using them then maybe Karakura could actually have a peaceful environment. Without constant injuries and deaths but I suppose most of the people in this damn city are too far gone anyway. I’ll keep dreaming about a peaceful town though.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
While there are more than five medical items that don’t require a prescription the five that I can currently list right now are
Medication name | Price in Yen. |
Paracetamol | ¥1500 per pack |
Multivitamins | ¥3500 per vitamin |
Iron supplements | ¥2500 per container |
Melatonin | ¥3000 per bottle |
Wooden cane. | ¥7000 Per Cane |
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
There are a couple solutions to this question. And personally I believe this is too vague of a question. Quite simply it depends on the situation going on. If I witnessed the co-worker assault the inmate for no reason then sure I would gather the evidence required to make a proper report on them to a higher-up or report them to the commissioner if it’s a higher-up that I saw assaulting the inmate.
In the case where I determine that it’s fair because the inmate had begun the fight I would tell the officer to be more careful next time because there are very few situations in which you would need to physically assault an inmate. And instead use their taser in the case where the inmate was attempting to assault them first.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
If I were to see my co-worker getting assaulted it would once again be based on the situation at hand. If they were getting assaulted by 1 to 3 people then I would radio over letting the other officers on duty know that I was going to help. And then I would run in to help the officer that is being assaulted and in the case where they nearly knock both of us out I would then radio in for back-up allowing the other officers to make a broadcast.
In the case where the other officer is getting assaulted by several people I would press code 0 on my own radio or broadcast out for help if I’m in the station. Following that because I want to delay the officer getting knocked out for as long as possible I would then go in myself attempting to delay the criminals as I wait for back-up to arrive. This would allow for the other officers to show up and then we could arrest the massive group of people.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
This question I like slightly more. The answer is clear and I don’t believe I could personally interpret it any other way. Or could I? What if it was a detective helping the criminal organization because they are doing undercover work and because this question doesn’t mention if I’ve seen them helping people out several times or just once. So I will answer it both ways.
In the case where it’s confirmed they are corrupt and I’ve seen them doing it several times on duty and were clearly not a detective I would gather evidence each time I saw it recording proof that it was the officer going corrupt. Following that I would take it to a higher-up or commissioner depending on the rank of the officer. If the commissioner or higher-up confirms it was for undercover work then I would keep silent. I would not tell any other officers about it just in case the work they were doing would only work if nobody else knew.
In the case where I’ve only seen them do it once or know that they are a detective I would record it to be safe however I would not take it to a higher-up or the commissioner until I can confirm that it’s happened multiple times. The chances that telling a higher-up could possibly ruin something is never 0 and I wouldn’t want to risk anything if I’ve only seen it once. In the case where what they were doing was very corrupt despite it only being once I would take it to the commissioner instead of a higher-up no matter the rank in the case that it’s so important that only the commissioner could know.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Well my personal reaction to a criminal attempting to bribe me is that I would immediately not accept the bribe. This is because accepting a bribe would probably get me fired and I care more about my job than I do, however much money they are offering. So instead of accepting the bribe I would turn their attempt down and then take 25000 from them because an attempt of bribing an officer comes with the price of getting fined.
In the case of this application being accepted I will be leaving all Gangrp and crimeRP that I am currently in along with the government. I hope that being in those factions will not affect my chances but I am aware I can’t be in any of those and KPD at the same time and I’m aware my chances of getting into KPD aren’t good so I would prefer to stay in them unless accepted.
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