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DisgracedSummer KPD Application #5


Level 24

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?:
My time zone is Eastern Standard Time (EST) and I live in the United States.

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted IC Faction Applications - EMS attempt 4 - Teacher - KPD Attempt 1 - Professor - Council

Denied IC Faction Applications - Reporter attempt 2 - Shopkeeper - EMS attempt 2 - Counselor - EMS attempt 3 - Reporter Attempt 1 - KPD attempt 3 - KPD attempt 2 - KPD attempt 4 - Lawyer - EMS attempt 1 - BMD - Shrine

Denied OOC factions - Lore - Event - Staff

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is good when I’m not busy with school, Which is a good bit of the time this year because I’ve had to focus on school. But on the weekends I get on any amount of time and could probably spend up to 7 hours at a time if I have the motivation to get on. My activity consists of usually getting on and running around because of my motivation to be a professor and being pretty shy when it comes to roleplay. However, should I get in, my activity should usually be spent on KPD.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Reason #1
The main reason I’m applying for a 5th time now is that I left KPD 8 months ago. At first, I didn’t regret it but after 2 months of being in KPD and then getting into EMS I’ve missed KPD. While I’m sure there are better motivations for applying by most of the people who applied or are going to apply this wave I would like to come back because I want to get to higher-up or at least try. KPD was my favorite faction that I was in with it being the first faction I ever joined. Honestly, I don’t know how I got into this day but now that I have almost 2 years of experience on the server I would like to come back knowing way more than I did previously and be as active as possible.

Reason #2
Another reason I want to apply is to roleplay more I do roleplay on SRP sometimes but I feel like it’s only with friends I know and even that’s rare now and I wanted to join KPD to roleplay with more new people with all the waves between when I left and now there are many new people I haven’t roleplayed with that I would like to now because I want to get to know people again.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
My knowledge of police work in Karakura is probably around 8/10 or at least used to be 8/10. While I’m sure most of the information below is probably accurate there could be a couple of things that are inaccurate due to my few months away from KPD.

Main division
The main division is the division of KPD focused on making the majority of the arrests in high-pressure situations.

Every rank ->
What do they have access to doing​
Patrol officer​
Yes, but only with at least one rank above cadet.​
Yes but with permission from the commanding officer and usually with at least one other officer.​
Yes but with permission from the commanding officer and usually with at least one other officer.​
Yes but with permission from the commanding officer and usually with at least one other officer.​
Off duty​
Yes with permission from a higher-up​
Yes with permission from a higher-up​
Yes with permission from a higher-up​
Train cadets​
Receive training​
Max spots​
Depends on open spots​
Only in extremely rare situations​
Only in rare situations​
Only in rare situations​
Only in rare situations​
Can let others go off duty.​

Detective division
The Detective Division is in charge of doing interrogations for people who were detained and also investigating areas.

Every rank ->
What do they have access to doing​
Detective Constable​
Detective Sergeant​
Detective Inspector​
Yes, but only with at least one rank above cadet.​
Yes but with permission from the commanding officer and usually with at least one other officer.​
Yes but with permission from the commanding officer and usually with at least one other officer.​
Off duty​
Yes with permission from a higher-up​
Yes with permission from a higher-up​
Yes with permission from a higher-up​
Train cadets​
Receive training​
Max spots​
Depending on open spots max possible 4​
Only in extremely rare situations​
Only in rare situations​
Only in rare situations​
Give permission to go off-duty​

Higher-ups are in charge of deciding who gets into KPD and a couple of other things.

Every rank ->
What do they have access to doing​
Detective Chief Inspector​
Detective Superintendent​
Off duty​
Yes don’t need permission​
Yes don’t need permission​
Yes don’t need permission​
Yes don’t need permission​
Train cadets​
Receive training​
Max spots​
Yes but in rare situations​
Yes but in rare situations​
Give permission to go off-duty​
Decides who gets into KPD​
Decides new higher-ups​

The Commissioner is in charge of the entire police force.
The lead of KPD is the commissioner and they have access to doing anything as long as it’s approved by the mayor in character.

Description of the item​
Ranks with access.​
Stun blaster
Has a range of 8 blocks, and can’t be rolled against due to automatic honors from it. It stuns the person hit by it for a minute out of character and doesn't work against people in the water.
Cadet and above.​
Two sets of these are given out to each officer (only 1 in the inventory) Given to every officer, can’t be mugged, and can be rolled against unless stunned. Has only one block of range and can’t be mugged.​
Cadet and above.​
Can be mugged, can be rolled against unless stunned, 2 blocks of range, and takes two hits to knock out.
Cadet and above.​
can be broken but not mugged, doesn’t require a roll to use unless in combat,​
Cadet and above.​
can’t be mugged, can be rolled against, and shows the percentage of drunk someone is.​
Cadet and above.​
Gas mask
Can be mugged and protects the officer's identity when worn. Can’t be pepper sprayed when wearing the gas mask.​
Cadet and above.​
Riot shield
can be mugged only if the officer is KO’d two modes to the shield

Defensive (Main-hand)
Provides the officer cover of their entire body aside from their back. No other items can be used when the shield is in this mode.

Offensive (Off-Hand)
Offers 0 support. Allows for the officer to use another item.
Patrol officer and above (Cadet in rare situations)​
Pries open doors and can 2 hit KO has two blocks of range, and can be mugged.​
Patrol officer and above.​
Police bike
only one seat can’t be mugged. Can fit two officers if one of them is carrying the other.​
Corporal and above.​
Police cruiser
Allows for 4 people to sit inside it. Can’t be mugged.​
Sergeant/Detective inspector and above.​
Has 30 blocks of range, can't be mugged, does work in water, stuns whoever is hit by it for 2 minutes OOC, and can fire twice before having to reload.​
Sergeant/Detective inspector and above.​
Pepper spray
Given to most officers, it has two blocks of range, doesn’t work if the person it’s used against has a gas mask, Can’t be mugged, lasts for 60 seconds, and Has 3 uses before it runs out.​
Cadet and above.​
Everything the officers itemrp is the medkit, luminol spray, Gloves, Body camera, and a fingerprint scanner.​
Cadet and above.​

OOC knowledge of police work.
My out-of-character knowledge of police work is pretty limited, especially about Japanese police work. However, I hope that doesn’t matter much because Karakura police work is something I’m pretty positive in my knowledge of.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
KPD is important to Schoolrp because without them there would be way more crime and the server would be more boring while it is meant to be mostly about school roleplay... crazy I know I do believe it would be less interesting because KPD allows for people to commit crimes and get the thrill of knowing they could be caught.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge and will make sure to be on whenever my training is scheduled and I am aware that if I don’t attend without a valid reason I will be punished.

What's your character's full name?:
My name is Chihiro Aleksandra.

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
I am 31 years old.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
My highest academic role at the time of writing this is a PhD and it’s in medical sciences. I worked as a doctor for the hospital. I’m also working towards a bachelor's in Criminology.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
The languages I know currently are Finnish, and Polish. I’m fluent in Finnish having been born there but I’m still a beginner in Polish.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?:
[!] A picture of Chihiro with all of her features [!]
The person in the photo was 5 '6 and in the picture, she has an outfit revealing her Vitiligo skin despite how some people would think of it. She is smiling in the picture, whether it’s because of something else or the skin it’s difficult to tell. Another clear thing that can be seen in the picture is the several scars along her face with one going over her eye. Her hair color was red having been dyed that way. Although not an important part of the picture there is someone next to her with an X over their face, the image having been altered slightly to make it that way. They almost seem related to her from what little can be seen of them.

What makes her unique
Something that makes me unique. Um, I guess my skin has Vitiligo but I think that was clear in the picture I attached before. I guess something that makes me unique is how bad everything went. I'm still mostly happy at least I believe I’m happy and that’s all that matters. I worked as a doctor so I know some things about how KPD works. I’m not going to get attacked as often as some others, right? Right..? Besides, I’m not all that unique, but not everything is about being unique from others, right?

(Art of Chihiro made by ezwu)
Minecraft Skin

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?:
In a casual situation. I don’t end up in casual situations very often I’m more of a professional person because casual conversations aren’t my kind of thing but I suppose if I was forced into a casual situation I would probably be in the background for most of it I don’t like talking to people unless it’s for absolutely professional reasons only.

In a professional situation, I tend to act much more relaxed. Despite being a mostly shy person... No, not mostly… An incredibly shy person I tend to be less stressed out or nervous when working in a professional situation of course if it’s a stressful professional situation then I would be a bit nervous but who wouldn’t be it would take an extremely stressful situation to make me nervous due to working as a doctor for a while I’m used to those stressful situations I mean I’ve saved countless lives what’s one more!

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?:
Co-workers? Oh I mean as long as they didn’t go out of their way to ruin my day or other days I can usually talk to them without being scared or anything. Conversations with strangers are what make me nervous. I mean like why would someone want to talk with me?

Teamwork I can do pretty well with. I mean again having been a doctor I know how to work with others I had to most of the time unless there wasn’t another doctor on duty in which I had to treat two patients at once... Well, not at once more focusing on the person with the serious injuries first I’m getting off topic but yeah I can work well with others.

What's your character's backstory?:
Section 1. Early years
In Chihiros's early years, she believed she always knew that her entire family had been doctors and she believed she wanted to be a doctor. It was the best thing she could think of. Growing up in a relatively well-off family she had the funding from her family to afford medical school but of course, it would be too easy for her if she could have just become a doctor in Finland. Opposite to Chihiro her sister was a criminal who decided to steal everything which eventually resulted in her sister getting arrested in Finland which led to her parents having to spend a bunch of money getting her out of jail and then they had to quit their job to move to a new place because of how trashed their reputation was after Chihiros sister acted. This resulted in them staying in the southwest part of Finland instead of the south. They were poorer than ever and of course, Chihiros's sister convinced the naive kid into thinking they had to steal to get the money to survive. With their parents working harder than ever to get the funding to survive but unable to find a good enough job they had to settle for a job as a nurse. They had money to get a house but not enough money to put food on the table each night. Chihiro helped her sister steal food but nothing else, not wanting to get in trouble. Eventually, when Kyllikki turned 18 5 years after Chihiro she told Chihiro that they should move to Japan. Chihiro had a job at this point but decided to listen to her sister again believing that maybe this would be good. Chihiros's job got them both enough to move out of Finland.

Section 2. Moving away
Kyllikki had figured that Japan was far enough from Finland that they could go there without the Finland police figuring out what she had done and deciding not to tell Chihiro that the police were after her convinced Chihiro to buy them both plane tickets to Japan knowing that Chihiro would always trust her sister. After landing in Japan, Chihiro, realizing they had very little money, told her sister they wouldn’t be able to afford too big of an apartment. This made Kyllikki a bit upset realizing they likely would be in the same situation and made a scene saying she didn’t want to live in the same horrible situation they had lived in before. To their luck… or unluck after Kyllikki caused a scene and walked out a couple of people approached them.

Section 3. Injuries and trying to survive in Japan.
After following the people after they told the two sisters that they had a business offer with neither of the sisters having ever lived in Japan they didn’t realize that it was a bad idea to follow the people. But they decided anyway believing they had no choice. This eventually led to them getting attacked with Chihiro getting severely injured in the fight. After Kyllikki took Chihiro to the hospital being slightly injured herself with Chihiro being unconscious Kyllikki decided not to tell the doctors what had happened. After Chihiro got a job working as someone teaching English, having learned English in school when she was in Finland, it paid well enough for them to have an apartment that was big enough for the two of them. With Kyllikki getting a similar job and not being stupid despite being a criminal, the two of them were making enough money to start getting a college education. But not before Chihiro caught Kyllikki trying to commit theft in Japan after they returned to the apartment after Chihiro told Kyllikki not to steal for the 100th time she finally yelled at her sister telling her that if she kept committing crimes she was going to leave and find a place far away from her sister. Kyllikki never stopped doing minor crimes but she didn’t let Chihiro catch her doing them again at least while they were in Japan.

Section 4. Getting the proper education to be a doctor.
Chihiro kept her focus entirely on being a doctor still despite how poorly it was going for her. Spent the next 6 years getting the proper education to be a doctor. Taking the required medical school and working as an intern for the nearest hospital at the same time while still working as an English teacher in Japan. Eventually, when she turned 29 she had the proper education. At the same time, her sister had also gotten the proper education to be a doctor with both of them doing the same thing. With Kyllikki being 24 at the time.

Section 5. Escape to Russia
But of course, Kyllikki hadn’t given up the life of crime and just like in Finland she had to convince Chihiro that they needed to move again. She quickly did her best to learn a way to fake photos. Taking a week to do so, not being amazing at it, she still convinced Chihiro that there was a job offer in Russia that they had the proper education requirements for and that they could work there as doctors for a Russian hospital. Despite Chihiro not wanting to move to Russia because she believed that she could find a job working as a doctor in Japan was eventually convinced to move to Russia still not wanting to separate from her sister with her sister being the only loved one she had left with her because of her being too focused on school to ever make friends. Eventually, they arrived in Russia. This was the breaking point for Chihiro with her sister finally breaking the news to her that there wasn’t a job position in Russia and admitting to Chihiro that she only tried to convince her because the Japanese police were after her at the time. Chihiro was angry and remembered her promise to her sister that if Kyllikki continued doing crime she would leave her not wanting to leave her sister behind. She took a week to think but knew it was stupid to stay with Kyllikki or she would end up getting in trouble herself. She still didn’t want to leave her sister so she decided to stay in Russia for a year eventually turning 30 watching her sister each month in secret to confirm if she would stop committing crimes which she didn’t stop committing. Eventually, Kyllikki got caught again, and as Chihiro expected Kyllikki tried to lie again to convince Chihiro to leave this time saying if they moved back to Japan everything would be fine again. However, this time Chihiro didn’t agree and instead told her sister that she was staying in Russia this time. Her sister gave up trying to convince her and decided to leave taking a plane out the next day. Eventually after a few months in Russia and still not finding a job Chihiro looked online for job opportunities eventually finding one open back in Japan looking for a doctor after one had recently quit and needed a replacement. Quickly accepting the job she got on a plane to the new location.

Section 6. Moving to Karakura
She moved to Karakura and decided to spend a week before she started working there. She never met anyone because she spent the whole week packing. Deciding that she didn’t want to have the same last name as her sister anymore she made up a fake last name for herself telling everyone her last name was Katsuko. After a week of waiting the uniform made for her arrived and she quickly put it on getting her badge as she started working at the Karakura hospital.

Section 7. Job as a doctor
Chaotic. That is a word that would describe her time as a doctor. Deciding that she wanted to be one of the best doctors she could ever be wanted to make sure that she was there to treat everyone. This resulted in an extreme lack of sleep with her getting little sleep each night. But, that never slowed her down. Each month she would treat more patients than any person probably should have. Outside of work, she met someone called Oliwia and eventually decided that she liked Oliwia. Of course, it was new to her; she hadn’t ever had a relationship with anyone before so she didn’t know what it was like at all. Still being a shy person it took her a while to get used to it but eventually, after a bit of learning from a friend she had met she asked Oliwia on a date and they eventually went out together. Eventually one day Oliwia came into the hospital with a stab wound to the hand. Chihiro knew it wasn’t a good idea to treat her because they were together but she let her emotions get the better of her as she treated Oliwia. Of course, she decided to try and question Oliwia on who it was and Oliwia never told her, at least not at that moment. Her chaotic job continued for several months with her working much harder than any person should have. Eventually, she decided to tell Oliwia everything.

Section 8. The truth
Eventually, a month or two into dating Oliwia she decided to tell Oliwia her last name was Aleksandra. Of course, she didn’t expect to have any effect on anything but, of course, she was wrong. When she told Oliwia eventually Oliwia made it clear that it was something that was a big deal eventually leading to Chihiro questioning her. After realizing her sister had been there she continued to question Oliwia. She realizes that her sister was the one who stabbed Oliwia. Having her radio on her she confirmed with the rest of the police. She had expected an assault on a government official charge but the charges were a lot bigger than she expected. She took another month working at the hospital before eventually retiring, deciding to move back to Finland to tell her parents what had happened. She chose not to tell Oliwia believing she would be back to Karakura soon anyway and if she couldn’t return she would tell Oliwia that she couldn’t if it came down to it.

Section 9. Back to Finland
She eventually left Karakura, quitting her job. When she arrived in Finland she went to her parent's house. Upon entering the house for the first time she realized how much nicer it had gotten. When she asked her parents she learned that they had gotten a job with both of them working as doctors in Finland. After Chihiro told her parents what had happened to her sister, her parents blamed her and believed that it was her fault Kyllikki had gotten arrested. After Chihiro told them how much it would be to get Kyllikki out of jail they told her that she would have to work at the hospital to pay off the bail or she wouldn’t be allowed to stay with them anymore. Believing that it was her fault she agreed to work at the hospital with her parents getting her a spot there. After working at the hospital for a month she decided that she didn’t want to be like her parents anymore realizing how little she liked being a doctor and that her previous enjoyment was just because of how Karakura was. She decided that there was only one other thing she had left and that was working as an officer. After working in Finland for another month she told her parents that she wasn’t going to bail Kyllikki out and booked a plane out of Finland back to Karakura.

Section 10. Return to Karakura
Being too scared to see Oliwia again she kept her return to Karakura private for the first week before eventually telling Oliwia she was going to try to be better but in the meantime, she applied to work at a bar wanting to be different from her parents. She also began taking online classes at a college in Criminology only having done it for a few weeks. She didn’t do much the last few weeks in Karakura. All she did was work out in preparation for the physical part of the police department. And that’s how we get to where I am today.

Section 11. Reason for joining the police department.
I wrote the last part myself. I decided that I wanted it to sound like someone else was talking for me but it wasn't. Honestly, I believed I wanted to work as an officer for the police department a month before I left but I mean I’m not a strong person at all. Or at least I wasn’t until now. Realizing my sister had hurt the one person I had left that I cared about really was what made me realize how much I wanted to work as an officer I mean sure I didn’t completely know it at the time but honestly, I think I enjoyed working as a doctor here in Karakura not because I was a doctor but because I was saving lives and after the trip to Finland to see my parents and how they believed it was my fault for everything made me truly finally realize that I wanted to be an officer. My whole life I was told everything was my fault until I moved to Karakura… despite what people say about the place I realized my true self there I won’t be blamed for things that aren’t my fault I will just protect the people who truly care about me.

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?:
No, you can’t legally own a pocket knife as no sharp weapon in Karakura is legal due to the high crime rates in the city.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:
While there are more that don’t require a prescription the basic 5 that do not require a prescription are
Paracetamol (Basic Pain Medication) - 1500 yen can only buy up to 3 a day.
Wooden cane - 7000 yen and the max per day someone can buy is 2.
Bandage - 1000 yen for one and someone can buy up to 5 a day.
Reading glasses - 4000 yen and the max per day is 2
Iron supplements - 2500 yen for 1 and that max is 3

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?:
While the first response would be to get the co-worker and the inmate in separate locations where they can’t be fighting you would check bodycam footage to see who started the fight while the co-worker could still get in trouble if the inmate was insulting them and they decided to fight back there is a chance the inmate tried to attack them when they went in the cell and the co-worker was only defending themselves, however in a case where a co-worker did get assaulted in the cell by the inmate they should have just tased the inmate instead of fighting them. But if a bodycam showed them starting the fight I would report them to a higher-up. If they didn’t start the fight but did fight back when the inmate tried I would just tell them to be more careful and to tase the inmate if they tried to assault them unless tasing them was impossible.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?:
If I saw them being assaulted in public and it’s only one or two people I would go in to help the co-worker by defending them from the people. If it was a big group fighting them I would press code 0 and then tell everyone over the radio the location and then go in to help them while help arrives. If they were being assaulted in the cell I would do the same thing I said in the previous section by helping them out of the cell and checking who started the fight.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?:
If it was confirmed they were corrupt and not undercover giving false information to the criminal organization I would get proof from afar without being seen and then after they were done talking to the criminal organization I would go back without saying a word to them and quickly reporting them to a higher-up because it would be putting myself or everyone in danger to confront them. If I’m not aware if they are an undercover detective or not I would still report them to a higher-up because detective higher-ups should know about undercover cases and in that case would be able to handle everything and I wouldn’t want to risk making a mistake if they are undercover that could get people who shouldn’t be in trouble in trouble.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?:
If a criminal tried to bribe me I would fine them the 25000 for attempting to bribe me... Unless it’s a joke then I probably wouldn’t fine them because then they might get upset and I don’t want people getting upset at me wait do people ever joke about that... Okay, maybe I would fine them 25000 no matter what because that wouldn't be a good joke! But yeah if they did try to bribe me I wouldn’t take the money they are offering and make sure to find them the proper and correct amount!​

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