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  1. SirDerpHead

    What kind of clothing does your character wear?

    my colourblind ass buys anything black/blue cause its safe
  2. SirDerpHead

    Colourblind people things

    The fact that you are still so good at all these makes me envy so much, especially in comparison to my stuff. GIVE ME YOUR EYES.
  3. SirDerpHead

    Colourblind people things

    It is all just a mess for me, a fun lil guessing game
  4. SirDerpHead

    The 7 deadly sins

    You are doubled down on wrath, no innocence to be found.
  5. SirDerpHead

    Daily Event╰( ^o^)╮♪

    -1 The event team would have to triple in size to accommodate the planning and execution that this would take to be a daily thing even just for smaller events. I would love for more events more often, and the event team has been active in more recent times with fun and thought out ideas. I love...
  6. SirDerpHead

    Colourblind people things

    MANNNNN tell me about it fr
  7. SirDerpHead

    How did you get into SRP?

    I aint even gonna lie, I searched to internet for RP servers after my and my friends re-watched the old SamGladiator Yandere series thingy from when we were kids and I got curious if there was anything similar I could find. Found SRP recommended on some random website as the #1 RP server and...
  8. SirDerpHead


  9. SirDerpHead

    Interest Rates for putting money in the bank for a long time, etc

    -1 As much as I love money. . . For a block game, the economy is already quite inflated and I fear that this would only just increase that margin.
  10. SirDerpHead


    i HEAVY fuck with Brie and Camembert. Like HEAVY. That includes the double or even triple-cream versions.
  11. SirDerpHead

    Favorite Songs

    Quite literally anything by Takayan, it is so hard to pick a favourite. Japanese artist with so many different genres. Songs are written from the perspective of a girl which is quite interesting as a male listener. Unique voice and vocal use, also the artist themselves is just such a silly...
  12. SirDerpHead

    pet peeves?

    That cat specifically
  13. SirDerpHead

    What are three words that describe you best?

    In the words of Pete Davidson: Bacon Bacon Bacon
  14. SirDerpHead

    The 7 deadly sins

    Which of the 7 deadly sins do you think you character indulges the most? And Why? Lust Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy Pride
  15. SirDerpHead

    im confusedddd

    It can take time for staff tog et to your appeal due to a number of reasons, and unfortunately for you, you cant really control anything beside your own submission. Just be patient and they will get to it whenever they do.
  16. SirDerpHead

    Colourblind people things

    just imagine any pinky colour sucked out of the ham, its just... grey.... Very appetizing!
  17. SirDerpHead

    SchoolRP, nice takes!!!

    I absolutely LOVE seeing different peoples RP styles. Interacting with new people can be quite anxiety-endusing but I also also love seeing how different people structure and write their. The language they use, the actions, it's all so gun to read and I'm always looking for new people to...