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  1. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    I feel as if one day they will snap and hit a student with a chair, but that goes for all teachers.
  2. SirDerpHead

    a lot of ilovemyplanes...

    Does that mean restaurants will open too
  3. SirDerpHead

    Colourblind people things

    I wish it was a superpower but instead I be out here stopping at Red lights and occasionally green ones too.
  4. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Yeah! They would never! (Something tells me they did)
  5. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Oh! The hole goes deeper!
  6. SirDerpHead

    your characters favourite season also your favourite.

    Ethan He is Australian (Like me) So he quite misses the hotter weather during the summer months.
  7. SirDerpHead


    Welcome to SRP!
  8. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Fair enough then!
  9. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    They both seem fine enoughhh, for now atleast
  10. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

  11. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    They all seem fine enough but Alan?... Whats goin on with that fellow
  12. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    I like that spin on it. Would you have any characters you believe have irredeemable qualities then? Something that society would not approve of in the court of public opinion?
  13. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    oh okay yeah no I think this may be one of the worst so far.
  14. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    I am interested to see what becomes of Koizumi Saiky.
  15. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Now this man right here sounds like a bad person in a non-crime way