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  1. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    hmmmm, would they bully an orphan?
  2. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    so like... if he were to be pushed just a tiiiiinyyyy bit, he would snap.
  3. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    They dont sound thatttttt badddddd... okay maybe Daphné
  4. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    sooooo polar opposites? W
  5. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Liam doesnt sound tooooooooooooo badddddddddddddddd
  6. SirDerpHead

    one day you suddenly wake up irl with your current balance in srp how long would you survive.

    I think 2 rocks and a small button could get me till the heat death of the universe.
  7. SirDerpHead

    What was a pivotal moment for your character(s)?

    My first character had 1 argument with his sister, everything after that was.... a downward spiral.
  8. SirDerpHead


    Had the same thought process as me, W
  9. SirDerpHead


  10. SirDerpHead

    ☆ -SRP- ☆Tailoring Tools & Information

    W yeah I forgot to say I use pmc too.
  11. SirDerpHead

    [GUIDE] Color Theory and Hue Shifting

    Thankyouuuu, its more common than you think aswell lmao. Some other tailors i remember mentioned being colourblind are Cawot69 and bheom, which is nuts cause they are crazy good.
  12. SirDerpHead

    A guide to shading SRP hair! (Female)

    Oh this one hits the marks fr. W guide
  13. SirDerpHead

    [GUIDE] Color Theory and Hue Shifting

    As a colourblind tailor, this question haunts me in my nightmares O^O
  14. SirDerpHead

    The MOST Controversial Question of SRP

    My favourite police officer in Brooklyn
  15. SirDerpHead

    ☆ -SRP- ☆Tailoring Tools & Information

    HEY LOOK MOM I MADE IT. Also sick guide, I woulda ate this shit up when I started fr. As a colourblind tailor I will be stealing that website respectfully >:3
  16. SirDerpHead

    The MOST Controversial Question of SRP

    Terry Crews
  17. SirDerpHead

    a lot of ilovemyplanes...

    That is.. interesting. Such silly little guys
  18. SirDerpHead

    me when i

    me when i
  19. SirDerpHead

    feelin puntable rn

    feelin puntable rn