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  1. SirDerpHead

    A second chance to not lose money without your intention - [Shop purchase confirmation message]

    +1 Just like its there for extending your apartment rent, it would be good on these too.
  2. SirDerpHead

    a lot of ilovemyplanes...

    I think they are just being silly little guys
  3. SirDerpHead

    Guys help my fish ate my cat

    Uno reverse
  4. SirDerpHead

    thoughts on JJK s2?

    Peak show, just wish the animators were allowed to see their families.
  5. SirDerpHead

    Changing the Default Font

    I believe they mean for on the forums
  6. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Arent we all just silly lil guys (no)
  7. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    i feel like.... that isnt allowed?... or ur char is just a horrible person
  8. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Im going to snitch on Andy's several murders (I dont know about them icly)
  9. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Andy is just unhinged and a murderer
  10. SirDerpHead

    Is your character a bad person?

    Its not every day that someone (outside of gangrp) will play a character that is just not a good person, so I wanna know how many do. Do you think your character is a bad person? If so, why?
  11. SirDerpHead

    Your characters silliest moment.

    oh a fellow colourblind bestie, his actions are pardoned
  12. SirDerpHead

    Your characters silliest moment.

    Okay so when you say duck, do you mean a rubber one or like a whole ass live duck. This is important information. And Rini got instant karma ig.
  13. SirDerpHead

    Your characters silliest moment.

    Okay breaking it understandable, but.... eating it?....
  14. SirDerpHead

    Project: Vocaloid

    me when miku
  15. SirDerpHead

    That feeling when you discover a new song that goes straight into your playlist without hesitation

    That feeling when you discover a new song that goes straight into your playlist without hesitation
  16. SirDerpHead

    Changing the Default Font

    Neutral Wouldn't say its something that is necessary, but there also aren't any negatives.
  17. SirDerpHead

    Auction House Try-Ons

    +1 This would be such a useful little thingo. Imagine a cute little character edit screen like in the sims but for trying on auction items :3
  18. SirDerpHead

    More for Cooking

  19. SirDerpHead


    The weather is hot, i am melting, i am sludge man.
  20. SirDerpHead

    Lego Ninjago (MAIN) Characters Tier List (Excluding Senseis)

    Im interested in the rant....