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  1. Joe.exe

    Denied Joee_exe Judge Application

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Joee_exe Previous bans (include appeal links): N/A In this two and a half years, I was never banned or warned. Discord Tag: kurumi_walnut Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, I have one Timezone & Country: PST, Canada Links to any current & past...
  2. Joe.exe

    Housing Issues

    USERNAME: Joee_exe APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1856 49 616 ISSUE: There are two Jukeboxes in total, which cannot be destroyed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  3. Joe.exe

    pay by bank card

    IGN: Joee_exe DATE: 8/11/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make the cash register work, the clerk can right-click the cash register and enter a number, the player can pay with a bank card (right-click the cash register with the bank card and confirm in the chat bar? Or enter a...
  4. Joe.exe

    Joe's KPD application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Joe_txt Discord Name & Tag: Joe.exe#9999 Previous bans: N/A As far as I know, none of my accounts have been Banned and never been warned. Describe your activity on the server: I go online a lot and spend most of my time on my main account...
  5. Joe.exe

    Council promotional posters

  6. Joe.exe

    Disappearance of items due to bug

    IGN: Joee_exe VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "Council Armband" "Pink Umbrella" "Sun Hat" "Laptop" "Bank Card" " ID card" "Blue smartphone" "Violin" "700ml of alcohol left" "black flip phone" some food EVIDENCE: most items: ID ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I always wear the Sun Hat on my head and...
  7. Joe.exe

    Advice on trash cans

    IGN: Joee_exe DATE: 2022/4/20 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Advice on trash cans | SchoolRP This suggestion was Accepted a long time ago, but it does not appear to have been implemented. It can't be found on the Trello Board either. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: N/A
  8. Joe.exe

    Denied Joe_txt librarian Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Joe_txt Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Joe_txt#2767 How old are you? (Optional): 17 What is your time zone?: PST Describe your activity on the server: I like this server very much. Every time I go...
  9. Joe.exe


    USERNAME: Joeeee_exe APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1857 45 613 ISSUE: I can't place blocks in some areas I asked for help on the forum to fix the apartment, but it didn't work, and now even the emerald mine can't be break. I can't place blocks in some areas | SchoolRP ADDITIONAL...
  10. Joe.exe

    I can't place blocks in some areas

    USERNAME: Joeeee_exe APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1857 45 613 ISSUE: I can't place blocks in some areas ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This video demonstrates where blocks cannot be placed: Please don't reset the apartment, my items are still on the balcony
  11. Joe.exe

    Suggestions for "Add honorifics"

    IGN: Joeeee_ DATE: 2/17/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest adding honorifics (敬語) to IC, which is similar to "/lang", but with an additional command (eg: /honorific , /h) everyone can use, that others will see like: player 1 says "Hello." in Honorific HOW...
  12. Joe.exe

    Blocks cannot be placed in apartments

    USERNAME: Joeeee_ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1850 49 621 ISSUE: Pillow part of the bed in all apartments, above the door, blocks cannot be placed after the bed and door are tear down. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There are 5 more places, but I can only put 10 pictures
  13. Joe.exe


    USERNAME: Hi_Joe2005 APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1837 45 618 ISSUE: These two squares were used to place the bed before. After I destroyed the bed, I couldn’t place anything in this area. I have circled it using birch wood ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  14. Joe.exe

    Some advice about grade and money

    IGN: Hi_Joe2005 DATE: 1/9/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Unified Grade-10, Grade-11 gets the same money in 30 minutes as Grade-12, both are 1000 yen. And change the value of 18 years old /roll to 100, and above 19 years old is 150. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I...
  15. Joe.exe

    A small block of the apartment cannot be placed

    USERNAME: Hi_Joe2005 APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1851 45 615 ISSUE: These two squares were used to place the bed before. After I destroyed the bed, I couldn’t place anything in this area. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  16. Joe.exe

    Minecraft SchoolRP Sports Festival Live --- Hi_Joe2005

    Minecraft SchoolRP Sports Festival - YouTube thank you!!!
  17. Joe.exe

    Advice on trash cans

    IGN: Hi_Joe2005 DATE: 9/27/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Change the trash can to the size of a small chest, the items in the trash can remain until someone takes them away. Since Caretaker is responsible for cleaning, they will take the trash to a place. (The garbage collection...
  18. Joe.exe

    Kuzuryuu_Yaichi Role Requests

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Kuzuryuu_Yaichi WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [18][Grade-12] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [17][Grade-11] EVIDENCE:
  19. Joe.exe


  20. Joe.exe

    May I know the difference about being drunk?

    May I know the difference about being drunk? I have seen different levels of drunkenness say different things, and sometimes even have vomit. I want to get specific effects of drunkenness, such as what happens when 10%-20%