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  1. TooManyDucks_

    Crime Clinic New Service | Identity Change Suggestion

    erm ackshually u mentioned both
  2. TooManyDucks_

    Crime Clinic New Service | Identity Change Suggestion

    -1 if you want to gangRP/CriminalRP, then you should have to deal with the consequences of it
  3. TooManyDucks_

    Treats for animals

    What's your Minecraft Username?: TooManyDucks_ What's the title of your suggestion?: Treats for animals What's your suggestion?: Different kinds of pet treats should be sold somewhere like the family store. How will this benefit the server and community?: Many people feed stray animals...
  4. TooManyDucks_

    Gangrp decline, possible solutions, more engaging gangrp

    -1 i'm all for letting gangRP die out forever
  5. TooManyDucks_

    Combat Command

  6. TooManyDucks_


    -1 i refuse to ignore
  7. TooManyDucks_

    Stop correcting "wanna" to "want to"

    What's your Minecraft Username?: TooManyDucks_ What's the title of your suggestion?: Stop correcting "wanna" to "want to" What's your suggestion?: Currently, if you type "wanna" in the icly chat, it automatically changes to "want to". This shouldn't be a thing because it's REALLY annoying...
  8. TooManyDucks_

    Balcony Editing

  9. TooManyDucks_

    Real estate office suggestion

    What's your Minecraft Username?: TooManyDucks_ What's the title of your suggestion?: Real estate office suggestion What's your suggestion?: The real estate menu should show what block available apartments are in. How will this benefit the server and community?: This will make it easier...
  10. TooManyDucks_

    Binding players with a grab

    this would only work on a server that wasn't full of trolls
  11. TooManyDucks_

    7th Attribute / Hud Arrangement

  12. TooManyDucks_

    Closing the school gates during school time

    -1 I've never understood why not skipping school was an ooc rule, people should just get punished icly for skipping instead
  13. TooManyDucks_

    Pay Phones (or anonymous calling)

    -1. Onions in salad are gross
  14. TooManyDucks_

    Make snow land in an even layer

    What's your Minecraft Username?: KITTEN_TOEZ_ What's the title of your suggestion?: Make snow land in an even layer What's your suggestion?: Ok so I'm not sure if its even possible to do this but if it is, it would be great. I think that when it snows, the snow should land in an even layer...
  15. TooManyDucks_

    Nick M. Baggio | Biography

    wait nvm
  16. TooManyDucks_

    Nick M. Baggio | Biography

    Why does his desc say he is christian but his bio say he is atheist?
  17. TooManyDucks_

    Extra charater slots

    Why don't they just make it so that every rank upgrade you buy comes with another character slot
  18. TooManyDucks_


    how would a delete button be used to spam?