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  1. _BritishAutism_

    Age Up Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): RileyOTM WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Age 18 / Grade 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 7 / Age 13 EVIDENCE Every time the timer runs out it stays on the same grade and age.
  2. _BritishAutism_

    Denied English College Teacher/Profesor

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: RileyOtm My main account is _BritishAutism_ but I am using an ALT to apply for a teacher. Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Derpy~#2003 Do you have a microphone?: Yes, in fact, I do. How old are...
  3. _BritishAutism_

    Denied Art Teacher

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: RileyOTM Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Derpy~#2003 Do you have a microphone?: Yes, in fact, I do. How old are you? (Optional): I am 18 What is your time zone?: My timezone is BST...
  4. _BritishAutism_

    Grade/Age Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): RileyOTM WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Grade-12 / Age 18 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 7 / Age 13 EVIDENCE:
  5. _BritishAutism_

    Pill - Testosterone/Pharmacy Suggestion | _BritishAutism_

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ DATE: 02/07/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Testosterone and Hormone Blockers HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Many people who are transgender take Testosterone as this pill can increase male hormones inside of a female body. It increases hair growth...
  6. _BritishAutism_

    Apartment Ownership Suggestion | _BritishAutism_

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ DATE: 21/06/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: My friend recently got banned on SRP and I lived in the same apartment with him, meaning I had chests there full of storage of things I had brought. I suggest that if a person gets banned the ownership should be...
  7. _BritishAutism_

    Storage Chest Removed | _BritishAutism_

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Too many to list, I had a chest full of items I had brought from shops and the auction house. EVIDENCE: I cannot provide any information I can only say that I lived in the same apartment as a friend who was recently banned, it then removing my storage...
  8. _BritishAutism_

    Disability Club | _BritishAutism_

    IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): _BritishAutism RPName of Club Leader: Molly Iwasaki Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): Derpy~#2003 CLUB INFORMATION The club 'Self Love' is a club for all men, women, enbys, or other genders to join or even visit if they feel like they do not fit in with the rest...
  9. _BritishAutism_

    Skin Reloading Suggestion | _BritishAutism_

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ DATE: 19/06/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The wardrobe command is very frustrating lately, due to it glitching a lot and deleting our wardrobe, and it's getting harder to change skins during a rp. It's very frustrating having to rejoin mid rp to change skin. I...
  10. _BritishAutism_

    Item Glitch | _BritishAutism_

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Oujia Board EVIDENCE: Picture Provided ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: When I sat down and pressed right click on accident it switched to this stick.
  11. _BritishAutism_

    (resolved) i brought a rank instead

  12. _BritishAutism_

    Teegan | About Me

    Hii! My name is Teegan, I am Non-Binary! I am 18 years old and I used to play on the server a lot back when I was 14-15. I am a Taurus - Star signs are one of my special interests so if you ever want to talk about star signs with me, feel free! :D My main special interest Is the Titanic, a...