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  1. _BritishAutism_


    11/01/24 Human touch. Something many humans crave from one another. Physical love and affection.. some will go to extreme ends to get it, some gain it through manipulation.. some cannot live without it... This all sums it down to men, how are they able to earn it so easily, after all the...
  2. _BritishAutism_


    09/01/24 New year, no changes. Love ain't real, it's all an illusion. He decided to drop contact after saying he wanted to talk all of this through [!] A printed-out photo was pinned to the journal, It was quite messy, Kumiko must of unscrunched it[!] I should of listened to everyone warning...
  3. _BritishAutism_

    JOURNAL | Kumiko's Journal [#1] "Starting Therapy and My Healing Journey"

    OOC note - This was inspired by @bheom - go check out their diary entries too they're amazing and well-written! 14 December 2023 Journal Entry 1: Starting Therapy and The Healing Journey!
  4. _BritishAutism_

    Items lost and replaced from a phone glitch.

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: I decided to highlight the missing items in the 2nd image as I am unsure of their item name The x5 medication is birth control and the scarf is purple EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was playing one of the phone games and after I had finished...
  5. _BritishAutism_

    Closing the school gates during school time

    What's your Minecraft Username?: _BritishAutism_ What's the title of your suggestion?: Closing the school gates during school time What's your suggestion?: During school time the gates should be shut. How will this benefit the server and community?: It will reduce the number of failrpers...
  6. _BritishAutism_


    [OOC] - I decided to make a separate biography for Kumiko's relationships so I can organize Kumiko's Orignal Biography more. OG Biography - Relationships will now be moved to this biography from now on. Relationships Aoi...
  7. _BritishAutism_

    Cannot break some items/blocks in creative

    USERNAME: _BritishAutism_ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X:1582 Y:32 Z:618 C:646/12696 ISSUE: I am unable to break ovens in creative ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  8. _BritishAutism_

    OnRain Moderation + Filter suggestion.

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ DATE: 24/10/23 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A chat filter and a bigger moderation team for the OnRain site. I've noticed many people have been posting words or images that contain certain words or language that go against the rules of SRP. It just shocks me that...
  9. _BritishAutism_

    Broke/lost furniture by mistake

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mirror EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Accidently broke it whilst in build mode.
  10. _BritishAutism_

    Who is someone your character looks similar to?

    The art is by a person called @mobrightsonly on Twitter or X idk the name of it anymore I just can't get over how similar my character looks to Fiona from the show Fiona and Cake and the Fiona and Cake specials in Adventure Time! Screenshots of Kumiko art/picrews -...
  11. _BritishAutism_

    Forums Suggestions

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ DATE: 09/07/23 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Suggestion 1 - Allowing edits to comments Suggestion 2 - Allowing us to delete comments on our forums, such as biographies HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Suggestion 1 - Sometimes we may make spelling...
  12. _BritishAutism_

    Adding an edit button to the Guide Forums

    IGN: _BritishAutism_ _BritishAdhd_ DATE: 06/07/23 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Allowing players to make edits to their guides on the SRP forums. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I've noticed that every time I make a guide for SRP, It only allows me to post comments after...
  13. _BritishAutism_

    Chef Guide

    Hi again! It's Aoi here again, back with another guide, but this time instead of a professor guide, I'm going to be giving you a guide on being a chef for our lovely school! [OOC Note - Thank you, everyone, for the helpful and kind comments on my professor guide, it meant a lot, I'm somehow...
  14. _BritishAutism_

    Lost Cane Due To /Gesture

    IGN: _BritishAdhd_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Diamond Cane, I think? EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was holding it in my left hand, decided to do a /gesture and didn't realise that leads to losing items.
  15. _BritishAutism_

    Sir King Of Toots Biography [PUG] WIP

    [Appearance Claim] "I am phat and proud" [Basic Info] Full Name Sir King Of Toots Nicknames Sir Toots Sir Toot Toots Tootie Toot Toot Fart Machine Tootles Age 3 21 In dog years! Birthday 1st August Zodiac Sign Leo Voice Personality...
  16. _BritishAutism_

    Accepted _BritishAdhd_ Chef Application. [EDITTED]

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: _BritishAdhd_ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Derpy#5979 How old are you? (Optional): 19, turning 20 May 5th What is your time zone?: GMT [UK Timezones] Describe your activity on the server: I am...
  17. _BritishAutism_

    _BritishAdhd_ | KPD Application

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): _BritishAdhd_ Discord Name & Tag: Derpy#5979 Previous bans: None Describe your activity on the server: I am usually online every day, after 4:15pm GMT on Thursday and Friday and...
  18. _BritishAutism_

    College Professor Guide

    Hi there! You must be our newest Professor for our school! Well, It's nice to meet you! My name is Tee, Icly I go by Aoi, or Mr Quinn. I decided today I wanted to do a little guide for all of our new Professors! Remember to host at least 10-15 classes to earn your pay check! DO's Ask your...
  19. _BritishAutism_


    Since some of you cannot take a joke, comment a pic of your character for a rating. Don't be toxic please lmao