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  1. suu

    Pink Bicycle lost

    IGN: TanoshiiDays VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Bicycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was driving my bicycle, but my connection kind of went off for at least three hours, and when I came online to the server it disappeared.
  2. suu

    Lost money

    IGN: TanoshiiDays VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Money (188k lost) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I'm pretty sure it happened in the last server rollback. I had 564590 yen in the bank, but then my money went down to 376590. I did my calculations and pretty sure I'm missing 188000 yen.
  3. suu

    Chanel bag lost

    IGN: TanoshiiDays VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Coco Chanel Bag EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: After the last server reset it was a handbag, but then it became into a dragon cane.
  4. suu

    I ate my white ribbon

    IGN: TanoshiiDays Vehicle or Item name: "White ribbon" Evidence: Additional Information: I joined SRP just now and I always take off my ribbon as my character would sleep without it ICly, but turns out that instead of putting it on, it got bugged and I ate my ribbon.
  5. suu

    College Council Application

    GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft username?: TanoshiiDays Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: I've been kicked a couple of times for being AFK, once to fix my age and another to reload my College role, but other than that I haven't been banned/warned before. What is your timezone in GMT...
  6. suu

    My introduction to the community || TanoshiiDays

    Hello you all! So I've been playing on this server for a decent amount of time, and I think it's about time for you all to get to know me a little bit better. Nothing else to say, let's begin shall we? Please do listen to this masterpiece while reading my introduction. This is Ringing Bloom...
  7. suu

    College Role Request

    IGN: xMariih What you need (Role/Rank): College Your current role/Rank (If any): Grade 12 Evidence: //of me having the role //of my app being accepted