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  1. Ruin

    The Long waited RuinOSix application for Black Market.

    IGN: Ruin06 (I also have an account named Vanish06 but I'm applying with Ruin06 account.) Previous bans/warns/kicks: Unfortunately I have 4 Bans on the server, 3 of them were hacking and the other is i do not remember. Describe your activity on the server: At the moment I can not say my...
  2. Ruin

    Denied The Real Ruin06 Lawyer Application (REAL)

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Ruin06 Previous bans (include appeal links): Unfortunately I have 4 Bans on the server, 3 of them were hacking and the other is i do not remember. Discord Tag: Ruin#9580 Do you have a working...
  3. Ruin

    language thingy thing

    am I blind or is theres no Azerbaijani in the language list? Theres Turkish, Turkmen, Uzbek, Kazakh but I cant find Azerbaijani
  4. Ruin

    RUIN06 | KPD Application.

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Ruin06 Discord Name & Tag: Ruin#9580 Previous bans: 4 Bans, 3 of them are hacking but I don't remember the 4th one. All of these bans happened around when I first joined the server. Recently, I have not received any bans. Describe your...
  5. Ruin

    ruino6 | car

    IGN: ruin06 DATE: 21.06.2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: a command that lets you whitelist ppl 4 ur car HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: the command will make things whole lot efficient, when Im tryinna add sm1 to the car for rp n' all that I have to crouch / right click...
  6. Ruin

    William "Yeat" Fuji | Ruin06

    [Name] William Fuji “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” -William"Yeat" Fuji _____________________________________________________________________________ [Basic Information]...
  7. Ruin

    GangRP Suggestion & Removal of a certain 'Rule' | Ruin06

    IGN: Ruin06 DATE: 01 / 06 / 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Removal of the rule "FearRPing the public" HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I already know there will be some "-1"s defending the rule coming from people that dont gangrp in the first place. Lets start with what is...
  8. Ruin

    Ruin06 | AUFFALLEN

    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IGN: I have 2 accounts, the one I'll be applying for shop is Ruincode06 Discord: Ruin06#0967 Describe your activity on the server: I am fairly active and able to log on everyday, my timezone...
  9. Ruin

    Kaname Nakata Biography.

    legit gave up wtf I'll work on this later n' stuff and post it fully later
  10. Ruin

    Ruin's biker/skull mask 2.0

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Skull helmet / Biker helmet EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: this happend to me before, It just gone out of nowhere idfk what happend Ruin06#0967 more ss of me having the mask if needed
  11. Ruin

    Ruin's Glasses + Pocky Stick

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: First item: Chocolate Pocky Stick Second item: ...Raynard glasses or something? I forgot the name EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was testing if jumping under a trap door would be faster than jumping in 2x1 space, well it isnt but anyways, somehow the...
  12. Ruin

    Vehicle glitched

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black Motorbike ''Venom'' EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Today I was just driving the bike named Black Motorbike ''Venom'' and out of sudden I got blue screen on my pc, after waiting a while I re-opened SchoolRP and did /qav callback, it didn't work so...
  13. Ruin

    ruin's biker/skull mask

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Its either Skull mask or Biker mask EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had the mask before and after the college ceremony n' stuff, it just gone out of nowhere idk man Ruin06#0967 for more proof of me having the mask (+ I also have SS of me purchasing it)
  14. Ruin

    Ruin's glitched custom wep

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: ''Cool kid'' Katana EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Its not a toy its a wep | If need more evidence Ruin06#0967
  15. Ruin

    Vehicle glitched

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Maserati EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The car's owner is not me, it's Sankux he just gave it to me so I could try it out. (The vehicle randomly vanished while driving slowly on the road)
  16. Ruin

    Land & Lime Gin turned into a cane

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Land & Lime gin EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: nothing more, it just turned into a cane
  17. Ruin

    Glitched items

    IGN: Ruin06 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: ''No you'' Card | Toy Flamethrower | Land & Lime Gin EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: They all glitched when I tried to drop them, except Land & Lime Gin, I attempted to drink it and then it glitched.
  18. Ruin

    Ruin06's Shop application.

    IGN: Ruin06 Discord: Ruin06#0967 Describe your activity on the server: 10-15 Hours a day. I'm a college student that is 20 years old (ICLY) Previous applications: Denied College app...
  19. Ruin

    College rank

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Ruin06 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): College rank YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): 12 Grade EVIDENCE:
  20. Ruin

    The Good ol' problem that almost everyone had.

    Hey uh... I've been trying to join School RP like.. a month. I always read the posts that have been made by other people like me... Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Heres what I do: Open Version 1.13.2 Join And it says ''the lobby server was not available, so you have been...