menphobic. My alts are listed at the end.
Previous applications:
Six language applications: 3 denied, 3 accepted
School council applications: 1 denied, 2 accepted
Police force: 1 accepted
College student: 1 accepted over discord
College professor: 2 accepted over forum dm
Surgeon: 1...
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section:
What is your Minecraft Username?:
Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?:
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/ban-appeal-♡.4257/ Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/discord-ban-appeal.17325/ Accepted...
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/ban-appeal-♡.4257/ Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/discord-ban-appeal.17325/ Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/forum-ban-appeal-evann-ᕕ-ᐛ-ᕗ.17494/ Accepted
+ two other temp...
I tried to join the schoolrp official discord but the invite link is expired
yes i tried both the link on the website and i did /discord on the server. i am unaware of any other ways to get the link. so don't smite me if there is other ways. >:(
What is your Minecraft username?: soberfroot
How old are you?: 14
What Country are you from?: United States
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): evil hag#9198
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server...
yeah i died because of the crash and glitch and i have screenshots of my stuff and its totally possible for you to get it back to me because people have done it before so my ign is spoopydreams ahahah
IGN: gayroses
Role in School Council: Council Member
Expected activity (out of ten): Weekdays/Weekends - Pretty much any time (but when school starts it'll be way different)
RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 14
Previous Applications: N/A
Motivation for joining: I've been...
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