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  1. pitapet

    Selfie with famous people ..

    Hey King @Jason The Art Kid
  2. pitapet

    Cheer Team | FEEDBACK

    IGN: gtvo (basically 4 suneaterchan) DATE: 11/2/20 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: With the new map coming, I'd like if a designated practice spot for both Cheer Teams could be set up somewhere in the school, we are the only team that doesn't have a designated spot for practice with things...
  3. pitapet

    JBA Cheer Routines | THE ACTIONS

    JBA ROUTINE A look into what the Spartan Cheer team worked on with our actions, along with a video to listen along! It may have not gone exactly to plan, but we had a fun time preparing it! SONG MASHUP: thank you to Aania as well for the thumbnail screenshot done with meneaterchan (myself)...
  4. pitapet

    Item Request

    IGN: meneaterchan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Silver Framed Glasses & Flame Glasses EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: glitched while i was working at sakura daiso!! tried to put them on my head while i had cat ears on and...! they glitched
  5. pitapet

    xagti: Hospital Staff Application

    OOC (Out Of Character) Information ______________ Current In-Game-Name (IGN): xagti What timezone are you in?: EST (Eastern Standard Time) Do you have Discord, if so what is it?: evan#0004 Specify your activity on the server and how long you’ve been associating yourself on Roleplay Hub: I'm...
  6. pitapet

    sagwaaa: HS Council Application

    GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: sagwaaa Any previous warns/kicks/bans?:♡.4257/ Accepted Accepted...
  7. pitapet

    BIOGRAPHY | 'Elora' Umeda

    This format was created by @23r3 & @fobi and I’m very grateful to have been given permission to use it by one of them. Thank you to @han as well for the banners. I’ll be updating this pretty frequently (if I remember to) as Elora herself develops with IC events. Anything that Elora doesn’t...
  8. pitapet

    cozyfolk: Psychiatrist Application

    IGN: cozyfolk (alt to meneaterchan) What timezone are you in?: Eastern Standard Time (EST) Do you have Discord? If you do, list it here: evan#7621 How long have you been on the server for?: I've been playing since late 2016, with taking several breaks in-between this time, but coming back to...
  9. pitapet

    Police app!

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): xagti Previous bans:♡.4257/ Accepted Acceptedᕕ-ᐛ-ᕗ.17494/...
  10. pitapet

    OUTDATED | Health Occupations Students of Japan | ヘルスクラブ

    Health Occupations Students of Japan '偉大さのために努力してください !' Note- this club is directly based from HOSA Our Location Room 02 on the 2nd floor at Karakura High/College Our Mascot Dean H. H. Umeda II the Gecko! Our Mission and Purpose The mission of HOSJ is to empower HOSJ-Future Health...
  11. pitapet

    my toile t paper

    IGN: meneaterchan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toilet Paper EVIDENCE: yeah i clicke dit and it went bye bye ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: no . . .
  12. pitapet

    Update on a format!!

    IGN: loveagain DATE: 5/10/20 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: For applications that are for diseases and disorders, have another question that would be something like 'What do you know about what you requested?' Basically being a section to make sure that people actually know about the...
  13. pitapet

    Bugs in the server!! (not the insect.. glitches)

    IGN: loveagain DATE: 5/6/20 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Doors are mega glitching!! In the hospital, with doors that I have perms to, they either won't open or will open but not let us out. Also- when you do /sit, you can't get up and you have to /warp spawn to get out. this is lena...
  14. pitapet

    Karakura City/Town Hall

    IGN: loveagain / lilythefrog DATE: April 23rd, 2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I know that it's very possible that we may not have enough interested people on the server for an entire full city hall, but I believe if we only have necessary departments, like city management along with...
  15. pitapet

    request for a role wow

    IGN: menphobic WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [F+][19][College][Basketball-Team] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F+][19][College] EVIDENCE: my nickname is way too long to fit my ign so . . .. but i swear its my discord
  16. pitapet

    another role request wow

    IGN: iamdojacat WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [F+][18][Grade-12] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F+][17][Grade-12][Swim-Team] EVIDENCE: i quit swim team
  17. pitapet

    role request WOOO

    IGN: menphobic WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [F+][19][College] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F+][18][Grade-12] EVIDENCE:
  18. pitapet


    IGN: loveagain DATE: 4/17/20 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: In the future when we have more surprise ghost events that kill like 10 people and injure a bunch, it would be more helpful for both KPD and EMS if they could be done earlier in the day when more of us are awake. It was a little...
  19. pitapet

    Accepted Evan's Librarian Application!

    ♥ Librarian Application ♥ [OOC section] In-Game Name: lilythefrog School Employee Role you are Applying For: School Librarian How often do you log onto the server?: Usually, 3-4 hours in total, distributed between my hospital and swim accounts. Do you have discord? Yes, evan#7837 Do you have...
  20. pitapet

    The Forest . .. . .... . .

    IGN: loveagain DATE: 4/7/20 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The forest still has a bunch of stuff from that one school camping event......... please remove it all.