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  1. CarnageRP

    Sasuke Yuu Mimisuka Character Biography

    LISTEN TO THIS WHILE READING: Quote(s): “The Outside of y-you're head doesn't matter, what truly m-matters is the inside of your h-head.” "T-The longer you l-live... T-The more you realise that reality I-Is just made of p-pain and suffering and emptiness." [ INSERT CHARACTER NAME ] Sasuke Yuu...
  2. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP3 Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): CarnageRP3 Previous bans: Not on CarnageRP3 however I have had one ban before on my main. (CarnageRP) Describe your activity on the server: I am extremely active within SRP as I'm apart of the College Football team on my main...
  3. CarnageRP

    YouTuber/Streamer Advert Within SRP

    IGN: CarnageRP DATE: 07/11/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I feel like the people with the Youtuber or the Streamer Role should be able to have there own small advert they can post in SRP to promote there video or stream, Yes there is #Media within the Roleplay Hub discord however...
  4. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP Inventory Request #2

    IGN: CarnageRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: All Items lost within Screenshot below; I have also lost my Car due to this event that took place while JockRPing with Tippie and Escuseme inside school. EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you are stuck with any of the items within said screenshot I can...
  5. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP Inventory request

    IGN: CarnageRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: All items within the screenshot below EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you are stuck with any of the items within said screenshot I can try and get the name of it for you, The items were lost from a Fight me Tippie and Escuseme had at school beside the...
  6. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP2 Role request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): CarnageRP2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Adult age 45. (also requesting to put the age up from 42 up to 45.) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): College Professor age 42. EVIDENCE:
  7. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP2 Col-Professor Role

    IGN (Minecraft Username): CarnageRP2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) College Professor, Age 42 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Adult, Age 42 EVIDENCE:
  8. CarnageRP

    [ACCEPTED] CarnageRP2 Professor Application #1

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: CarnageRP2 How old are you?: 18 years old, Turning 19 soon. Do you have any previous bans?: Yes I do however I dislike speaking about it. What Country are you from?: I am from Scotland. Do you have Discord (if so, what is...
  9. CarnageRP

    GangRP Suggestion.

    IGN: CarnageRP DATE: 16/08/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I feel like this suggestion will get blown into the trash can however, I wish to put this into people minds. I feel like people who wish to Gangrp within SRP should apply to be able to Gangrp, With this it could bring Gangrp a...
  10. CarnageRP

    Damien Hashirama | ダミアン

    Thank you to @._shadow_. for letting me use her format. 「 Damien Hashirama」 LISTEN TO THIS WHILE YOU READ ♧⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞♧ Age: 29 Years old Date of Birth: 23rd of October, 1992 Gender: Male Nationality: Scottish ♧⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞♧ Physical Description: The male standing in front of you...
  11. CarnageRP

    AMP Sniper Nerf

    IGN: CarnageRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: AMP Nerf Sniper EVIDENCE: I went to take it off the Auction so i can hand the Sniper over to Vex but i waited for it to return to my inventory but it didn't show up,
  12. CarnageRP

    USERName Change

    Hey @Im6 Would you be able to change my username from 'Zach Henderson' To CarnageRP As i created this thinking it was for ICLY characters, wasn't able to get it changed, Hopefully it can be changed.
  13. CarnageRP

    Lost Katana From Apartment

    IGN: CarnageRP2 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Katana EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I know this isn't a video however this is all the Evidence i have of the Katana, Hopefully this is alright to.
  14. CarnageRP

    Name Change.

    Okay so, Who would I need to DM for my account name to be changed from "Zach Henderson" (My old character name) to CarnageRP I honestly have no idea why I named it "Zach Henderson" But I wish to change the name to CarnageRP, If you know who I should message please let me know below. Thank you.
  15. CarnageRP

    Michael "Whyos" Character Biography

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LISTEN TO THIS WHILE READING! -------------------------------------------------------------------The Story Of [Michael "Whyos"] (WARNING! DEPRESSING AND EDGY BELOW) Basic Information...
  16. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP Rich Kid Rank

    IGN (Minecraft Username): CarnageRP2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Rich Kid YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F+][College] EVIDENCE: (You can also DM StrafeAway as he got me the rank too)
  17. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP2 College Role Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): CarnageRP2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) College Role and age 19 (Used to be in college too.) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F+] Grade-12 [18] EVIDENCE: (Updated!)
  18. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP Police Application #2

    IGN (In-Game Name): CarnageRP. Previous bans: (First and last ban.) Describe your activity on the server: I am extremely active within the server as i am on at least 4-6 hours a days roleplaying with some of my friends and...
  19. CarnageRP

    CarnageRP2 Youtuber Rank.

    IGN (Minecraft Username): CarnageRp to CarnageRP2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Youtuber Rank [Y] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F+] [Grade-12] EVIDENCE: (Hopefully the Image shows If not DM me @CarnageRP#6666, And i'll provide the evidence for the Ranking.)
  20. CarnageRP

    Random Thing to ask.

    Is there a way i can change my username on this website from 'Zach Henderson' (No idea why it's that) to 'CarnageRP'?