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  1. AppaRp

    Allow Secondary Characters With Roles

    +1. There should only be two faction roles per account and you should only allow to be in 3 Factions. Like i am a Professor and Basketball Captain. Say i moved professor to my alt and had basketball and say i applied for kpd on AppaRP. So KPD and Basketball Cap on apparp and Professor on flash...
  2. AppaRp

    Faculty not automatic p2k at first sighting.

    -1 Our jobs are hard enough while yes it isn’t fully realistic but you also have to remember for teachers every student besides college ones are on there rosters and for professors all college students are on our rosters so yeah
  3. AppaRp

    Im returning to srp.

    Well i don’t remember you but welcome back
  4. AppaRp

    Whats a throwback memory to everyone who was around back in the Kaku-Kai vs Bonten era of SRP

    I think mine was when i watched the gang war next to powerplant sitting on the fence as a professor
  5. AppaRp

    hi im rios

    Hey brother
  6. AppaRp

    Most Memorable SRP Character?

    hmmmmm any heddo any saiky any akihito any heringtons
  7. AppaRp

    Crazy people talk

    everyone on srp is crazy and thats just a fact.
  8. AppaRp


    Honestly id do other types of rp like jockrp or joining a faction or something else before doing gangrp.
  9. AppaRp

    2024 Valentines' Dance: Royalty Vote

    dang really only eleven?
  10. AppaRp

    2024 Valentines' Dance: Best Dressed Poll

    id say blaire but i ain't voting
  11. AppaRp

    Uemara Co.

  12. AppaRp

    What is your latest ICLY drama?!

    welp ig since everyone else is doing it. [Professor][QP]Damian Kaizen: Is worried about proposing to his girlfriend as he does not know how it is going to go down, Is worried about his daughter Riona Kaizen because she is becoming closed off and is carrying a lot of anger that he doesn't know...
  13. AppaRp

    What is your latest ICLY drama?!

    to much to even say
  14. AppaRp

    Thinking about learning how to make SRP skins

    Thanks ill also be trying that thank you for the advice.
  15. AppaRp

    'Ok' Family invite! :3

    i like how you set it up.
  16. AppaRp


    He will pull through its Ernesto
  17. AppaRp

    Luvnlife/Lost Kaizen Bike

    IGN:luvnlife How did you lose it: So ig i forgot to /qav callback before logging off last night and when the server went down it cleared my bike.
  18. AppaRp

    Make college great again...

    -1. Im a professor and this isnt even the first time i was a professor. In my opinion i always hated the fact college classes were mandatory as thats not how college classes work in the real world. In college kids don't even have to stay on school grounds as they only have certain class they go...
  19. AppaRp


    I think the best advice is to not get to worried about your reputation like obviously you dont want to be known as a bad person but aslong as your not going around doing things that are really bad your ooc rep will be fine. I also think its good to note that reputation can change sometimes...
  20. AppaRp

    Kaizen Bike luvnlife

    IGN: Luvnlife VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kaizen Ninja 1000cc EVIDENCE: i have sent proof of the tax pay to yonios dms as it wont let me attach the ss ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: