My Professor char is 7’5 but it has nothing to do with wanting to seem scarier. It was logical as both his IC Parents are 7’5 and genetics can be passed down through generations
In my opinion gangrp isnt dieing its shifting. The gangs now are more focused on lore. I would like to see a gang that focuses on making money cause right now just seeing activity of fights is old. I wanna see more gangrp events like the ones where club lux got robbed. Also sapout alot of the...
Damian Kaizen: How do i make my daughters not be so distant.
Valentino Heddo: How do i join the Karakura Highschool Swim Team
Jax Silent: How do i sleep more
Andre Othonos: Why do i feel empty
IGN: Luvnlife
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: hamburgers backpack, Drakos Ballistic, Shattered View Ballistic, yui tsu pin, eraser, the horned hat i dont know the name. From the second and third chest we would just like the cosmetics back and the custom balli.
I have been gangrping since 2020 and i just recently quit. I did not quit cause of a character i have multiple characters in life with either life sentences no bail. Or 2.5 mil bail like Jake Hatake. I quit cause im tired of it like they have said you do the crime you do the time. Its a choice...
What is your Minecraft username?:
Luvnlife, Luvndeath,Thanatosrp Luvnlife would be the professor's account.
What is your time zone?:
My time zone is Mountain Standard Time
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
My discord ign is @Luvnlife
Link all previous...
I completely agree. From what i know there has only been two yakuza’s that actually acted like yakuzas. Akihito and Ketsueki. I also agree alot of the new gangs are perm hungry and Don’t focus enough on lore and actual rp. I believe a good gang should be active within the community work with the...
We need a gang thats a brotherhood. One that has a code of honor and doesnt hold grudges we need one that does whats right and focus on making money instead of fighting.
IGN: Luvnlife
Yonio — 06/04/2023 5:48 PM
Custom Vehicle
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have Provided the text from yonio in which he told me about my car and the car in the pictures is right next to the phone and you can also see me custom...
The akihito clan was an yakuza gang. Run by Mike akihito a blood akihito and at the time mayor. The akihito family is just a family mostly comprised of staff who are leaders of factions. Most of them are blood but some like muffin or byeol akihito married into the family. The family usually does...
Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
My main account is...
My first ever character was Jax Silent/Shibusawa. I do not play as him right now but i am going to be getting a new base for him and coming back as him in the future.
Im a gangrper who flys at light speed in sewers and i did hear that kpd have one week or so to max out both speed and swim speed idk if this was real or changed but i do agree with this. +1
+1 I agree alot of people do meta game the cops tab. I do stuff whenever i feel like doing it and most the time i walk around ready to fight whenever. I usually try to do my perms fast one to avoid cops but also to avoid the target calling friends and backup. As i have noticed is that’s when...
IGN: Tgllgamer
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It got glitched when i was arrested if you want i can give you the discord of the cop who arrested me. If you need more info my discord is Tgllgamer#8784
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft Username?:
My IGN is Twig_smith19
Do you have any previous bans?:
I do have one previous ban on my main tgllgamer.
I was banned for ERP for 7 day’s.
What is your timezone?:
What is your discord username and discriminator (e.g...
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
My IGN is tgllgamer
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do have discord! It is tgllgamer#8784
Do you have a microphone?:
Yes and I am willing to join calls if need be.
How old are you...
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