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  1. layzah

    Accepted Cane "Crow's Eye" Copy Request

    Username: layzah What is your Minecraft username? layzah Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-63818124a17670-c49736 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Cane "Crow's Eye" What type of item are you requesting...
  2. layzah

    GangRP/CriminalRP ideas

    Hey, its me, that guy, him Now, people are going to probably read the title and go "uh oh, here we go again," cause a lot of the suggestions that have been posted about gangrp have been some.. goofy some alright, but obviously that's not the point of this post. The point of this post is to get...
  3. layzah

    Create a plugin to track dents on a baseball bat

    What's your Minecraft Username?: layzah What's the title of your suggestion?: Create a plugin to track dents on a baseball bat What's your suggestion?: Basically, the suggestion will be exactly what the title states; Creating a plugin for the baseball bat to have a dent count when used in...
  4. layzah

    Kaiyo Cheréau's Biography | layzah

    ALL INFORMATION LISTED IN THIS BIOGRAPHY CANNOT BE TAKEN ICly. Credits to Guttedvalentine for the inspo and formatting. THANK YOU FOR READING!! (the first backstory ss literally made me have to compress it like 5 times im MAD)
  5. layzah

    KPD APPLICATION | layzah

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): layzah Discord Name & Tag: layzah Which timezone are you in?: CST List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: IC:
  6. layzah

    Goodbye SRP

    Hey, hi, whats up, hows it going. Sadly, I'm leaving SRP. It was good while it lasted, but I don't find much enjoyment as I used to while playing this server. Perhaps I'll come back one day, but it's very unlikely. Also, if anyone doesn't know who I am, I'm that one guy who metagamed the ami...
  7. layzah


    IGN: NoQuotes DATE: 2/20/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a plugin for the duffle-bag so you can open and place items inside. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This addition would be useful for the players in SchoolRP for one reason: Storing items that are in their...
  8. layzah

    BMD APPLICATION | atcherry

    NOQUOTES BLACK MARKET APPLICATION ~ Any changes to this application will be said in the question, "Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer." As well as any notes I need to place. IGN: atcherry Previous...
  9. layzah


    How can I make skins like tailors do? It seems really interesting and I want to try it out. However, i do not know how to. Does anyone have advice?
  10. layzah

    Best year of playing schoolrp

    What do you guys think was the best year of playing schoolrp? In my opinion, it was 2020.
  11. layzah


    IGN (Minecraft Username): UNORIGINALMINDS WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: Grade-10. The reason why I want this role is because the system gave me grade-9 when I already had it. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade-9 EVIDENCE:
  12. layzah

    Strange hole in the wall?

    USERNAME: 16Percs APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1565.844 / 27.50000 / 511.300 ISSUE: There is a hole in the wall in the apartment complex that I believe does not belong there. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  13. layzah

    FEEDBACK | Spray cans

    IGN: 16Percs DATE: 10/20/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make the spray can remain in your inventory after using it, along with an "empty" tag on the item card. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would benefit the server in making that aspect of the item realistic and...
  14. layzah

    KPD APPLICATION | luvnruntz

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): luvnruntz Discord Name & Tag: Jay!#5959 Previous bans: I have, in total, two bans in my history of playing SchoolRP. I will also list them below, with a brief message explaining...
  15. layzah

    FEEDBACK | Ghost Whitelist.

    IGN: 16Percs DATE: 10/11/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a ghost whitelist application. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This wouldn’t benefit the server and community drastically; however, it would encourage people to apply for this position. Why? You may ask. It...
  16. layzah

    Best Gang In SRP | Chatting :D

    What do you guys think the best gang was in SRP? Personally I think it was Toman / Kanto.
  17. layzah


    IGN: 16Percs [MAIN] UNORIGINALMINDS [ALT] Previous bans/warns/kicks: [BANS] - This was used in one of my previous applications, the KPD one. I am just using it again as it explains everything. 2019 or 2020 | Fly hacking ; Flaros This ban was 100% valid, and I admit to doing this action. Back...
  18. layzah

    FEEDBACK | Attributes

    IGN: OriginalMinds DATE: 8/13/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Making it so you can get the attributes that are on your main account, onto your alt as well. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Everyone knows the struggles of leveling up attributes in SchoolRP and how much...
  19. layzah

    POLICE APPLICATION #3 | OriginalMinds

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): OriginalMinds Discord Name & Tag: Jay!#5959 Previous bans: 2019 or 2020 | Fly hacking ; Flaros This ban was 100% valid, and I admit to doing this action. Back then, I was a...
  20. layzah


    IGN: OriginalMinds DATE: 3/8/22; March 8th, of 2022. WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So this is a slight recommendation for the school rules; specifically the one where you have to be in school grounds while school is in session. I didn't really get the concept of that, and I think you...