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  1. funerals_

    chakoe's College Professor Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Depending on the outcome of this application, I will be using my main account, chakoe. How old are you?: I am fifteen years old. I turn sixteen early January. Do you have any previous bans?: I have one previous ban. Back in 2018...
  2. funerals_

    ggggh's College Council Application

    GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft username?: ggggh Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: I have only experienced one ban on the server. When I was new to the server (estimately two years ago), I reached the warn limit of five warns. Due to this, I received a temporary ban for thirty days...
  3. funerals_

    ggggh's Journalist Application

    OOC Section IGN: ggggh Previous bans: When I was new to the server (2018), I was temporarily banned for reaching the warn limit of 5. Since then, I have not been banned. Describe your activity on the server: I am extremely active on the server. Considering my country's current state with...
  4. funerals_


    IGN: ggghh DATE: November 22, 2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: This is a very simple suggestion, so I'll be keeping it short. As all players know - when you punch another player, the following text appears: I'm unsure if it's possible, but I think it'd be beneficial for chat flood to...
  5. funerals_

    ggghh's Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): ggghh (Also known as chase/steph) Previous bans: I have one previous ban. While I was new to the server, I reached a warn limit of five, and a temporary ban of thirty days followed. Describe your activity on the server: I am online quite...
  6. funerals_

    carnificial's Rank Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): carnificial WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Fundraiser YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): N/A EVIDENCE:
  7. funerals_

    Chidori Shimizu | ちどり しみず

    P.S. Format inspired by multiple biographies - the main being Pokizu's with his permission. FULL NAME Chidori Han Shimizu NICKNAMES Chi, Shitzu, Dori-Dori AGE 20 GENDER Female YEAR College MEASUREMENTS Height - 165cm (5'5") Weight - 124lbs BMI - 18.9 DATE OF BIRTH June 7, 2000 PLACE OF...
  8. funerals_

    F+ to R.K | stefhanie

    IGN (Minecraft Username): stefhanie WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Rich Kid YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Fundraiser+ EVIDENCE: (For further info, please DM RapidRP#2041! They were the one who upgraded it for me, and that was the receipt since it didn't go through.)
  9. funerals_

    stephqx's Surgeon Application

    IGN: stephqx What timezone are you in?: MST (BST-8) Do you have Discord? If you do, list it here: Yes, steph#2041. How long have you been on the server for?: I joined SchoolRP around late 2018. Do you have any previous bans or kicks?: I have one previous ban, back in late 2018. Due to...
  10. funerals_

    Role & Rank Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): stephy2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [F+][17][Grade-12] (Default role with slight modifications, if that's alright. I'd like to stay 17 permanently.) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F+][20][College][Basketball-Team] EVIDENCE:
  11. funerals_

    Role & Rank Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): highkeyhigh WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [F.K][Adult][27] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [F.K][Hospital-Staff][29] EVIDENCE:
  12. funerals_

    zerosmom's Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): stephqx (I've been more active on my alternative account, stephy2) Previous bans: I have one previous ban. While I was new to the server, I reached a warn limit of five, and a temporary ban of thirty days followed. Describe your activity on...
  13. funerals_

    zerosmom's Doctor Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section: What is your Minecraft Username?: My Minecraft Username is zerosmom. How old are you?: I am currently 14 years of age, I will be turning 15 in January. Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?: I have one pervious ban from about one or two years ago, I was new...
  14. funerals_

    02PM's Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In Game Name): 02PM Previous bans: I have had a temporary ban once. When I was a new player, I reached the warn limit of five; a 30 day ban following. Ever since, I have never been banned. Describe your activity on the server: On weekdays, I am active...
  15. funerals_

    Accepted 02PM's Head Nurse Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: 02PM School Employee Role you are Applying For: Head Nurse How often do you log onto the server?: Considering I am currently on summer break, I will most likely be on every day. I usually wake up around 7am-10am, and get on about an hour after. I may take...
  16. funerals_

    Sara Asahi Takashi - Biography

    Sara Asahi Takashi サラアサヒタカシ First Name Sara Surname Takashi Gender Female Age 25 Height 5'5" Weight 145 pounds. Build A small, athletic hourglass figure. Skin Color Fair, also known as pale. Eye Color Olive green. Hair Style Most of the time, she has thin bangs covering her...
  17. funerals_

    Denied 02PM's Receptionist Application

    OOC Section In Game Name: 02PM (Previously 08PM) School Employee Role you are Applying For: Receptionist How often do you log onto the server?: I log onto the server every day after school around 4pm, and play until 2am. I usually pull all nighters on this server Friday nights. Do you have...
  18. funerals_

    Accepted 08PM's History Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: 08PM How old are you?: 14 Do you have any previous bans?: Yes. Awhile ago when I was new to the server (around the beginning of last year, I believe) I was temporary banned for having 5 warnings. Since then, I have not been...