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  1. Customable

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Struggles of The School Authority

    As a former councillor and council president, I look at our current council’s and faculty's struggles... and I do not understand them at all; I was ruthless, but regardless, that is not to say that the authorities of the school have not been put between a rock and a hard place as of recent...
  2. Customable

    Full Size Kindness and Hatred Folklore Renders and Images

    Mi-Cha and Hwan's Final Moments Two Sides of the Same Coin Render The Tree by the top of the mountains the siblings were headed for Mi-cha alone, stood by the lake where her body was found...
  3. Customable

    Official FOLKLORE | Kindness and Hatred

    Written by @Customable Existence 1. Opposites 2. Falling 3. Rejection Weakness 1. Alone? 2. Alone... 3. Different Those who embrace their existence and devote their souls to their well-being and the well-being of others are often praised by their community, not only striving to support their...
  4. Customable

    Twig is Lazy

    Meet Twig, Mee-young and the Jaibatsume children's faithful childhood pet, Read more about my fabled child here!
  5. Customable

    Bi-Weekly Jaibatsume Children Shitposting

    Beatrice got a little too competitive. Ena got lost.
  6. Customable

    SRP | Celestial & CO: Tailoring & More

    Celestial & CO: Tailoring Celestial And Co, Harecuts and Celestial Tailoring merged under one shelter, a mass provider of custom-tailored outfits and all of Jaibatsume Inc's accessories. Celestial tailoring aims to provide quality items for little cost, allowing you to display your personality...
  7. Customable

    Rendered Scene Commissions

    I've been doing a shit tone of these renders lately of positioned character models render in lighting in blender, so I thought why not try to give the community a chance to get one. You can DM me at Customable#1590 to request your own for 70,000 in-game, 10,000 per additional character, You can...
  8. Customable

    Think i went a bit mad with the lighting

    Anyway, that was all, goodnight, lol.
  9. Customable

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Architectural Importance in Education

    Directory [click] Relationship between education and architecture. - A short history of school design. - How design can affect workflow. - Thoughts on current school structure. Relationship between education and architecture. Architectural importance has been a primary driving point in...
  10. Customable

    Modelling Streams/Lessons

    DIRECTORY Introduction Coverage Schedule Software How to Join 1 ━ Introduction Hello, SchoolRP community, today I will be introducing and starting something that has been anticipated by a lot for quite a while now, Modelling Lessons! I will be starting streams twice a week in...
  11. Customable

    Jaibatsume Children » Mee-young Jaibatsume

    CHAPTERS Character History Skills Features • General Information Relationships and Family Lore 1. Pre-Karakura Arc • Birth and Beginning • Trials And Trauma • Different By Far • Kilikimoto Incident • The 'Three' For All • Ending The Cycle • Starting New 2. Karakura Arc • The Games Begin •...
  12. Customable

    Format Club Committee | Format, Roster and Information

    Welcome to the Club's Committee Passionate about certain topics or interests? think you have what it takes to engage a wider community of players with your ideas? Clubs might be the faction for you; Run your club with iron will and resolve and show Karakura High the bigger picture of your...
  13. Customable

    Speak about something cool

    looɔ ϱniʜɈɘmoƨ Ɉυodɒ ʞɒɘqƧ
  14. Customable


    SERIOUSLY, SOME ONE EXPLAIN TO ME, i dont want to google it.
  15. Customable

    3D Modelling | Positioning

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Introduction: Welcome to the follow up on the 3D modelling guides, today's lesson is brought to you by Customable. If you have not already seen GemiLightning's original tutorial on model creation, please run over that first as this tutorial will not cover the...
  16. Customable

    Chat Autocolour

    IGN: Customable DATE: 06/02/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I noticed this was marked as an incoming feature in the nether star menu earlier before being removed, add a command that lets us set a colour that replaces the default yellow of our actions. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE...
  17. Customable

    Parkour, maybe?

    IGN: Customable DATE: 24/01/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Parkour for the Acrobatics stat HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Ok, so like, funny suggestion right, what if the acrobatics stat increase your ability to parkour, with each maybe 20 - 25% of acrobatics you gain a...
  18. Customable

    Mee Jaibatsume Mawji | 3rd times a charm.

    [ 3D View of character model concept ] Names: Mee Jaibatsume Mawji Aliases: Madeline Celestial 'Cinnamon' Clover Kimiko Kanna Information: Age | 18 ━━ Race | Caucasian / Korean ━━ Gender | Female ━━ Eye colour | Grey tinted blue ━━ Hair description | She has long silky blue hair, accented by...
  19. Customable

    Shop editmode

    IGN: Customable DATE: 30/12/21 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Add Shops to the edit mode list Yeah, im really tired and this is a random though I just had so feel free to leave your opinions. Why not add shops to an editable region for their owners in the up and coming apartment system...
  20. Customable

    Wooden Ninjato 2 electric boogaloo

    IGN: Customable VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Wooden Ninjato "Plum Blossom" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: the item it actually is meant to be is right above it too, i have 2 copies