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  1. ZaciZach

    Toy Cat Honk got yoinked by am

    I tried to hug someone doing /am but I forgot about the toy cat and it got yoinked by the void, oops my ign is zacizach, ss is below, thankyou <3
  2. ZaciZach

    ♦Tatsumi Tojo♦ | BIOGRAPHY

  3. ZaciZach

    Glitched Furniture

    While I was editing my apartment two days ago, I forgot about my coffee maker which at that point, was visually glitching in a way where it just doesn't appear. I had removed a couple of blocks from the area before I realized my mistake. I waited for a day more to see if maybe I didn't...
  4. ZaciZach

    Glitched Item.. again

    Hey again, its me, I accidentally right clicked onto the school planner while i have my school bag "wise" on my offhand, making it glitch out of existence my ign is zacizach i should have mentioned that the previous times thank you in advance!
  5. ZaciZach

    Glitched piano furniture out of existence

    I was messing around a little, trying to see where I can put the piano keyboard in my apartment when I accidentally right clicked on the block where a sign is already taking space in. The furniture immediately disappeared, ;w;
  6. ZaciZach

    Glitched item out of existence

    So I accidentally glitched the item, Catholic Rosarie, out of existence by clicking on the school planner while having it in my off hand I have the ss below as evidence! thank you
  7. ZaciZach

    Item Glitched

    Now the funny part is that I.. forgot the name of the item (which is like, a sketchbook), and I didn't properly ss'd it to have the name. I accidentally glitched the item into nonexistence when I right clicked the school planner while holding the sketchbook in my off hand I do have an ss of...
  8. ZaciZach

    Lost Electric Guitar "Destroyer" via Glitch

    Yesterday evening (around 11pm-12am gmt+8) my character was given an Electric Guitar "Destroyer" icly and the person that gave it suggested to have it carry on my back or get home first to drop it off before heading to school. Icly my character decided to just carry it around. So the entire time...
  9. ZaciZach

    ♠ Hiiro Shimamura ♠ | BIOGRAPHY

    "Are you a friend... Or a foe?" You know the rules. Do not take any of the information here ICLY. This is made as a documentation of Hiiro's journey as well as for fun. Do be warned there is a lot of yapping. Don't think too hard about it. If you do ever see him in the server, don't be...
  10. ZaciZach

    Denied zacizach | Counselor Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: zacizach Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): zacizach How old are you? (Optional): 19 What is your time zone?: GMT+8 Describe your activity on the server: Ever since coming back from my hiatus, I would...
  11. ZaciZach


    The concept of time is quite funny. One day, we were all kids still learning how to walk or talk. Where the afternoons are full of fun times and toys and colorful and everything feels so big. But you blink, and suddenly you’re in your new ironed out uniform and standing right in front of your...
  12. ZaciZach

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Scrap Report: Facts With Zac

    [A video starts, showing Zacharie T. Edgeworth in what looks like her own home, sitting on the bed wearing her usual clothing.] Hey there! This is Zacharie, your fellow journalists and today I am starting a thing called Facts with Zac! No this isn’t going to be some article talking about random...
  13. ZaciZach

    item stuck in car moment

    IGN: zacizach VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toy Chicken EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: tried to get in my friend's car but somehow got the toy chicken stuck there. the other ss is of my inventory with the toy chicken inside
  14. ZaciZach

    lost items - edit mode moment

    IGN: zacizach VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Tem Pumpkin Void Sword White Smartphone Toy Chicken Rose Ring Acoustic Guitar Meteor Pebble Necklace EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Server reset while I was in edit mode. Forgot to get out of it
  15. ZaciZach

    Lost stuff

    IGN: zacizach VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: White Smartphone Acoustic Guitar Tem Pumpkin Void Sword Rose Ring Neentendo Switch Toy Chicken EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: accidentally left my inventory in a chest and broke said chest in edit mode
  16. ZaciZach

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Remnants Of A Disbanded Club

    [The recorded video would start, the face of Zacharie T. Edgeworth appeared. It seemed as if she was holding the camera up in front of her, pointing towards her. The background shows lots of trees moving about, showing that she’s walking through a forest.] Good morning, my name is Zacharie T...
  17. ZaciZach

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Why Teach In Karakura?

    Zacharie T. Edgeworth Those who lived in Karakura for even a year would know how dangerous it can be due to the high crime rate from dangerous groups that are capable of causing harm to anyone. Not to mention scammers that prey on those unfamiliar with the streets, and innocent people...
  18. ZaciZach

    Lost Items darnyoueditmode

    IGN: zacizach VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Hello Kitty Toy Glock Toy Sword "Void Sword" Neentendo Switch Tem Pumpkin Toy Chicken (renamed "Eggward") EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost the items through guest editmode when I forgot to quit it when going afk. These screenshots are old (taken last...
  19. ZaciZach

    Age and Grade Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): zacizach WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [17][Grade-11] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [16][Grade-10] EVIDENCE:
  20. ZaciZach

    item glitch!

    IGN: zacizach VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Happy Squid Plushie EVIDENCE: (the lil squid plush at the bottom middle) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Only realized it got lost after the waterpool event