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  1. Nijvzz


  2. Nijvzz

    staff command

    IGN: Aluxos DATE: 30 March 2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make a /staff command so people can see what staff members are online. This will help a lot and keep /ooc clean from people asking 'Staff check /help' & 'Any staff online?'
  3. Nijvzz


  4. Nijvzz

    Charlotte Augustin | School Council application

    GENERAL INFORMATION | What is your Minecraft username?: n1u Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: Back in 2018 for glitching items when I was a new player. I got warned in 2020 for sprinting while being shot in my leg in a gangrp situation, but I learned from it. That was the last warning I got on...
  5. Nijvzz

    Golden BMW - Glitched

    IGN: Aluxos VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Vehicle - Golden BMW EVIDENCE: Clip of me glitching it accidentally: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I meant to scroll to the food in my hotbar... If you need more proof, I have other proof so DM me if this isn't enough...
  6. Nijvzz

    "Steve the Driller" Biography

    "Steve the Driller” Basic Information First Name: Steven Surname: de Jong Preferred Name: Steve Nicknames: Steve the Driller The Driller Driller from Steath Gender: Male Age: 15 15y 2m 18d Height: 5'11 180.34 centimeters Weight: 147 lbs 66.6780784 kilograms Build: Atletic build...
  7. Nijvzz

    Accepted womenloveAlux' Technician Application

    Out-Of-Character Information In Game Name: womenloveAlux Do you have discord? Yes I do: Alux#7777 Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: Yes, I've been banned once for glitching items in 2018. I was a new player and didn't read the rules. I started glitching items, not knowing...
  8. Nijvzz

    R.K role request Nijvz

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Nijvz WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) R.K YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): F+ EVIDENCE: I bought a rankupgrade, F+ to R.K
  9. Nijvzz

    New char's grade-8 request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Nijvz WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade-8 (14 years old) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Funderaiser+, grade-12, 18 years old EVIDENCE:
  10. Nijvzz

    Denied School librarian application - Dante 'von Liechtenstein'

    [OOC section] In-Game Name: Nijvz School Employee Role you are Applying For: School Librarian How often do you log onto the server?: I log onto the server every day after I wake up, most of the time I play around 5 to 10 hours a day. There are some days where I need to work after I'm done...
  11. Nijvzz

    Glitched Ouija Board (Nijvz)

    IGN: Nijvz VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Ouija Board EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It glitched into a backpack, I gave it to staff because I want the Ouija Board. (The backpack is a glitched item)