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  1. mactatti


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  2. mactatti

    Character Innovatory

    What's your Minecraft Username?: silky_angie What's the title of your suggestion?: Character Innovatory What's your suggestion?: Okay so i’ma say this now, I’m fed Up with having to change out my innovatory constantly to change/swap characters slots, so I propose a new system to limit that...
  3. mactatti

    silky_angie’s Builders Profile.

    IGN (Minecraft Username): silky_angie Timezone: | EST | Eastern Standard Time What's your activity and availability like for SRP?: What my activity and or my availability is for SRP is that I would consider myself as an active member in the community. As I’m always on SRP when I’m bored...
  4. mactatti

    Exams Solutions

    What's your Minecraft Username?: silhouette_once What's the title of your suggestion?: Exams Solutions What's your suggestion?: Overview As we all know exams have been been delayed, postponned, cancelled and most importantly LAGGY! As we know that it can get a bit frustrating as we all lag...
  5. mactatti

    Bulletin Board Pings

    What's your Minecraft Username?: silhouette_once What's the title of your suggestion?: Bulletin Board Pings What's your suggestion?: For this suggestion all I ask for you guys to do within the discord of the academics is make HS/College pings for people who want to see they’re grades for all...
  6. mactatti

    Teacher/Professor Classroom Mailbox

    What's your Minecraft Username?: silhouette_once What's the title of your suggestion?: Teacher/Professor Classroom Mailbox What's your suggestion?: So I’d like to suggest making a change to the teaching factions to make it so teachers/prof’s have more interaction with students and or to make...
  7. mactatti

    Block Glotch

    USERNAME: silhouette_once APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1614-62-663 ISSUE: Block glitch ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: n/a
  8. mactatti

    Accepted Silhouette_once | Psychology & Counseling, Professor Application. | Department Switch Counselor —> Professor |

    What is your Minecraft username?: Silhouette_once What is your time zone?: EST What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) possiblyangie Link all previous applications you made on the server: Describe your activity on SchoolRP: My activity on SRP is quite active as every day after...
  9. mactatti

    SRP RP Series/Movie

    What's your Minecraft Username?: silhouette_once What's the title of your suggestion?: SRP RP Series/Movie What's your suggestion?: Okay I’m just gonna say this now. MOVIE/TV SERIES As I do know there are multiple channels of people that have made SRP content such as SRP itself promoting new...
  10. mactatti

    Missing Vehicle

    IGN: silhouette_once VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toyota Prius EVIDENCE: proof of that I had the item. proof that I bought it NOTES: When I was driving I hopped out my car and than I went into a building and came back out and it disappeared (I was in for not Evan a minute) This is the most I could...
  11. mactatti

    Forums Setting

    What's your Minecraft Username?: mactatti What's the title of your suggestion?: Forums Setting What's your suggestion?: Well this is just a pretty simple request for the public and myself, as a lot of platforms such as Roleplay’s Hub Panel, Discord and other platforms have an option to have...
  12. mactatti


  13. mactatti

    Apartment Issue

    USERNAME: silhouette_twice APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1438-31-1265 ISSUE: So when I bought this apartment it had a pre-build structure and I hate this structure and would like to remove it, if possible. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I also seem to see it’s unfit, and not really necessary as...
  14. mactatti

    Vehicle Despawned

    IGN: silhouette_once VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toyota Prius EVIDENCE: Look below. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None.
  15. mactatti

    Vehicle Registration & Permit | Laws | Parking |

    What's your Minecraft Username?: macttati What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicle Registration & Permit | Laws | Parking | What's your suggestion?: Vehicle Overview I know that vehicles were just added into the game but as people save up and more poeple gain the ability to travel I think...
  16. mactatti

    Role-play Tools.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: mactatti What's the title of your suggestion?: Role-play Tools. What's your suggestion?: Okay so I’m thinking of more roleplay tools that some factions could use! As such of theses would be more useful to some of theses factions. I will do a quick disclaimer...
  17. mactatti

    School UPDATE

    What's your Minecraft Username?: mactatti What's the title of your suggestion?: School UPDATE What's your suggestion?: As Karakura is still growing and thriving and all theses new things coming out such as the Business Park along with new hospitals and new Facilities like the newest KPD station...
  18. mactatti

    Confirmation Messages System

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Mactatti What's the title of your suggestion?: Confirmation Messages System What's your suggestion?: The idea of confirmation messages! What are they exactly? There are for characters that either went to the hospital and went through recovery or, they went to...
  19. mactatti

    Unfair Attic/Basement Usage | Houses.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Mactatti What's the title of your suggestion?: Unfair Attic/Basement Usage | Houses. What's your suggestion?: When I was talking with my friend about houses in Karakura we got onto a topic of Attics/Basemnets and I asked why is there no attics/basements. They...
  20. mactatti

    Update the Cherry Blossom Textures.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Mactatti What's the title of your suggestion?: Update the Cherry Blossom Textures. What's your suggestion?: My suggestion is just to update the Jungle back to its ori form as there is now a Cherry blossom which looks way better than the texture pack we already...