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  1. Oswin-chan

    Changing IGN on forums account?

    Like all my other questions, this may be blatantly obvious or something, but... Currently, on my account on this website, it says that my IGN is Oswin_Cadwin. I've changed my IGN to _FabledFae_, and I'm wondering if there's a way for me to change it in my profile? Sorry, I haven't been on this...
  2. Oswin-chan

    ~ Ella Fujimori ~

    ((EDITED due to ideas that I had at like midnight last night)) ELLA FUJIMORI Basic Information First Name: Ella Surname: Fujimori Preferred Name: Ella (or Elle) Aliases: Sunshine (a nickname from her parents) Gender: Female Age: 16/17 Height: 5'8" Weight: 132 Build: Athletically...
  3. Oswin-chan

    Holy crap it's been a while do any of you even know me anymore

    The title says it all. It's been a while. I'm back, not that it affects the majority of the population. I used to run a gang. I guess that's dead now. Oh well, everything I did 1+ year(s) ago was a disaster anyway. Still sucks that it's dead, though, because as bad as it was, I put a lot of...
  4. Oswin-chan


    Alright, is there a printer anywhere on the map that students can use?
  5. Oswin-chan

    Nanami Misaki

    NANAMI VICTOIRE MISAKI Basic Information First Name: Nanami Surname:Misaki Preferred Name: Micchan Gender: Female Age: 17 Height: 5'4" Weight: 110lbs Build: Pear shaped, with curvier hips but very little bust. Has slightly muscular legs and delicate arms, creating somewhat of an...
  6. Oswin-chan

    Application Problem?

    I applied for an iron shovel, and it was accepted a few days ago now. Yet I still have not received it. Is there a wait time, or something?
  7. Oswin-chan

    Resource Pack Crashing My Game!!

    I wanted to download the server resource pack. Therefore, I turned it on to 'prompt', entered my game, and clicked 'yes' when the pop-up asked me if I wanted to download it. Plain and simple. Of course, everything plummeted from there. (In no way am I trying to blame the server or the pack, as...
  8. Oswin-chan

    First attempt at online art ;-; My Character

    I know it's horrible ;-; but there you go. I'm tons better on paper.
  9. Oswin-chan

    Kashima Isuzu Mitsu~Profile

    Kashima Isuzu Mitsu Basic Information First Name: Kashima Surname: Mitsu Preferred Name: Isuzu Aliases: The Red Rose Girl; Red Roses Leader Gender: Female Age: 17 Height: 5'4" Weight: 116 lbs. Build: A bit pear-shaped, with a thin upper body. Skin Color: Light Eye Color: Green Hair...
  10. Oswin-chan

    Help, please?

    Hi, so I'm going to sound VERY new, but that's because I am. How do I get my speech in the server to not be in-character? (The whole 'says "Bla bla bla." thing) I'm also rather confused as to how to start a roleplay with someone. No one will speak to me or acknowledge me; no one is even...
  11. Oswin-chan

    The Indroduction of Oswin-Chan :)

    Hi, I'm Oswin-chan, or Oswin_Cadwin on Minecraft. I'm new, obviously, or I wouldn't be doing an introduction. I love roleplaying and I roleplay as Kamisha Day, an anime-obsessed girl (just like me). I'm often slow to find out how to do things but once I'm told once I'm quick to understand...