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Accepted 弁護士 - Lawyer Application | Traccia


Level 68

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone that allows me to clearly communicate.

Timezone & Country:
Eastern Standard Time (EST); The United States of America

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):


Describe your activity on the server:
I am currently sitting at around 2700 hours on SchoolRP alone. I have been playing since 2015 and have actively played up until 2017. I played on and off though returned fully beginning of 2019 - 2021, and averaged around 6 - 12 hours a day. As of right now I have put less hours into SchoolRP due to working, and getting ready for college. Although I can still put 6+ hours during the weekends, and 2-4 during the week.


What position are you applying for?:
I am applying to be a Lawyer.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying stems from thoroughly enjoying Government roleplay more so, then being a CIVILIAN or SCHOOL student. I find that there is a lot more serious roleplay, and it feels more grounded. During my time as a Psychiatrist I was fortunate to work with great role-players which allowed myself to increase my level of detail within roleplay. As well, I was on the verge of being promoted to Clinical Lead although I fell short. During my reign I was dedicated to my role, and felt as I attended patients to a higher degree. I feel as if returning to a government role will allow myself to get a feel of it again. I understand how the government works, furthermore the laws and rules of Karakura, therefore I believe that I would be able to understand my role as a Lawyer. Despite having breaks in between playing SchoolRP I still stay updated on the rules of the server and how it affects roleplay, which as a result I believe it would allow me to be adequate. I have been in plenty of roleplay situations that range from all types, furthermore I believe because of my experience within not only the Government field, but plenty of others it would help me excel during my run as a Lawyer. I have been to plenty of events ranging from the EMS and School which allowed me to understand detailed roleplay, serious roleplay, and debates as a whole. I not only attended but have played a role in them as well. Which required me to be active throughout the event, and assist. As a result I believe it would benefit me simply because I have the endurance to roleplay for long periods of time. I have the understanding of how situations are to develop, and lastly I believe to be mature enough for any situation.

The government role appeals to me and having the option to do government is a no brainer. Firstly I chose Lawyer for the simple reason as it has a minor resemblance to my time as a psychiatrist and the limited work I was able to do particularly client meetings. As a psychiatrist it was mainly group therapy and/or 1 on 1 situations that I had experienced. As a result I believe that there are certain areas which I would excel at though areas I would have to learn how to manage. That is a reason for which I want to become a Lawyer, to experience these roleplay scenarios, such as attorney calls, attending trials, etc. I am used to doing desk work and being on call if need be therefore, there would be no issue in that criteria. After being away for a while and returning I no longer have the connections I used to have and/or the friends that I had made prior. I believe that by allowing myself to experience these roles on SchoolRP, I can be more diverse and interact with people. Include myself in roleplay and gain confidence in my ability. What makes a Lawyer is the challenge that comes with it, the fun that I get out of a role is being in the root of it and experiencing the hardships that come along.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I am knowledgeable & experienced in Karakura’s law and Constitutional rights. Through my prior role I had to be understanding of Karakura’s laws and rights as a result of my position.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes, there are plenty of goals for myself and my character that I hope to reach with this role.

Personally, I have written down a few goals that I wish to achieve. I want to regain the few connections I had previously, and gain interactional experiences with others in the faction. Whether that be getting to know their reasoning for choosing this position or the position that they had chosen, why they enjoy it, etc. It also benefits to understand how they handle that position to better my roleplay. I want to understand my role to a higher degree, whether that is experiencing trials head on or in a first-person perspective. It would allow me to better excess the situation for future clients, it would also allow me to do a better job overall.

My character on the other hand is old fashioned to an extent, one of his goals as a Lawyer is to represent anybody regardless of the situation. Giuseppe's main goal is to insert himself into unknown territory in terms of defense, and offense, furthermore allow himself to interact with clientele to understand people's situations and possibly give a better outcome or future to them. I want this character to be engaged with character development and I believe that becoming a Lawyer would be a great opportunity to allow Giuseppe to do just that.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is responsible for numerous initiatives. Primarily a Lawyers role within the community and being a government official is to help clients who have gotten into legal trouble and/or have had their image misrepresented whether it be by themselves, others, law, etc. A Lawyer is required in most situations that pin you against an act of legal jeopardy. A Lawyer is responsible for their defendant, whether it is on the offensive or defensive. They are responsible for talking with their client and discussing matters in which they can go about this case. Getting their side of the story and putting forth the proper evidence presented within a court case. During a legal dispute a case has to be properly examine factual evidence that is often under oath in regards to both sides, the defendant and plaintiff. Regardless of the situation a Lawyer should be responsible and mature to handle the legal action and provide assistance to their client through a series of court events, and prior consulting. Throughout this process it allows the Lawyer to form opinions on the situation through a series of unbiased procedures. It is crucial for you as a Lawyer to be able to be ****ytical during your defense. It would help for you to be quick-witted though patient as a Lawyer. Furthermore, a Lawyer has to understand who they are representing, the evidence, and factual statements which are then carried into court.

I am to understand that my role as a Lawyer is to take priority in cases regarding my client at the time, take authority in actions which require myself to be present. I also understand that I have the responsibility to keep track of my client and follow up with his needs; as it is my responsibility, as his defense, whether it is maintaining calls, defending him in court, or personally meeting with any current or future clientele. Furthermore and lastly, it is my task to uphold any frontal work which requires me to be active and present at the given time. I understand that my responsibilities also go beyond just the basic procedures and tasks which are given to me. I am prepared and ready to give my experience to my defendant.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I understand.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I understand.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I am able to, although it is during weekdays. My time may fluctuate; although during the weekends I am free.


Full name:
“Giúseppe Stefano”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“I often go by Mr. Stefano most of the time from a professional perspective.”

Current age:
“I am currently 42 years of age.”

Date of birth:
“I was born on May 24th, 1982”


Academic Degree:
“Highschool Graduates Degree; High School "D. Cotugno"”
“Masters in Communications; Penn State Law”
“Doctorate of Law; Penn State Law”

“Criminal Justice”
“Political Science”


Work experience:
“During 2001, I had a job in communications. I often took requests in regards to people needing assistance with the internet, or anything in regards to their home cable. I spent around 5 years doing that job before taking up an offer in 2006.”
“Furthermore, in 2006 I took a job doing customer service. There was a store which I attended frequently and I did enjoy it for the time period. I had to scan people’s receipts for returned items or exchanges. I quit shortly after.”
“During 1996, I had a period in my life that I was homeless and I decided that I wanted to become a Lawyer. I went abroad to study law, and eventually landed a job doing sales. I often went door to door representing a guy who at the time was the owner of a few companies. They had me sell pens which promoted their actual business. It was very backwards.”
“Through the periods of 2012 to 2018 I had decided it was time to use my other degrees. I decided that it was time to get experience in the field therefore I attempted to join a local law firm in hopes that I would gain some experience. I successfully got accepted after being rejected twice. During my time I went ahead and represented multiple clients. I represented people who had legal trouble regarding minor inconveniences. I left in 2018 to go to Japan, where I now reside.”

Nationality & born location:
“Avezzano, Abruzzo, Italy”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:
“I have a clean record, although I have secretly thrown a cigarette butt on the ground.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I have envisioned a position which allows me to push myself. It is a considerate job, and allows one to truly unlock their potential in a governmental field. I would consider being a Judge, Lawyer, Governor, etc a tasking job as it requires a decent amount of dedication. I believe I am a good candidate for this job simply because of understanding in the field and if given the chance I believe I could give you what you are looking for. I am a patient person, and willing to be forth my best and continue to learn my profession to give the best quality to my clients. I have been around the field, I have experienced similarities especially during my time overseas, and during school with mock trials, and internships which allowed me to understand the position first hand. Not only from a defendants or plaintiffs side but as a Lawyer and a citizen looking out on from behind the gates. I have been convinced and I have done the convincing. I believe I could be a great quality to the team if presented the opportunity."


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @adalynoc to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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