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10RP | KPD Application #3


Level 50

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

- Accepted -

- Declined -

- Pending -

Describe your activity on the server:

I would describe my activity as determined, being that I have become more active since when I left last year in September. As with joining back in October, I have known that my reputation has still been with players and still being able to roleplay with being reconsigned. This doesn't show how I'm active but shows how much I have been there for SchoolRP, being in my fourth year while playing on this server. Secondly, I have attached myself to others in different factions, earning a reputation from my well-known chef role and the other roles I used to have before I took my break. Finally, ending this paragraph with that If allowed to play the role of a KPD officer, my activity will boost higher than it has been in the pasted couple of months.

In school until 3:15
Free afterwards​
In school until 3:15
Free afterwards​
In school until 3:15
Free afterwards​
In school until 3:15
Free afterwards​
In school until 3:15
Free afterwards​

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying is that I want to explore new factions in which I have not been able to provide my experience. Seeing my past applications, this is my favourite faction; applying two times before writing this application up for the third. This shows how motivated I am to want this role of being a KPD officer being able to write three applications on why and how I would fit this role in general. Secondly, my motivation for applying for this faction is that I'm willing to stay long with this faction, wanting to climb the ranks of a KPD officer and wanting to show a better reputation than what I have now. This can also link with my other faction which I work in now; a chef of Karakura High. This role I am willing to and have stated to other people on the server and my application that I want to keep this role for however long I can. This compels me to make this application to show the willingness why I motivate myself as a person to try new things, new situations and more.


I motivate myself to apply for the Karakura Police Department or one of the Emgercency factions because of the new roleplay scenarios that can lead with it, boosting my explanation more. Proving that you can get more roleplaying out of this role can be settled with how you play as an officer but also who you roleplay with, and yourself. Moreover, I realise that wanting this role can boost the roleplay opportunities of others but also mine. Roleplaying in general, it's about how you feel the moment out, wanting the best outcome with what you are dealing with. This can work around how I can treat the training sessions as a Karakura Police Officer. My last statement on how I motivate myself with the roleplaying aspect of being an officer of Karakura, this being in that I want to explore in more depth what the tag/role of the KPD feels like, roleplaying out as it.


This section of the application and motivation drives me on how I want my life to be like when I'm older, wanting to become something in the emergency services. This application that I'm writing tells me that this dream or ambition in life still stands, wanting the best for it. SchoolRP motivates me and helps me with which path I want to choose and which too. This motivates me on wanting to apply because of the dream which is held inside of me, wanting to become something of an officer in life. Secondly, the motivation which carries me to become an officer of Karakura is the same as real life, wanting to get a better reputation for being a kind, loving human being. The hardworking mentality which I maintain can be another factor in applying and having a boost of motivation, wanting the best outcome in life and in SchoolRP.

Other Factions:..

As mentioned earlier in this application, I have been in multiple factions already, which leads me to want to join others in SchoolRP. The past factions which I have been in are located on my accepted list and mostly consist of Karakura High and Government, wanting to take on more under my belt, I have come to the next place which seems doable in my books. With knowledge of the laws and regulations of Karakura from my previous experience in the government faction, I do believe I can become an officer in Karakura. With that in mind, my chef role can show my resilience and strength in combating 'naughty' behaviour or delinquent activities around school, why not put that to the test on the streets? Rounding this all up, collecting and showing my evidence of why I am motivated to apply for this faction can be that it's again my favourite faction in Karakura to this date and that I want to show others in the server how dedicated I am to being an officer.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I can tell you the knowledge of how the police work, but not in full depth from not being able to have a chance of being an officer. From my other factions, I can confirm some laws and the divisions of the department. The two are Detective and the Main division:

- Main Division -

Commissioner - The commissioner is the overseer of the Main division, the one in charge of maintaining the safety of the division but also the citizens of the town. This role is played by a staff member, this is crucial on many occasions being that if needed a staff member for whoever plays this role/tag could change or alter the rules/laws of what the Main division has to follow or keep up with. Being a staff member in the role can be better with being able to reach out to other factions more easily.

Captain - The Captain is the commissioner's right-hand man, left with that. A person who has shown that they are committed to the police department will be able to hold the rank and obtain it. This role is more like a supervisor, helping out a CEO of a company like sorts. This rank can hold the power to enforce new rules to the upcoming cadets and officers while they are on the journey of their careers as police.

Lieutenant - Lieutenant is the highest rank you can acquire without being staff, still being an overseer for new cadets coming into the police force. This role takes dedication to roleplaying as an officer and lots of training and loyalty to become one.

Sergeant - The sergeant is a role which can't be taken lightly, none of them can that matter. Sergeants may look with the lieutenants at the training sessions, being a new 'trainer' still taking orders from the commissioner and their higher-ups. This role is given to a player who is trusted in the police force and is needed like the rest of the division.

Corporal - A Corporal, once proving to the higher-ups that they are ready to be ranked up in the police force, becomes a Corporal. This role comes with a person who carries sovereignty and compassion, wanting to show their skill to whoever they come across. This role to my knowledge also shows if they want to become a detective and start their new training down that path or to stick with the Main division.

Patrol Officer - The first rank of freedom in the police force, one which most cadets look up to and want to become. This role in the Karakura police department is promoted to the cadets who have proven their worth in the KPD. Being still a crucial part of the faction, this role will come to whoever can show off their time, dedication, worth, compassion, resilience and more. If a higher-up seems doable, they will promote you.

Cadet - A cadet is someone new to the police force and in demand of training. This role is given to whoever is suitable for joining the faction in general, the commissioner overlooking the applications which are sent out and then picks who seems fit to be an officer of law. With this rank there are rules set in place for what you can do and not, following these will result in praise from your higher-ups.

- Detective Division -

Detective-Superintendent - The head of the Detective agency, the one in control of overseeing cases, training and promotions of their new constables.

Chief-Inspector - A Chief-Inspector overlooks and makes sure everything is right and working as should, making sure the detective team is going smoothly and performing as would.

Inspector - The Inspector is a role which is given to someone who has shown their worth in the detective team, one who is trusted with giving the Chief-Inspector and Superintendent suggestions and more.

Sergeant - Same as the Sergeant role in the Main division, taking on the same responsibilities.

Constable - This rank can be looked at the same as a patrol officer, doing tasks which can be equal or the most to the same standard as that rank.

The equipment that the Karakura police department use can be taken into account in my knowledge of how the police do their work and how they operate. Same with how they run their tasks/missions, this can all be used in my application. Some of the equipment follows:

Luminol Spray - This piece of equipment is ItemRP'd but is used to trace any blood on masks or weapons.
Radio - This piece of equipment is used to help other officers and emergency factions communicate together.
Bodycam - This piece of equipment is used as evidence on the officer's side. This helps the officers with looking at the CCTV in the past if needed and more to make sure they are safe while patrolling.
First aid kit - This item which is carried is used if the officer or citizen at a crime scene is injured.
Handcuffs - These are used to arrest a criminal when needed. Officers must follow orders which are set by having a pair of these at them at all times, the only exception is if they are off-duty.
Breathalyzer - Used to check if a citizen is intoxicated.
Gas Mask - The gas mask is to hide the officer's identity, these can be critical for an officer when needed at the right time.
Baton - A baton is used for the officer's safety and to control a situation only if needed.
Tazer - This is the most important or one of the most important pieces of equipment an officer can carry; a tazer. This ensures that the safety of the people living in Karakura and the other factions are not in any danger, stunning the criminals who might be fleeing, etc.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

For a town which has such a high crime rate, policing is essential. We all couldn't survive with all the gangs and criminal activity that lay in the hands of Karakura, nothing would. Furthermore, policing is needed in all of SchoolRP because every roleplay situation might need some type of emergency faction to help, one of them being the police department. This can also come from a different perspective, what about looking at it as being able to interact with the police on the server, and more roleplaying opportunities for others on the server? That is a benefit of why the police are important in SchoolRP too.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I fully understand when online I will need to attend training sessions when they happen.


In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Shigeru Shohei.

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Male, He/Him.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Grade 12, Shohei is an adult.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:


Describe your character; how they look, and what makes them unique?

A dark, cold character who keeps his views but can express himself easily. From his friends and family, he would be described as such of a prince, royalty if so. His charming and likeable smile will set him off from others who try and take his spotlight, his dark black hair with his dark eyes make him someone special to look at. His determination to prove to his family and others around who doubted him is strong, and passionate about wanting to show his skills as much as he can. His hardworking and lovable energy can drive him into conversations but he also has a level of professionalism to himself, wanting to act his age from the others who might not. Being the height of 6'3, he is quite tall for someone who stands at such a small age.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?


Shohei bowed.
"Greetings to you all, my lovely shrine maidens have come to delight me. I have come to see the shrine with my own eyes, heard it's a beautiful sight to see and.." He looked around passing his hands to fall onto one knee for the maidens then standing up to let go. "They were right, the one person who suggested this place of worship to me, now tell me... Who do the citizens worship in the shrine here?" Shohei slowly waiting for a reply, sat on a bench placing his hands on his knees.

Another Situation:...

Shohei Shook the hands of the government official.
"Greetings to you Mr. Stantos.. I hear you are working nicely here, hm?" Shohei bowed after he said it, placing his hands to his side before saying something again. "You must be working hard, I must say all the government officials do look sharp and tidy." Slowly, he turned around. Shohei admired the Town Hall with all its beauty.


Shohei looked around, smiling.
"This town is gorgeous and has lots of lovely architecture to it, Karakura hmm.." Shohei lifted his phone from his pocket, sitting down on the bench at Karakura Plaza, dialling a number would be heard. "I tell you, you must come and see this place, I beg." Shohei slowly said into the phone.

Another Situation:...

Shohei chuckled while grabbing a warm, steaming coffee from the shelf.
"Hello everyone." He said while people gathered in the room. Shohei would turn around to greet another person. "Hello, are you doing well?" Shohei spoke again in a soft tone of his voice, deep and warm but still one which attached him to the party.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Shohei's outlook on his co-workers is also something he would look at as friendship, still keeping a boundary while on the job. Shohei while off-duty will interact with his co-workers as normal, sparking conversations and more but while he is at work he keeps quiet and listens to his higher-ups and anything his co-workers say that is agreeable. Shohei loves to work as a team, teamwork is his best trait. He can't do everything on his own which he seems he can but knows he needs people who can be trusted around him. He needs to have reassurance and a sense of belonging but once he has held that in his grasp, teamwork is nothing of his worries.

What's your character's backstory?

Shigeru Shohei, a boy who was grown in the town of Karakura, had a mother and father who loved and held him as he grew up to become who he is now. He grew up on Masayoshi Boulevard, to the houses on the right. A humble home where he attended regular schooling at Karakura High. His life was simple and had plans for his future, never wanting to leave the town which he loved. He slowly grew closer to his father who was a fisher, fishing anywhere he could and once Shohei was old enough for his father's approval, he went with him. Shohei and his father were walking down the back street where the 11/7 is, walking into the woods until meeting a group of mysterious individuals, some whom Shohei knew his father disliked as he placed his son behind him and walked along. As they reached the pond, multiple people came to sight, which his father knew. Shohei cast his fishing rod out and watched the leaves fall behind and in front of him, he loved it. Slowly the night came, and his father and he pulled their rods back in and placed them into the bag which his father carried, walking home sadly with no fish. Nevertheless, Shohei learnt something... Who were they?

Walking to school, young Shohei saw police cars roar passed, his dream. His dream was to become something special to this town he loved. Shohei had books and loved his lessons which talked about policing and more. His favourite day was the careers day where other people from different jobs came into the school and presented themselves to the students of Karakura High. Shohei was only interested in the police officers. After class, Shohei would rest himself in the library, a quiet kid in school. Placing his head into a book which he loved, Shohei would interest himself in the little things in life, the little things made him happy. Of course, he had family and his little groups of friends but Shohei liked how you only get one life and you need to live that to your potential. Walking home after school, around 3:26 after looking at his watch he again saw his dream, idols. The Karakura police department, Shohei watched as they patrolled the streets, slowly walking home again.

He got in from walking home, informing his father about the news on how he has this dream of becoming an officer of the law, wanting to help and support the safety of the citizens who lived in Karakura. His father nodded slowly agreeing to his son's admiration. His father told him about college and how he could become an officer with hard work and dedication if you tried, you would receive what his father told him. Shohei laughed softly, wanting to now go right into college and study but he had to take an exam in the summer, one which would be the decider if Shohei saw his dream become the light of day. A summer later, slowly Shohei got the news after the letter came in the post, and he got into college. Shohei studied and took his father's advice on how if you work and work you will receive what you want. Until the one faithful day when he applied for the Karakura police department. Will his dream become the light of day, does the father's advice work? We will have to see.


General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

"Not at all, that's my answer."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"You may have an eyepatch, wooden cane, a bandage, cough syrup and finally reading glasses... I can provide more information if you want?"

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"I have thought about this and here is my answer. I firstly call for anyone else who is on duty, needing help with the situation on hand, of course. When they arrive, I calmly give my co-worker a warning about how they will be reported to the higher-ups, removing the inmate and my co-worker. With the backup I called and needed, we will call for the EMS to check on the inmate for any physical harm that may be caused. Afterwards, like warned, I'll contact the higher-ups about this situation."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"As I respect and love my co-workers like family, I will quickly call for backup; need help. This will test my skills on why I became an officer, needing to be able to fight and control a situation at hand here. I would help my co-worker with their battles, not fighting more of the like of separation of the two parties. If the one assaulting the officer was an inmate I would take it to the higher-ups, making sure they get a stricter sentence for attacking an officer."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"Knowing that the officer is in a criminal organisation, I would know that I am at risk if I radio it and they hear. With these links with the co-worker I'm dealing with, I will go to a higher-up, face-to-face and talk about how this person is corrupt and is working with the criminal organisations, if any. Of course, I may not just place a point out there for the higher-ups to hang off on, I need evidence. With this, I will gather photo evidence of the pupil or otherwise co-worker who is committing this act against the law."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"Try to bribe me? I would not give a second look to the criminal who is trying to work against my morals. I would mostly tell my other co-workers and higher-ups about this citizen and what they are doing. They are already caught by my bodycam and CCTV if any, why do it?"
Last edited:


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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