Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
During my time on SRP, my activity I’ve learnt can range from a minimum of around 3 to 8 hours. Yes, that is an unhealthy amount but as of recently motivation to play SRP has been dropping fairly recently. But below will be a time-table of times I’d be available to play on the server.
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Lawyer [DENIED]
Reporter 3 [DENIED]
Reporter [DENIED]
Governor [DENIED]
Counselor [DENIED]
HS Council [DENIED]
Counselor [DELETED]
Deleted [DELETED]
Deleted [DELETED]
Receptionist [DELETED]
Psychiatrist [DENIED]
Reporter 3 [DENIED]
Reporter [DENIED]
Governor [DENIED]
Counselor [DENIED]
HS Council [DENIED]
Counselor [DELETED]
Deleted [DELETED]
Deleted [DELETED]
Receptionist [DELETED]
Psychiatrist [DENIED]
Describe your activity on the server:
During my time on SRP, my activity I’ve learnt can range from a minimum of around 3 to 8 hours. Yes, that is an unhealthy amount but as of recently motivation to play SRP has been dropping fairly recently. But below will be a time-table of times I’d be available to play on the server.
Monday 4pm-10pm | During Mondays I could be online for a span of up to 6-8 hours unless something interrupts that day that causes me to drop in activity. My activity can drop from a range of things such as school or planned or scheduled events I could have during the day. This is rather unlikely on a Monday. |
Tuesday 3:30pm-10:20pm | On a Tuesday I can consistently average around 5-7 hours every single Tuesday. During my time on a Tuesday I may be occupied by things such as school or family so I may need to refrain sometimes from logging on and may reduce my activity on a Tuesday. |
Wednesday 4pm-10:30pm | Wednesdays I'm able to play for 3-6 hours every Wednesday. It can alter from 3-6 to possibly 2-4 or 5-8 depending on how I'm doing. Wednesday's are fairly easy and difficult, like a mix. It will range from 3-6 average, it can lean towards 4-5 or 2-4 on a bad day. However, that's rather unlikely. |
Thursday 3:50pm-10pm | Thursday's can consist up to around 4-7 hours like almost every other day. Thursday's are easy, it will still maintain around 4-7 so there is no need to worry on that one. |
Friday 1:15pm-11pm | Friday's are quite easy so I'd average around 4-7 hours every Friday if I'm not occupied or busy with something else that I have. Because of how easy Friday's are, I'll be fine with it. It will consistently stay around 4-7 hours. |
Saturday 10am-11pm | On a Saturday I'm able to consist of around 4-9 hours if I'm not busy with anything. Saturdays, just like Garfield the cat or that was a Monday. Saturday's are the easiest, so the only thing that can mix up the time spent would be probably family. |
Sunday 10:30am-10pm | Sunday's can go up to around 5-8 hours if I'm not busy with anything else. It may change or I'll refrain from consistent activity from possibly; School preparation or family. Other than that it will consist of 5-8 hours. |
What is your motivation for applying?:
(̶t̶o̶ p̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ D̶a̶r̶k̶x̶W̶a̶l̶k̶e̶r̶ w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶)̶ < joke
Ever since I joined this server, I’ve always been interested in the Karakura Police Department faction. I’ve applied to other factions, but I've always been more fond of the Police Department. I’ve recently come back to gang-roleplay after a couple months since I believed I’ve gotten a better reputation, all in hopes of joining this faction. Recently I've quit gang-roleplay once more, since I believe my reputation has gotten better which I’d like to believe that only makes me feel confident that I’m ready to possibly join the faction.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police work can be divided into numerous categories but I’ll keep it simple. We have Detective work and Police work. Police would be your standard imagine donut-eating cops. A standard officer such as a patrol officer often responds to calls and dispatch to areas where crime is happening. They’ll also go on patrol with other officers, keeping safety over Karakura. Detective’s are more in-depth, where a more complicated part of a crime has happened and they haven’t been caught in an act. Detectives will most likely spend their time gathering evidence to potentially catch the criminal.
Main Police Division
Captain | The captain of the police department, also known as the Commissioner. A commissioner oversees the police station they are occupied at, having full control over almost everything. They are the one’s who’s dedicated and showed enough experience and loyalty to prove themselves worthy of such a title. Commissioners are able to demote anyone in the station with a good enough reason is present, they also take responsibility for anything that happens towards the station. |
Lieutenant | In this role lieutenant’s are in-charge of planning and selecting which role one will play in a plan. They work strictly under the captain in Karakura, showing their loyalty to the department to allow them to push up through the ranks and become a lieutenant. |
Sergeant | Sergeant’s are the next ranking above corporal, technically allowing them to not only supervise, but also train new cadets in upcoming training. They’re responsibility becomes more important as they not only supervise patrol officers but also corporals. |
Corporal | Corporal’s are those who have passed their exams and managed to meet the full requirements in order to become a corporal. Corporal’s are permitted to supervise cadet’s but are unable to help in training, only supervise. |
P.O | Patrol Officers are those who have passed their exams to progress, here they are given the option to patrol more and do not require as much training. They’re given more equipment and have been trained more in their field. |
Cadet | Cadet’s are recently introduced into the Karakura Police Department, those who have been newly selected and have not yet received full training or received their gear yet. Cadet’s duties are assigned by Higher Ranks, normally given desk-duty the entire time. |
Detective Division
Detective Superintendent | This is the rank just above the previous one. The highest ranked within the Detective Division, they are just under the Captain and Commissioner of the Police Work division. Detective Superintendent’s deal with any complaints towards any Detective’s. Also given the option to train Constable’s, Inspector’s and Chief Inspector’s. |
Detective Chief Inspector | Detective Chief Inspector’s are just the rank above Detective Inspector, here they are allowed to lead plans or train Detective Inspector’s and Constable’s. |
Detective Inspector | Detective Inspector the rank just above Detective Constable, they have passed their previous training and exams to be shown worthy of the title known as ‘Detective Inspector’. They are permitted to work in a crime scene with less limitations, possibly ordering around Detective Constable’s to get basic information such as phone number or address. |
Detective Constable | Detective Constables are the lowest ranking in the entire Detective division. They are occupied with duties such as knocking on doors or acquiring phone numbers. Detective Constables are permitted to work in a crime scene but are extremely limited to what they are permitted to do without supervision. |
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Without Police in SchoolRP it’d be hard to maintain a level of crime-rate, possibly allowing roleplayers to continuously do something without punishment. To keep it short, it would cause a large amount of chaos and unbalance the server. Police in the server can balance it out, making the crime-rate lower and more reasonable to exist within the server. Let's say Police didn't exist in SRP, gang-roleplayers, delinquent-roleplayers and criminal-roleplayers could do as they wish unmasked. It would also cause a lack of reality towards the server, seeing as its meant to have realistic departments and such based around School-Roleplay.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I do acknowledge that if training is held whilst I'm online I am needed to attend.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
Byo Kyong
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Primary character: Expelled, (use to be grade-12)
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Byo Kyong is a Korean male, having white hair, his eyes holding a gray-purplish tint. His normal attire would typically be a suit over-vest, his height made him stand at 5'2, his hands were rough and had tiny specks of dirt over his forehead. Small bruises laid on his hands, purple and black, the size of a snail. His nose was stubby, and his left pinkie was missing from his hand.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation, Byo will remain quiet and observant. Throughout the time he’s spent in the past, his respect in a professional situation can gradually change to be a huge difference when on a scale. Byo will refrain from acting out or being immature, taking on a more serious act and demeanor. Within professional situations, he'll lay aside any jokes and such. His main focus being to listen to what to do and cooperate correctly.
In a casual situation Byo can remain childish, possibly being an idiot most of the time or attempting to do weird food combinations. He’s kind to those who can care to show him empathy casually, although he doesn’t seem to hold a good reputation casually from his childish acts which can get him seen as “Immature” when out in public with a nasty personality. Normally he'll be accompanied by himself outside casually, holding a cup of hot chocolate.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Byo Kyong’s outlook on co-workers is sincere. He value’s co-workers closely, seeing as in a desperate moment his only reliance would be on a co-worker that can assist in a situation as quickly as possible, in regards if his co-worker required something he’d do if it’s reasonable to him. When co-workers work together, it forms a bond known as ‘teamwork’. Teamwork is also sincere to Byo Kyong, his understanding of teamwork is clear to him, he would prefer teamwork over doing something solo in case a situation turns into a code-0.
What's your character's backstory?
Byo Kyong was a Korean male born into a poor household in Japan. His parent’s were fearful of the town, the crime it had with people stalking others like a bird watching its prey move an inch closer toward the finishing execution of a plan organized by criminals. Byo Kyong’s parents never wished to end up here, but couldn’t leave because of the lack of money they had. Byo Kyong was sheltered here, his parents in constant fear. Locks rested on the doors, a phone in every room. Byo never understood why, he just stayed in his room, all alone with a single friend there. Byo was a rather lonely child, his best friend to him was a television since he had nothing else to do in his free time other than play with toy cars.
Days swept closer, from here Byo Kyong was 7 years old. He wore a tiny suit with a vest over, something rather unusual for a child to wear but his parents didn't bother. Byo Kyong was home-schooled by his father because their parents refused for Byo to go outside, fearful of the trouble he might stumble across. As the year’s passed, Byo’s mother proposed a nice offer to Byo, a trip to the grocery store as a gift for his 11th birthday. Happily, Byo obliged with this gift. He got ready to go outside, all excited. His mother held a key, crouching down as she unlocked the lock, her hand twisted the knob as the door swung open. A smile rose on Byo’s face, walking out of the apartment, taking a breath of fresh air in. “It’s… wonderful.” Byo said a sincere and meaningful sentence. His mother began to walk on ahead, calling for Byo to follow and so he did, they both walked to the grocery shop as they came to a stop. Byo’s mother was occupied with groceries, a shopping list. As the days went darker, Byo grew older. That one experience and wonderful, and on his 14th birthday his parents gave him the ability to go on a walk once per day.
“Thank you.”
Byo said to that, remaining unsurprised or happy. And so, Byo went for a walk every day. Each day he went, he stepped forward roaming the streets of his town. It was fine, perfect even and so it was. On one of these days, Byo sat down near 11/7 with a warm sun shining over the town. Byo had gotten a hot chocolate and a cookie, sitting down. A man in a brown-leather coat went up to Byo, asking if he could sit. “Sure?” Byo responded, the man in a leather jacket smiled, thanking Byo. He soon sat down, taking out a water bottle, the leather jacket man made eye-contact with Byo, leaning forward. “Could I tell you a story?” Byo perked a brow, his right hand slowly slithered around the hot chocolate, raising it to his mouth. “Sure.?” An answer with an uneasy tone, what was this person’s intentions. Byo cradled her cup, waiting on the leather coated male. “Years ago, criminals used to continuously roam these streets. People were stabbed, shot at, and attacked. It was a violent sighting or experience that left many traumatised.” The man said, unscrewing the cap of the water-bottle. “What’s this story even for-” The man cut Byo off, shaking his head. “No, no. I wasn’t finished with my sentence just yet.” The man took off his leather coat, letting it rest on the chair. “But the officer’s of this town had it under-control, but I heard officers constantly go outside and risk their lives fighting for freedom. Hey, kid. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?” A thing Byo never considered, ‘What he wanted to be’. He never spent his time wondering, he stood there on a pause with his foot tapping the ground. “No, I never even considered it.” Byo spoke out, honest words that made him begin to question. The leather coated man stuck his right hand out, a smirk on his face. “The name’s Koike Katsu, or Mr. Katsu.” Byo hesitantly reached his right hand out, only to retract his hand back. Still unable to trust strangers, just to be safe. “Byo Kyong, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Katsu.” Mr. Katsu reached his hand into his pocket, taking out a letter as he slid it across the table. “I’ve worked as an officer for some time, despite the crime-rate I've managed to retire without losing a limb. If you want to ever become an officer just ring the number when you’ve passed college.” Byo picked up the letter, shelving it in his pocket. He got up out of his seat, bowing his head to Mr. Katsu and off he went back home.
Soon after his departure he safely returned home “I’m back!” Byo shouted, unlocking the door as he twisted the knob. Byo’s mother came rushing to the front, giving him a hug. “Are you safe? Did anyone try to hurt you Byo?” The worried mother said, despite giving him the option to go on a walk they were in worry he’d get hurt or injured. Byo rose his arms up, patting his mothers back. “Yes, I’m perfectly fine!” Byo said, his mother let go. “If you're hungry your father made some food, it’s on the kitchen table!” Byo shook his head, his hands open-plamed. “No, it’s fine I think I’ll take a nap.” He went into his room, hiding the letter behind some books. He continued his standard routine until he was 23, originally he was studying criminology in an online college because of his parents' paranoia regarding the crime-rate of the city. But he soon finished his course, getting a masters degree in criminology. After his schooling ended, Byo gathered his parents in the living room. Both sat down on a couch, curious as to why this was happening. Byo began to tell them about his dreams of becoming an officer, how he became bored with staying at home. How he wishes to go out and protect a town, and be an officer. Byo’s parents became enraged by this, his mother and father yelled at him as Byo responded, trying his best to speak in a respectable manner but with the other two screaming like a goat there was no use. “I hate you.” Byo said to his parent’s, years of being stuck in an apartment where he barely got to go outside and have any friends in his childhood. However, his parents were enraged by this. In a fit of anger, Byo left the apartment with nothing but the letter and a bit of yen. He ran to a pay-phone, opening the letter. His only chance was a random number from years ago, he dialed the number on the payphone. Ring. . ring… Ring, ring… “Hello?” The voice on the other line was familiar, a hope sparked in Byo. “Is this Mr. Katsu.?” Byo asked, “Yes, it is Mr. Katsu. Can I help you?” “


. . 


” “I’ll pick you up, I’ll be there in a minute.” After this, Byo would be living with the leather coated man from almost a decade ago. A stranger, but one who would help Byo with his dreams. He didn’t feel safe, but he had no place else to turn to. For the next four years he was assigned to a college by Mr. Katsu to get a Masters in sociology. Once he turned 27, Mr. Katsu surprised him with a recommendation letter to a police station nearby, in another town. Japan, Karakura. But first, he would need to pass his basic exam. Mr. Katsu organised the exam for him, on the very day he took it the exam was filled with stress, and a clicking clock. He managed to finish the exam with 6 minutes left, a sigh of relief. He handed the exam over, leaving the exam station. A week gone by, and a letter in the mail would of been delivered to Mr. Katsu’s doorstep. A letter that wrote, Mr. Katus knocked on his door. “May I come in?” He asked, Byo Kyong responded with a “Yes.” to the knock. Mr. Katsu entered, handing the envelope over. Byo Kyong opened it, without looking at the shear envelope with his impatience. His eyes glared at the piece of paper, his eyes zoomed over the paper. A gasp at the final results, his hand over his mouth as he dropped the paper. “I got… 87%. I- I passed the test!” Byo Kyong smiled at the paper, he could finally be an officer to protect a town, a city. Something he’s been wishing for a while.
Byo Kyong
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Primary character: Expelled, (use to be grade-12)
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Byo Kyong is a Korean male, having white hair, his eyes holding a gray-purplish tint. His normal attire would typically be a suit over-vest, his height made him stand at 5'2, his hands were rough and had tiny specks of dirt over his forehead. Small bruises laid on his hands, purple and black, the size of a snail. His nose was stubby, and his left pinkie was missing from his hand.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation, Byo will remain quiet and observant. Throughout the time he’s spent in the past, his respect in a professional situation can gradually change to be a huge difference when on a scale. Byo will refrain from acting out or being immature, taking on a more serious act and demeanor. Within professional situations, he'll lay aside any jokes and such. His main focus being to listen to what to do and cooperate correctly.
In a casual situation Byo can remain childish, possibly being an idiot most of the time or attempting to do weird food combinations. He’s kind to those who can care to show him empathy casually, although he doesn’t seem to hold a good reputation casually from his childish acts which can get him seen as “Immature” when out in public with a nasty personality. Normally he'll be accompanied by himself outside casually, holding a cup of hot chocolate.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Byo Kyong’s outlook on co-workers is sincere. He value’s co-workers closely, seeing as in a desperate moment his only reliance would be on a co-worker that can assist in a situation as quickly as possible, in regards if his co-worker required something he’d do if it’s reasonable to him. When co-workers work together, it forms a bond known as ‘teamwork’. Teamwork is also sincere to Byo Kyong, his understanding of teamwork is clear to him, he would prefer teamwork over doing something solo in case a situation turns into a code-0.
What's your character's backstory?
Byo Kyong was a Korean male born into a poor household in Japan. His parent’s were fearful of the town, the crime it had with people stalking others like a bird watching its prey move an inch closer toward the finishing execution of a plan organized by criminals. Byo Kyong’s parents never wished to end up here, but couldn’t leave because of the lack of money they had. Byo Kyong was sheltered here, his parents in constant fear. Locks rested on the doors, a phone in every room. Byo never understood why, he just stayed in his room, all alone with a single friend there. Byo was a rather lonely child, his best friend to him was a television since he had nothing else to do in his free time other than play with toy cars.
Days swept closer, from here Byo Kyong was 7 years old. He wore a tiny suit with a vest over, something rather unusual for a child to wear but his parents didn't bother. Byo Kyong was home-schooled by his father because their parents refused for Byo to go outside, fearful of the trouble he might stumble across. As the year’s passed, Byo’s mother proposed a nice offer to Byo, a trip to the grocery store as a gift for his 11th birthday. Happily, Byo obliged with this gift. He got ready to go outside, all excited. His mother held a key, crouching down as she unlocked the lock, her hand twisted the knob as the door swung open. A smile rose on Byo’s face, walking out of the apartment, taking a breath of fresh air in. “It’s… wonderful.” Byo said a sincere and meaningful sentence. His mother began to walk on ahead, calling for Byo to follow and so he did, they both walked to the grocery shop as they came to a stop. Byo’s mother was occupied with groceries, a shopping list. As the days went darker, Byo grew older. That one experience and wonderful, and on his 14th birthday his parents gave him the ability to go on a walk once per day.
“Thank you.”
Byo said to that, remaining unsurprised or happy. And so, Byo went for a walk every day. Each day he went, he stepped forward roaming the streets of his town. It was fine, perfect even and so it was. On one of these days, Byo sat down near 11/7 with a warm sun shining over the town. Byo had gotten a hot chocolate and a cookie, sitting down. A man in a brown-leather coat went up to Byo, asking if he could sit. “Sure?” Byo responded, the man in a leather jacket smiled, thanking Byo. He soon sat down, taking out a water bottle, the leather jacket man made eye-contact with Byo, leaning forward. “Could I tell you a story?” Byo perked a brow, his right hand slowly slithered around the hot chocolate, raising it to his mouth. “Sure.?” An answer with an uneasy tone, what was this person’s intentions. Byo cradled her cup, waiting on the leather coated male. “Years ago, criminals used to continuously roam these streets. People were stabbed, shot at, and attacked. It was a violent sighting or experience that left many traumatised.” The man said, unscrewing the cap of the water-bottle. “What’s this story even for-” The man cut Byo off, shaking his head. “No, no. I wasn’t finished with my sentence just yet.” The man took off his leather coat, letting it rest on the chair. “But the officer’s of this town had it under-control, but I heard officers constantly go outside and risk their lives fighting for freedom. Hey, kid. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?” A thing Byo never considered, ‘What he wanted to be’. He never spent his time wondering, he stood there on a pause with his foot tapping the ground. “No, I never even considered it.” Byo spoke out, honest words that made him begin to question. The leather coated man stuck his right hand out, a smirk on his face. “The name’s Koike Katsu, or Mr. Katsu.” Byo hesitantly reached his right hand out, only to retract his hand back. Still unable to trust strangers, just to be safe. “Byo Kyong, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Katsu.” Mr. Katsu reached his hand into his pocket, taking out a letter as he slid it across the table. “I’ve worked as an officer for some time, despite the crime-rate I've managed to retire without losing a limb. If you want to ever become an officer just ring the number when you’ve passed college.” Byo picked up the letter, shelving it in his pocket. He got up out of his seat, bowing his head to Mr. Katsu and off he went back home.
Soon after his departure he safely returned home “I’m back!” Byo shouted, unlocking the door as he twisted the knob. Byo’s mother came rushing to the front, giving him a hug. “Are you safe? Did anyone try to hurt you Byo?” The worried mother said, despite giving him the option to go on a walk they were in worry he’d get hurt or injured. Byo rose his arms up, patting his mothers back. “Yes, I’m perfectly fine!” Byo said, his mother let go. “If you're hungry your father made some food, it’s on the kitchen table!” Byo shook his head, his hands open-plamed. “No, it’s fine I think I’ll take a nap.” He went into his room, hiding the letter behind some books. He continued his standard routine until he was 23, originally he was studying criminology in an online college because of his parents' paranoia regarding the crime-rate of the city. But he soon finished his course, getting a masters degree in criminology. After his schooling ended, Byo gathered his parents in the living room. Both sat down on a couch, curious as to why this was happening. Byo began to tell them about his dreams of becoming an officer, how he became bored with staying at home. How he wishes to go out and protect a town, and be an officer. Byo’s parents became enraged by this, his mother and father yelled at him as Byo responded, trying his best to speak in a respectable manner but with the other two screaming like a goat there was no use. “I hate you.” Byo said to his parent’s, years of being stuck in an apartment where he barely got to go outside and have any friends in his childhood. However, his parents were enraged by this. In a fit of anger, Byo left the apartment with nothing but the letter and a bit of yen. He ran to a pay-phone, opening the letter. His only chance was a random number from years ago, he dialed the number on the payphone. Ring. . ring… Ring, ring… “Hello?” The voice on the other line was familiar, a hope sparked in Byo. “Is this Mr. Katsu.?” Byo asked, “Yes, it is Mr. Katsu. Can I help you?” “

General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, it’s an illegal weapon that is not allowed to own or even carry.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden-cane: 7,000¥
Cough Syrup: 6,000¥
Multivitamins: 3,500¥
Melatonin: 3,000¥
Paractemol: 1,500¥
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“First thing I'd do is radio for backup and ems, then I’d immediately try to get myself in between the inmate and the officer. Once I’ve managed to do this, I will try my best at keeping the officer far away from the in-mate until backup arrives. Once backup arrives and the co-worker is escorted away I’d step back, allowing ems to begin to check-up on the injured in-mate for any possible injuries. Then I’d speak to a higher-up about the situation and what I saw and heard, seeing as I was the only one at the scene.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If it was a public area I’d radio for backup, telling civilians to back away so they do not get in the way. Then I’ll immediately try to get my co-worker out of the situation, if I know that won’t work then I’ll try my best at taking down the threat as quickly as possible before the situation escalates. Once backup has successfully arrived I’d make it more of my own priority to put myself on the line to get my co-worker out without risk of being assaulted.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“I’d remain quiet upon finding this out, of course to my concerns and safety of citizens I’d go to the commissioner and only the commissioner about this matter. If one may be corrupt, who knows who else might be corrupt? It’s better to keep this between the commissioner. If I get any information regarding this subject I’d tell the commissioner.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I’d go with a simple, ‘No’ and continue on with what I was doing.”
“No, it’s an illegal weapon that is not allowed to own or even carry.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden-cane: 7,000¥
Cough Syrup: 6,000¥
Multivitamins: 3,500¥
Melatonin: 3,000¥
Paractemol: 1,500¥
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“First thing I'd do is radio for backup and ems, then I’d immediately try to get myself in between the inmate and the officer. Once I’ve managed to do this, I will try my best at keeping the officer far away from the in-mate until backup arrives. Once backup arrives and the co-worker is escorted away I’d step back, allowing ems to begin to check-up on the injured in-mate for any possible injuries. Then I’d speak to a higher-up about the situation and what I saw and heard, seeing as I was the only one at the scene.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If it was a public area I’d radio for backup, telling civilians to back away so they do not get in the way. Then I’ll immediately try to get my co-worker out of the situation, if I know that won’t work then I’ll try my best at taking down the threat as quickly as possible before the situation escalates. Once backup has successfully arrived I’d make it more of my own priority to put myself on the line to get my co-worker out without risk of being assaulted.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“I’d remain quiet upon finding this out, of course to my concerns and safety of citizens I’d go to the commissioner and only the commissioner about this matter. If one may be corrupt, who knows who else might be corrupt? It’s better to keep this between the commissioner. If I get any information regarding this subject I’d tell the commissioner.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I’d go with a simple, ‘No’ and continue on with what I was doing.”
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