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An "Official IC School Rules" Document on the "Roleplay Documents" Thread


Level 7
What's your Minecraft Username?: jalhadeff
What's the title of your suggestion?: An "Official IC School Rules" Document on the "Roleplay Documents" Thread

What's your suggestion?:
I wouldn't say it's an urgent matter that needs to be solved but after some situations that my character has been through Icly I'd say that having a post on the "Roleplay Documents" thread that explain all the IC school rules / Students Code of conduct, as it would not only make it easier for the SLT and School faction to know what to look out for when keeping students in order but it would also help the student himself know if what he is doing breaks the rules.

An example of that is that some time ago, my character and his friend were flicking eachother on school grounds and I got detention because apparently they were fighting, and I didn't knew what I had done wrong, but when I came to the forums to try to find any rules about it I didn't see anything and had to attend detention icly for playing with my friend.

I know that there used to be a place with those rules but the message was a part of the "How to FearRP" official guide (Linked on the spoiler Bellow) and it was from august 2021 so it was really outdated and after checking with some other people I found out that lots of it had alredy been changed, so I feel like making a new message, one made specifically for those rules, would be really useful for most players that include but are not restricted to, new players, school faculty and slt
1. No trespassing after the gates have closed.
2. No masks are to be worn on school property.
3. No alcohol or cigarettes or any contraband is permitted and will be confiscated when seen by school faculty or a member of the student council.
4. No bullying on school grounds. (This includes but is not limited to harassment, inappropriate jokes and physical assault)
5. No weapons are allowed within school grounds.
6. No stealing is allowed on school grounds.
7. No animals are allowed on school grounds. (Service dogs are permitted but they’re not allowed to be in ongoing classrooms & bathrooms.)
8. Do not disrespect, harass school faculty or make them uncomfortable in any way.
9. No vandalism is permitted on school grounds.School property is not to be damaged under any circumstances.
10. No P.D.A. is permitted on school grounds. (P.D.A.: Public Display of Affection)
11. Do not converse with people who are outside the school walls.
12. No assault towards any student, school faculty or animal is permitted.
13. Do not leave school during school hours.
14. Do not litter on school grounds. There are countless trash cans where you can deposit your trash.
15. Do not use school equipment without permission from the school faculty belonging to the said school equipment.
16. Intense swearing on school grounds will not be tolerated.
17. No transactions on school grounds are permitted. (This includes but is not limited to selling any goods, gambling and bribery)
18. Do not falsely report individuals.
19. Report any suspicious behaviour to school faculty.
20. No motorised vehicles are permitted inside school grounds. Bikes are only allowed outdoors.
21. Please dress appropriately (Inappropriate clothes can range from gang attire to swimsuits). Swim attire is allowed at the swimming pool area.

1. Sit as close to the front as you possibly can.
2. Do not converse. Only speak when spoken to.
3. Do not eat nor drink anything in the detention room.
4. Do not use any electronic devices such as phones, laptops or headphones.
5. Do not partake in things unrelated to detention. Do the work the authority has given to you and nothing else.

I understand extremelly specific rules not being included, as if they were the list would be ginormous and confusing but on my point of view adding a list with about 20 - 30 of the most important rules would be more than useful to all of the community, and maybe a rule saying "Have common sense" to avoid trolling would also be good.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I feel like a channel like that even if containing only the basic rules would be really usefull to the comunity to sort of "Officialize" them, and I am not sure that it happens as I am not on the school faculty faction but I can see them having to answer the same question multiple times to different people about the rules, and as it has happened before, most times not even the faculty knows about all of the official rules making so that doing something in front of one teacher is fine but doing it in front of another is not, which can confuse the students, specially if they are new to SRP and don't know about the school rules.

This list would also be highly beneficial on solving some occasions where the teacher and the student argue on weather a rule was broken or not, making so that less situations are delayed until the arival of an admin, not only improving the role play's flow but also lowering the ammount of times that an admin needs to show up to solve something that would have been solved with just a little list.

Concluding my point, having a list with a set of official, In Character rules for the school hours would help improve the punishment system and the players' knowledge of what they can and cannot do in school grounds, benefiting the community and the server in general in multiple ways.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Level 89
+1 There is 0 reason to not inform players that doing something is wrong. Yet there will be -1 as a answer.
Last edited:


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Okay, coming from a Teacher of... idk how long, take my words with a grain of sand.

WE, as faculty, have a set of rules that we have to follow, along with following the rules that are told to us. Which BTW these rules can be found at the FRONT OF SCHOOL right next to the mascots and their BUYABLE items(yes they are buyable).

I do believe we SHOULD have a roleplay document over the school rules BUT I do not think what the PUNISHMENT should be posted, as to make that solely Faculty/SLT. If you get confused on the school rules, you are more than welcomed to ask any faculty member to help explain the rules of the school.


Level 134

Keep it in RP imo, when absolutely everything is made readily available off of the server, it takes away valuable RP moments. If anything, school rules should be taught more ICly by teachers and other faculty over anything. Teachers may read their personal classroom rules out loud, I personally wrote mine on signs throughout the classroom.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to put reminder signs of certain rules throughout the school though, as well as front desk staff having a guide to readily answer any questions about the rules from students.


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team
This is something that wouldn't hurt, however I must agree with what Dark said about not including the punishments for each of them. Just like in reality, it really depends on which faculty member you are dealing with. You may get a detention for "flicking somebody's face" for example as another faculty member see's it as assault, a different faculty member might just warn you to stop before giving a detention out. It all depends, I like it like that, I think it makes it more realistic with who you're dealing with.

I do think that it would be nice to see an official document about the school guidelines and code of conduct though!


Level 200
Okay, coming from a Teacher of... idk how long, take my words with a grain of sand.

WE, as faculty, have a set of rules that we have to follow, along with following the rules that are told to us. Which BTW these rules can be found at the FRONT OF SCHOOL right next to the mascots and their BUYABLE items(yes they are buyable).

I do believe we SHOULD have a roleplay document over the school rules BUT I do not think what the PUNISHMENT should be posted, as to make that solely Faculty/SLT. If you get confused on the school rules, you are more than welcomed to ask any faculty member to help explain the rules of the school.
Yeah I agree with this, since all factions have specific rules ICly they are expected to abide by (i.e, shrine we cannot yell, and sports we cannot gangrp) so instead of something that is strictly faction related, what about just a relay of information over the general ICly rules? This could also include a link to the Karakura Laws document! It would just include the basics of what your character's can/cannot do, and /some/ specifics around the school (since it's schoolrp)!

Generally, a good suggestion! I just move for the idea to be broader.


Level 66
Keep it in RP imo
In a real school, the rules would most likely be written on the school site, so it would be available to the students and the parents. Also going by your logic, they should completely remove the roleplay documents section, as people can just 'find out icly' about it.


Level 134
In a real school, the rules would most likely be written on the school site, so it would be available to the students and the parents. Also going by your logic, they should completely remove the roleplay documents section, as people can just 'find out icly' about it.
All I'm saying is that this community is very dependent on external factors to determine their roleplay. There are ways to portray a lot of this in-character, not all, but a lot.


Level 118
All I'm saying is that this community is very dependent on external factors to determine their roleplay. There are ways to portray a lot of this in-character, not all, but a lot.
realest shit i've heard to date.


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
Personally, I believe that the school rules are pretty general and make sense. Most if not all of them are posted on the boards right in front of the school near the mascots, which is likely there rather than as a document so you go into the school to find out and actually roleplay out knowing that! Finding things out OOCly is nice, but it'd be nicer if your character actually knows those rules because they read them! Like others have said, punishment is all up to the faculty member that is applying those rules to your character, so roleplay it out!


Level 75

A lot of the school rules don't make sense, it would be nice to have a forms page that goes into more detail about it all
Examples: Dresscode and what that means, Assault and what is classified as assault.

You could easily keep the school board up for quick glances and new players, but for roleplay sometimes students are getting in trouble for things and not even understanding why they are getting in trouble. It can be put under guides, AND WITH THAT BEING SAID, SOME OF THE GUIDES LIKE THIS ONE

Within the school rules form guide there can also be more detail on each rule like "this rule doesn't need multiple warnings for you to get detention" stuff like that.

Level 40
overall a lot of rules (ic AND especially OOC) need to be WRITTEN!! DOWN!!!!! While most are mentioned in the official rules document, many rules are not mentioned anywhere officially on the forums or in a very subtle thread from 2019 anyway +1


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team

A lot of the school rules don't make sense, it would be nice to have a forms page that goes into more detail about it all
Examples: Dresscode and what that means, Assault and what is classified as assault.

You could easily keep the school board up for quick glances and new players, but for roleplay sometimes students are getting in trouble for things and not even understanding why they are getting in trouble. It can be put under guides, AND WITH THAT BEING SAID, SOME OF THE GUIDES LIKE THIS ONE

Within the school rules form guide there can also be more detail on each rule like "this rule doesn't need multiple warnings for you to get detention" stuff like that.

To quickly respond to this, each faculty has their own way of dealing with different things around school. Just like real life, what a faculty member deems as punishable is punishable. Some will be more lenient with different things like dress code, what counts as assault, etc. Some are more harsh and strict with it. This is actually a realistic way of doing it, as there is no handbook and it ultimately is decided in character. I don't think there should be an exact guide on what is classed as what, there could be some suggestions about what assault could include, but no list that is kept to.


Level 75
To quickly respond to this, each faculty has their own way of dealing with different things around school. Just like real life, what a faculty member deems as punishable is punishable. Some will be more lenient with different things like dress code, what counts as assault, etc. Some are more harsh and strict with it. This is actually a realistic way of doing it, as there is no handbook and it ultimately is decided in character. I don't think there should be an exact guide on what is classed as what, there could be some suggestions about what assault could include, but no list that is kept to.
yeah this in itself is a problem, especially when guides like the one I had linked before exist. What you're saying makes it hard on Students and Teams to know how far they can push until its too far, especially when people on teams can be removed oocly for things like suspension and expulsion (Im aware teachers cant hand this kinda thing out, but teams records being riddled with detentions for small situations because the teacher deemed it appropriate wouldn't exactly help that characters/team members case.)


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team
yeah this in itself is a problem, especially when guides like the one I had linked before exist. What you're saying makes it hard on Students and Teams to know how far they can push until its too far, especially when people on teams can be removed oocly for things like suspension and expulsion (Im aware teachers cant hand this kinda thing out, but teams records being riddled with detentions for small situations because the teacher deemed it appropriate wouldn't exactly help that characters/team members case.)

Just like in real life, you do bad things at school, you face the consequences under that teacher though. I don't believe its a problem, if people want to stay on their teams, stay out of trouble, like in real life. Teachers should not go by a handbook with this sort of thing, some are stricter, some aren't, it wouldn't make sense to force all teachers to act the same way.


Level 75
Just like in real life, you do bad things at school, you face the consequences under that teacher though. I don't believe its a problem, if people want to stay on their teams, stay out of trouble, like in real life. Teachers should not go by a handbook with this sort of thing, some are stricter, some aren't, it wouldn't make sense to force all teachers to act the same way.
Teachers have always followed rules, that's why the guide exists on forms, it was only changed recently or teachers just stopped following it?
Once again this isn't real life its roleplay, everyone following a handbook is what helps roleplay continue and helps people know how far they can push a roleplay before it needs to stop.

This is DEFINETLY something that needs to be updated especially if the guide on the forms is still going to exist since players will still follow it. Not updating things will just lead to rule breaking or confusion which is never fun.

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