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Denied Aro's P.E. teacher application


Level 197
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): Yes, @arocatula (I have joined the Academics server as well)

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

What is your time zone?: MST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I do understand, I will try to be as active as possible.

Describe your activity on the server: Even with school, extracurricular activities, and other outside events, I'm online an average of 4-5 hours almost daily. I stay online during school days while keeping up with time management. I'm typically online more often during weekends and breaks, so daily playtime increases. I have attended many classes, participated in multiple events, and studied school factions and how the school works.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
(ACCEPTED) (P.E. teacher application) (Art teacher department switch) (JSL Application 2) (Russian Application) (Korean Application 2) (Third Language Application 2) (French Application) (Spanish Application) (Height Application 3)
(DENIED) (JSL Application) (Korean Application) (Third Language Application) (Height Application) (Height Application 2) (Event Team Application) (Event Team Application 2) (Lore Team Application)

(REMOVED) (Lore Team Application 2) (Professor Application)

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
-Honoka Miki N. Taniguchi, Grade 12 (Applying for)
-Lilly Mieko Itō, Grade 12


What subject are you applying to teach?:
P.E. (Physical Education)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: I remember being a teacher last time and I enjoyed it as hard as the job may be sometimes. I'd love to get back into teaching students again, helping them learn about sports and exercise. I liked being able to teach lessons while doing the things I love in RP simultaneously. I've been interested in more difficult roles rather than just being a student, I'd love to teach students about my favorite school subject.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?: I do understand.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?: Yes, I do understand and I'm perfectly OK with that if so.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?: Teacher class logs are a way to track the amount of classes that teachers are hosting. These are important so 1) Teachers aren't randomly hosting classes without others knowing, 2) To track activity so teachers are teaching classes on a healthy basis, 3) To determine paychecks for the teacher, and 4) To help with qualifications, like higher teacher roles.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
-Absolutely no phones. In class and when doing outside activities. Please turn them off.
-No food/beverages at all, especially in the classroom.
-Be a good sport to your peers, and congratulate your and other's improvement. This i
-No running off. There will be outside activities and running away may result in punishment.
-Do your best both in sports and when being in the classroom.
-No speaking unexpectedly, whispering included. Only speak if you have raised your hand for a relevant question/comment/concern. (This will not typically apply during outside activities)
-No inappropriate language and actions at all.
-Refrain from using outside objects. (Does not include accessories. Does include things like umbrellas or toy katanas.)

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I've been a part of SchoolRP for multiple years now, and thus have gained a basic understanding of the school as a whole. I also have been a teacher for a few months before quitting. In that time, I have learned the basic tools and studied the multiple types of RP's there are, I have taken the time to bond with other people, and I have participated in events as well. I've been through many roleplaying incidents and took the chance to learn from those.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: They are the lead of the department that they are teaching in. They are very experienced with being a teacher and have the necessary teaching tools to teach a proper class.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: They have gained an experienced understanding of teaching classes, and they have the teacher tools to teach classes very well.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: They have a basic understanding of teaching classes and may need occasional assistance at times but they overall are capable of teaching classes well.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Untrained Teacher
↳ Description: A teacher who is new to the faction, must undergo training to get the basic knowledge of how to teach classes and learn about the school to become an NQT.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are a very important factor in the reason why we have a high school.
IG: As a past teacher, I have taken the time to understand the basic functions of how the school works and what teachers do. Teachers are trusted, responsible people to teach classes and use tools to help them. Being a teacher is not easy, as they may face challenges like outside behaviors and fights. Teachers give children an understanding of all sorts of subjects to help them in the future, if they want to become a doctor, police officer, or even a teacher themselves, teachers guide them through the process.
OOG: Considering how the server revolves mainly around School roleplay, teachers are very important. They give students lessons while giving them hands-on assignments, activities, and more. Teachers give students knowledge while being interactive.
SALARY: NQTs can receive a base amount of ¥350K if they have completed 10 classes. QTs can receive a base amount of ¥400K if they have completed 10 classes. A teacher will earn +¥50k for every 5 extra classes that they host. This is measured every month, each teacher can receive a maximum of ¥500K.
EXTRA: Teachers have lives, just like every other person on the server. Out of school, teachers bond with others, hang out with others, and keep in contact with loved ones. During break time, teachers can be planning for future lessons or just hanging in the teacher's lounge with fellow employees.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers play one of the most important roles in the server. Without teachers, the school would basically... well... not be a school. Students wouldn't get the education needed, and the school would probably be chaotic as well. There wouldn't be as many opportunities to move forward in school and the future.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school's planning system is MoSCoW. Must have, Should have, Could have, Will not have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
Honoka Miki N. Taniguchi, currently about 5'6, and her glasses, her bow, and her Kirby plushie all seem quite important to her. Her thunder-colored hair matches her dark clothing and her dusty gray colored jacket. Her energy comes from her ADHD, keeping up activity until she is incapable of doing so any longer. Her Santa-Fe tan reflects her personality, meaning she can be completely on something or completely off something. Physical Education is something she's very interested in, constantly exercises and plays sports. Her tough-looking exterior can contrast with her soft interior, showing that she still cares about others and doesn't like the idea of fights and disrespect.
What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
She is as kind as she can with her peers, helping them when they need it and making sure that she gives them the necessary assistance they require. She can get along with other co-workers, offering help at times as well and getting along with them easily. She sees all as equal, no matter the age, race, or gender. She loves befriending others and hopes that they will all have a positive future.
What are their plans for the future?
She plans to become a very experienced teacher, hoping to become an HD in P.E. She overlooks setbacks and deals with difficulties, keeping a positive outlook on her future. She hopes to improve her life even more and get an even more experienced understanding of the school and the rest of Karakura. She is excited about whatever else the future holds, knowing that she must control that.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Honoka would approach the students and would speak in a tone louder than theirs, "What seems to be the problem here?". If the students completely ignored Honoka, she would speak more sternly, a more imitating voice to catch the students' attention. If it is allegedly a "discussion" or "conversation", she would give them a verbal warning to refrain from such language on the school grounds or punishments will be held. If they continue such action, then they will all receive detention, as told. If they stop, they will receive no punishment from her and the incident is hopefully resolved.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Hanoka would speak in a very loud and sudden tone, hoping to suddenly catch the students' attention. If students do not abide by this, she will speak even more sternly, threatening class consequences if the action continues. Students may be kicked out of the class if they continue further, and activities may be canceled.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Possibly being "introverted" at first, Honoka would typically do her own thing without too much conversation. She will eventually get to know fellow staff members to have constant conversations and bondings with them. She speaks appropriately, refraining from saying foul language or showing disrespect. She hopes to gain friendships with employees through healthy interactions.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

heads over to the court to give students a demonstration. "As you can see, you want to put your hands in this ball-like shape." She wraps her hands around each other, forming a well-constructed ball shape with a strong area to hit the ball. She crouches a little while saying, "This is what you want to be posed like when you're about to hit the ball. Follow along if you'd like." She bends her knees; not too much, and pulls her arms back. She locks her eyes onto the incoming ball that has just been thrown upwards towards her. She winds up as her hands touch the ball, making it fly towards the other side of the net, giving the perfect hit. "That's it, doesn't seem too hard, right? There's always room for improvement, so if you need assistance, don't be afraid to come to me."
/me stands up to introduce herself. "Hello, students, if you have not had me as a teacher before, I go by Ms. Taniguchi... at least during school hours and when I'm here." She grabs her Kirby plushie, her glasses, and her black bow. "These are my favorite accessories. My favorite Nintendo character is Kirby, these are mainly just reading glasses, and I like this black bow in general." She walks into the storage, where some books are put. She takes one out, opens it, and shows it to the students. "This is a prime example of the assignments I may give. I do not give assignments every day, but here's an example for whenever I do. We will focus on activities and healthy exercise for the most part."
/me directs her attention to the student asking for assistance. "Hi, what do you need help with?" When the response is given, she thinks for a moment. "Try putting your legs in this slightly bent position, not too much, not too less." She slightly crouches, bending her knees for a good jump when throwing the ball. "If you do this, you should be all good." She grabs a basketball and brings it close to the hoop. She explains how accuracy is very important, and decides to give a couple of examples. Being close to the hoop, she makes sure not to use a lot of force when throwing the ball so it's not bouncing off the backboard. She grabs the ball again and goes farther away from the hoop. "When farther away, make sure to use more force, but again, still not too much." She shoots the ball again without too much or too less fore, ensuring a shot into the hoop.
/me grabs the assessment example book. She flips to the first page and begins to explain what do to. "Here, you must choose A, B, C, or D. If it says choose multiple, do so. Seems simple enough." She flips to section two of the book and explains what to do there. She checks to see if all students understand the assignment so far. She begins to move to section 3, giving more instructions to ensure success for all of the students. "You will have the rest of the class period to complete this assignment. If you are done early, feel free to hand it to me and sit back down silently. You can read a book or just sit down, but no talking and no devices."

Honoka M.N. Taniguchi's tumultuous journey through life began on a stormy night in Karakura, 2006. Born on May 13, she entered the world without the warmth of a family to welcome her. The mystery surrounding her parents' fate shrouded her early days, leaving her labeled as an orphan by those who speculated on their demise.

Raised in the embrace of a daycare, Honoka navigated her childhood by quietly staying there during closed hours, finding solace among the toys and familiar surroundings. The whispers of her parent's death echoed through the halls, and the children's taunts followed her like shadows. Honoka's resilience, however, was evident even in her earliest years when she stood up to a bully, emerging victorious despite bearing temporary marks of the battle.

As she transitioned into the realm of formal education, the daycare's doors closed behind her, directing her to Karakura High School. Faced with the harsh realities of teenage life, Honoka found herself entangled in a series of fights, often emerging on the losing side with sprained or broken limbs. Yet, undeterred by the physical and emotional scars, she pressed on, determined to acquire the basic education she needed.

Decked in a black crop top, short-shorts, and a dusty gray hoodie, Honoka's fashion choices mirrored the shadows that clung to her past. A rose ring, a treasured possession rarely adorning her finger, symbolized the fragility of her dreams, while round glasses and a black bow became her signature accessories.

Carrying the weight of her experiences, Honoka discovered a passion for physical education. Despite her initial struggles with sports, she persevered, driven by a desire to become a P.E. teacher. The Kirby plushie, a silent companion in her challenging journey, and the expensive watch on her wrist spoke of her resilience and the unspoken moments of triumph.

Her ADHD, a constant companion, added complexity to her daily life. Yet, Honoka found solace in her impeccable handwriting and impressive memorization skills. Quirky and unpredictable, she oscillated between moments of chattiness and stoic silence, fueling her love for energy drinks and embodying the essence of an introverted extrovert.

Beyond the facade of her tough exterior, Honoka revealed her softer side through her hobbies—exploring the realms of technology and expressing herself through writing. Though she identified as an introverted extrovert, she reserved her words until she formed connections, choosing her confidants with care.

Honoka's journey, marked by adversity and fueled by a positive outlook, showcased her resilience and determination. As she navigated through life's challenges, her thunder-hued hair and woody brown eyes mirrored the storm within, while her Santa-Fe skin reflected the strength of her spirit. Despite the shadows that clung to her past, Honoka embraced her dual heritage, carrying both Japanese and American roots.

In the tapestry of her existence, Honoka Taniguchi emerged as a symbol of strength, a baddie who faced life head-on, turning adversity into a source of inspiration for those who crossed her path.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Honoka Taniguchi
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Honoka or Miki
Preferred Name: Honoka, Miki, Ms. Taniguchi

Age (Minimum is 25): 26
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: None

Nationality: Japanese-American
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
About 4, including the last time I was a teacher, I thought a different school for most of the time, though.

Academic Degree: Masters in Physical Education
Year of Graduation: 2014
Major(s): Exercise, Athletic Training, Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Minors: Coaching, Adapted P.E., Nutrition, Basic Technology

Native Languages: Japanese, some English, JSL
Other Languages: Korean and Spanish

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No, I do not.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: Thanks for reviewing!
Do you have any questions?: I'm wondering if I will have to undergo training again if it depends on how long ago I've been a teacher.
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Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your application lacked detail in comparison to some others.

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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