Level 0

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
All language application have been accepted
Describe your activity on the server:
I have been a player for a few years now and I’ve found myself to be a very active member of the community. I often find myself joining different factions for more roleplay opportunities and to do more for the server itself. I do currently have a job but I continue to stay active the best I can. I try to push myself to stay active even if I’m not feeling the most motivated. The most active I've been on the server is when I'm joining teams and school factions as well. Being apart of these different roleplay groups keep me active throughout the week. Besides having inactivity logs, I'm always making sure to get online and interact.
What is your motivation for applying?:
It's been a few months now since I've been apart of the KPD, the first few times I had left due to OOC reasons. Breaks were needed throughout the months but I'm glad to be an active member again. I love any type of Medical, Police force or Hospital roleplay and it is always grabbing my attention when I'm watching it. I have joined multiple times in he past and I would without a doubt say that I have had the most fun being apart of it. The roleplay that surrounds being a police officer on this server is really entertaining to me and I'll love to experience that once again with players I enjoy interacting with. Though its been while since I was last part of the KPD, I understand and have seen that much has changed. Joining again, I want to be able to learn all the assets of being a member of the KPD. Another reason that has motivated me to join the faction is to be able to branch out and interact with more of the server itself. I have been a lot of people in my time being an officer and it really had opened so many doors and opportunities for roleplay.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
From my previous experience being apart of the force, I have gathered a good amount of knowledge but I do understand that it possibly is out of date. I know that much has changed within the rules and the roleplay itself. The KPD is an important faction of our server that works as a lawful system in a way to ensure that certain roleplay scenarios don't become out of hand. To my knowledge this is everything I know so far.
There are two ways that the police force is divided, the main force and the detective field. The main force of the KPD starts off with the Commissioner. The Commissioners is the highest ranked officer and is responsible for every other member of their faction. They supervise over every detail and ensure that the faction it running smoothly. The Police Captain is similar. They manage daily operations and keep the rest of the main force in check while also supervising. This role goes hand in hand with the Detective Superintendent. Next down the line are Lieutenants. Lieutenants are apart of the higher-ups and are often working to coordinate a level work environment. They are often working alongside the other faction members in order to plan the cadets the training. The Sergeants come in as the Lieutenant's right hand. While their higher-ups are the ones planning, Sergeants usually are in charge of hosting these trainings and making sure that the cadets are being taught. They also may be seen as a higher-up as they tend to look over the rest of the faction and keep a responsible eye. After them comes the Corporals. They are often seen as a group leader, taking control of certain cadet training and being there as a mentor. They are often given the simpler or safer police duties when it comes to working with the cadets. Once moving up from being a cadet itself, the next step would be Patrol Officer. These officers are the ones who are typically seen around town. Their duties consist of the basic police activities, such as basic arrests and fines. The last role would be the Cadets. These cadets are new members of the faction that have a lot to learn. They are not meant to patrol alone and are usually under supervision. Their usual duties consist of very basic responsibilities such as computer work behind the front desks.
Now onto the Detective Division. The Detective Superintendent is also the second in command, similar to the police Captain. They work hand in hand with the Captain to overlook the whole faction. Aside from their daily responsibility, the DSI are in charge of choosing who will be apart of the detective division. They coordinate and assign trainings to lower ranking detectives. Next down the line is the Detective Superintendent. Their role is also a higher position for the detectives and also assist the DSI in planning events and supervising lower rank detectives. Underneath them are the Detective Chief Inspector. They are also a higherup in the detective division. They assist with trainings, manage the other detectives and also oversee cases. Then there are the Detective Inspectors. They take more responsibly when investigating and interrogating people. This rank is earned after being deemed suitable to carry some kind of leadership. After passing the Detective constable test, the next role to be promoted to is Detective Sergeant. They also assist with training the lower detectives. Detective Constables are the newest members of the detective division.
Cadets and Patrol Officers are usually put up for front desk duty. They are often found logging bails and taking reports from citizens. Working the front desk also consists of authorizing visitations and patting down at the front lobby. Supervising the lobby itself is also a responsibility. Arrests are a big part of the KPD and are often done by Patrol Officers. Whatever the crime might have been, there are a few steps that must be followed during an arrest. Once the cuffs have been placed around the characters wrist, they are given the chance to flee. Once back at the station, the arrest must be logged OOCLY and there must be a bail set for the individual. After telling the player that they must change characters and the amount of their bail it is possible to take a mugshot as well as certain inmate care if granted permission. Detains are similar to arrests but are usually used for questioning. It follows a similar procedure with the cuffs. Patrols are apart of the police officers daily duties and responsibilities. With the permission of a higher-up, patrol officers are allowed to go out on patrols depending on the level of danger. PO's typically bring a cadet or two with them on these patrols with permission. This task consists of running through the town and making sure that there are no suspicious or criminal activities. Depending on the situation and scenario, stun-blasters might be used during these patrols. Moving onto training, these are what ready the cadets into becoming patrol officers and higher. These weekly physical and informational trainings are what build knowledge and teach the cadets about how to react to real scenarios outside the building. Once a few weeks have passed, these cadets may take the examination for these training to pass.
- The first aid kits given to us are typically used when there are no EMS on hand or able to respond over the radio. These are used on other citizens or officers in need of quick medical attention.
- Pepper spray is able to be used when there is no way of using the stun-blaster. It is a way to temporality keep the threat at bay and to blur the culprits vision momentarily.
-The police badge is what is used to identify the police officer or detective that is involved. It consists of their full name and badge number.
-The stun-blaster is used during a violent or dangerous scenario. It if often used to scare the other party as well as control large groups of people.
-The body cams are apart of the officers vest and are used to protect the officer overall. These cameras are able to be checked in case of any mix ups or just to fully understand how a situation occured.
-The breathalyzer is used for individuals who are suspected to be under the influence. It states the percentage of the drunk citizen.
-The police baton is a defense tool used when officers might not be able to reach for their other items, such as the stun-blaster.
-The radio is used as the basic platform to contact not only other officers but emergency services as well.
-The luminol spray is often used to point out blood on weapons or items that cannot be seen easily.
-A finger print scanner is typically used by the detectives in order to identify finger prints from items.
-Crowbars are used to force open either dorms or chests, typically during a raid.
-Gas masks are not only used to protect the officer from any sort of dangerous chemicals they might inhale but to also protect and keep their identity hidden from the public.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In my experience on Schoolrp, I believe that a big part of the server depends on the KPD force. I find the police to be extremely important in many helpful ways. There are a ton of different roleplay genres and groups surrounds SRP but I do believe gang and criminal roleplay make up half of them. There are a lot of players that take part within that genre as well as the black market or any other role with a similar roleplay style. With every kind of roleplay, a counter is needed to keep a stable smooth scenario. The police force helps counter the criminal activities in Karakura. Without some sort of police force, a city like Karakura would only begin to crumble from the amount of crime roleplay the players enjoy participating in. Weather that be murder, assault, fraud, defamation, etc. It important to keep a stable roleplay with a back and forth clash so that no parties are able to power game or have full control of the situation and scenarios. The police force doesn't just deal with crime within the town alone but the school as well. Students and sports teams also play a big role with the KPD. It's a way to keep a good balance on crime in general on the server and roleplay as a whole. Without having a police force to establish somewhat or power above the population, there would be nothing to counter the crime. This would only cause everything to spiral deeper into the world of gang activities and violence without any consequences. With police work, it gives the players so much more opportunities to roleplay and be apart of the faction itself.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I understand. I will make sure to attend trainings when needed.

In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
Winona Wolfe
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Cis-male. He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Japanese sign language, French and Spanish.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

However, Winona was extremely devoted. Nothing could get between him and his studies the second his nose dove into a book. Academics were on the top of his list and that was what his main focus was. A character that could only be described as a dull tedious dry person who spoke in the most uninterested monotone voice ever heard. Which was true, nothing interested Winona. Besides new information through his studies, Winona rarely found himself excited. He's a mouse, typically keeping to himself. He was no interest in having relationships outside of the work field. Everything is kept professional with him. He is a work driven workaholic to very unhealthy levels. Winona was only described as a nerd through his teen years and he has yet to change it.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
There is little to no difference between the way Winona acts professionally or casually. In whichever situation, he will always have that dull dreary aura. In a more professional scenario, Winona knows his place. It is rare for him to speak out of place or to interrupt a conversation. If for work, he will simply listen along and take notes. The only way Winona would ever speak before spoken to is to point out the mistakes from other people. He will often put a finger up or push his glasses up the bridge of his nose to state the correct fact. It's annoying to say the least. Say Winona was in a more casual scenario, which he most likely would not be in. Unless it was for a certain important reason, Winona would not put much thought or effort into the event. Often deciding to keep to himself and possibly bring a book with him, Winona isn't the type of be comfortable around other people. He's a simple man. Keeping to himself, spending his days off reading and catching up on old paperwork.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
In Winona's eyes, co-workers should always stay co-workers. He sees friendship and relationships within the force to be unprofessional. To him, the more someone is willing to become closer to their co-workers, the bigger their weaknesses become. As long as someone gets their jobs done, Winona has no issue with any of his co-workers. He doesn't wish to waste his time to necessarily liking or disliking people on the team, he simply sees it all as work. Get it done and move onto the next assignment. The idea of teamwork isn't so pleasant to Winona. His whole life, he had much rather preferred to work by himself. Weather that be at school, at work, outside the house, Winona always found it easier to work alone. With a multiple group of people, he almost sees it as a disadvantage. He'll often find himself distracted if working with too many heads and if anything gets between him and his work, he won't react the best way. He worries about getting dragged down, moving too slow, being too distracted to get anything done on time. The idea is stressful for him but in the end, he will do what is needed in order to get the job done.
What's your character's backstory?
October 13, 1998, the worst day of Winona Wolfe's life. The day him and his twin sister were born. Even with little to no consciousness, Winona was already labeled as a lovely angelic child. Aren't all newborns? A beautiful set of twins with smooth porcelain skin that could make any parent proud. Even a hard-headed pair like Winona's. Even so, it didn't seem to be enough. It didn't stop his parents from jumping straight into getting a nanny for him and his sister. And for the first few years of their life, that's all Winona knew. Instead of the loving touch from both parents, he was stuck sitting with a nanny who he had no relation to. For a nanny, working with babies is no issue. She certainly had no problem with these two. After a few more months, it were as if the two of them had hit a switch. Winona was known as the perfect son before he was throwing tantrums and smashing glasses. The amount of chaotic rage building up inside him really projected around the house. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't have a real connection with his parents or maybe he was simply sick of seeing the same nanny every single day of his life. Either way, Winona was causing trouble all throughout his childhood. Ask the nanny now and she would describe baby Winona to be the anti-christ.
After a few years had gone by and Winona was quickly entering his toddler stage, the temper only got worse. When Winona didn't get his way he would knock vases over, rip curtains, scratch and pull his nanny's hair. The screaming and crying were haunting enough, there wasn't anything Winona hadn't done to drive that poor lady insane. All he wanted was to be with his parents. He would often sneak into his fathers office or into his mother bedroom just to see what they were always occupied with. His little brain didn't understand that, he just wanted the comfort feeling of being around them. It always ended with him throwing a fit and kicking at the ground, screaming to be let back in. As some point, everyone pushes their limit. That is exactly what happened. The nanny quit and Winona's parents were stumped. With no other choice, the parents decided to start spending more time with their kids. It was a nice change for awhile, less crying, nothing broken. Winona was as quiet as ever. But nothing lasts forever, they were kids. And as they continued to grow, so did their emotions. His behavior began to spiral into more childlike violence. Instead of fits, he just found fun in trashing anything he could get his little grubby toddler hands on. His parents had enough. So they simple sent them away. Boarding school would help, they thought. Winona only saw this new school as another playground he could play around in. A sandbox where he was able to throw sand around with zero consequences. It was havoc. In a place where he should have been learning to control his emotions and become a well behaved child, he was flipping desks and sticking wads of chewed gum into girls hair. It was to the point where not even the school faction wanted these twins to attend their halls. They contacted his parents repetitively in hopes to getting those two transferred to a different school district.
Time continued on and Winona seemed to have matured. Unsure of what had changed within his little mind, he simply began to care less about causing trouble for the other students and more on becoming the best amongst them. Maybe it was a game to him, just a competition. Whatever it might have been, it was working. His grades were going up and he was often marked as the top of his class. Books were his childhood obsession which he continued to carry into adulthood. Every new piece of knowledge he gathered from his books and classes somehow stuck with him. It was as if everything he learned was simply stored in his own mini library within his mind. He grew to develop an extremely good memory. Both him and his sister continued to do exceedingly well in this academics which lead to the approval of both their parents. Winona was smart at a young age. The feeling of having his parents approval was almost a dream come true but he soon realized that without being this successful in school, he would have that same bland relationships with them. That stuck with him for a long time. And the older he became, the more he saw through his parents act. Every higher grade he entered, Winona was exceeding. He found himself drawn to studying and focusing on his academics. Unlike other kids his age, playing outside or with video games, he had no interest in that. Day after day, All Winona wished to do was study. As long as it made his parents happy, right?
At the age to seven, Winona's whole family packed up and moved to Karakura, Japan. The move from France to Japan was a big one but he was young, it didn't affect him much. Once they had settled down, he decided he wanted to set a standard for his life. He wanted to surpass every single one of his classmates and show how successful he's going to be in the future. Kids have such big imaginations, but him and his sister were dedicated. And that's what they did. Year after year, Winona would push aside any opportunity to make friends or relationships and instead dug his nose deep into textbooks and notepads. His parents were too busy to even notice. They only started to pay attention when grades were being passed out. It made Winona furious but he knew he had to continue. After graduating high school, Winona had no friends. The only person he had ever even considered a friend was his sister. And that was fine, he didn't care. And unlike normal teenagers that graduate, Winona went straight back into his studies instead of going to parties or having a fun summer break. The twins ended up in medical school, exactly where their parents wanted them to be. And then the day finally came when Winona was able to walk that stage and look down on everybody else. The last thing he remembered about that day was the smoke that filled the air.

General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
". . No. Please don't waste my time with these type of questions. Ask something harder."
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
"Actually, you will find that there are plenty of items that do not need a prescription. Why only name five. I will gladly name more than just a few. . . No? Alright then. I will answer your question. A wooden cane. Eyepatches. Bandages. Paracetamol. And cough medicine."
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"That is extremely unprofessional. To ensure my own safely as well as the inmate, I would make sure to call for back-up through the radio. Once a response was given I would tell my co-worker to stop and to step away from the inmate. I would then proceed to take control of the situation by separating the two while waiting on back-up. In the case that my co-worker refuses to leave the inmate alone, I will intervene myself in an attempt to make sure the inmate is safe. Once the other officers showed, I would make sure that the inmate gets immediate medical attention. Once they were well enough to answer questions, I would start an interrogation. I would also suggest to run through the camera footage to see what exactly went down.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"This is a very vague question. It really depends on the situation at hand. Say my co-worker was alone and with just one other person. I will not hesitate to intervene after calling for back-up. I will always call for back-up being getting involved with any type of combat. To reach for my stun-blaster would be my first instinct upon seeing my co-worker in danger. I would make sure to keep them safe while dealing with it professionally unless it gets out of hand. Now say there are multiple people surrounding my co-worker. That gets a bit more complicated. Calling for back up is a must but I would attempt to take control of the situation with either my stun-blaster or my baton. . now say that there were weapons involved. My co-workers safety is the most important in that situation so I would try my best to get them to safe place or at least make distance between us and the assaulters."
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"For my own safety, I would go along with it. Listen to along and casually ask questions to get as much information as possibly. I have a pretty good memory so I have no need to write any of it down but once I have gained my co-workers trust, I would make sure to let the higher ups know about this situation. I would give them all the information before suggesting to keep a close eye on said person and continue to gain information while I still had their trust."
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"What a stupid question. I would fine them and educate them on bribing a police officer. That's assuming if the criminal is a younger citizen. Kids just want to start trouble. However, if it a more serious conversation with heavy amount of money, I would fine them as well and give them a warning before walking off. Assuming that my body cam has caught the footage of him already, I would report it to another co-workers before moving on."