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KPD Application | gotsoup


Level 4

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:


Describe your activity on the server:

I have been a player on SchoolRp for almost three years now. Throughout the years, I have been extremely active. My recent activity has been on and off since last summer due to my IRL life but I have been much more active since November 2021. For the past few years, I’ve been trying out different aspects of Roleplay such as sports teams, EMS, KPD, and so on. Being a part of these factions and teams boosts my motivation to keep myself active on this server. I do genuinely enjoy roleplaying, being able to roleplay with more players in different ways excites me.

Which timezone are you in:


Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag:


Do you have a microphone:


List your current and past applications:

Language Applications
Swedish X2 - Accepted
German - Accepted
Spanish - Accepted
Sundanese - Accepted
Korean - Accepted
Bengali - Accepted
JSL - Accepted

Other Applications
Police - Accepted
Police X2 - Accepted
Doctor - Accepted
Doctor X2 - Accepted
Hs Council - Accepted

What is your motivation for applying?:

CopRP, MedicalRP, and GangRP have always caught my attention as entertaining to be a part of. The roleplaying community has always been a passion of mine. Seeing criminals apprehended during big events, especially during crime sprees, has always been a lot of fun for me. To be able to participate in that sort of roleplay is so exciting for me. Roleplays that include DetailRP are highly enjoyable for me, especially if I am surrounded by others with similar interests. The time I spent on SchoolRP was the most fun I've ever had in my past six months as a police officer. Getting to experience new roleplay was enjoyable, but now that I know what I am getting into, I am even more excited to join back and learn all the new things about these types of roleplay and DetailRP.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

I do.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I do.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

SchoolRP is extremely dependent on its police force. A city or a town like Karakura would crash and burn if there were no police force for enforcement. On this server, GangRP is a very popular roleplay, and some sort of force is needed to prevent crimes such as murder, assault, fraud, and many others. CopRP and GangRP have been regularly changing up their rules to fit each others different roleplay styles- and despite the many times in which the officers have failed to stop a gang from destroying the city, it is what keeps it stable. With each day that passes, gang activity has increased, which only means more scenarios where the police need to protect the city from dangerous activity. Without any type of Police force running Karakura, lots of players would begin to kind it boring that gangs and criminals keep taking over the city- bombarding it. This could ruin a lot of different roleplay experiences and in the end could just be boring for most players. Having this force assist the city would make great for roleplay and will just spice it all up in general. IC crime rates would be at an all time high without the assistance of the Karakura Police Department.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?


Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?


Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?


Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?


In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Mariana Moralez is an extremely motherly woman. Though she is straightforward, she tends to treat the citizens of this town as if they were her own children. She tends to behave in a maternal manner, even towards adults. Due to the fact that she grew up on her own, taking care of her brothers along the way, perhaps it is instinct. Mariana is as straightforward as they come, in contrast to the lovable mother she is depicted in books and tv shows. Generally, she doesn't think twice about what she says and will utter anything that's on her mind. As long as she radiates a confident aura, she doesn't have anything to worry about. Her general confidence is complemented by her maturity with regard to her daily life. It's one thing to be mature at your job, but Mariana's maturity is unending. She has never been able to take a break from her work unless her brother- Malachi Moralez, physically convinces her to take a break. A workaholic she is. She would always be seen with this cold stare in her bold fierce eyes. A rather intimidating gaze with her usual monotone voice as she spoke. It didn't seem as though she had any emotions at all! One of Mariana's key features is her amazingly beautiful eyes. Just like her twin brother, she would have Heterochromia. Although she and Malachi aren't exactly the same, the results of her were one right eye which was brown and the other was a beautiful shade of green. Dark curls would also compliment her nice complexion. Identical to her mothers. Those dazzling curls, it was incredible how well they suited her alongside that heart of gold. Mariana was never the type of person to pay attention to what she was wearing. She always threw on something comfortable and simple.

She was a very simple person. -and although she does not tend to smile often, she never lets her suspicions drop. Even if it does seem like her guard is down while she's relaxed or anything of the sort, she is still very paranoid of those around her. She can be quite the overthinker when it comes to meeting new people as well. She might seem like a very serious person every minute of the day, but Mariana does of the curse have her moments where she enjoys herself. She does however find comfort in places as well as around her brothers. Her family in general- she feels at peace. It's one of those moments where all of that built-up stress leaves her mind. This of course would never distract her from her work though. Even at great times like those, her mind is always on those cases and reports. Mariana is a very simple woman. When it comes to showing her emotions, she believes they are a waste of time. As an example, anger, frustration, irritation, hatred, and other violent traits would be examples of those emotions. Despite being stressed, she stays calm even in stressful situations where lives are at stake. When it comes to her mind, patience plays an imperative role. She tends to wait until the appropriate moment arrives before reacting. She believes violence should be used only in extreme circumstances. Before all, she thinks of the safety of others.


What they're like on and off the job?

Mariana is your go-to person on the job. You can always count on her. With a bit of determination, she will no doubt get things done. Her persistence would never allow her to give up or take a break, even if it did last for weeks or months. She will go nights without sleep to get to the end of a case or gather more evidence and information, regardless of how unhealthy it is for her. Nothing would distract her from her work- unless her family of course. It is all about her work, and nothing else matters to her. Her family is also her source of motivation to work hard after the wall. In light of everything that happened to her father and brother, she seems to be haunted by a feeling of fear; a whisper in the back of her mind that says if she didn't keep working so hard, someone else would end up like that. Having been taken away from her father when she was younger, she had no time to think about the clothes she had to wear to school or which boy would take her to the dance; all her attention was devoted to her books and papers during and after school. Her only focus was studying. Since she was a student, nothing has prevented her from staying focused. It would be impossible for her to forgive herself if something happened to someone close to her. Every day, she is consumed by this thought. She will be so exhausted that she can't sit up until it has consumed her body.
On days when she isn't working, she is mostly around her brother, Malachi. As they strolled Karakura's streets and stores together, Malachi usually helped Mariana find friends her age. Due to her poor speaking skills, Mariana lacks the confidence to interact with people; therefore, Malachi speaks all the time, while she nods quietly behind him. She enjoys a nice cup of tea in the park or the Zen garden when she is by herself. It is just so peaceful listening to birds chirping and frogs croaking in the ponds. She loves it. Her favorite areas are those where there is little or no noise. It helps her calm her mind and think about what's going on. This is a helpful way for her to release all those stressful thoughts.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

When it comes to her co-workers, Mariana knows exactly how to speak and act with them. Although most might disagree, she believes that co-workers should never be more while on duty. No friendship or relationships, in her mind they would just be a waste of energy. Which is why she tends to keep a very professional relationship with all of her co-workers. Even her family members. She knows to treat every single person with respect and never once has she even thought of speaking out of place. Even if in the end she does not fully agree with those co-workers, she'll make sure to give them the respect they deserve. With years of practice, it seems as thought she has trained herself to speak upon certain topics correctly. Saying what is necessary during conversations and when to keep to herself. In the end she is of course going to treat every single co-worker the same.

Thinking about the future is someone Mariana doesn't usually do. She never has the time to actually sit down and think about what she wants to do once she's way older. Even when she does think about those topics, they are not as simple inter eyes. Years ago when she was very young and her father had been falsely accused of a crime he did not commit, Mariana ended up spending days and nights looking into his case. Every single file from news reports to old papers on his desk. Even after reading through all of them, she would make sure to read over them again and again until she was 100% she hadn't missed anything. She even took notes on those papers. During the time, she was only fifteen. She never had the time to sit down and think about her future. Of course when she sits down and actually day dreams about the future- she doesn't plan on giving up on work. Having a family of her own has always been a dream, she would be more than happy to be a mother one day, but she does know how difficult that would be for her and her family; due to how dedicated she to her work. Other than having the perfect family, Mariana just wants to continue living her life to the fullest- being able to help those in need whenever she can.


On June 7th of 1997, Mariana Javiera Moralez was born. A few minutes later, her mother gave birth to another child, a baby boy. This boy would grow up to be Marianas twin brother, Malachi Lee Moralez. Now these two siblings already had an older brother, their mother named his Matteo AJ Moralez. The three kids grew up in a very unsafe and dangerous neighborhood. A place called West Garfield park, on the west side of Chicago and Illinois located in North America. Even though the three lives in such an unstable neighborhood- the family somehow felt protected and safe when near each other. Having an amazingly loving father, who was also a police officer and their sweetheart of a mother- who was working as a nurse, their household felt warm and comfortable. Most of the time Mariana didn’t have to worry about anything at all- well except for her dork of a brother of course. He always found a way to get under her skin. However, this never stopped the family from loving each other to death. Ever since she was a child, Mariana always had the brains. Amazing grades with a fascinating personality, she never found herself in trouble. Out of the two brothers, she was usually the one who told them to stay in place, especially when Malachi tried to be the “bigger brother”. Mari found this confidence in her by watching her father. She would always cheer him on when watching him- or when finding out he figured out a case. When her father, Lee, was not home- she would sit at him messy desk and act as if it belonged to her. All the papers on the floor with the board on the wall- she felt as though it was made for her. At times she would even act as though she was cracking her own cases. However, this always ended with her father dragging her back into bed since it would always be 4 in the morning. Mari thought of Lee as her hero and dreamed of being just like him. Everything he did- she copied and all the lessons he taught her and still in her head. She would never forget his words, him telling her how to properly solve a crime and which mistakes not to make. It was almost as if her life was perfect- up until the twins turned fourteen years old. Her older brother was just entering high school when this happened. Since their father was a police officer in a very corrupt part of town with the majority of the police commission corrupted as well, he entered a very unsafe and sketchy case. Almost seemed to be botched; even the warnings Mari gave him out of worry- he continued to investigate further. When the local gang found this out, they contacted the police they had on their payroll and ordered that their father be pinned for a crime he did not commit- Murder. After that, they locked him up, threw him in a cell as though he were nothing. Mariana could not believe it- but she did not mourn over this. She wiped those tears and continued to stay strong- and with all the determination in her, she decide to pick up more books- and read more into Law. Unlike her brother Malachi who instead decided to train himself meticulously- Mari knew where to go with her knowledge. Mariana spent years learning the ins and the outs of the law, trying to beat the corrupt lawyers that put him in there, in the first place- and to this place, she is still working hard on his case.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Mariana Javiera Moralez

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Miss Moralez

Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:






IC Phone number:


Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:



American Japanese

Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

2 years - internship

Working Experience:

1 year - internship
1 year - police faction
3 years - detective faction

Academic Degree:

Bachelors degree

Year of Graduation:



Law and Criminal Justice


Physiology, Maths, English

Native Languages:

Spanish and English

Other Languages:

Japanese and Sundanese


Level 328
Welcome to the Karakura Police Department! Please make sure to have
a look at the Emergency Discord server for further information.​

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