Level 115
Again, this isn't real life. It wouldn't make the yen less valuable, unless we have some sort of uprising with shop owners. BMD's always have the same money. Yen is always going to be spawned in, as every 30 minutes, with an average of 200 players online, thats 200 thousand yen, being put into the economy. What they could do, is put out a limited time code - and perhaps post it to the starting message, which grants the user 10,000 yen. It seems reasonable, as the code would only be active for around 2 days, and it would just progress the economy around 5 hours of playtime - assuming you are a g-12 - , which is less than most people have played during this downtime of /rewards, and the daily rewards man. Then, greenies who did not like playing during this time, could have some money to use from the past time. Shop owners wouldn't raise prices, as its a one time 10,000 yen boost, and isn't going to mess with the economy that much, as it would be around ~1 million yen given out, assuming 1000 people used the code during this time. Some cars are more expensive than that, and it would help out new players a lot, given that most can't use /feed, or were saving up towards a new item they wanted. I'm not stating that they should raise the allowance per 30 minutes, as that would cause some inflation, but a 1 time thing would be more of a stimulus check, for missed payments. Yen gets taken out of the economy, throughout various things, such as buying cars, black market supply drops, and vending machine, NPC ran shops, and so much more. It would help the economy, a little bit, as no one would be raising prices for such a relatively medium one time drop, but newer players could have a bit of a better experience after the past days we've had without the basic money grants. Rich people on the server wouldn't care about this amount, and would consider it as a minor event, but greenies, g 10, 11s, and newer grade 12s would appreciate and or benefit from this a lot. I'm not asking for some out of proportioned amazing yen boost, like 50-100k, just a ease of life benefit. Another option we could take, is giving out a nice cosmetic, for a limited time. That would be equivalent to the 10,000 yen, and would mess with the economy even less, as everyone who was active would have it, and there would be no demand as the supply was given to everyone. Again, this is mostly for newer players. I've had around 4 greenies ask for money loocly, as they couldn't afford the vending machines. Just a jumpstart, while the devs work on fixing the plugins, and the players can relax for a bit.
Yeah, this server isn't real life, but it is a player-ran economy, a player-ran economy by real people, so it simulates a real-life economy. Inflation very much exists in our little world of SRP.
But no, you're right. A 10,000 one-time reward wouldn't do much, but that wasn't the example I made. And you also have to imagine that maybe not everyone is content with a one-time 10,000 reward. That is why paying compensation with IC yen is a difficult process, especially if you want to,—as the original suggestion suggested—"Helps out the economy for the playtime we had but didn’t get our benefits for." - meaning you calculate (somehow) the playtime and missed rewards, etc etc.
It's a whole ordeal