players online



Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Describe your activity on the server:
I am usually very active on the server, however Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are usually when I’m on the least as I usually work from 10AM-3PM EST unless I have to work overtime. On those days I’m usually on for at least 6-10 hours. Wednesdays and weekends though is when I’m free all day long, and I will be on anywhere between 12-20 hours on those days, especially longer on the weekends. I’ve been involved in the sports faction on multiple occasions. I was on the bobcat track team from August 2021-December 2021, bobcat swim team April 2022-June 2022, College Female Basketball December 2022-June 2023, College female football August 2023-September 2023, Bobcat female basketball October 2023-December 2023. I was captain of the college Female basketball team from January 2023-May 2023 when I stepped down as captain due to too much stress, especially with what I was going through oocly. I have never been in a faction outside of sports.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, I was banned back in late June/early July for ERP when I first joined the server. I didn’t read the rules during the time and I was extremely stupid. I have read the rules since then and haven’t been punished since.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand that if I become inactive within the server that I will be demoted from my position of school faculty

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

Give guidance/advice for academic life:
A student’s academic life is very important in order for the student to succeed in school, which is why a counselor should guide the student to be successful. Some of the advice that the counselor might give to the student is to ask their peers for help on a specific subject or topic in class, asking the teacher/professor for help if they need to, or even asking a tutor to show them what they need to do. It could also be advice to where the student might go to study if they are struggling to find a spot, such as the library, media room, or even in their room at home where it is quiet or with music to block out any noise that might be going on outside.

Future career:
Future careers of a student is also extremely important in order for them to succeed, which is what a counselor is supposed to do. They take into consideration what the student is most interested in by listening to what they enjoy and helping them set up a plan for that career, ranging from suggesting that they’d take certain classes and focus on those specific ones more than others, to even setting up possible internships for those students for those specific fields.

Mental Health:
This is the most important part of the counselor’s job and that is to take in consideration the student’s current mental health. It is the counselor’s job to make sure that the student has a safe and comfortable place to talk about their problems without the risk of getting bullied in school, and to listen to their entire story without judging what they are saying at all. Once the student finishes speaking to the counselor it is then their job to explain to them what their best course of action is. For example, if the student is dealing with someone who is bullying them but is afraid to report them it is the counselor’s job to make sure that the student feels safe and secure at the school, so they would keep a close eye on that bully with the other faculty’s help and if they do anything out of proportion then they would talk to them about it.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Creative roleplay era:

Around 2014, about a year after getting and downloading minecraft for the first time, I would go on this creative server after pvping for a while as I wanted to take a break from that. I explored around a bit as I was curious as to what people were building, when in chat I would notice someone advertising about some roleplay. It’s been many years since this, so I cannot exactly remember what it was, but after giving it a try it turns out that I actually did end up enjoying it. I wouldn’t just roleplay one thing, I would do many roleplays as I would go along. From something as simple as a school roleplay, before this even existed, to some roleplay involving magical creatures. I’ve had development with the character that I had and I even made up a story for him and how he got to where he was and everything! I was truly enjoying myself at the time, and I would play it sometimes because I did play other games as well. This would keep going for about another year until it would slowly die down, until it actually completely died.

Hypixel housing era:

I’m ashamed to admit this, but yes I was one of those people who would roleplay on hypixel housing, but this didn’t really last that long, about six months. I did this after creative roleplay was dying down and hypixel was starting to become popular. There were some people who would actually roleplay, while there were others who were there to either just hang out or troll. This only lasted until early 2016, but that is because I joined in on something that was the most fun I’ve had during the time.

Youtuber roleplay era:

Around February of 2016, I would end up joining this group where we all would help either build the sets or body act for two youtubers, in which I was having the most fun in years helping them out, watching them grow to thousands of subs. I’ve met so many great people within that group, and little did I know that some of them would become one of my closest friends to this day, and I currently talk to them still and hang out with them, just not as often since they all have lives now. During that time is also when I graduated high school and started my college career, as well as working a part time job! I was smiling and was recognized as one of the most active people in the group, showing up to all of the recordings on time and understanding what I need to do, as well as asking questions if I don’t. At around mid-2017 one of the youtubers would leave the group to continue with his own thing, but that didn’t stop us from making those roleplays. In fact, that kept pushing us forward to work harder on them! Well it did work for a little while until sometime around late 2017 that’s when the roleplays stopped and suddenly went into a different direction to be a more clickbait style recording. I was one of the two from the group who was willing to help him since I was actually getting paid to do so, but one of them left due to being busy with school so it was just me who was left. As time went on though I started disliking how his content was starting to go, and especially in 2020 when I was so busy with work during the pandemic that I didn’t have motivation to keep going, so I left and I haven’t basically roleplayed for a year, until I would finally find SRP in mid-June of 2021

SRP era:

After a year of not roleplaying I was going through Youtube one day and I would discover this server, roleplay hub, in mid-June of 2021. Curious as to what it is and how it works I decided to give it a shot and see if I like the server, and oh boy I fell in love with the server instantly. Sure there are some limitations to what you can do on the server, but the amount of character development and everything that can happen within the server is truly amazing! Of course, being the new person that I was and not understanding what was going on, as well as taking the year break I would be rusty at it, and of course my first ever character got their hand chopped off. I didn’t know about permissions or how they worked at the time, but I figured that it would work for roleplay wise and everything. Even one of the people involved in taking my hand off was nice enough to teach me how to describe people, and was very pleased with how I was doing it. Of course, me being stupid I decided that “hey, since this is allowed I can do this too”, and little did I know that I would end up getting banned for ERP for two weeks I believe after joining SRP for 3 weeks. Not wanting to leave the server behind, I decided to wait out the ban as I deserved it, and when I was unbanned I decided to keep going with my character development. I would continue to grow my roleplay knowledge on SRP from a variety of activities on this server, such as joining the sports faction starting from August of 2021 when I would start to really experience SRP roleplay for the first time by joining the bobcat Track team, where I would learn more about character development through roleplaying with other track members, my character’s friends, and even through other team members. During that time I would start to develop another character of mine through some criminalrp on another account, creating some lore with other people that I’ve met along the way, rather that would be through some friendly or aggressive and even physical altercations. I would continue to be on and off with criminalrp as I would continue to develop some other characters with lore as I would continue to roleplay as them, rather that’d be joining a sports team with that character or simply just interacting with people, which I still continue to do to this day.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Roleplay experience:
I’ve had some roleplay experience on the server before, ranging from being on many teams in the past, from the bobcat track team in October 2021, to currently on the Spartan Female Football team, to even getting into gangrp starting in August of 2021. However, I’ve never had experience with roleplaying outside of a student for the one and a half years of being on this server, and I’ve been interested in applying for the school employee faction for a while now, I just never had the opportunity to apply for it until now.

Interested in the Counselor role:
Counselors have always interested me for a long time, ever since I was in middle school with their ability to talk to students about how they are doing in their classes, talk about their potential careers and to listen to students about their mental and psychological problems and to understand what they are going through, and to talk to them about those problems. As someone who is interested in this type of stuff, especially since I’m currently taking a psychology class in college, it sparked my interest in applying for this specific school employee role.

Make new friends:
I’m always interested in meeting people for the first time on SRP and willing to make new friends within the faction, ranging from other Counselors, to other roles within the school faction. I want to be able to make sure that they are having a good day and try to cheer them up if they are having a bad day.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[College] JustVibing [Main character profile]
[Grade-12] JustVibing [Alternative character profile]
[Bird] JustVibing [Alternative character profile]
[Grade-12] JustVide [Main character profile
[Grade-12] JustVide [Alternative character profile]
[Grade-12] I_Vide_I [Main character profile]



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Seeing how the student is cursing at my character and being a bit hostile, the first thing that Megan would do is to try to deescalate the situation by telling the student to calm down as she cannot understand how they are feeling about her with the way they are acting, and to also watch their words as their words could get them into trouble. Once she has calmed down the student she would ask the student why they are feeling that way towards her and she would listen to them in order to understand it. Once the student would finish speaking, Megan would then think of a solution so it doesn’t happen again and talk to the student about it and come to an agreement. She would then say that if they have anything else they feel like they need to talk about to let her know and to have a good day. However, if the student is still curing Megan despite her best attempts at calming the student down then she would have to threaten the student with detention as she cannot understand how they are feeling, and if they still continue then she would have to give the student detention.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Once Megan would see the fight happening she would immediately rush over to the students and she would try to separate the two students as quickly as possible to prevent the two students from hurting each other anymore than they already are. Once she would separate the two students she would then have both of them explain to themselves why they both were fighting in school and she would listen to what both of them had to say for themselves. Then, if there was anyone around her she would ask if they saw anything and had any evidence that the fight started. If no evidence would be present at all then she would issue the students with detention for fighting and make them go their separate ways, as well as radio fellow faculty to keep those students away from each other for the day.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Without any hesitation, Megan would immediately pull out her phone and she would start to record, gathering as much evidence as possible against the school employee. Once she deemed to have enough, she would immediately rush over to the employee to try to stop them from what they are doing and have them explain themselves as to why they are doing what they are doing. Once she hears them out she would then go to the SLT and report the incident with the evidence that she’s gathered and what the employee has said to her.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Megan is very talkative whenever she is in the break room, usually looking out the window as she would be conversing with her fellow employees, trying to crack a few jokes to lighten up the mood for everyone. If she notices an employee feeling down, she would approach them and ask them what’s wrong and if they want to talk about it in private at all. Afterwards Megan would then let her fellow employee vent to her about their problems and how they are feeling, and after listening to them carefully Megan would give them advice of what they should do in that specific situation. After talking to her fellow employees and drinking some iced coffee she would then go to her shift.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me She would place her hands on her desk together as she would watch the student walk into the room with a bright and welcoming smile on her face “Why hello there! Here, have a seat!” She would bring her left hand out, gesturing for the student to sit down. As she would watch the student sit in their chair, she would notice that their expression seems worried and scared. She would separate her hands as she would place both of her palms onto the desk as she leaned forward in her chair a bit as her eyebrows moved to a more concerned and caring look, and she would whisper to the student “Hey, it’s ok. It’s just you and me, no one else can hear us. You’re free to talk about whatever is bothering you to me. Now go ahead, and say what you need to say.” She scooched her chair forward a bit as she would adjust herself to not lean forward as much, placing her elbows on her desk with her hands together, paying close attention to what the student is saying

/me As soon as the student finished speaking about their interests, she would slowly start to type away on her laptop “Alright, let’s see here…” She would squint her eyes and point her right hand index finger as she would look at the screen before her. After a while she would finally find what she is looking for and she would turn her attention to the student “So you’re interested in psychology? Well there are many interesting careers that you can try to go for!” She would then slowly turn the screen to face the student, showing them the potential careers associated with psychology “You could try to take some medical classes along with any psychology to become a psychiatrist within this city, or even a social worker for people who struggle with their daily lives.”

/me As Megan would take a sip of her iced coffee she would be typing away on her laptop, looking up a student’s record as she would notice her co-worker walking in, seeming to want to talk about something important “Oh hey, I assume you want to talk about something important?” While she is still typing away, she would listen to her co-worker speak. From the choice of words that the co-worker said, her fingers would slowly stop typing as she would look up at her co-worker with a raised eyebrow. Her arms would then slowly fold as she would lean back against her seat “I know that they seem like a troublesome kid, but no one really considers everything that they’ve gone through in the past, and what they’re going through now.” A soft sigh escaped her lips as she would lean back forward in her seat as she would look back at her laptop and type away at it to look up that student’s record “I’ll try to talk to the student and see why they are getting in so much trouble.”

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Megan Gwynee

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Miss Gwynee to students, Gwynee to other faculty

Age (Minimum is 25):

Female, with pronouns She/Her/They

Academic Degree:

Psychology [PHD]

Criminology [Masters]
Education [Masters]
Communication [Masters]


Known Languages:
Welsh, Japanese, Japanese Sign Language

Megan Gwynne was born in Cardiff on May 14th 1995, where she would grow up in a middle class house. One day when she was around five years old, her father ended up taking them to his job where he was a psychologist, where he would have patients talk to him about any problems personally that they would have, any prescriptions that they might need, or even questions that they might have in general about anything. Megan would be heavily inspired by their father, even looking up to him. She would quite regularly go to his job with him, watching and observing him do his work. Nothing much really happened in her primary school days, she went to school and ended up graduating from high school with honors.

In college, Megan would sign up for not only criminology but also psychology. She figured out that she wanted to someday be a detective and help catch criminals with her quick thinking. So, for the next four years she would end up studying criminology and get masters and then two years later she would get a PHD in psychology, her dream was slowly beginning to come true. She would apply for the police force in the Cardiff police department in hopes of getting in. However, things didn’t go as planned for them. Her father ended up having a stroke, and a week later tragically passed away. Later on in the week, she would end up stepping away from trying to get into the police force, and instead wanted to work around kids and to make sure that they are doing mentally well for themselves in order to be successful in school.

A few months after getting their PHD, Gwynne would go back to college for one more topic that she wants to learn, and that is an education degree. She would learn how to properly treat students, what to do and what not to do, and more importantly, how to enforce on the school rules. She would continue to learn everything about being a school faculty until graduation. Two years later she would look online for job opportunities, and find out that Karakura high school has some job opportunities as a counselor. This was a perfect opportunity for Gwynne as she would be the very first school faculty staff that students talk to. So, she would get to work filling out her application, and eventually she would send it.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
Well, my motivation goes far and wide. My motivation actually came from my father, who used to be a psychiatrist back at home. He gave people a chance for them to talk about anything serious or for them to just ask him any questions that they may have. I want to be able to do that for the students here at Karakura, for them to have someone to talk to about their problems or even any questions that they may have, even talk to other faculty members about their problems if they seem stressed. Despite hearing about some of the troublesome students here at Karakura high school, I still want to see them flourish and thrive into the young adults that they are meant to be. I want to watch them succeed in their future. Every student always deserves a chance.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
These students truly deserve someone who cares a lot about not only their education, but also someone who cares about their future as well as their mental health, and to give them someone to feel secure about talking to, which is what I’m excellent at. I thrive at helping other students with their success, giving them a chance to be able to communicate with someone in a safe and secure environment about their problems, rather it would be with their education, their future, or even school problems in general, especially people who bully them or even psychological problems.
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for your paitence and for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. After review we've decided we'd love to have you as a member of the faction, please DM me on discord for the next steps! - ozinth

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