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Accepted DisgracedAngels Judge Application


Level 27

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
I have a working microphone and will be willing to talk in VC if needed.

Timezone & Country:
My timezone is EST and I live in the United States

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
Active hours
My active hours on the server are usually on weekdays from 4 PM EST to 12 AM EST, on weekends from 12 pm to 2 AM but, usually 2 AM if the reason to be on is important, and during vacations I’m free at pretty much any point as long as I’m not asleep.
What my activity on the server usually consists of

What I spend my time on the server doing
Right now, my activity on the server doesn’t consist of much! This is because most of the time I do faction work because I tend to find the best roleplay in my opinion doing that and because I’m not currently in any faction I don’t spend my time doing much on the server. However, if accepted, all of my time will be put into government, probably spending around 4-6 hours on my Judge character!

What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for the position of Judge.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is a few different reasons and to make it easier to read them I will put them into separate sections
  • Motivation 1. My first and probably biggest motivation to join the government faction is that throughout my time as an officer, while I didn’t witness too many cases, I found the few I did watch to be quite enjoyable. While I know trials won’t always happen, I want to join to experience a trial for myself.
  • Motivation 2. Probably as important as the first one is that while this is a role-play server, I want to see what it’s like to be a judge on the server. While I’m sure it’s not entirely accurate to real life, if the work of a judge seems interesting to me, I might consider it a possible career option to start working towards when I get out of high school.
  • Motivation 3. My third motivation relates directly to the character I will be playing in the faction. I have felt recently that I’ve been playing a bunch of characters with no real goal of what to do with them which is why I’m going to try and spend this time playing one character the entire time to build an interesting character instead of switching characters constantly like I did in EMS
  • Motivation 4. The fourth motivation for why I want to apply is to meet new people! At this point, I don’t know any of the current government workers aside from a couple and because I’ve been pretty shy on the server recently I want to try and interact with all the people in the government faction that I haven’t previously interacted with to hopefully get new friends in the server!
  • Motivation 5. The final motivation is simply that I want to try a new faction. I’ve done 5 different factions during my time in SRP and I want to keep trying to experience every faction at some point I haven’t gotten to see what government is like and as I’ve mentioned in previous motivations I do believe the government faction is more interesting than I originally thought it would be when I last considered it around a year ago.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do have an understanding of all the laws and rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
There are a couple of goals for both me and my character! So I will break them into two different charts

Character goalDescription
1. To give out fair judgmentsJi-Hye’s goal with being a Judge is only giving out fair judgments, while a simple goal. I mean come on who doesn’t want to give out fair judgments, however, she believes a bit too strongly in herself believing that every court case will be easy. While she doesn’t know it she will eventually slowly realize that it won’t be as easy as she thinks and will learn to be less full of herself.
2. Become a better personA second goal she has while there is to improve as a person, while she does believe that every case will be easy she still wants to see what others have gone through by experiencing things through a court of course she won’t let the bias of wanting to see others experience cloud her vision if anything it will make her fairer of a Judge if she wants to see others experience she will listen to both sides equally and carry out a similarly equally fair judgment. While she doesn’t currently have any more goals in mind she will find herself seeing more and more future goals as she gets to experience the world of being a real Judge.

My goalsDescription
1. Become a head of departmentit is a bit of a stretch not even knowing whether or not I will enjoy the faction I do believe that if I see myself enjoying it I will work extremely hard towards it.
2. Interact with more charactersIn the last few factions I have been in I don’t believe I’ve interacted with enough people and sometimes distanced myself from most of the members of the faction and people outside the faction which is why this time I’m going to try and interact with as many people as possible while still enjoying the faction
3. Roleplay moreI’ve recently avoided roleplay on the server for one reason or another and I just want to get back into roleplay through the government faction!

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Judges have quite a few different things they do! Their job is incredibly important having to decide if someone is innocent or guilty during a court case which can probably be quite stressful at times, a second thing they do that every single other branch of the government can do is sit at the front desk and hand out IDs which can be pretty boring at times but if I’ve learned anything from the last two government-related factions I’ve been in previously it’s that front desk is much more interesting than I ever expect it to be. The third thing Judges do in the government is that they help out the police by handing out warrants giving officers with the proper reasoning the ability to raid apartments which can be incredibly important for catching criminals. The fourth thing that Judges do is something they share with governors and that is the ability to officiate marriages which isn’t something I ever thought I would be doing on SRP but I believe it will be pretty enjoyable. The 5th thing that they can do is another thing they share but this time with lawyers and it’s the ability to file restraining orders to keep people safe from others harassing them or other various reasons I have some experience with restraining orders as an officer I assume what judges do will be much more interesting than fining people for violating a restraining order. The 6th thing that Judges can do is again share with governors and this is the ability to approve adoption papers which is another thing I haven’t experienced at all on SRP so I believe this will be quite enjoyable learning a bunch of new things about SRP! While I’m sure there are more things that judges do in the government faction those are all the things I know about the judge position!

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I acknowledge that after being accepted for the faction, I can be removed at any point in time and I’m completely fine with that should it ever happen.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I know that I am expected to be dedicated to my position and will continue to stay dedicated should I be accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I know that OOC bias will lead to punishment and therefore will show no OOC bias.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read the government faction rules and will follow them!

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
If I am not busy in real life or inactivity at the time which I usually won’t be I will be able to attend weekly meetings along with events.

Full name:
Ji-Hye Nashima

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Miss Nashima.

Current age:
I am 30 years old in total.

Date of birth:
I was born on the 5th of October in 1994.

Female and my pronouns are She/Her.

Academic Degree:
I have my Juris Doctor degree.

I have my major in Criminal Justice.

I have a minor in both psychology and Law.

Work experience:
I have plenty of work experience. Having had to pay all of my college bills I’ve had a job consistently until now starting when I was 18 so if you do basic math that equals 12 years of experience and I only plan to grow my experience through working here as a Judge. I also have 12 months of experience as an intern.

Nationality & born location:
Korean and I was born in Nashima Valley in South Korea.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
The three languages I am fluent in are the following, German, Japanese sign language, and Korean

Criminal record:
I have 0 crimes on my record and will never have crime on my record for the rest of my life.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
Many things make me not a good candidate for this job but rather a great candidate for the job. A couple of those things are my extreme skill in law I have worked harder than any person my age would have. I have passed most of my law exams with flying colors best in all of my classes. I am completely unbiased and would show no bias to anyone because every person deserves a fair trial. I am simply a hard worker as well I have fought to get where I am today making it through countless hurdles that I will not talk about and yet here I still am, the best law student in the family that I am aware of and have made anyone who ever doubted me wish they hadn’t doubted me because of my working I was even one of the best interns during my several internships and was even the employee of the month several times in the stores I worked for back in Korea. Despite my bragging, I do care for others and while I won’t show bias I simply care for both sides giving an equal amount of opportunity to explain their case. Those are the reasons I believe I will be a good candidate for this job. Should I be hired for this job I will make sure to be the best I can be for the sake of this town.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying! Though we don't currently have slots on our roster to include you just yet, we would like to keep you on pending until a position opens up. If for whatever reason you would like to remove your application, please title your application with [REMOVE].


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Welcome to the Government Faction! To get started, please shoot me a ping in the Town Discord help channel.

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