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DisgracedAngel's KPD application #2. The Return!


Level 27

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:

About Activity
During the weekdays, I’m on SRP from 4 PM EST to 11:30 PM EST if I am not busy with other things. My schedule can be unstable, usually changing pretty often, but it’s traditionally guaranteed I can at least get on during the time provided. Once more, this can be changed if it’s a weekday during vacation because I don’t have school during vacations, meaning the times I get on can range anywhere from 1 PM EST to 3 AM EST; during holidays, that can be easily changed if I’m needed during earlier or later times. Weekends are pretty much the same as vacations, time-wise. Most of my SRP time is spent on my adult tag or EMS account. Half of my free time would likely be put into those accounts together. I can still log onto KPD when I’m on the accounts unless I’m treating someone on EMS, so if it’s super important, I can switch to KPD.
About EMS
I am well aware that usually, people who are in EMS and KPD tend to be inactive on one or both of the factions. That is understandable as it can be hard to stay active on both however, I believe if I was to be accepted while it's not all that likely I know my chances I will remain active on both EMS and KPD and if I feel myself losing motivation for either I will make it known but I should be active on both as I have a very easy schedule to work with being free most of the time. I know being in EMS will lower my chances no matter what I say but I promise if I am accepted I will do everything I can to make sure I stay active in both factions showing no IC bias for either.
Active hours.
5-7 Hours
5-8 Hours
6-8 Hours
5-7 Hours
5-11 Hours
5 PM-12 AM
5 PM-1 AM
6 PM-1 AM
5 PM -12 AM
5 PM- 3 AM
7-14 Hours
7-8 Hours
2 PM - 4 AM
2 PM - 12 AM
7-14 Hours
7-14 Hours
7-14 Hours
7-14 Hours
7-14 Hours
7-12 Hours
7-13 Hours
2 PM - 4 AM
2 PM - 4 AM
2 PM - 4 AM
2 PM - 4 AM
2 PM - 4 AM
2 PM - 2 AM
2 PM - 3 AM
All time is in EST
This chart is subject to change should something come up that changes it but these are the hours I can usually get on. This time can be changed and I can get on at later hours if it's needed.
What is your motivation for applying?:

OOC Motivation
My motivation for applying for KPD is that in my previous time as an officer, I loved it and enjoyed most of the time, even when responding to calls I thought were just prank calls because there was always a chance of something interesting happening that could be used to develop my character or just be used as a learning experience for next time it happens even if it seems a bit rare. The month I left KPD, I felt demotivated to continue the faction, but I didn’t realize that I just needed a break from the faction, which ended up being much shorter than I thought. I wanted to leave the faction to join BMD, but now that I’ve gone, I have realized that I like KPD way more than any faction, and it is one of the coolest factions alongside EMS. The people in the factions are super cool and are why I want to return. Each character in KPD has unique things about them, and I love how they interact. There were so many people in KPD when I left that I knew I would miss them as I left. The faction is full of amazing people, all of whom are the most fun people I’ve interacted with. Even if I didn’t interact with them much when I did back when I was in KPD, they were super cool. I loved each situation, from late-night training with Kami to sitting in the station talking to Daiki Saiky. Sure, jokes were made about my characters that I found a bit silly at some points, so I would ignore them until they went away, but there were fun jokes made that I laughed at. I wish I were applying as Katie, but I have more to do with her outside of KPD. Even if people made tons of jokes about her, I hope she was a fun character in KPD. Still, I want to rejoin to start a new character and get new experiences I’ve never had before because, in reality, even if I didn’t think it was confirmed when I left KPD, there is always something new to experience. You just have to find it.

IC Motivation
Elvira applied to be an officer because she had a bad childhood, not meeting her real family until she was over 20. She had limited connection to the internet, but even from a young age, she was good at finding things, having found her legal papers that had been stolen by her fake parents when she was younger. Despite all that, she keeps a happy personality, not wanting to make others feel down. She wants to be an officer to fix things in Karakura and improve them. She may be short, but that doesn't mean she isn't able to fix Karakura. She is a hard worker and wants to make friends in the police department while keeping a professional attitude during calls and patrols. She is a pleased person despite what happened. She rarely swears and wants to be an officer to learn to be a more serious person and help the town.

Callsign Motivation
As silly as a call sign is on a Minecraft roleplay server I would say it was one of the most important things to me during my time in KPD, I learned a lot about how it can seem simple when thinking of one you want to choose but unless you spend points to have it changed that callsign will stick with you through KPD so naturally the choice is very important. This is why, if another cadet doesn't take it I already have a callsign planned out being K502 the reason I picked this is to first match Rios because he is picking K501 but also the meaning of the number K502 as when googling it means your life is about to take a new turn. As silly as it is to believe a number on a server has any real importance I am picking this because I do believe there will be a new turn in my life on the server if I am to be accepted a second time because I believe I learned a lot from my first time in KPD and want to use this second time to have a new start and change to be even better than I was last time I was in KPD. Of course, like most things I do on SRP there is a good reason for my character wanting K502 as well she sees KPD as a new turn in her life as before she moved to Karakura she lived most of her life a lie away from her parents. And she wants to have the police department be a new turn in her life along with using her power in KPD to turn other people's lives around helping those who are kidnapped or in danger themselves by saving them like the police saved her so long ago. That is why I want the callsign K502 of course if someone else takes it before me or I get denied this time I won't be mad and if anyone else takes it they deserve it just as much if not more. I just hope that if I'm accepted I can have the callsign that will stick with me throughout KPD.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I have plenty of knowledge of Police Work, from their gear to what each rank does! Thanks to the wonderful people and excellent trainers, I learned much from my first time at KPD. Even if I was trained months ago, I still remember so much from being a trainer, teaching many waves of cadets!

Main Division (MD)
The Main Division is the Division that has the leaders of KPD. During calls and situations, it’s more likely the main division would be leading it unless it’s a case detectives are working on.
Gear, they have access to (Both itemrp and actual items.)
Cadet (CT)
The Cadet is the first and lowest rank in the KPD. They go through 2 weeks of training and at the end they are given an exam to prove if they know what they were taught. If they fail the first time they will be given another week of training which at the end of they will take a final exam. They are given a cubicle at this rank that they can store their stuff in and do computer work.
  • Stun blaster
  • Baton
  • Radio
  • Luminol spray (ItemRP)
  • Gas mask
  • Bodycam (ItemRP)
  • Handcuffs
  • Breathalyzer
  • Pepper spray
  • First aid kit (ItemRP)
  • Riot Shield
Patrol Officer (PO)
The first official rank of KPD. They have proven they know what they have been taught and are fit to keep going in KPD. They are trusted with more and depending on the safety of the city are allowed to leave the station and also go off duty.
  • Access to all previous gear.
  • Badge
Corporal (CPL)
The first rank of KPD that can train cadets in KPD. They can give cadets training whenever there is a new wave. They can choose between teaching two different things or teaching both. These two things are Physical training and Informational training.
  • Access to all previous gear.
  • Crowbar - Same stats as a regular crowbar.
  • Police Bike Works as a normal vehicle
Sergeant (SGT)
The Sergeants are the leaders in training for KPD. They can train cadets similar to corporals however, they also receive additional training from the captain. This lasts for 2 weeks depending on how much they need the training. A month after the training the Captain will decide if they are ready for an exam to become a Lieutenant
  • Access to all previous gear.
  • Tranquilizer
Lieutenant (LT) (P-HU)
The first higher-ups of the main division. They can give the exams to the cadets. They can go off duty without needing any permission and they are also given their very own office that they can design themselves.
  • Access to all previous gear.
  • Police Cruiser
Captain (CPT) (P-HU)
The Captain is the lead of the Main Division. They decide who the Lieutenants will be. If the commissioner were to be fired and there wasn’t a current one the captain would fill in as the acting commissioner.
  • Access to all previous gear.
Detective Division (DD)
The Detective Division is the investigator of KPD. They don’t worry as much about leading calls and are more focused on what happens after or before the call. They are the ones most likely to do interrogations should it be required.
Gear, they have access to (Both itemrp and actual items.)
Detective Constable (DC)
The Constable is the training rank of detectives. They are given training to prove if they are fit to be an official detective. However, when they pass it is up to the Detective Superintendent then move up to Detective Inspector. Unlike the Main division, they don’t instantly go up a rank when they pass the exam.
  • Stun blaster
  • Baton
  • Radio
  • Luminol spray (ItemRP)
  • Gas mask
  • Bodycam (ItemRP)
  • Handcuffs
  • Crowbar
  • Police Bike
Detective Inspector (DI)
The Detective Inspector rank can train Detective Constables. They are more likely to lead interrogations.
  • Access to all previous gear.
  • Police Cruiser
  • Tranquilizer
Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) (P-HU)
The first higher-up of Detectives can help the Detective SuperIntendent by helping choose who gets to be a detective constable but they are mostly in charge of leading Detective cases and investigations. They are also given an office.
  • Access to all previous gear.
Detective Superintendent (DSI) (P-HU)
The Detective Superintendent is the lead of the Detective department. They decide on the Constables along with who is promoted to higher-up. They give exams to the Constables.
  • Access to all previous gear.
The Commissioner is the lead of KPD. They control everything in KPD. Deciding who the next captain or Detective Super Intendent will be if the current ones were to leave. They are decided by the mainland of Japan and are always the best of the best. Having access to everything in KPD
What the gear does.
Stats./ Commands (If there are commands)
Stun Blaster
The Stun blaster is the basic tool for KPD. It can be used to stun people from long range so that you can easily arrest them without any fighting back
  • Can’t be mugged at all
  • Honors when used
  • Requires a roll to take out if in combat
  • 8 block range
  • Can’t stun in water
The radio is used to radio for help or talk with both the hospital and police officers.
  • Can be broken
  • Requires a roll to use if in combat
  • Can’t be stolen
The commands for the radio are
To talk between officers
To talk with EMS
Luminol Spray (ItemRP)
The Luminol spray can be used to find blood on weapons. An action should be made to spray a weapon with it. This will reveal any blood on the weapon unless it is washed with bleach. Water alone would not remove the blood from it if sprayed.
Gas Mask
The Gas mask is used to hide the identity of officers if there is a situation where the officers don’t want their faces to be seen. An example is responding to calls involving a bunch of people with weapons.
  • Can be unmasked
  • Can’t be pepper-sprayed
  • Doesn’t block a hit
  • Hides the user's face and voice.
Bodycam (ItemRP)
The Bodycam is used to record things from the officer's perspective. This can be accessed through the CCTV by looking through it and asking the officer to stream where they are. Or can be looked through with past CCTV. By a recording or screenshots.
The handcuffs are used to arrest criminals. An officer must have these on them at all times unless off duty should a criminal need to be arrested for any reason.
  • Can be resisted
If the officer successfully cuffs someone the officer will /jail the criminal and send them to a cell
The Breathalyzer is used to check how drunk a person is. The officer simply puts it to the drunk person’s lips and they will action to breathe into it.
The drunk person should /it their drunk percent after using the /drunk command.

If the /drunk percentage were to be 40% it would be as follows
/it 40%
First aid kit (ItemRP)
The first aid kit is used to help an injured person. This will be shown through a /me action including adding pressure and wrapping the wound in gauze. This will add 5 minutes to the bleed-out timer.
Riot Shield
The Riot Shield should only be used in certain situations. It is an item that you must put away after using. It’s most commonly used during raids or big calls where riot gear is needed. There is two modes for the shield. Defensive and Offensive
Can only be mugged if the officer is KO and there is proper mug perms. People can action to get behind you with the shield out.

The two modes
Defensive mode (Main Hand)
- No tools can be used
- Can action to shove someone back
Offensive mode (Off hand)
  • Tools can be used
  • Can be actioned to hit someone.
  • One block range
  • One KO point
The Crowbar is used for raids or break-ins they are important for if you need to get in somewhere quickly where the door is locked.
  • 2 hit KO
  • 2 block range
  • Can be used to pry open doors
  • Can be mugged.
Police Bike
The bike is given to people after they have proven they are fit to have a vehicle in KPD this can hold one person or two if someone is carried on. It’s used mostly for responding to calls.
Police Cruiser
The Cruiser is given to people who are trusted with vehicles to hold more than 1 person being able to hold people instead. It can be used for bringing a criminal to a trial or if officers without vehicles need to ride.
The tranquilizer is for situations where a taser can’t be used like for example if someone is in water. It can stun people for two minutes and has two darts in it and can be reloaded.
  • 2-minute stun
  • 30 blocks range
  • Can’t be stolen
  • Requires a roll and action to reload if in combat.
  • Honors to fire
Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is not used as often as the taser or baton. But it is used to restrict people who are being difficult but there is no reason to tase them or knock them out.
  • Can’t be mugged
  • Requires an action to be taken out when in range
  • Honors to use.
The Baton is the basic ranged weapon for knocking out. It’s not used as often as a taser but it can still be useful if you need someone out for longer than the 1 minute the taser provides.
  • 2 Hit KO
  • 2 block range
  • Can be mugged
  • Requires a roll to hit

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The Police are essential to schoolRP because Karakura has a high crime rate. This is because of all the gangs that can be created on the server. This faction is called the criminal faction of SRP, which is why the Police Faction exists so that people can’t just commit crimes and get away with it. The police also allow for extraordinary events to happen, like massive bank robberies or gang wars, so that they can have the fear of something going wrong if KPD were to show up. Some people may argue the police are overpowered in schoolrp, but they aren’t invincible. Attacking them in a big group can take down the KPD, knocking them out. The faction is in SRP so that people can have fun roleplaying as a police officer.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I know that while training is held and I’m online for it, I should not skip it, or I will be punished. Training is the most critical part of KPD and should not be ignored unless you can’t get on the server or are inactivity.

What's your character's full name?

Elvira Kirishiki

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

My gender is Female, and I use the pronouns She/Her. It doesn’t matter to me all that much what you want to use. Just Female is preferred as it’s the gender I am most comfortable with.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

The two other languages I know besides the primary language of Karakura are Russian and Greek. I have taken several classes to learn languages. This was mostly because I thought it was cool to know a bunch of languages although now I don’t see why I did that but now I know extra languages not that I use Greek very often so I’m a bit bad at the language. Although languages mostly just come naturally to me when learning them alone.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

I wear my short height with a smile. I am on the shorter side of Japan, as some people would say, but I don’t let that stop me. I am a bit underweight, or that’s what I think. Maybe it’s just because I’m short, but I weigh around 100 pounds on a scale, and my total height is 4’10. I don’t quite have the time to look up if that’s good or not for my weight, but people call me skinny. Anyway, enough about my height, it’s not that important. I work out daily to make sure I’m fit. Working out is probably my favorite part of my day. I have beautiful eyes. People like to say they want to describe them as having gray eyes. I have no idea why they call them beautiful, but I don’t often look in the mirror. I have natural brown hair with a streak of white in it. Genetics or something. However, I like to dye my hair and wear colored contacts to feel different! I am 26 years old. I would say I’m pretty young! I’m glad to be young. Being old is scary!

On the inside, Elvira tends to have negative thoughts about people. If she doesn’t like someone she will still try to get to know them to see if they are as bad as she thinks. There are certain times she can appear rude not thinking about her words all that much. If she is being rude it’s usually not on purpose unless it’s joking around with a friend. She has a grudge against most criminals especially ones with kidnapping charges. She usually tends to make small rude comments towards people arrested for kidnapping having mostly been through it herself causing a dislike for people who kidnap.

She has a 3/5 in her strength because she doesn't focus that much on her strength when she is working out. This results in her still having decent strength but isn't one of the strongest people.
"First things, first I'm sure strength is one of the most important things around here in the police force, I wouldn't say I could take down 2 people on my own if I was unarmed but I could put up a fight against one person. As long as they don't land too many hits."
She has a 4/5 in her dex because despite being short she spends most of her days running around on a track to make sure she is always quick. She can dodge things better than most people but she isn't that perfect at it and is still working on it.
"If I had to chase a criminal? I would say that I could probably keep up with them for a good amount of time. I would say my speed is one of my strengths as I try my best to get in a daily workout at the track each day to avoid getting slow!"
She has a 2/5 constitution because she can't take a hit as easily as others. She can fight pretty well but one good hit on her and she will struggle more than most people. She also gets sick easier than others due to a weaker immune system.
"One of my weaknesses? Oh, I would have to say my ability to take hits as I can't take too many hits before I go down. It's one of my downsides I would say a single punch to my stomach and I'm stunned for a bit. I'm trying to work on it though as I can't be too weak for the force."
She has a 3/5 in intelligence because she isn't stupid but she can think and plan things out ahead of time but there is always a chance her plans could easily go wrong.
"How good am I at leading things? I would say pretty good just if I have to come up with a plan beforehand I'm not sure how it would go as I usually can't think too far ahead when it comes to planning, there is a reason I don't want to be a detective."
She has a 4/5 in Wisdom because she can usually come up with plans quickly on the fly should one be needed. She also tends to spend time studying while she isn't running on the track or doing police work.
"More on the leadership thing, I can however think of a good plan on the fly or at least in a tense situation. If I'm in a stressful situation with nobody leading it I would have to say that's when most of my knowledge kicks in when I know one wrong decision could result in people getting injured."
She has a 5/5 in Charisma because she always has a smile on her face. But she isn't all innocent, she grew up in a fake family of liars so naturally she knows how to lie better than others. But her cheerful personality can usually keep people happier than they would be with others!
"Of course! I'm glad I could make it to the interviews today people like to say I'm nice and easy to talk with I hope that was true and you will consider me for this job as an officer. There are things I struggle with but everyone has their struggles. I want to get better and help others more than I ever could before."

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Professional Situation
In a professional situation, I act as if any reasonable person should not make any jokes or laugh about the problem, especially if it’s professional. Jokes should not be made, especially when lives could be on the line, as that can happen a lot as an officer. I don’t want people to assume I am lazy or unprofessional by making jokes. In a professional situation where I am leading it, I would be enraged if someone were to make a joke about something that shouldn’t be joked about, meaning I would want to act just as professional as I would be if I were leading it even if I wasn’t in charge of leading a professional situation.

Casual Situation
I want to joke around and make others smile in casual situations that don’t involve any actual work and just relaxation. People shouldn’t be unhappy, and I want to make sure the people I work with are having a good time and don’t feel like I’m unapproachable. The best way to enjoy a job is to have friends to enjoy it with you, especially in casual situations.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

I love working with others. It’s my favorite thing. Are you working if you aren’t doing it without someone else? Don’t answer that, actually, but I do find co-workers to be the essential part of working for a place because honestly, in dangerous situations, which you will find yourself in many times as an officer, your co-workers will be the ones most helpful, if your life is in danger. Teamwork is also essential because you should always work as a team to get work done, as it can go by much quicker!

What's your character's backstory?
She is born - 1998
It’s a cold day on the 28th of February, and cars are passing. Not a clue to the horrors that were going to happen that night. A mistake by a doctor that should have cost them their job, but they were never figured out. The mother of Elvira was taken to the hospital by her extraordinary husband, who cared so much about her and the kid she was going to have, hardly able to contain his pain and excitement that he was going to have another kid. Still, he had to keep himself calm. It was terrible to show too much excitement. Eventually, they got to the hospital, and a doctor took his wife to where Elvira would be born. The doctor took her away for but a moment before rushing back without the baby, saying she had gone missing. But little did the family know at the time that the doctor had been working for a poor family as they spent what little savings they had left to bribe the doctor into taking the baby from the devastated Kirishiki family, having something against the Kirishiki family themselves. Elvira was simply hit in the crossfire and born to the family. She was too young to understand what had happened. She was a baby, after all, and as they say, babies don’t remember anything that happened to them when they were young. I will let her tell the rest of her story as it’s only fit for the kid of nightmares to tell the story herself, having gone through a terrible situation that doesn’t happen or at least shouldn’t happen to others.

A pile of letters was addressed to Elvira Kirishiki and various others. All telling the tale of Elvira Kirishiki
A letter from Noyabrina Petrova: “To the future me.”- The letter dated back to 2003

“Hello! It’s me, Noyabrina Petrova. This letter is to me in 20 years. I hope you have made it far! I’m from a poor family, so it took a lot of savings to get the paper and pen to write this letter to me in the future. I’m leaving it in this box dug underground, so hopefully, when I’m older and remember to dig it up, I can have all the fond memories return! My mother and Father are nice but keep acting secretive about my life. Whenever I ask where I was born, they seem unwilling to tell me, but I’m sure that’s just mother and father goofing around a bit! I hope you have grown so much in 20 years, have a job you love, and understand everything you want to do and be. I hope you remember everything from when you were little, unlike me. Now it feels like I’m missing something, but I’m sure it’s just more toys! Mother and Father never really get me toys, always saying they don’t have enough money or something! I’ve been begging and pleading for our mother and father to buy me piano lessons, but they keep saying it would not make them enough money... I’m sure they are just looking out for me! I also have the one toy they got me. It’s a cute toy stuffed bear. It’s small, like me! I’m sure it’s just because I’m young, though I’m sure someday I’ll be as tall as my mother and father! Anyway, that’s about all I have to say to you. Keep loving yourself for Mother and Father to be happy!”

Another letter was attached. And it was labeled, “Something seems off.” - The letter dated back to 2008
“Hello again, future me! It’s me again… or at least I think it’s me, Noyabrina Petrova. I figured I would keep up the trend of writing to myself. I couldn’t bring myself to bury the first letter. Although I think I will keep this letter hidden from my mother and father because it’s about them. Anyway, it's story time! Our mother and father were downstairs eating dinner. I had already finished mine and excused myself from the table; I just wanted to see what they had in their room, so I decided to explore the room to see what kind of stuff they had there. While looking around, I found this box with papers in it! I’m just a bit curious, and I had to look. The first thing I saw were papers that showed a bunch of medical stuff along with a picture of someone on it, but that someone looked similar to me, at least back when I was five, and the papers had the name Elvira Kirishiki on them… I couldn’t look much longer before they came running in, yelling at me to leave their room, and grounding me for a week. I just wanted to explore their room… who is Elvira Kirishiki, and why does she look so much like me?”

A third letter was attached. This time labeled “16th birthday!” - The letter dated to 2014.
Hello future me, it’s my 16th birthday today! I’ve been super excited, of course. My parents won’t give me anything like a car, but I had overheard them planning on letting me go to a public school! This will be my first time attending a public school as I’ve always been homeschooled, and it’s really exciting! I haven’t touched their room since the last time because I don’t want to be grounded again. I’ve also been saving up in secret to afford piano lessons. I have this strange love for wanting to play the piano, even if my parents disagree. I threw away the stuffed bear they gave me. It feels a bit childish now that I’m going to school. I am so excited. I can’t wait to have my 16th birthday. I’ll continue this letter after the party is over! Alright, Alright! So now that the party is over, I’m super super excited! I was right. They were signing me up for public school. However, they mentioned that I could only go if they also went to make sure I was learning. It was a bit strange, in my opinion, mainly because they had never cared this much about my education or me for that matter; when I asked why, they said not to question their choices, or I wouldn’t get to go to school at all so I decided I was okay with it, it’s not like they would be trying to keep anything secret from me. Except for those damn papers, the second I turn 18, I’m going into their room the second they leave, and I’m going to figure out who Elvira Kirishiki is. I’ve also been thinking about getting a degree in criminology and maybe becoming an officer of the law to get a job to help my parents afford a living!

A fourth letter was in the pile of letters. That had been attached. Bearing the label: “My life is a fucking lie.” - Dating back to 2016
“Alright. This letter will be long because I have learned much in the last two years. Let’s start with the happy news! I went to public school and even took advanced classes despite my parents keeping a lot from me. I was pretty well educated. I even spent the money I had saved to buy piano lessons and kept going secretly without my parents knowing. It was challenging, and I had to sneak out a lot, but it was worth it because I loved it so much to the bad news. It was early in the morning, the time my parents usually left to do whatever secret things they do, and I decided to make a trip to their room once more; deciding to figure out who Elvira was, I finally went back to the spot where I found the box last time, and in my disappointment, my parents aren’t that stupid and moved the box. I had to search and search their room until finally I found the box again. It had a lock on it, but I was going to discover the truth no matter the cost, so I took a hammer and fucking destroyed the lock opening the box to look at the papers. I searched for the name again. Elvira Kirishiki, the name felt familiar but also so unfamiliar I knew there was something about it. While we are a poor family with limited internet access, I knew my family kept a laptop in their room with internet access, so I looked up the name Kirishiki online. What I saw was shocking.

Credit to Enderbubs

The baby in the report. It looked exactly like me in the baby photos around the house. All I could think about was about how my own family betrayed me. I thought they loved me. I thought they gave birth to me. I thought I was BORN poor, but no, I was born in a rich fucking royal family, and they stole me. I heard the door open and slammed shut as my parents entered the house. Deciding that I’m 18 now, I went to question them. It led to an argument I can’t put on paper. I’m sure you remember I’m 18 now; maybe when I’m older, reading this to my kids who haven’t been stolen from me, they will love this story, but I am living in a nightmare I must escape.”

In the next part, I will have to narrate again as Elvira didn’t bother to write letters for her failed escape attempts. The first one was when she was 18. It was a poor escape attempt. Hence, she did not write a letter for it, not wanting to fail in her story. When her parents left to head out to another meeting as they did every early morning, she made a sprint out the door, making it to the neighbors before her parents were called and picked her up, grounding her for a month and not letting her leave the house alone for that month.

The second attempt was better, but she still failed to escape this time; it was when she was 19 and when she thought her family had forgotten about the whole first escape attempt. Of course, they hadn’t, but she tried anyway, making her way out when they were asleep, this time in the dead of night, knowing her neighbors wouldn’t call the police because they were asleep as she memorized their sleep schedule in her desperate attempt to escape the nightmare she lived in. However, she realized that the car keys were where her parents slept, so she had no way to drive the car they owned—she decided to go on foot before eventually getting tired 6 hours in when it turned morning, only for the police to be called. The police had no way to trust her, saying she didn’t want to go back, so she was taken back to her family's home, this time getting grounded for two months. Now! Let’s get into her successful attempt. She wrote a letter for this one, so I’ll let her younger self-talk again.

A fifth letter was on fancier paper labeled “I’ve escaped.” - This letter dated back to 2018
“It was a rough couple of years. The two years that passed this time I spent plotting to get away and find my real family. I needed my real mother and father so badly. I dropped piano lessons, and I had no time for them anymore. I spent time memorizing my neighbor's schedules, unable to trust them. I couldn’t take my parent's car because it was stored in their room. And the police would only take me back if I was found out. I thought about so many things until the obvious answer came to me. I could just call the police on my fake parents. I had plenty of proof they stole me. It was late afternoon, at 19:00. My parents were in the dining room eating dinner. We never had phones at the dinner table. Not like I had one, to begin with, but I exited the room going to their room where I knew they stored their phones, taking it to my room, closing the door so nothing could be heard as I called for the police to keep the box of my legal papers on me for when they showed up. They did show up, and I showed them all of the proof. And thankfully, they believed me, taking the horrible parents away from me and taking me to my real family. The estate of the Kirishikis was beautiful. I loved it, taking a deep breath of fresh air as I met my real parents.”

A call was heard as if it had been recorded, and the voice recording showed the time.
15:00: “Elvira, it’s Juliya Petrova, your… mother. You were meant to be with us, not that fucking Kirishiki family. Our daughter, they aren’t good for you they are rich assholes that don’t care about you. Come back to us already. Please, we are still in jail after what you did. Bail us out and help us. Help us, please. We need you. We didn’t mean to keep you so separated from the real world.”

Silence was heard from the other side. Elvira wasn’t talking, and the voice only got more desperate

15:05: “Elvira, Elvira, you need to talk to me, please. I need to hear your voice again. Telling me you love me like old times, right? I’m sorry I never said it back. We were just mad at that stupid Kirishiki family. Why won’t you respond to me? I’m your mother. We care about you, don’t you know that?”

There was more silence from Elvira as minutes passed by, the voice raising to a shout


The final minutes passed before Elvira’s voice could be heard

15:15: “Fuck off, Juliya.”

The call clicked as it ended.

A sixth letter written in fancier handwriting on a fancy paper. “I hope you are reading this, daughter.” Dating back to 2000.
“Hello, Elvira, it is your father writing this. When you are found, I will give you this letter to show how much we care about you. You were supposed to grow up with a wonderful family. If you read this, you finally found your way back to us. The estate opens you with open arms; even if it’s been years, decades, or centuries, we will always love you and see you as a Kirishiki, one of ours. You may not be the only child in this family, but that doesn’t mean we won’t love you equally. I hope you receive this. Never leave us again, please. The family needs you.”

A seventh letter was written back in Elvira’s handwriting. “To the future me.” Dating back to 2019.
“I found the letter I wrote when I was a child. It’s funny reading over it, seeing how innocent I was, not caring about what secrets the family I thought was mine was hiding from me. Anyway, with the wealth I’ve gotten from my real family, I’ve been able to afford college and am working on getting a master's in criminology. I even started taking piano lessons in the estate with my assistants helping me learn. They are super kind and not fake like my old parents. Future me, I hope you are playing the piano off duty as you arrest criminals in whatever city you are in. The current me would be proud of you; the younger version would be proud of you. Keep staying strong, Elvira. You know who you are now—a wonderful person with a real family. You have finally made it, Elvira. What you thought were childish dreams have become a reality, living a dream come true. No, it's not a dream come true. It’s your reality. You finally woke up from the nightmare you were in previously. Your family cares about you. Live your life, Elvira. Don’t let secrets be hidden from you!”

An eighth letter was written in the pile of letters. “Moving on.” - Dating back to 2021.
“I now have my bachelor's in Criminology. I hope you are proud of me. Being 23 and writing letters to myself seems silly now, but I hope one day my children and their children will enjoy reading this, showing the hardship I had to endure. I decided to leave the estate following a big part of my family moving to the small town of Karakura to escape everything that happened to me in Russia moving to Japan. I even learned Japanese just for… well; I hope it’s gotten you far in Karakura if you are still there. Stay strong. You are an influential person who can do as she pleases: arrest the criminals; for me, arrest the monsters that do the same things that happened to you. Nobody should have to be separated from their family, living in a lie. You will discover the truth everywhere you go. It will be hard to lie to you; you will always figure out the truth and lead whatever place you work for. For me, for your family, for yourself.”

There was another voice recording.

Elvira’s voice was heard this time; it wasn’t a call, just a voicemail to somebody.
“Hello, mother and father. The real ones, not my fake family. I’m glad to have spent at least five years with you. I’m doing well in Karakura. I’ve recently finished my master's in criminology and am taking piano lessons here! I’m becoming pretty good at it. My instructors said I could have a life of music if I wanted to, but I don’t want to do that. It’s just a side hobby. I’m writing my online application for the police department here. I’ve heard Aleksei is working there, the brother I didn’t get to interact with much, along with a couple of other Kirishiki’s I’ve listened to, who are planning to work for the police department. I wish I were a bit taller, as some of the officers are scary tall, but I don’t mind all that much, as height doesn’t matter! I got colored contacts and dyed my hair to escape the memories of my home before yours. I hope you don’t mind that much. I love you both so much! You are the best family I could have asked for. Even if I only knew you existed for five years, I’ll stay strong in the police department for you guys! Keep being amazing!”

It clicked off.

A ninth letter was written: “I’m joining the Karakura Police Department.” Dating back to 2024. Present day.
“This is probably the final letter I’ll ever write to myself to read to my future kids and to remember what happened all these years because I’m finally going to start working for the police department. I’m also 25, so I’m sure I will be able to remember everything from now on. Anyway, I learned how to play the piano pretty well. It’s a good skill if I want to impress someone. I’ve met the rest of my family here, and I’m excited to learn more about them. Well, there isn’t much else to write so I guess this is goodbye to future me. A beginning of a new era for me.”

A tenth letter was addressed, this time addressed to Juliya Petrova. “An apology.” This one dated back to 1996
“Hello, Juliya Petrova. This is the Kirishiki family writing to you about the issues we have had in the past. This letter is to apologize for that. I hope we can settle these differences between us and the problems you have caused our family through these last few years. We sincerely apologize and would like to invite you over to dinner next month. Send us a letter back if you would like to. After this, our families can go our separate ways, and things will be better for us. Please don’t cause more problems. You have done enough for our family.”

This is an eleventh letter written in the pile of letters, addressed to ??? There was no name on it. “ Dating back to 1998, the day after Elvira went missing
“Thank you for what you did that night. You will receive the money exactly a month from now. You risked your job for this family, which is most of our savings. Anything to hurt that fucking family. They make false promises and.” The next part of the paper was ripped in half, cutting off whatever came after, and before it continued, “We will take care of her so that she grows up poor, not realizing what it’s like to grow up in a rich family. We aren’t monsters. We just want the best for little Elvira. She shouldn’t have to grow up in that piece of shit family. They ruined our family and are the reason we are poor. We used to be a happy family before the Kirishiki family got in the way, taking down our business and ruining what was meant to be ours. Our empire, our money, our estate, nothing they had belonged to them. They shouldn’t have messed with the Petrova family. Thank you, doctor.”

A picture of a bank statement showed 10,000 Russian rubles being sent to Evgeni Luka and taken out of Juliya Petrova’s bank account. 1998.

A twelfth letter was written to Elvira Kirishiki with another voicemail attached. 2024 Present day

“Hello, Elvira Kirishiki. This is Officer Artyom from the Russian prison Juliya Petrova and Timur Petrova were sent to. They told us to send you this in case they pass away. They both died in the cells at exactly 18:00. The reason is currently unknown, but it’s looking like natural causes as they were both looking worse and worse as time went on. That’s all from me. They just requested you hear them one last time.”

The voicemail played. The final words of Juliya Petrova and Timur played when clicked.
Juliya Petrova 23:00. “Hello Elvira, We asked a guard to record this for you so that it could be sent to you after our passing. I, Juliya Petrova, wanted to formally apologize for what we put you through. It was a horrible thing and was just an attempt to get back at your family for an argument we had in the past. It was awful, and we understand why you called the police on us. It is a reasonable reaction to what we did. Stay strong, sweetheart. I know what we did was horrible, but we still loved you."

Another voice was heard.

Timur Petrova 23:10. “It’s your father speaking now, Elvira. We wish we hadn’t done this to you. It was a mistake, but we just wanted to free you from that horrible family. You had to grow up poor because you were free from your wealthy family. They stole our business from us. They sued us after they figured out the quality of what we were selling wasn’t fit to be sold, and it took a toll on us, causing the family to go poor, barely able to eat each night. Stay strong for us."

The voicemail clicked off.

A final letter addressed to the Kirishiki estate. “A real apology.” It dates back to 2024. Present-day.
“Hello, Kirishiki family. The Petrova family is writing this assuming you have figured out what we did stealing your daughter like that. We shouldn’t have, we should have accepted your dinner invite all those years ago, maybe things could have been better. We were destroyed by what you did to us. It was a mistake. We are now dead if you are receiving this, but for what it matters. We would have looked forward to dinner with you all.

And that is the story of Elvira Kirishiki and everything that happened in her life that led to her applying for KPD. Everything shown in this part, including the letters, voicemail, and bank statement, was attached to an email sent out by Elvira Kirishiki when applying for KPD.
For those of you who don't want to read the letters I figured I would write a summary of everything mentioned in the letters! Elvira was stolen as a baby and taken to a different Russian family that had something against the Kirishiki's where the Kirishiki family shut their business down because the business had issues with the health of workers and the quality of the store. Elvira lived years of her life without any idea of this until eventually like any kid she got curious and explored her parents' room. This led to her finding papers with her real name on them. She was caught at that moment and was told to get out of the room which only made her more curious. Eventually, her parents believed she could be trusted at a public school because it had been many years since her disappearance but the Kirishiki family had money so there were still missing person posters around Russia. They weren't aware of this and sent her anyway getting her a basic education and allowing her to find her love for criminology. She was shorter than her mother and father by a big amount but she thought she was just unlucky. Eventually, she got another chance in their room and looked up the name Elvira Kirishiki and found out the person called Elvira was her and her fake family renamed her so nobody would think about her name. This is when she realized they had been lying to her about being their kid so she tried to run away after 3 failed attempts she found a way to escape and that was calling the police on her parents. This ended with them being arrested and she returned to her real family. Then her mother called her from prison resulting in the voice mail. Then after years of getting an education with her real family and a couple of letters being passed explaining the problem between Kirishiki and her fake family. Then she moved to Karakura to follow her dream of being a police officer. Which led to her submitting the letters to the station for her application to show what she had been through. It was at this time she also got a final voicemail from her fake mother and father where it was made clear they had passed away in prison and they just wanted to say sorry for everything. Of course, she felt a bit bad but didn't send anything back. Her fake family also sent another letter to her real parents saying sorry. And that was the end of Elvira's horrible family, right? That is the current backstory of Elvira Kirishiki and why she is joining KPD, a summary!

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, you can’t legally own a pocket knife in Karakura as it’s an illegal weapon and would fall under the illegal weaponry charge.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

1. Paracetamol - Pain Medication that helps with cuts and other injuries. This is the basic medication given out whenever people experience physical pain. ¥1500 per pack. Max of 3.
2. Multivitamins - The multivitamins are for when people have vitamin deficiencies. It can help with disorders that have to do with digestive issues. ¥3500 per pack. Max of 5.
3. Wooden cane - A basic cane used for people who struggle to walk. It’s the cheaper version of the crutch and is used for people who struggle to walk, not just for a simple injury that makes walking a battle for a couple of days. ¥7000 per pack. Max of 2.
4. Eyepatches - These are for when an eye has been injured or has something in it requiring it to be covered for a few days. Or if an eye just needs to be protected for a few days. ¥5000 per pack. Max of 2
5. Glasses - They are used when someone has problems seeing. They should be given out or sold when someone needs help seeing better, ¥4000, Max of 2.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

You should immediately stop them from assaulting the inmate. Due to recent changes in KPD, bodycam can’t be deleted, so you should make sure to get the evidence as quickly as possible after you make sure the inmate is safe and away from the officer before getting their bodycam recording for higher-ups to review after you have gotten the recording. You should make a report to a higher-up as soon as possible, showing them the recording so that the corrupt officer gets fired and arrested. There are situations however where I can be seeing it late and the inmate started the fight in which case I would still get their bodycam recording to confirm that.

"I may be seeing this situation wrong to which case I am sorry my friend but in my eyes, you started the fight so I'm going to have to back up this fact by checking your bodycam. You are going to stay here where you can't run as easily while I check this. I can't afford a corrupt officer getting away without me being able to stop them. I hope you can understand."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

Immediately radio before backup before going to help them. You can’t help them if you get injured yourself. Then you should go in making sure to get the person assaulting them arrested, and if more people are assaulting the officer, you should go in to prevent them from knocking out the officer while you capture as many as you can, waiting on backup. After they are all arrested, you should take the officer to the hospital even if they aren’t severely injured, as you could just be missing injuries that the hospital could see and fix.

"Never touch me or my co-workers ever again you hear me, I don't care if you think they deserve it because of what you hear about officers but nobody deserves to be assaulted like that. How would you feel if an officer started attacking you instead, I'm sure you would go to the news about it saying how you never expected something like that to happen while you are just as bad as those officers that do attack people for no reason. Next time think about how you are no better than a corrupt officer when attacking an innocent officer."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

If you have figured this out, you should collect proper evidence. The officer going corrupt is not to be trusted, so you should ensure they haven’t figured out you are gaining information, as that could put you in danger. After you have enough evidence to make a proper report, you immediately take it to a higher-up so they can talk to the commissioner and mayor about getting the officer fired and arrested and taking down the criminal organization.

"And to think I trusted you, no officer should be corrupt no matter if they think it's good or not. Officers are not above the law you should still be held responsible for your actions. if I have to be the one to stop you I will risk my whole life to make sure officers like you stay out of a job."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I would not take the bribe and clarify that they are now getting the attempted bribery fine added to whatever charges or fines they are already being given. The fine is 25000, and I will clarify to them that they shouldn’t attempt to bribe an officer as that is against the law.

"Paying me money will not change anything, Paying me money will not make me change my mind it will only get you fined for more so I suggest you quit while you're ahead."


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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
We appreciate your efforts, but we want to prioritise new additions to the police department instead of re-applying former officers

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- You can try re-applying next wave with this same application to give it a shot again!

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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