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Accepted DisgracedAngels Professor application


Level 24
What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Accepted Applications
KPD Application 1
Council Application
EMS application 4
Teacher Application

Denied Applications
KPD Application 2
KPD Application 3
KPD Application 4
EMS Application 1
EMS Application 2
EMS Application 3
Reporter Application 1
Reporter Application 2
Faculty Application
Lawyer Application
Bmd Application
Shop Application
Lore Application
Staff Application
Event team application

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
My activity on schoolrp is pretty good. I would say a good 8/10 as I tend to be on quite a bit especially during weekends. Currently it's summer vacation so I have plenty of time to get on the server should I need to be. And will probably be on if I'm not busy with either playing another game or another faction if I get into another after being accepted as of right now I'm not in any factions so this shouldn't be too big of an issue for a while.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

My roleplay on srp is pretty my only experience with roleplay aside from DND. I have spent over a year on the server now and I would say I've spent a good amount of that time roleplaying. I've been in quite a few factions now so I've had plenty of time to roleplay in those. Aside from teacher and council which I didn't do very much in sadly.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

DisgracedLasagna (Main) - Adult, College, Grade 12
DisgracedAngel (Account I'm applying on) - Grade 12
NoImDogtor - (Alt) Adult, Grade 12

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Criminology. Under social sciences.

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor is that I've only had one other previous teaching experience on srp and it was as a teacher. While it wasn't the best 2 weeks on srp and lead to me being rather inactive those few weeks. I would like to giving teaching another chance just as a professor instead of a teacher to try to get the experience of what it's like to be a professor on SRP instead of a teacher this time. I also want to be more involved in the academics server. Having only been in 2 previous ones that I was inactive in for various reasons like being busy in real life and demotivation neither of them I was in long enough to get the experience I really want to get with professor.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
One type of class I would host would be a series of classes throughout the school day if there isn't any professors taking the other class spots. In the case that every period is open I would start the first class explaining the reason criminals act the way they do and explaining the different laws they could have broken. The next class would include (If approved by the commissioner) having a criminal that is currently still arrested come to school escorted by a few officers and making sure they don't escape. This criminal wouldn't be a felon but someone with just a misdemeanor to explain the reason they broke the law to the class. If there is another class spot open for the final period of the day it would end with having a college/highschool previous criminal that has been bailed out come and tell the class what they did to get better and recover after the crimes they committed to explain to kids that there is a future for criminals as long as they work on fixing themselves.

A second interactive class would be reading a report about a crime. Either fake or real doesn't really matter which. And asking the class a few questions about what could have been the motive behind the crime and what could have caused the criminal to want to commit the crime. This would be an informative class allowing for the kids to think further into the reason behind crimes. The first class of the day would involve giving a few examples of that before the second class that day being reading the report and the final class would finally be putting everything together and asking questions about what could have really happened.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Having a field trip to the police department. This would let the kids ask a few questions to the officers and asking them what made them want to be officers and what they do as officers. This would allow the kids to get an idea of what officers do along with help kids decide if they want to be officers in the future. The following class period the kids could (If allowed by the commissioner. and the professor lead (?)) see a criminal in the cells and while not going into the cell or getting near it they could ask the criminal a few respectful questions about what made them want to commit the crime.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

If Tomomi encountered the following situation they would radio for more faculty to help out. After radioing that they would step in and tell them all to separate or they would be given detention. The ones that refused to listen would be given a final warning before eventually they would get the bobcat jock out of the fight before waiting for other faculty to arrive to help out. When they arrived they would tell them who to give detentions out to having witnessed the ones who didn't separate.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

They would give out 3 warnings telling them to finish their task. If the question is related to the task no matter how stupid it was they would help them out with the question unless it had already been answered. If they kept asking questions not related to the subject they would on the third warning threaten suspension. Due to one of the rules being no talking in detention giving out three warnings and answering the questions they had if it was related to the subject would be enough of a reason to give out a threat for suspension to them. Should there be other guidelines for things around suspension being threatened during detention they would make sure to follow those rules perfectly making sure to be absolutely as fair as possible.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

They would make sure to give out 3 warnings on it. If they kept distracting the class on each warning they would make sure it was clear to the cheerleaders that if they didn't stop they would be removed from the class. Being as fair as possible without bothering other students in the class. On the third warning as promised they would remove the cheerleaders from the class.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

If they failed to break up a fight they would call for help to get more faculty there to help break up the fight. They would make sure the other faculty got there. If it was two sides fighting they would constantly yell to stop or they would be given detention. After 3 threats for detention they would make sure it was allowed to threaten suspension for fighting on school grounds after being told to stop enough times. If it was allowed they would give out a threat for suspension making a faculty report. When enough faculty arrive to help they would make sure to give all the students involved in the fight detention and making a report for any of the ones that were fighting back.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Tomomi is a 5'4 Japanese female. They are relatively good looking and appear to never really interact with people only limiting interactions to either people they know or people they are helping with something. They have two different color hairs one side being purple and the other side being blue. Their eyes are amber colored and they usually match the way people speak. Something that makes them unique is their thrill seeking nature, despite being a shy person when it comes to day to day conversation they appear to never miss an opportunity to chase down a criminal that is escaping to try to either stop them or call the police on the person staying at a safe distance but usually tending to be not the brightest at those types of situations. They will always be willing to help a student figure something out. They are shy when it comes to regular conversations but can easily talk for hours on end about criminology leading to them always looking forward to helping students out with things related to criminology. They don't hate the other teachers or professors but that doesn't mean they will talk to them. Unless required otherwise or offered otherwise they will usually not have other classes with professors or talk with them. Their plan for the future is to eventually be an officer for the police department. While a far away goal now due to their bad social skills and lack of training it's a goal they wish to achieve in the future. They also wish to eventually get married but again that is another goal far in the future.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Section 1. Education (1-26)
Their education is mostly advanced due to them taking plenty of classes to avoid experiences in their life. Every class they took they seemed to do well in relating to History and Science. While struggling with Math and English classes. This is what made them aware at an early age that history classes would be their best bet. While they were young they couldn't decide what they wanted to do exactly but after the events that happened when they were 18 they knew that they wanted to learn criminology. Their early college years were spent studying criminology and taking psychology courses on the side. Eventually when they turned 26 they graduated college and later at 27 moved to Karakura.
Section 2. Early life (1-15)
Their early life was simple compared to everything else that happened later in their life. They learned from an early age what they liked and disliked as least education wise. They noticed small things off with their parents when they were going from 11 to 15 but they brushed those aside not wanting to figure out the truth until they got older. They took the most advanced classes they could to try and be the best they could to impress their parents although they were never really that impressed. But nonetheless they kept trying no matter what. Eventually turning 15 and that's where things started to go quickly downhill.
Section 3. The truth (16-18)
Small events like the ones that happened in earlier years relating to their parents kept happening and as they got older they wanted to learn what it was more and more. Even questioning their parents about where they were getting the things they had been getting although every time they asked their parents either brushed it to the side or yelled at them if it was more serious. This lead them to wanting to know even more. Eventually the day before their 18th birthday they went into their basement where their parents kept going so often finding the key to it in their parents bedroom as they went downstairs and saw the several weapons and stolen items. They took several pictures of those things making sure it was absolutely perfect proof or so they believed that it was their parents items and that they were criminals. Eventually the day of their 18th birthday while their parents were gone they called the police reporting everything before eventually running away from home moving to another part of Japan.
Section 4. College (19-26)
During their college years they took their criminology and psychology classes. Meeting a guy who seemed to be constantly busy working two jobs not allowing for him to get all the knowledge from the criminology class they were both in. Eventually he asked them for help and they helped out as best as they could. Despite never having taught anyone in their life they seemed to enjoy teaching the guy starting to increase their love for teaching overtime. Eventually after they both graduated they placed an order on a house in Karakura that they would eventually move into when they had turned 27. Moving in to the house the day of their 27th birthday.
Section 5. What made them want to teach (27)
All in all they wanted to teach and decided to be a professor due to the experience teaching their friend things about criminology. While other things happened in their new town nothing of note happened at least for them being a professor. Eventually moving to Karakura and deciding they wanted to teach Criminology figuring out they had an interest in teaching even agreeing to teach the person they are dating how to speak Spanish better. And that is why they want to be a professor now.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Full Name:

My full name is Tomomi Nozawa

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

My preferred title is miss. Or well I guess my title just is miss as I'm not married.

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Tomomi Nozawa. I don't mind being called either Miss Nozawa it doesn't really matter but I suppose I would rather have students call me Miss Nozawa.



Gender & pronouns:

Female They/Them

Religious Denomination:

I'm an atheist

Marital Status:

Dating but not married.



Current Location:

Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):

I have 0 years of teaching experience. I am aware that will probably lower my chances but I hope it's not too big of a deal that I wish to get teaching experience from this school.

Working Experience (# of years):

I have 1 year of working experience. I worked as a cashier for a store in my old town I lived in.

Academic Degree:

I have my masters in Criminology.

Year of Graduation:

I graduated last year. 2023.


I have my major in criminal law.



Native Languages:
My native language is Japanese

Other Languages:

However, other languages I know that aren't Japanese are Japanese Sign language, along with Spanish, and finally Italian.

Preferred Teaching Subject:

Criminology under social sciences.

I have nothing extra of note.

Additional notes about your application (if any):


Level 94
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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