IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
Activity chart
Current activity
My current Activity is 9/10 I would say. I can get on for almost anything as long as it isn’t 8 AM to 3 pm EST. However, I am also in government as a Judge, so this may take up about half my time. But, that doesn’t mean I will be inactive on either. I believe I will be extra active in both because of how enjoyable I find Government and EMS leading to me getting on even more. I also spend my time doing openings at Tsuki No Umi and Seikatsu, which also shouldn’t affect how much I can play as EMS because they are both on different accounts. This means that I could be on both at once if needed.
What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-professor-application.75443/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedpanda-hs-council-application.70954/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraceds-psychiatrist-application.68997/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/qiu-jing-teacher-application.60469/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angels-kpd-application.60030/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-judge-application.78595/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummer-kpd-application-5.77413/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummers-shrine-maiden-application-1.76961/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-shopkeeper-application-2-chika-no-himitsu.7 6031/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-kpd-application-4.75393/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/the-illusionist-disgracedcorns-bmd-application.75108/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/staff-application.72728/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-3-the-letters-of-life.71300/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-2-the-return.69940/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-reporter-application-2.67197/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedtreat-event-team-application-1.66529/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-psychiatrist-application-3.65958/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-first-reporter-application.65574/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-counselor-application.64986/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-ems-application-2.63881/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangely-shop-application.63627/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangel-hospital-application.61816/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangel-lore-app.60996/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zoi-lawyer-application.60437/ - Denied
List your current roles on the server:
DisgracedAngel - Judge, Adult, College Bachelor, Grade 12
DisgracedCarey - Grade 12
DisgracedWinter - Adult, Grade 12
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My first bit of experience with roleplay on the server is KPD. I spent about a year in the faction with the first 10 or so months being in the main division making it up to sergeant before switching to detective division for the last two months before eventually leaving as a detective constable. My time in KPD was great and I roleplayed with many different people altogether, which, made me who I am now on SRP even if I don’t do it anymore and probably won’t for a while.
My second piece of experience began about halfway into my time as a KPD officer but only lasted a month. There isn’t much noteworthy about my time as a teacher but I did learn that teaching people probably wasn’t a specialty of mine.
EMS psychiatrist
My third piece of experience was as a psychiatrist, truthfully not my best moment on the server. I wasn’t very active as a psychiatrist but I did learn how to roleplay with people better through the limited amount of sessions that I did do. As much as I enjoyed Psychiatrist and it probably had the second-best roleplay for me on the server it’s not something I see myself doing again.
EMS Doctor
My much more enjoyable experience in EMS. Being a doctor was great and I loved treating people. This was 100% my best experience with roleplay on the server having treated several patients up to the 100’s and I miss it today. I made it up to Senior Doctor resident before leaving and wish I had gone further in the faction. I look forward to rejoining the doctor's department so that I can treat people again. Although there was a brief period where people in the community were toxic to doctors that led to me wanting to quit. Now that I have taken a break from the faction I’m eager to rejoin.
The final faction I did on SRP. I learned again that I do not like teaching but I did learn how to interact with college students on the server better and because of that I believe that I can interact with them better than I did before making my treatments more interesting for the people I’m treating.
Not a faction but stores on SRP do involve roleplay so I figured I’d cover it. I’ve gotten a lot of roleplay out of stores having done most of them from my time on SRP with the most noteworthy ones being old Club Umbra, Sayonara, Tsuki no Umi, and Seikatsu.
What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying is to have a better time in the faction. Last time there was toxicity coming from many places that led to me feeling bad about my time in the faction I also prioritized getting quota more than I should have getting up to 420 one month just because which led to together lazier treatments from me although still detailed they all ended up being the same making me get demotivated for the faction. But since taking a break and deciding I wanted to come back doing some thinking I’ve realized while I still enjoy getting quota I want to make my treatments interesting along with trying to experience check-ups having skipped every single check-up when I was in EMS. Together my reason for applying to EMS is to get better roleplay.
Which role are you applying for?
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
My knowledge of the roles within the hospital faction is pretty good.
Psychiatrist Department
Psychiatrist trainee
Psychiatrist trainees receive training on the DSM-5 along with the different types of therapy. They are not allowed to go off duty and aren’t allowed to leave the hospital on their psychiatrist's character for 2-3 weeks.
Psychiatrist resident
Receive no training. They can go off duty and can express their interest in being a paramedic. They can do any therapy.
Psychiatrist senior resident
The first psychiatrist who can train trainees. They are considered for paramedics whenever there is an open spot.
Attending Psychiatrist
Able to train trainees. They are now able to be considered for a higher-up position whenever one opens.
Psychiatrist clinical supervisor
Able to get permission to go off duty. They are also able to do exams for psychiatrist trainees.
Psychiatrist clinical lead
The lead of the psychiatrist department. They are the final decision for most psychiatric issues. They also can do exams for trainees.
Doctor Department
Doctor trainee
Similar to psychiatrist trainees. They can’t go off duty and receive training over 2-3 weeks.
Doctor resident
Able to go off duty. Don’t need training and can express interest in the emergency department.
Doctor senior resident
Able to train doctor trainees. Can go off duty. Can express interest in the emergency department and will be considered for it when a spot opens.
Attending Doctor
Able to train doctor trainees. Can go off duty. Can express interest in the paramedic department and is considered for doctor higher-up whenever a spot opens.
Doctor clinical supervisor
Able to do exams and train trainees. Can permission to go off duty?
Doctor clinical lead
The lead of the doctor department handles any big issues in the department before the director. They can also be permitted to go off duty and do exams and training.
Emergency department
Paramedic trainee
Receives special training allowing them to treat most injuries and patrol.
Able to patrol, and go off duty. They are also able to treat people if no doctor is free.
Advanced Paramedic
Can be considered for deputy chief paramedic. Able to patrol and go off duty. Can treat people if no doctor is free.
Deputy chief paramedic
Second in command of Paramedic. They can permit people to go off duty.
Chief paramedic
Able to give exams to trainee paramedics. Able to permit to go off duty.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training is held while I’m online, I am expected to attend or be punished.
Character’s Full Name:
Chihiro Aleksandra
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female She/Her
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background:
I have a master's degree in medical science
Character’s Nationality:
I am Finnish
Character’s Marital Status:
I am currently in a relationship!
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
Finnish and Polish. I'm not perfect at Polish though and have only recently began to study it.
Character Backstory:
Section 0. Education
Chihiro is educated about medical treatments. She has been in medical school for years, with her bachelor's degree in medical science completed in Finland and her master's and PhD completed in Japan. She also has a minor in Medicine and a major in Nursing. She also completed a medical training program in Russia.
Life in Finland
Chihiro's childhood was quite remarkable, especially in light of her later actions. Once she was old enough for school, she developed a passion for Math. She had a sister, Kyllikki, who was considerably more rebellious than Chihiro. Unlike their parents, who worked as hospital staff in Finland and had little time for them, Chihiro was deeply concerned about Kyllikki. As a result, Kyllikki often directed her frustrations toward her classmates, engaging in fights and even stealing from others. Although Chihiro would never admit it, she sometimes aided Kyllikki in these situations. While she refrained from fighting or stealing herself, she attempted to distract others, hoping Kyllikki would eventually improve her behavior, which she never did. The situation escalated when Kyllikki persuaded Chihiro to steal from a nearby bakery. They successfully took some bread but ended up separated when the baker alerted the authorities. After returning home, Chihiro waited for hours before realizing Kyllikki had been arrested. When their parents learned about this, they spent significant money to get Kyllikki released and clear her record. At this time, Chihiro was attending college while Kyllikki had just graduated from high school. Though Chihiro still loved Math, she was starting to consider a career in medicine and earned her bachelor's in Medical Science during her college years. Just a day after her summer break began and Kyllikki finished high school, Kyllikki persuaded Chihiro that moving to Japan to continue her degree was a great idea. Trusting her sister, Chihiro decided to use her savings from part-time jobs in Finland to buy plane tickets for both of them to Japan
Life in Japan
After Chihiro arrived in Japan, she immediately began looking for the best colleges she could afford. Finding a good college when she landed, she was about to head straight to the apartment she had rented for herself and Kyllikki before Kyllikki decided to follow a group of people who were offering her a job. Chihiro, deciding to follow her sister, ended up in the back of an alleyway trying to convince Kyllikki that they needed to leave and that it was a bad idea. However, Kyllikki decided not to listen and continued to follow the people, who eventually pulled out a knife, telling the two to give them all their money. Because Kyllikki was stubborn, she, of course, refused to give the group money, causing them to begin to attack as one slashed at Chihiro's face with their knife, causing her to cry out in pain. Despite Kyllikki being a bad person, she decided to help out Chihiro, grabbing her and getting them both out of there. While Chihiro was in the hospital recovering from her injuries, she decided that she was going to pursue a good life and treat people who got injured by others like she had. The rest of her time in Japan was spent studying, completing her major and minor, along with getting a PhD in Medical Science. After she and Kyllikki had completed their degrees, Kyllikki found a new crime opportunity to follow in Russia, convincing Chihiro that there was an opportunity for her to work as a nurse there. Chihiro, trusting her sister, decided to move to Russia with her.
Life in Russia
Chihiro’s life in Russia only lasted a year. When Chihiro arrived in Russia, her sister admitted that she didn’t have a job opportunity there and was just doing it to get away from the police. An upset with Kyllikki, Chihiro told her that she would leave her if Kyllikki ever committed a crime again. Kyllikki, being too deep into crime at this point, didn’t believe her sister and went back to crime, but this time Chihiro was expecting her to commit crimes and was watching her. After about a month in Russia, Chihiro managed to find a part-time job as a nurse there. While she was working part-time, she kept an eye on Kyllikki. She eventually caught Kyllikki stealing from someone about five months into their time in Russia. This led to an argument in their apartment, with Kyllikki leaving to move somewhere else and Chihiro staying in Russia to finish her year as a nurse in the hospital. Eventually, after the year ended, she took a plane back to Japan, this time to an island disconnected from the rest of Japan: Karakura.
Life in Karakura
Find out what happened to her in Karakura through roleplay!!!
What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?:
Chihiros's Medical Speciality is in General Surgery.
The reason for this is that she always found surgery interesting when she was studying in school. Because of that she always focused on surgery and made sure it was her main speciality. Another reason she chose general surgery is because she believed it would be the best for treating patients enough that they could live. It’s always been a goal of hers to make sure nobody dies when she is around to treat them.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?:
She has experience in two previous medical positions. The first one was her internship as a nurse in Russia, which lasted only a year before she moved out of Russia. She also spent around a year working as a doctor at Karakura Hospital before she retired.
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?:
Chihiro is a very shy person because of previous experiences in life. Because of this she will rarely be seen speaking to anyone and will usually avoid eye contact with others. Usually when not on duty they will only wear one outfit. She has very faded scars on her face that are nearly impossible to see due to how long it’s been since she got them. She is very skinny and is weak alongside that and is not able to defend herself at all. She is unique with her vitiligo making her skin color appear to be irregular and not like others.
How she is perceived by herself and others?:
From the outside, Chihiro is a shy doctor who can sometimes appear rude due to how little interaction she will have with a patient, her only goal is to treat the patient and then go back to work at the desk ready to treat another patient. However, to her, this doesn’t appear rude as she just believes that they wouldn’t want to have a conversation with her anyway and just wants to make sure nobody ever dies in the hospital lobby because she will think it’s entirely her fault. Overall Chihiro is an incredibly introverted person not ever having conversations with others.
How does your character act around the hospital?:
Chihiro usually stays away from others. She doesn’t want to get in their way, and because of that, she will usually not talk with people unless they start the conversation with her first. However, when it comes to treating a patient, she seems to drop the shyness and will usually let them tell her what to do. If she is the doctor leading the treatment, she will tell them what to do.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?:
She functions better on her own and will usually either let someone else take a treatment or do it herself. She will rarely do a double treatment with anyone else unless she is doing it to help out a trainee or the other one asks for help or asks if they can help out with the treatment. However, just because she works better on her own it doesn’t prevent her from being able to work well with others she simply prefers to be by herself.
IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
Activity chart
Current activity
My current Activity is 9/10 I would say. I can get on for almost anything as long as it isn’t 8 AM to 3 pm EST. However, I am also in government as a Judge, so this may take up about half my time. But, that doesn’t mean I will be inactive on either. I believe I will be extra active in both because of how enjoyable I find Government and EMS leading to me getting on even more. I also spend my time doing openings at Tsuki No Umi and Seikatsu, which also shouldn’t affect how much I can play as EMS because they are both on different accounts. This means that I could be on both at once if needed.
What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-professor-application.75443/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedpanda-hs-council-application.70954/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraceds-psychiatrist-application.68997/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/qiu-jing-teacher-application.60469/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angels-kpd-application.60030/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-judge-application.78595/ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummer-kpd-application-5.77413/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedsummers-shrine-maiden-application-1.76961/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-shopkeeper-application-2-chika-no-himitsu.7 6031/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedlasagnas-kpd-application-4.75393/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/the-illusionist-disgracedcorns-bmd-application.75108/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/staff-application.72728/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-3-the-letters-of-life.71300/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangels-kpd-application-2-the-return.69940/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-reporter-application-2.67197/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedtreat-event-team-application-1.66529/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-psychiatrist-application-3.65958/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/graceddemons-first-reporter-application.65574/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-counselor-application.64986/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/angeldisgraced-ems-application-2.63881/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangely-shop-application.63627/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gracedangel-hospital-application.61816/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/disgracedangel-lore-app.60996/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zoi-lawyer-application.60437/ - Denied
List your current roles on the server:
DisgracedAngel - Judge, Adult, College Bachelor, Grade 12
DisgracedCarey - Grade 12
DisgracedWinter - Adult, Grade 12
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My first bit of experience with roleplay on the server is KPD. I spent about a year in the faction with the first 10 or so months being in the main division making it up to sergeant before switching to detective division for the last two months before eventually leaving as a detective constable. My time in KPD was great and I roleplayed with many different people altogether, which, made me who I am now on SRP even if I don’t do it anymore and probably won’t for a while.
My second piece of experience began about halfway into my time as a KPD officer but only lasted a month. There isn’t much noteworthy about my time as a teacher but I did learn that teaching people probably wasn’t a specialty of mine.
EMS psychiatrist
My third piece of experience was as a psychiatrist, truthfully not my best moment on the server. I wasn’t very active as a psychiatrist but I did learn how to roleplay with people better through the limited amount of sessions that I did do. As much as I enjoyed Psychiatrist and it probably had the second-best roleplay for me on the server it’s not something I see myself doing again.
EMS Doctor
My much more enjoyable experience in EMS. Being a doctor was great and I loved treating people. This was 100% my best experience with roleplay on the server having treated several patients up to the 100’s and I miss it today. I made it up to Senior Doctor resident before leaving and wish I had gone further in the faction. I look forward to rejoining the doctor's department so that I can treat people again. Although there was a brief period where people in the community were toxic to doctors that led to me wanting to quit. Now that I have taken a break from the faction I’m eager to rejoin.
The final faction I did on SRP. I learned again that I do not like teaching but I did learn how to interact with college students on the server better and because of that I believe that I can interact with them better than I did before making my treatments more interesting for the people I’m treating.
Not a faction but stores on SRP do involve roleplay so I figured I’d cover it. I’ve gotten a lot of roleplay out of stores having done most of them from my time on SRP with the most noteworthy ones being old Club Umbra, Sayonara, Tsuki no Umi, and Seikatsu.
What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying is to have a better time in the faction. Last time there was toxicity coming from many places that led to me feeling bad about my time in the faction I also prioritized getting quota more than I should have getting up to 420 one month just because which led to together lazier treatments from me although still detailed they all ended up being the same making me get demotivated for the faction. But since taking a break and deciding I wanted to come back doing some thinking I’ve realized while I still enjoy getting quota I want to make my treatments interesting along with trying to experience check-ups having skipped every single check-up when I was in EMS. Together my reason for applying to EMS is to get better roleplay.
Which role are you applying for?
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
My knowledge of the roles within the hospital faction is pretty good.
Psychiatrist Department
Psychiatrist trainee
Psychiatrist trainees receive training on the DSM-5 along with the different types of therapy. They are not allowed to go off duty and aren’t allowed to leave the hospital on their psychiatrist's character for 2-3 weeks.
Psychiatrist resident
Receive no training. They can go off duty and can express their interest in being a paramedic. They can do any therapy.
Psychiatrist senior resident
The first psychiatrist who can train trainees. They are considered for paramedics whenever there is an open spot.
Attending Psychiatrist
Able to train trainees. They are now able to be considered for a higher-up position whenever one opens.
Psychiatrist clinical supervisor
Able to get permission to go off duty. They are also able to do exams for psychiatrist trainees.
Psychiatrist clinical lead
The lead of the psychiatrist department. They are the final decision for most psychiatric issues. They also can do exams for trainees.
Doctor Department
Doctor trainee
Similar to psychiatrist trainees. They can’t go off duty and receive training over 2-3 weeks.
Doctor resident
Able to go off duty. Don’t need training and can express interest in the emergency department.
Doctor senior resident
Able to train doctor trainees. Can go off duty. Can express interest in the emergency department and will be considered for it when a spot opens.
Attending Doctor
Able to train doctor trainees. Can go off duty. Can express interest in the paramedic department and is considered for doctor higher-up whenever a spot opens.
Doctor clinical supervisor
Able to do exams and train trainees. Can permission to go off duty?
Doctor clinical lead
The lead of the doctor department handles any big issues in the department before the director. They can also be permitted to go off duty and do exams and training.
Emergency department
Paramedic trainee
Receives special training allowing them to treat most injuries and patrol.
Able to patrol, and go off duty. They are also able to treat people if no doctor is free.
Advanced Paramedic
Can be considered for deputy chief paramedic. Able to patrol and go off duty. Can treat people if no doctor is free.
Deputy chief paramedic
Second in command of Paramedic. They can permit people to go off duty.
Chief paramedic
Able to give exams to trainee paramedics. Able to permit to go off duty.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training is held while I’m online, I am expected to attend or be punished.
Character’s Full Name:
Chihiro Aleksandra
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female She/Her
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background:
I have a master's degree in medical science
Character’s Nationality:
I am Finnish
Character’s Marital Status:
I am currently in a relationship!
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
Finnish and Polish. I'm not perfect at Polish though and have only recently began to study it.
Character Backstory:
Section 0. Education
Chihiro is educated about medical treatments. She has been in medical school for years, with her bachelor's degree in medical science completed in Finland and her master's and PhD completed in Japan. She also has a minor in Medicine and a major in Nursing. She also completed a medical training program in Russia.
Life in Finland
Chihiro's childhood was quite remarkable, especially in light of her later actions. Once she was old enough for school, she developed a passion for Math. She had a sister, Kyllikki, who was considerably more rebellious than Chihiro. Unlike their parents, who worked as hospital staff in Finland and had little time for them, Chihiro was deeply concerned about Kyllikki. As a result, Kyllikki often directed her frustrations toward her classmates, engaging in fights and even stealing from others. Although Chihiro would never admit it, she sometimes aided Kyllikki in these situations. While she refrained from fighting or stealing herself, she attempted to distract others, hoping Kyllikki would eventually improve her behavior, which she never did. The situation escalated when Kyllikki persuaded Chihiro to steal from a nearby bakery. They successfully took some bread but ended up separated when the baker alerted the authorities. After returning home, Chihiro waited for hours before realizing Kyllikki had been arrested. When their parents learned about this, they spent significant money to get Kyllikki released and clear her record. At this time, Chihiro was attending college while Kyllikki had just graduated from high school. Though Chihiro still loved Math, she was starting to consider a career in medicine and earned her bachelor's in Medical Science during her college years. Just a day after her summer break began and Kyllikki finished high school, Kyllikki persuaded Chihiro that moving to Japan to continue her degree was a great idea. Trusting her sister, Chihiro decided to use her savings from part-time jobs in Finland to buy plane tickets for both of them to Japan
Life in Japan
After Chihiro arrived in Japan, she immediately began looking for the best colleges she could afford. Finding a good college when she landed, she was about to head straight to the apartment she had rented for herself and Kyllikki before Kyllikki decided to follow a group of people who were offering her a job. Chihiro, deciding to follow her sister, ended up in the back of an alleyway trying to convince Kyllikki that they needed to leave and that it was a bad idea. However, Kyllikki decided not to listen and continued to follow the people, who eventually pulled out a knife, telling the two to give them all their money. Because Kyllikki was stubborn, she, of course, refused to give the group money, causing them to begin to attack as one slashed at Chihiro's face with their knife, causing her to cry out in pain. Despite Kyllikki being a bad person, she decided to help out Chihiro, grabbing her and getting them both out of there. While Chihiro was in the hospital recovering from her injuries, she decided that she was going to pursue a good life and treat people who got injured by others like she had. The rest of her time in Japan was spent studying, completing her major and minor, along with getting a PhD in Medical Science. After she and Kyllikki had completed their degrees, Kyllikki found a new crime opportunity to follow in Russia, convincing Chihiro that there was an opportunity for her to work as a nurse there. Chihiro, trusting her sister, decided to move to Russia with her.
Life in Russia
Chihiro’s life in Russia only lasted a year. When Chihiro arrived in Russia, her sister admitted that she didn’t have a job opportunity there and was just doing it to get away from the police. An upset with Kyllikki, Chihiro told her that she would leave her if Kyllikki ever committed a crime again. Kyllikki, being too deep into crime at this point, didn’t believe her sister and went back to crime, but this time Chihiro was expecting her to commit crimes and was watching her. After about a month in Russia, Chihiro managed to find a part-time job as a nurse there. While she was working part-time, she kept an eye on Kyllikki. She eventually caught Kyllikki stealing from someone about five months into their time in Russia. This led to an argument in their apartment, with Kyllikki leaving to move somewhere else and Chihiro staying in Russia to finish her year as a nurse in the hospital. Eventually, after the year ended, she took a plane back to Japan, this time to an island disconnected from the rest of Japan: Karakura.
Life in Karakura
Find out what happened to her in Karakura through roleplay!!!
What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?:
Chihiros's Medical Speciality is in General Surgery.
The reason for this is that she always found surgery interesting when she was studying in school. Because of that she always focused on surgery and made sure it was her main speciality. Another reason she chose general surgery is because she believed it would be the best for treating patients enough that they could live. It’s always been a goal of hers to make sure nobody dies when she is around to treat them.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?:
She has experience in two previous medical positions. The first one was her internship as a nurse in Russia, which lasted only a year before she moved out of Russia. She also spent around a year working as a doctor at Karakura Hospital before she retired.
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?:
Chihiro is a very shy person because of previous experiences in life. Because of this she will rarely be seen speaking to anyone and will usually avoid eye contact with others. Usually when not on duty they will only wear one outfit. She has very faded scars on her face that are nearly impossible to see due to how long it’s been since she got them. She is very skinny and is weak alongside that and is not able to defend herself at all. She is unique with her vitiligo making her skin color appear to be irregular and not like others.
How she is perceived by herself and others?:
From the outside, Chihiro is a shy doctor who can sometimes appear rude due to how little interaction she will have with a patient, her only goal is to treat the patient and then go back to work at the desk ready to treat another patient. However, to her, this doesn’t appear rude as she just believes that they wouldn’t want to have a conversation with her anyway and just wants to make sure nobody ever dies in the hospital lobby because she will think it’s entirely her fault. Overall Chihiro is an incredibly introverted person not ever having conversations with others.
How does your character act around the hospital?:
Chihiro usually stays away from others. She doesn’t want to get in their way, and because of that, she will usually not talk with people unless they start the conversation with her first. However, when it comes to treating a patient, she seems to drop the shyness and will usually let them tell her what to do. If she is the doctor leading the treatment, she will tell them what to do.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?:
She functions better on her own and will usually either let someone else take a treatment or do it herself. She will rarely do a double treatment with anyone else unless she is doing it to help out a trainee or the other one asks for help or asks if they can help out with the treatment. However, just because she works better on her own it doesn’t prevent her from being able to work well with others she simply prefers to be by herself.