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DisgracedLasagnas KPD application #4


Level 24

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name:

Which timezone are you in?
EST, United States.

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted IC Applications
Denied IC Applications
Denied OOC Applications

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is pretty good. Especially during summer as I have plenty of free time currently. As of leaving ems my schedule has been completely empty allowing me to spend more time on kpd should I be accepted. Most of what I do on srp right now consists of grinding swim speed and that’s about it. I tend to have 10+ hours to spend on srp as of right now. My schedule for school is currently unknown so I can’t give a perfect prediction of how much free time I will have when school starts but still having over a month left of summer vacation my school schedule shouldn’t affect my free time for a while. I can’t give the exact hours I’ll be on as my sleep schedule is very inconsistent but I can almost guarantee being on from 12 pm to 3 pm. Everything else depends on the time I’m awake.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is that no matter how many factions I joined, while most were fun none of them were ever as enjoyable to me as KPD was. It was my first ever faction and taught me so much and allowed me to meet amazing people that I otherwise would have never met. And eventually after I left in late January to do other things like EMS. While EMS was fun and I enjoyed every minute (mostly) there was always a part of me missing KPD even making my second and third KPD application in an attempt to come back and while they were decent applications it was fair to be denied having been in EMS at the time. And then eventually I joined the council and wasn’t nearly active enough to get the full experience. While I’m sure if I was active I would have enjoyed it I ended up leaving. And now that I’ve been through those 2 factions I realized that KPD is what I wanted to spend the rest of my time on doing. I’m 16 now so I still have a few years before I quit and I want those few years to be spent on my favorite faction on the server. Karakura police department. That is why I’m reapplying now.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work is pretty vast. While things have probably changed since I was last in KPD which was 6 months ago I will list everything I know from my time in KPD which there is a possibility of it being out of date/inaccurate now.

Cadet is the first rank you are given when you start off in KPD not being able to go off duty or patrol alone due to being new to the force. This rank undergoes 2 weeks of training before eventually taking an exam that decides whether or not they are able to be promoted to the next rank

Main Division
Patrol officer
Patrol officer is the first official rank of the Karakura Police Department. They are able to go off duty and in rare cases with approval from the commanding officer are allowed to patrol alone.

The first rank in the Karakura police department that is able to train after they are given the trainer role whenever it’s decided they are suited for it. They also get a bit more gear than patrol officers.

The next rank in the police department. They are the rank before higher-ups leading to them taking more of a leadership position, usually taking over hostage situations should a higher-up not be able to respond to the situation.

The first higher-up rank of the main division. They get their own office and can give approval for people to go off duty. They can also do the exams for cadets. An exam is also required to be passed to get to this rank.

The captain is the leader of the main division and is also given an office and can decide who gets to be a lieutenant and usually give the exams. They are the highest rank in the main division aside from the Commissioner. They also can have their own custom uniform.

Detective Division
Detective Constable
This is the cadet of detective. They are given a week or two of training before they are given exams to decide if they are fit to become a detective sergeant. There is only a max of 3 or 4 of these at a time. They can also go off duty

Detective Sergeant
The rank given to after constables after they pass exams. This rank can go off duty and is similar in ranking to corporals. They can also train cadets should they be given approval to.

Detective Inspector
The rank before higher-up in the detective branch. They can train Detective Constables and Cadets. They are given better weaponry and usually tend to lead investigations if no higher-up is on duty.

Detective Chief Inspector
The first higher-up rank in Detective. They are able to give out off duties and have their own office. They can give exams to cadets.

Detective Superintendent
The highest rank in the detective division. They are incharge of deciding who gets into detective and usually do the exams for detective constables

The Commissioner
The commissioner is the highest rank in all of the police department. They are incharge of making sure everything goes well and are in charge of all the announcements and the role can only be played by a member of the staff team.
Taser/Stun blaster
The stun blaster is a 8 block range weapon that allows for stunning a target for a minute. This makes all actions against them honors and prevents them from moving. Given to all officers. This can not be mugged by players no matter what.

The radio allows for you to talk to both officers and EMS for situations or just general moments. The radio can be broken by 2 hits with fists or 1 hit with a blunt/sharp object. Given to all officers. This also can’t be mugged.

The body cam is recording everything 24/7 aside from when you are in the station. There are CCTV cameras that can be accessed to look at an officer's body cam. This can also be broken with a few hits. Given to all officers. This can’t be mugged no matter what.

The baton is a short ranged weapon that can 2 hit KO people and has two blocks of range. It’s given to all officers and can be mugged. When the officer isn’t knocked out.

The handcuffs can be used to arrest people. Each officer has 2 sets of cuffs. It can be rolled against if the person it’s being used on isn’t tased or tranq’d.

The crowbar is the first object given out when an officer passes exams. It can be used for raiding apartments and can also be mugged with the proper mug permissions.

Another item given out to officials only (Patrol officer+) this can’t be mugged and just gives The name, the rank and badge number of the officer it belongs to.

Another item that is only official and up. It can be used to get the drunk percent of a drunk person through /it.

Pepper spray
Official and above only. Can’t be mugged, has three uses and makes most actions against someone honors along with giving them blindness. This can’t be used if they have a gas mask on.

Police bike
This item is given to corporals and above. It is a 1 seat vehicle that allows for a max of 1 person (2 if carried) at a time to use it.

This item is given to sergeants and above. It has 30 blocks of range at max and can stun people for 2 minutes. It can also fire 2 darts before needing to reload. It can’t be mugged at all.

Riot shield
Given to all officers. It has two modes one can be used for offense which allows the use of tasers and tools but doesn’t provide anything else. The defense mode allows for the officer to only be able to be hit in the back along with being used to shove people in front of you out of range. This item can be mugged but only if the officer is knocked out.

Gas mask
Given to all officers. It’s the same stats as a regular gas mask and can be mugged.

First-aid kit, Luminol spray, Fingerprint scanner, and gloves
These are given to all officers and are all used through itemrp. None of them can be mugged and each have their own specific uses. The first aid kits can be used to add 5 minutes to bleed out, luminol spray shows blood, fingerprint scanner is used to scan fingerprints, and the gloves are used as regular gloves.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to schoolrp because without them there wouldn’t be anyone to arrest the gangrpers and crimes would go unpunished leading to people getting upset both ic and ooc due to being able to get freely attacked without anyone to stop the people attacking making things more fair. Without officers there would be less risk or fun to gangrp knowing you could get away with any crime without worrying about being arrested. Sure some people complain about KPD being overpowered but in reality they are meant to be stronger than people to increase the risk of doing illegal things in Karakura.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I am aware that if training is held while I’m online I do need to attend or I will be punished.

What's your character's full name?:
Tomomi Nozawa

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, They/Them

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Masters in Criminology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Japanese Sign language

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Tomomi Nozawa is 162 cm and their hair has two different colors in it one being a dark purple and the other being a dark blue. They have amber colored eyes and they smell like mint leaves. They usually wear an outfit with a tie when they aren’t on duty. Their hair is very long and they usually tend to let it down unless required otherwise. Whenever they are talking to someone they usually tend to change the way they speak to try and match the person. Despite that they are incredibly shy and have little to no social skills with people leading them to panic at basic conversation and having no friends. They speak several different languages, having an interest in learning different languages.
They are unique in the fact that despite having no scars on their face they still tend to look afraid and in their eyes it almost feels like looking into them there is something wrong with the person. They also can’t talk about family related things without being incredibly awkward or strange about it, asking questions while shaking and asking if it’s a good or bad thing the parents are where they are.
Character Stats

Strength (High)​
Their strength is 18 out of 20 they are shy but they spent most of their college life working out leading to them being pretty strong and able to handle themselves in a fight.​
Dexterity (Average)​
Their dexterity is a 15 out of 20. They aren’t the quickest person ever but they are able to run pretty quickly getting away from most situations as long as the other person isn’t as quick.​
Intelligence (High)​
Their intelligence is 18 out of 20. They know criminology really well and studied the majority of their college life when they weren’t working out or in classes.​
Wisdom (Low)​
Their wisdom is 8 out of 20. Despite their intelligence they tend to get into fights due to their thrill seeking nature when it comes to dangerous situations.​
Charisma (Very low)​
Their charisma is 5 out of 20. Being their lowest stat as they tend to get nervous in conversations and panic extremely easily. Their nerves almost always prevent regular conversation.​

Constitution (Average)​

Their constitution is 10 out of 20. They can take a few hits but they aren’t that tough either. Leading to an average constitution.​

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation Tomomi tends to not speak at all or very little. Most of their life consisted of being in semi-professional situations leading to them going back to how they used to be in school not speaking but always listening to every little thing making sure not to miss a single thing. Should they be leading a situation while they may seem awkward they are capable of leading things but if there is someone higher ranking than them it’s more than likely they will try to pass off the situation to them afraid of messing up.
In a casual situation they tend to act similar to a professional situation, just not as nervous. They are able to talk in casual situations but they will still rarely talk to people unless the person talks to them first with rare situations where they will start the conversations.
IC Answer
Umm.. I would have to say I do pretty well in professional situations but in casual situations I tend to get a bit nervous at the idea of interacting with people.. Umm.. I suppose if they decided to interact with me maybe I would talk back but I’ve never really ever been in a casual situation in school so I’m not sure how I would do.. But I will try my best!
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
OOC outlook
Their outlook on the idea of co-workers and teamwork is similar to how shy people feel about group projects. They hate the idea of working with people but should they work through it they will eventually get used to it and start working just fine. They don’t quite know it yet because they have a whole 2 friends but they do work pretty well in a team.
IC outlook
Ummm.. I mean I’ve done group projects before and hated them but usually by the end I can work okay with the people just never interact with them enough to be friends. I always want to help out in group projects so people don’t think I’m useless so I guess.. Maybe I’m good with teamwork and bad with co-workers unless I talk to them enough? I am attempting to be more social though and I hope that this job will help me be more social.
What's your character's backstory?
My education is what I spend most of my life focusing on. At least if I focused on that I wouldn’t have to think of everything else going on in my life. My early years were spent on basic education, learning math and everything like that. When I left elementary school passing with high grades I moved onto Junior highschool and started to take more advanced classes spending most of my time on my studies not socializing with anyone and keeping entirely to myself. Then I moved onto highschool and only took advanced classes with no regular classes in my schedule aside from lunch. I had no free time and enjoyed it that way. Eventually graduating highschool I instantly went to college moving into a dorm alone. In college I took the required classes along with focusing heavily on criminology. I really liked the study of criminals and I spent almost every free hour I had on getting my masters in criminology.
Ages (1-10) Early childhood
My early childhood was uhh.. I suppose it was okay. It wasn’t horrible or anything to write about. It was at this point I started to draw as it was a nice distraction from everything else going on. My parents didn’t really ever talk to me that much when I got older as they kind of expected me to take care of myself so a lot of these years were spent learning how to take care of myself despite only being around 10.. But I did learn how and it was how I took care of myself after.. Everything that happened after.
Ages 11-18 Figuring things out
This uh.. Won’t be shared with many people right. This next part is a bit.. Personal. Oh well I suppose I have to say everything.. These 7 years everything started to click into place. And was the reason I took such advanced classes in school. When I was 11 my parents disappeared for a week straight and eventually when they came back they rushed into our basement for whatever reason. I know now what it was for but at the time I was still a child so I didn’t think anything of it. Then when I turned 12 for my 12th birthday they were also not there so I celebrated it by myself. Eventually, they came back with a gift. It was my first phone. Sure it seemed strange because they didn’t have the phone when they left but as a kid getting their first phone I didn’t question it but I took note of it. Then when I was 13 they had left again this time returning with one of them having a bandage over their arm. When I asked about it they yelled at me for asking and told me to go to bed. It was at this point I started questioning things. The next event happened when I was 15. This time I was a teen and being a stupid teenager I wanted to know what they were doing. So when they left one day I went into the basement and saw a couple weapons down there. Each of them clean but looking as if they had been used. I took a picture of it with my phone before returning upstairs. Then when I was 17 and it was a day before my birthday I called the police having taken pictures of their weapons several times as I ran away from home running to the police station reporting the weapons i found. I never looked back and ran far away from home moving to a different spot in Japan.
Ages 19-25 College
I spent 4 years getting my bachelors in criminology. I knew after everything I had seen my parents do that I wanted to study the reasons for why they had done the crimes. I was a shy kid as I had never had the chance to interact with people during school as I was a shy person and I didn’t want to tell anyone about the things I had learned back in my old house. I didn’t meet anyone at first but eventually during a criminology class there was this one guy. He always seemed to not be paying attention in class and I never really paid much attention to him. Until eventually one day at lunch he came over to me and asked about class. I ignored him at first, too busy studying for the class until he came up and talked to me. We got along decently and I agreed to help him study for the class as he had several jobs at the time and needed help with the class. We spent the rest of college working together. Less working together and more me helping him as I was the smart one. Neither of us were social people and that led us to be mostly alone all the time doing group projects together.. Although I did most of the work because he was distracted with jobs all the time. He was my best and only friend so I put up with him and eventually we both graduated school and decided to move into Karakura together as roommates deciding it would be cheap. But first I wanted to spend one last year in the place we lived to get a job and make money to have proper funds to live in Karakura with the cost of houses not being very cheap.
Age 26. Last year before moving
This was the last year I had before moving to Karakura. And it was probably the second most eventful year of my life. The day I ran away. I was going for a walk around town looking for a job to work for when I heard yelling. Despite being the most shy person people will ever meet I was a thrill seeker and I followed the screaming. Turning down an alleyway as I kept a hood over my face to avoid being seen as I saw two people surrounding some kid I hadn’t met before. At that moment I sprinted into the area. I was shy and didn’t ever interact with people leaving plenty of time for me to work out in between classes. I never quite showed anyone how strong I was until that day. As I sent my fist flying into the back of the first unknown person's head sending them to the ground I knew I was fighting a losing battle as they both had heavy weapons with them. I picked up the kid as I sprinted out of there calling the cops on the two people. That moment of my life was the start of me knowing exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to be an officer. I got the kid to safety before running back to my apartment. The next month I was following a lead on a group of people that were up to no good committing crimes. Sure I was just a 26 year old that didn’t have any previous training when it came to stuff like that but I loved the thrill of trying to stop criminals. As I went down another alleyway into another place with a locked door that I eventually kicked down, not able to unlock doors. Sure it was stupid but I wasn’t entirely smart about stuff like that. I found the people in there beating someone up, all of them wearing something to cover their face. I took photos of the place before eventually calling the police in a spot I knew they wouldn’t hear me for. Leaving before I saw what happened. And the rest of that year was spent working before I finally got enough money to take both me and Kaneda out of there as we took a flight to Karakura.
Age 27. Modern day
And that’s my story of how I got into Karakura. I’ve only been in Karakura for a week at the time of writing this online. I really do hope I can get this job and protect the people of this city. And be better than my parents ever were.

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No you can’t. Any sharp weapons are illegal in Karakura. The only legal weapons being the bat and a wrench

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Bandage - ¥1000
Eye patch - ¥5000
Paracetamol - ¥1500
Multivitamins - ¥3500
Melatonin - ¥3000

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
You shouldn’t immediately assume they are assaulting an inmate randomly. But you should get them out of the cell and away from the inmate to get the whole situation. While it could be a big risk to run in and try to get the officer off the inmate in the case that they are assaulting the inmate showing corruption but sometimes you have to take risks. If it’s revealed that the officer was attacking the inmate for no good reason then you should bring it to a higher-up and should the officer that was assaulting someone have been a higher-up then you should bring it to rank above them. If it is revealed that the inmate was assaulting the officer and they were just acting in self defense then you should increase the inmate's sentence adding assault on a government official onto the charge.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
If you see your co-worker being assaulted it is another situation that depends on what is going on exactly. In the case that they are being assaulted by a single person then you should mention it over the radio while also going in to help. In the case that it’s a big gang fighting then you should radio about it telling officers in the station to make a broadcast before going in to help. After you know the broadcast is made then you should go in and do your best to help the officer being attacked.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
If I found out they were helping a criminal organization I would instantly work on gathering enough evidence to report it to a higher-up. Should I be getting into danger by doing it I would make sure at least one other officer at the time I know I could trust knew what I was doing so that if something went wrong there would be someone to help me out of the situation. After gathering enough evidence I would make sure to report it to a higher-up in their office where it’s just us and I’m sure the corrupt person wouldn’t be able to hear it.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I would immediately ignore their bribe no matter how much they are offering. If they are masked I will tell them to get on the wall and search them for anything bad. If they aren’t masked I would fine them for attempted bribery. If they are masked and I don’t find anything illegal on them I will fine them for attempted bribery.


Level 315
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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