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Denied DrxgsRP Professor Application

Level 49

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Russian Application on tqx_ account

Russian Application on Cinderings account

Russian Application #2 on Cinderings account

Russian Application On New Account (InfinitysRP)

Korean Application On New Account (InfinitysRP)

Librarian Application

Professor Application

Icelandic (replacement for Korean)

Icelandic (replacement for Korean) Attempt #2

Ban Appeal Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

Discord Ban Appeal
Replied By Yonio, Redirected to KimiNoUso

Attempt 2

Icelandic Language Application

DrxgsRP professor Application
later removed due to being banned from discord servers despite accepted appeal(s)

DrxgsRP Shop Application

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
During the school year, I am normally active from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm and 7:00 pm-9:00 pm, during school breaks such as winter, spring or summer I am normally active from 12:00 pm to 12:30-2:00 am. I have also recently begun being active on the forms page.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

My experience of Roleplay is quite good in my opinion, I am aware of most rules within gang/non-gang rp along with my experience on School roleplay. I was a part of another roleplay server as both a player in which I was the Vice-Dean of the education faction and a member community staff Event Team in which I hosted a few events before the server closed. I mainly try to hide the fact that I was a part of that server by changing my discord, Minecraft IGN from the username I used on that server to now FlintRP or buying a new account and pretend to be someone else but every so often I am asked about what happened which I normally ignore or if they keep asking I say either I wasn't apart of the server or I say that I left and haven't looked back.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:




College B

What is the subject you want to teach?:
World History


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I am driven by a strong motivation to pursue a SRP career as a professor, primarily due to my deep passion for teaching. One aspect that particularly captivates me is the opportunity to share my knowledge of world history with others, including my friends, even if they may not initially express an interest. I have a special affinity for educating others about the histories of various countries, such as Green Ukraine, Yugoslavia, the USSR, and the United Arab Republic. The prospect of imparting fascinating insights and expanding people's understanding of these nations is a key driving force behind my desire to become a professor.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

Welcome, class! Today, we will explore the diverse and fascinating history of Asia. To make this lesson interactive and engaging, we will form groups and encourage discussions about each other's ethnic backgrounds. This will not only help us understand the history of Asia but also appreciate the rich cultural heritage present in our classroom. Let's get started!
First, I'll divide the class into small groups, ensuring that each group has a mix of different ethnic backgrounds represented. Take a few moments to introduce yourselves and share a bit about your ethnic heritage.
Now, within your groups, I want you to discuss and share information about your respective ethnic backgrounds. Consider the following questions:

  1. Which country or countries does your ethnic background originate from?
  2. What are some significant historical events or figures associated with your ethnic group's history?
  3. Are there any cultural traditions or customs that have been passed down through generations in your ethnic group?
  4. How has your ethnic group contributed to the overall history and development of Asia?
After awhile of talking I would ask one person to share something interesting that they learnt about someone elses culture and history

Welcome, class! Today, we're going to embark on an interactive journey through the history of the world. To make this lesson engaging, we'll split the classroom into two halves. I'll randomly call out a country, and if a student from that half knows a historical fact about that country, they can step forward and share it with the class. Let's get started!
First, let's divide the class into two halves. You can number off or use any method to split the class evenly.
Now that we have our groups, I'll call out a country. If you're from the corresponding half and know a historical fact about that country, step forward and share it with the class. Feel free to provide some context and explain the significance of the fact.
Let's begin! The country is... Egypt!
(Students from the designated half who know a historical fact about Egypt step forward and share their facts)
Excellent! Now, let's move on to another country. The country is... China!
(Students from the designated half who know a historical fact about China step forward and share their facts)
So on and so forth.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Greetings, class! Today's session promises to be an enjoyable experience. Instead of being confined within the walls of this classroom, we'll be venturing out to the historic Herrington estate. After persistent negotiations with Karakura realtors, I've successfully secured permission to lead the class on an exploration of this now-closed estate. Our journey will involve strolling through the estate grounds, seeking traces of the family's history through photographs and religious artifacts. Additionally, we'll examine the contributions the Herrington family has made to our city.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Being a professor, Aranck Everest would likely handle the situation with a focus on the well-being and safety of everyone involved. Here's a potential approach he might take:

Upon noticing the group of Spartan jocks surrounding the Bobcat jock, Aranck would promptly assess the dynamics of the situation to gauge the seriousness of the conflict. If he detects immediate danger or violence, his top priority would be ensuring everyone's safety, and he would swiftly seek assistance from his colleagues.

In cases where the situation doesn't seem immediately threatening, Aranck would calmly and respectfully approach the group. His aim would be to de-escalate tensions and foster understanding. Recognizing the significance of empathy and respect, he would initiate a conversation with the jocks, appealing to their sense of fairness and sportsmanship. By highlighting the values of inclusivity and respect for others, he would encourage the jocks to contemplate the impact of their actions on the Bobcat jock.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

When overseeing detention, Aranck Everest would calmly address issues with the goal of cultivating a positive learning atmosphere. He would begin by recognizing that detention offers an opportunity for development and self-reflection. Responding with empathy and understanding, he would delve into the root causes of disruptive behavior, especially from a student consistently posing "stupid" questions. Instead of dismissing the inquiries, he would encourage the student to participate in meaningful discussions and employ critical thinking.

In addition to emphasizing the importance of treating everyone with respect and upholding a focused environment, Professor Everest would clearly outline expectations for acceptable behavior during detention. If disruptive behavior persists, he would engage in a private conversation with the student to comprehend their concerns and challenges, aiming to collaboratively devise strategies for improvement. Through this approach, Professor Everest endeavors to guide the student toward self-reflection, respectful conduct, and personal growth while sustaining a positive detention environment.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

In his role as the class's host, Aranck Everest would handle the disruptive behavior of the cheerleaders with a firm yet respectful approach. He would prioritize maintaining an inclusive and focused learning environment for all students. Professor Everest would calmly address the situation, instructing the cheerleaders to put away their phones and cease criticizing other students. Emphasizing the importance of respect, he would highlight how their behavior impacts the overall classroom climate. If the disruptive behavior persists, he may involve the school's disciplinary procedures or opt for a private discussion with the cheerleaders to elucidate the consequences of their actions. Professor Everest is committed to ensuring that all pupils in the class have a gratifying and inclusive learning experience.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Encountering a physical altercation between two students during a stroll around the school's perimeter, if Aranck Everest's initial attempt to intervene proved unsuccessful, his top priority would be the safety and well-being of everyone involved. Professor Everest would swiftly evaluate the increasing level of danger and promptly contact the appropriate authorities, be it school security or the administration, to report the ongoing fight. His objective is to ensure a swift and efficient resolution to the altercation, minimizing the risk of harm to all parties by involving qualified specialists equipped to handle such incidents.


Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

ᐊᓛᔅᑲᔅᑦ or Aranck Everest in English is an Inuit Native American who was born in the community of the Iqaluit first nations in the territory of Nunavut, Canada on September 2, 1986, and lived in one of the only native communities to keep a majority of its culture despite the residential schools within the country. But was later put up for adoption a the age of 5.

Once adopted into the Everest family Aranck moved all across Canada living in major cities such as Toronto, Ottawa, Edmonton and Vancouver and Aranck later moved to the Northwest Territory of Canada and went to school at Aurora College. Once graduated he moved back to his home community of the Iqaluit first nations in the territory of Nunavut and lived there for a few years before applying to Nunavut Arctic College as a world history teacher and with his knowledge of world history and being one of the only history teachers within the province of Nunavut, Aranck got the job he spent a few years at the college visiting three of out four of its campuses while teaching his students about the world and what had happened to the First Nations of Canada with its dark history of the Christian residential schools and its hundreds of unmarked graves of Native American children.

After spending time at Nunavut Arctic College Aranck Everest decided to pack up his belonging and move halfway across the world to Karakura, Japan where he spent a few months job hunting until he found a spot at Karakura High School and College as a college professor teaching world history. On the day of his interview with the Dean and Vice Dean’s, he told them how all he had done throughout his life was teach others interested in world history, mainly about country history with topics such as; How the USSR fell, The fall of the German Reich, The Korean War, and the dissolution of the communist republic of Yougoslavia just to name a few. After the interview, Arnack was asked the five words he was hoping to hear, “What time can you start” to which he said, “Right away!” On his way home he was jumping for joy after he thought he had to move back home and miss an opportunity to explore a part of the world he thought he’d never visit.

After a few months of teaching at the school, Aranck had felt like he had finally found his place in the world and in the process made a few friends and had been reunited with his family after what he thought was centuries of looking for them.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Aranck Everest (English Name),
ᐊᓛᔅᑲᔅᑦ (Birth Name)

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Aranck (Government)
ᐊᓛᔅᑲᔅᑦ (Parents)

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Inuit from Nunavut, Canada
(On Japanese work VISA)

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
(I tried my best with the math of this...)

Teaching Experience (# of years):
World History
Date from: 18/09/01 Date to: Present

Working Experience (# of years):
Nunavut Arctic College (Cornwallis Island Campus)
Date from: 18/09/01 Date to: 19/06/27

Nunavut Arctic College (Main Campus)
Date from: 19/09/01Date to: 20/06/26

Nunavut Arctic College (Baffin Island)
Date from: 20/09/02 Date to: 21/06/07

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree in World History

Year of Graduation:

World History

Human Rights

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
English and Japanese

Preferred Teaching Subject:
World History


Additional notes about your application (if any):

So like, Im still in that weird situation of being banned but not... BUT MY LAST BAN APPEAL HAD PROMISE AND I WAS TOLD FINALLY WHAT IS NEEDED. So ya, I'll just update this note for when im unbanned from the KHA discord​


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I have decided to deny this application. This is usually because other applications stood out more to us, if you'd like further details feel free to DM me on discord (@muffincats).​

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