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GangRP Suggestion & Removal of a certain 'Rule' | Ruin06

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Level 121
IGN: Ruin06
DATE: 01 / 06 / 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Removal of the rule "FearRPing the public"
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I already know there will be some "-1"s defending the rule coming from people that dont gangrp in the first place. Lets start with what is "FearRPing the Public" Rule? Its a rule recently added that makes you unable to pull out a weapon or commit major crimes in the middle of a public place (For example, plaza.) with loads of people around that can report you to the police at any moment. GangRoleplay is already dying with respectable people leaving because of the amount of rules and the community most of the time looking at it as if its something very bad. With this, GangRP community will die out even faster now that they cannot just kidnap or finish the job on the spot if the person is in a public area. Most of the time when theres crime happening in a public area, the people commiting it usually kidnaps the person to another place or just runs away if they pulled out a major weapon

Gangroleplay in Plaza was a thing from the moment the Plaza Safe zone got removed, its a place filled with cameras seeing everyone and everything, its unnecessary to have a rule that makes you unable to commit major crimes in a place that has around 8-10 people if you already have cameras everywhere. I feel like instead of this rule there should be a different way to decrease the major crimes happening in plaza, like increasing police activity instead of putting a rule or recruiting people that is able to log on during the times that there arent alot of kpd on.

Another thing, wouldnt fearRPing the public in reality also apply to cops since the town is 90% gangs, they might have glocks & tazers but gangs also got countless amount of weaponary & alot of members.

I'm sorry for the bad grammar or anything, I dont feel good these days and sometimes cant notice if the message has a broken sentence or not but I feel like what I wrote is understandable

if you got any suggestions that should be up in here lmk
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Level 40

Players arent going to fear imaginary consequences of their actions, make them actually be afraid to commit crime IC because half the time the current police force DOES have members online in the later hours, they're just too busy romancerping on alts or something to log on and respond, the solution would be to fill the roster

it makes no sense to say 'no crime' when cops arent online and punish people for it


Level 104

If you think about it, you can easily kidnap someone without having to pull out any weapons in public or kill someone, it's easily done through better and more interesting roleplay. The past months have made me notice that half the crimes done in major public seems like baiting and they were, the reason gangrp is dying is because no one wishes to go through the extra steps sending a few actions and roleplaying out a proper kidnapping or killing. Drag them to the side, call them over knock them out it's not hard


Level 104
ye bro lemme call over the guy that knows im finna jump him oocly to the side, psure he gonna listen
Don't let them find out OOC you are going to execute perms, make a plan with your friends


Level 121
Thread starter
Don't let them find out OOC you are going to execute perms, make a plan with your friends
You can easily know who has permissions on you by just looking at what you did and checking the rules, if I pulled out a katana and said that "Im gonna kill you" I would expect the person to attempt on using their perms on me or majoring me when I knock them out.


Level 331

That rule only strictly applies to situations where people pull out weapons without any IC reasoning whatsoever. Both normal players and new players do not have to witness people showing off their illegal weaponry at spawn, even more when there are specifically no police officers online. When it comes to actually assaulting someone in public, you can do this if you have enough members to bypass the fear of getting caught. However, if you're a single individual who wants to acts on Major Assault Perms on someone that's at the plaza with 30 other people, you would realistically want to wait for them to leave the area, try to lure them away, etc. In fact, in my first months of GangRP, that's how I was killed (and later NLR'd). What the player that had KPS on me did was get someone to lure me out of an area and offer me an item for sale in an apartment. After I accepted, not knowing what could happen, I was killed inside of an apartment. I'm talking about 2019 GangRP, so there isn't really an excuse not to do this

The rule is mainly in place to make up for the fact that police is ICly working 24/7, which is confronted by the fact that police officers can't be online for that long. I also do not think that making the roster bigger will fix the issue since that would make it unfair for Gang groups when confronted by officers, not to mention the issue of inactivity that the KPD higher-ups will have to deal with (Refer to the KPD roster purge)


Level 121
Thread starter
inactivity that the KPD higher-ups will have to deal with
To be honest, should / could have simply added active players to the roster instead of people who'd be active for 7 days and go on a 2 year inactivity.
I also do not think that making the roster bigger
Gangs actually have people that are from around the world instead of 1 place so that they can get activity even while others r asleep, i feel like if KPD had officers that are from different timezones (I'm not talking about 1 person with different timezone, I'm talking about 4-5 so that they can atleast go on a patrol) this would not only increase KPD activity but also actually make people fear getting caught.

by the fact that police officers can't be online for that long
People can report when a KPD is on instead of kpd being online for 24/7

where people pull out weapons without any IC reasoning
this is mostly to show that the gang / person is confident in themselves enough to have their weapons out. If people werent confident or brave they wouldnt buy weapons in the first place.

I also feel like this rule just destroys possible RP moments where person A could walk up to person B with a simple knife and stab them on the stomach and walk away / kidnap & run, with this rule they'd just get warned (possibly banned) just for trying to do something like that in a place with like, 10 ppl.

Both normal players and new players do not have to witness people showing off their illegal weaponry at spawn
People could easily just ask in the Emergency Discord for a KPD to log on if there arent any or report them once one gets online.

what I'm tryinna say is that instead of limiting the gangrp w rules just try stuff icly not oocly, not only this discourages people to gangrp, it makes it less fun.
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Level 199
Think of the pros and cons of this actually being added. Though there are many pros, there are also many cons. I don't entirely know what will happen if this rule is really going to be removed


Level 35
Think of the pros and cons of this actually being added. Though there are many pros, there are also many cons. I don't entirely know what will happen if this rule is really going to be removed
literally nothing would change compared to previous gangrp which is already heavily limited due to other rules and cops, it would basically be the exactly the same but now our characters aren't scared of the air.


Level 331
Let me put a scenario where a rule change like this wouldn't be beneficial

Let's say that someone wants to show off their cool Katana and goes to the plaza to do this. Many people call 110, but none of them are online due to the fact that the timezone in which this is happening is quite hard to work with. No matter how many calls, that person will remain there with his Katana for no IC reason because they know that no police officers are going to come. Overall the rule was put in place to regulate what people can and can't do with their knowledge of when a police officer is online/offline

It is true that the call is logged, but it can take the faction hours to properly get 3 officers to attend the situation, at which point the person would already be gone

My point here, though, is that Karakura isn't a PvP server where you shouldn't worry at all where you're at. It should be realistic and a common-sense thought not to do this because of the potential consequences


Level 10

"FearRPing the Public" Rule? Its a rule recently added that makes you unable to pull out a weapon or commit major crimes in the middle of a public place (For example, plaza.) with loads of people around that can report you to the police at any moment.
Most of the time when theres crime happening in a public area, the people commiting it usually kidnaps the person to another place or just runs away if they pulled out a major weapon
its a place filled with cameras seeing everyone and everything

Removing this rule just seems terribly unrealistic to me. With the fact that there are cameras on 24/7, as well as witnesses everywhere, why would you even try to commit a crime there in the first place without some sort of fear of consequences? Think about it, and put yourself into your character's shoes. First, you would definitely face a large amount of opposition from bystanders, a possible mass report, and simply committing a crime there it increases your likelihood of being caught by a considerable margin. It creates so much more unnecessary work for the people at the plaza who are witnessing these and possibly trying to intervene , the KPD who also have lives outside of SRP, and the people who have to prove that the gangRPers were on CCTV.

And for what? To make it easier all for one group to kill, major, or minor characters? Ruin said it himself. There are "loads of people around that can report you to the police at any moment," and "its a place filled with cameras seeing everyone and everything." Even considering just these two statements, it doesn't add up to a valid reason to remove the rule. As long as FearRP is a thing on this server, it's only going to make sense that your character would fear the consequences of committing a crime with these factors in their way.

That rule only strictly applies to situations where people pull out weapons without any IC reasoning whatsoever.
When it comes to actually assaulting someone in public, you can do this if you have enough members to bypass the fear of getting caught. However, if you're a single individual who wants to acts on Major Assault Perms on someone that's at the plaza with 30 other people, you would realistically want to wait for them to leave the area, try to lure them away, etc.

Yonio's clarification helps a lot here, too. If anyone has read this and upvoted the suggestion, I am genuinely confused. Numbers will help you combat the need to FearRP. But, if you are an individual, it simply makes no sense.
Players arent going to fear imaginary consequences of their actions, make them actually be afraid to commit crime IC because half the time the current police force DOES have members online in the later hours, they're just too busy romancerping on alts or something to log on and respond, the solution would be to fill the roster
It's not imaginary, realistically. That, and joining KPD shouldn't mean that you no longer have time to roleplay anything other than law enforcement.

In conclusion to my opinion, it is more realistic to FearRP the consequences that come with committing a crime in broad daylight before cameras and countless witnesses rather than call for the removal of a rule that won't stop you if you're taking the more realistic/safer route of luring a player away to commit your crime.


Level 35
felt like replying to this so +1


If you think about it, you can easily kidnap someone without having to pull out any weapons in public or kill someone, it's easily done through better and more interesting roleplay. The past months have made me notice that half the crimes done in major public seems like baiting and they were, the reason gangrp is dying is because no one wishes to go through the extra steps sending a few actions and roleplaying out a proper kidnapping or killing. Drag them to the side, call them over knock them out it's not hard
Dude, Ion know what you're talking bout when you say "Drag them to side" - That's literally failure to fearrp the public as you're actioning against them in public. If I had a WEAPON I would feel much more safe masked up stabbing some dude in the middle of the big place where I can run off rather then running up to them with a mask, struggling to drag them off for five minutes with my hands. I would "realistically" (apparently) feel more scared doing this with no weapon. Additionally "call them over and knock them out it's not that hard" is very hard due to the fact that's literally baiting. It's been called baiting so many times, I can think of multiple instances where things I've done have been voided because we had a plan that made someone go somewhere but no that's baiting apparently.

That rule only strictly applies to situations where people pull out weapons without any IC reasoning whatsoever. Both normal players and new players do not have to witness people showing off their illegal weaponry at spawn,
Mr. YonioTheNacho! People flash their illegal weaponry all the time, this town has a ratio of 90 - 10 cops. It's unrealistic for someone to fearrp casper the ghost watching them in the air when there's not a single cop in sight. Who is there to fear out of the Karakura Police Department when hundreds have been stabbed, nugget'd (Limbs removed, eyes gone) and even just completely killed by teenagers? Obviously the aspect of fear-roleplay should be applied when there seems to be no weaponry involved against an officer though.
even more when there are specifically no police officers online.
I don't see how this is a problem, I've admittedly seen applications that are really detailed, really good that have actual roleplayers who want to shift their attitude away from something to the KPD and have proven they can actually be active and a viable solution. In my application I said their was a lack of cops whenever I mostly logged on, I see 0 cops online when I'm online most of the time now so maybe hiring diversity and activity would be better rather then the current criteria that applications work on. Their are people from multiple timezones applying to the KPD that can be really active and they're just getting shafted in favour of other people who clearly aren't active in that timezone. (I am GMT/BST) and even though there are multiple cops in my timezone I never see them online, I wonder how it feels for other european, australian and even asian players lol.
When it comes to actually assaulting someone in public, you can do this if you have enough members to bypass the fear of getting caught. However, if you're a single individual who wants to acts on Major Assault Perms on someone that's at the plaza with 30 other people, you would realistically want to wait for them to leave the area, try to lure them away, etc.
"bypass the fear of getting caught" - this makes no sense, why would I fear getting caught if I've ic'ly already committed to the cause of MURDERING someone. I think murdering someone or stabbing out someone's eye/chopping their left leg off is a good enough reason for me to not fearrp when there's nothing there. If I'm a single person, sure I should be scared - but what's deterring me from running up masked, stabbing, and running away? Nothing is there. I am masked in undistinguishable clothing, if we're talking realism, why would my character who's literally a murderer care if their were 30 other witnesses present. The Bonten war, should've they fearrp'd the public and stopped fighting? The event-watches outnumbered the actual people fighting quite greatly so. "Leave the area" - If this rule is in place no gangroleplayer is ever going to leave plaza since you can't do shit to them while they're at plaza. It's basically the equivalent of a safezone to them at this point. "Try to lure them away". This is literally baiting, like I said in my response to PolarLoLs, many kills have been voided because someone's been told to go somewhere or walked over somewhere just to be stabbed xD. "You cannot bait (unfairly encourage & try to lure someone)"
In fact, in my first months of GangRP, that's how I was killed (and later NLR'd). What the player that had KPS on me did was get someone to lure me out of an area and offer me an item for sale in an apartment. After I accepted, not knowing what could happen, I was killed inside of an apartment. I'm talking about 2019 GangRP, so there isn't really an excuse not to do this
The rule is mainly in place to make up for the fact that police is ICly working 24/7, which is confronted by the fact that police officers can't be online for that long. I also do not think that making the roster bigger will fix the issue since that would make it unfair for Gang groups when confronted by officers, not to mention the issue of inactivity that the KPD higher-ups will have to deal with (Refer to the KPD roster purge)
"which is confronted by the fact that police officers can't be online for that long." - Hire more active officers? The last wave I can name atleast two people who are active and engaged with the community around SRP excluding myself as I don't want to bring bias into this. Both rareleaks and gahleee are active people who applied for KPD last wave and were denied, they're both former gangrpers who have proven they have flexible hours. While gahleee is in the dominant timezone of the server, rareleaks is in the area that needs the most help in SRP and admittedly has 10x the reputation I do. Both denied in favor of people with worse applications. This seems more like an OOC problem rather then an IC problem. "I also do not think that making the roster bigger will fix the issue since that would make it unfair for Gang groups when confronted by officers" - This will always be an issue, gangrpers are used to getting flocked on by a band of like 6 cops. It happens and it's the consequences of their actions which they've prepared for, though additionally you could just hire the people with good applications who are in other timezones, there's plenty that apply each wave.

Elaborate, why?

Let me put a scenario where a rule change like this wouldn't be beneficial
There's plenty of scenarios where the rule change would be beneficial though.
Let's say that someone wants to show off their cool Katana and goes to the plaza to do this. Many people call 110, but none of them are online due to the fact that the timezone in which this is happening is quite hard to work with. No matter how many calls, that person will remain there with his Katana for no IC reason because they know that no police officers are going to come. Overall the rule was put in place to regulate what people can and can't do with their knowledge of when a police officer is online/offline
"Let's say that someone wants to show off their cool Katana and goes to the plaza to do this. Many people call 110, but none of them are online due to the fact that the timezone in which this is happening is quite hard to work with." - Refer to previous post. Hire more, active and flexible role-players to the force.
It is true that the call is logged, but it can take the faction hours to properly get 3 officers to attend the situation, at which point the person would already be gone
Then the person has successfully done what they intended to, no? That's the whole point. They just wanted to show off their katana. It makes no sense for them to show off their katana when they know a cop could rock up any moment. Who in the public is there to fear? The surgeons that get up repeatedly like zombies and attempt a mido? Realistically, they have already accepted the consequences of their action by walking to plaza unmasked with a katana and pulling it out infront of a camera.
My point here, though, is that Karakura isn't a PvP server where you shouldn't worry at all where you're at. It should be realistic and a common-sense thought not to do this because of the potential consequences
"It should be realistic and a common-sense thought not to do this because of the potential consequences." Cops die all the time, and a literal event detailed and gave ic inspiration to characters on how there is a lack of consequences, look at how metagarou went out, bro killed 10s of cops and then took the commissioner with him to the grave alone. I don't think it's realistic that the commissioner and metagarou were both in the same helicopter alone, or that it's realistic that the cop who rolls 200 lost to the injured guy who rolls 150. Rolls are stupid by the way, everyone should roll the same amount.


Level 35

Removing this rule just seems terribly unrealistic to me. With the fact that there are cameras on 24/7, as well as witnesses everywhere, why would you even try to commit a crime there in the first place without some sort of fear of consequences? Think about it, and put yourself into your character's shoes. First, you would definitely face a large amount of opposition from bystanders, a possible mass report, and simply committing a crime there it increases your likelihood of being caught by a considerable margin. It creates so much more unnecessary work for the people at the plaza who are witnessing these and possibly trying to intervene , the KPD who also have lives outside of SRP, and the people who have to prove that the gangRPers were on CCTV.
Okay, I'll put myself in my character's shoes for you really quickly. My character has killed multiple people before, he sees his target in public and gets in undistinguishable clothing, puts on a mask, runs up and stabs their opponent. He then just runs away. He doesn't pick up the body, he just runs the fuck away. He's already accepted the consequences and decides to run off. "First, you would definitely face a large amount of opposition from bystanders". This breaks fearrp rule, so even if realistic, no. A possible mass report has sucked since they changed it to major, and by doing the action my character has already committed to it. So what if he gets caught at this point? His target is dead. They won't intervene because that's breaking the fearrp rule "The KPD who also have lives outside of SRP, and the people who have to prove that the gangRPers were on CCTV." Okay. Hire more then in flexible timezones.
And for what? To make it easier all for one group to kill, major, or minor characters? Ruin said it himself. There are "loads of people around that can report you to the police at any moment," and "its a place filled with cameras seeing everyone and everything." Even considering just these two statements, it doesn't add up to a valid reason to remove the rule. As long as FearRP is a thing on this server, it's only going to make sense that your character would fear the consequences of committing a crime with these factors in their way.
"And for what? To make it easier all for one group to kill, major, or minor characters?". No, so my character isn't scared of walking outside with a baseball bat on him. Or my character's not scared of punching someone at plaza because of the invisible cops that are watching him. "There are "loads of people around that can report you to the police at any moment," and "its a place filled with cameras seeing everyone and everything."". Yeah, that's...literally plaza! "it doesn't add up to a valid reason to remove the rule.". Okay. Re-read it and read my posts. "As long as FearRP is a thing on this server, it's only going to make sense that your character would fear the consequences of committing a crime with these factors in their way." There are no factors present that would wanna fight me dawg.
Yonio's clarification helps a lot here, too. If anyone has read this and upvoted the suggestion, I am genuinely confused. Numbers will help you combat the need to FearRP. But, if you are an individual, it simply makes no sense.
I'm genuinely confused how you downvoted it, it's pretty straight-forward.
It's not imaginary, realistically. That, and joining KPD shouldn't mean that you no longer have time to roleplay anything other than law enforcement.
True this, but there are people who apply with no alts and primary account who would be able to devote 100% to the application, additionally, the application actually states that you should invest 100% into the KPD, they knew this BY applying for it in the first place.
In conclusion to my opinion, it is more realistic to FearRP the consequences that come with committing a crime in broad daylight before cameras and countless witnesses rather than call for the removal of a rule that won't stop you if you're taking the more realistic/safer route of luring a player away to commit your crime.
Who said it was daylight? I'm playing, this was structured nicely but it doesn't work, the rule should be put to an end it makes 0 sense. I tackled all you've said in my last post.
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