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Accepted Governor Application | IdyllicKoi


Level 27

In-game Name:

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have two previous bans that had taken place on my main account, atkoi. These happened near the time I had first joined SRP in late July- Early August of 2021. The first ban had been due to a misunderstanding which was soon after lifted immediately upon further investigation. The second ban had been classified as serious roleplay. Since then I’ve had a clean slate and I’ve learned my lesson. I’ve educated myself accordingly to the rules and have kept a clean record ever since.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
I do have a working microphone.

Timezone & Country:
My time zone is EST and I live in America. Sometimes I play as though I live in BST.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
I’ve had many different applications for the server so I will post the role/rank-based ones instead of every single application.


[Teacher, Accepted] -
[Lawyer, Accepted] -

[HS Council, Accepted] -

[Priest, Accepted] -

[Build Team, Accepted] -

[3D Model team, Accepted] -

[Event Team, Accepted] -


[KPD, Denied] -

[KPD, Denied] -

[Governor, Denied] -
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server has made a drop recently due to being hit directly by Hurricane Ian. I’ve been physically unable to get on the server since the 29th of September, although, as soon as the the cables are fixed, I do plan on returning to my previous activity. Other than the past month of no activity, I tend to be very consistent in which I hop onto the server, usually I’m found playing on two accounts at once. When online, my general activity is role playing with others although at times I can also be found building for others or partaking in events. I have five accounts in total currently, including the one I’m applying for. The accounts in-game names are atkoi, wkoi, frogmochi, IdyllicKoi, and athearts. My atkoi account is my main and I am the Spartan Baseball captain. My frogmochi and athearts accounts are both general highschool accounts. IdyllicKoi is an adult and wkoi is my priest account. I’ve taken part in many of the roles the server had to offer, my first role being a teacher on wkoi. I worked my way up quickly through my time as a teacher, eventually earning my Qualified Teacher role before eventually leaving the faction due to needing a break. I’ve applied for EMS on SchoolRP as a surgeon and I’d been in the faction for as long as I could, exceeding expectations and breaking records in my quotas. I believe my time as a surgeon was one of my happiest. On my IdyllicKoi account I was a lawyer, which is where the character I plan on applying with had initially shown their face. The character eventually applied to be a governor and the application had been put on pending due to lack of space at the time. The application was on pending for four months before eventually being denied. In that time I had applied to various other roles on the server.
My most notable moments on the server were the ranks I’d taken part of with the community team. I’d applied to be a builder on my main account and as such I’ve built various event maps and props. I’ve built shops for players and done interior decorations in apartments and houses once those were introduced. My second main/highly active alt, wkoi, was applied and accepted to be a 3D modeler for the server. My time here was spent making customs for players, mostly specializing in cars. A majority of my activity overall outside of my current predicament is solid, and I’ve worked hard on my activity from the ground up to gain a positive reputation when it comes to my activity in roles. Currently since I do not have internet I’ve been spending most of my time tabbing between different SchoolRP discord’s and keeping up to date on the server and ensuring my activity there at least makes up for the lack of activity I’m unable to show on the Minecraft server. I understand there may be some worries about my activity dropping due to the current roles and ranks I have spread across multiple accounts, but I’m more than happy to prove myself capable of handling it.


What position are you applying for?:
I’m applying for a position as a governor.

What is your motivation for applying?:
In the past I’d been motivated to apply for the governor role due to new openings being introduced in an expansion, already spending time as a lawyer and overall wanting to expand upon my role play. My motivation has continued to grow as I’ve found more reasons to want to join the faction team. On the server I’ve always wanted to explore the endless possibilities SchoolRP has to offer to its community through the jobs that branch out further from the school. I’ve had a never-ending interest in wanting to further my knowledge of how the different jobs work, curious about what things have changed since I’ve left the faction and overall having high hopes that things have picked up now at there’s a new faction lead. During my time as a lawyer, the town faction had been run by Prosthettics. We didn’t have much to do during that time and there wasn’t much expected of us outside of waiting for the rare chance a case would be accepted. At the time we only had three governors in office and only two of them ever really logged on to interact with others.
Now that things have changed, I’ve been interested in returning to take part and help the faction grow to the glory I know it can achieve, offering input and bringing role play experiences to others whether it’s through selling ID’s, setting up a business, legalizing marriages, listening to comments and concerns that can be brought up during meetings, and simpler things such as interacting with others with conversation while providing a positive outlook on the town faction.
I’m quick to pick up how things work and due to my patience I am happy to teach others if it comes down to it. I’ve never had issues with any of the current members of the town faction team and, from personal experience through interactions, I’d be more than happy to work with them. I’m confident in my ability to start up thorough and pleasant role play experiences between myself and other players and I feel that through the positive interactions I can motivate others to take interest in the town faction.
Outside of how I’d help others as well as the faction, if I were to be accepted as a governor it would help benefit my characters development as it’s about time they return from their “vacation”. I’m happy to have a chance at applying to the faction and I look forward to whatever decision is made.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have confidence in my understanding of Karakura’s laws and Constitutional rights. I’ve always familiarized myself with them, especially when I’d been a lawyer. I used to have players coming to me and asking what they could sue others for based off of many different scenarios and I’d sit down with them, figure out the situation, and work towards the solution through checking over the laws. I’ve taken part in various trials on and off during my time as a lawyer and have a solid understanding of what laws are written and what they consist of. I tend to find myself turning to the laws of Karakura even when I’m not in the town faction now simply because I’m interested in the new additions they may add or updates that have been made.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I’ve had many goals for both myself and my character when it comes to being a governor.
Personally, for myself, my goals as partially explained in my motivation, is expanding on my role play experiences. I’ve had many different roles on the server and I’ve experienced plenty of different things in doing so. I’ve seen the ups and downs of the town faction and I’ve taken part as well as watched multiple trials take place. My personal goals for this role focus on striving to be the best governor I can be, working as a team with the others to provide the best possible outcome in any role play situation and in keeping the town faction moving in the right direction: keeping it active. As a normally highly active player on the server, I’ve had the opportunity to prove myself time and time again that I won’t leave a faction out of boredom. I’ve never been removed from anything due to inactivity, and I like keeping strict schedules for myself to ensure I don’t fall behind on anything. I tend to keep a list of the responsibilities so I know exactly what’s required of me. I’ve always been heavy into detailing my role plays, finding evidence for cases and overall memorizing laws and scenarios to the point where I’m absolutely confident to take on the role with guidance as needed.
The goals for my character vary in exactly what I want for them. The character that I’ve decided to apply with is one who has previous experience in the town faction as a lawyer, they’re intellectual, compassionate and hard-working to a fault with plenty of character (haha get it) that separates them from what you’d imagine would be a mindless drone focused on work with a basic background. The character in question is someone who I’ve had plenty of previous role play with that has molded them into what they are currently. There’s been plenty of past experiences that can help aid them in being a comfortable fit for the role, and due to the aforementioned experiences along with their general attitude, they will prove to be a perfect middle ground for the governors. They’ve always been fun to play and interacting with the community is one of the most important parts I can think of as a governor on top of general activity. I’ve noticed the amount of ID cards that have been requested daily in OOC alongside the various business’ that have opened up and I feel the character could work with that pretty easily. Working as a governor instead of a lawyer or sticking to the adult role will be a good new slate of experiences for the character role play wise to further their lore.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
As a governor there’s plenty of high expectations for you. Activity is an important one, a minimum of an hour at the desk adds to your quota as well as giving players who see you online the opportunity to come to the town hall to interact with you for a variety of reasons. Governors are responsible for selling ID’s to players in the community. ID’s are important for a variety of reasons although the two most common ones are for age verification if someone is buying a 21+ product and for the KPD to keep track of someone’s criminal record (if any). Governors are also responsible for meeting with players interested in setting up an official business. Taking the players ICly and OOCly information down to set up their business accordingly so they’re recognized in the SRP community. Governors can legalize marriages, and it’s one of the newer additions to the faction. As a governor, you’re to keep the community safe and to unite the player base through events and trials. I’ve mentioned this in my last application, although I do believe it’s important to mention again: Governors are there to preserve, protect and defend the law of the land. They’re the voice of the people, the deciding factor in many situations and are depended on by the court to make the right decisions. Governors are higher up in the faction, below the Deputy Mayor, and during court cases are often seen overseeing the trial or leading it. They’re the figures who work to create a blanket of safety over the community to the best of their abilities with the addition of new laws and appropriate, unbiased decisions during testimony.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I acknowledge and accept that, upon being accepted into the faction, I’m subject to removal at any given time regardless of reasoning.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand and accept that I am expected to be dedicated to my position upon being accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware and accept that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment. I’ve witnessed OOC bias from others in the past and I am aware of how unfair it can be to others. I tend to keep bias out of my decisions when they’re made.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I’ve read and agree to follow the government faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am able to attend weekly meetings and events as needed, otherwise an inactivity log will be placed beforehand or a DM will be sent if there is a reason that says otherwise.


Full name:
Gabriel King

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
June 11th, 1984


Academic Degree:

Political Science

Business, Psychology

Work experience:
Growing up I’d focused on side jobs when I had been in America. During my time there I worked as a bus boy for a local cafe and had taken on a second job as a retail associate. Eventually, due to some familial issues, I returned to Germany and had started a job as a car mechanic when living with my mother. During this time I had also been in college and soon after when my studies furthered, I worked as a research assistant for my colleagues and, upon moving to Karakura, I had an internship at the town hall. Eventually that internship turned into a proper job as a lawyer.

Political background:
When I was younger, I had a knack for trying to figure out the best route for everyone around me. I was the older brother and had plenty of responsibility thrust upon me when my parents weren’t home. My mother was a nurse, my father working at a day to day desk job. Having a younger brother, I was not only focused on my school work but I was responsible for looking after my younger brother. I made sure he attended to school, kept his grades in check, and ensured he still had time to be a kid. When I was twelve, my parents divorced and it was decided that my father would take me with him to America while my mother kept my younger brother. While in America, my father was hard on me, wanting me to do something more than to follow in his shoes and end up in a dead end office job like he had. Even despite the hardships he and I faced, he made sure I focused on my studies in school and worked on creating a positive portfolio I could bring to future jobs. He planted the seed that I could be a lawyer and it sprouted, taking a life of its own within my mind. I found myself working at cleaning tables, stocking shelves, humbling myself with simple pleasantries between customers and learning about the lives of others around me. During this time I was playing with the idea of being a lawyer and I found myself engrossed in politics, the rights and wrongs that I felt were taking place, listening to the news stories and the trials that were publicly announced and streamed for the world to see. Within no time I’d started working on a path that lead me towards polishing my grades, pushing myself to be a perfectionist so I could guarantee a spot in college. Once my studies had begun, I was pulled back to Germany by my mother due to an unfortunate series of events. My father had lost his job in America and could no longer afford to keep the house. He had my best interests in mind and had begged her to take me back. I was forced to move back to Germany to live with her, and once I’d been done recuperating with the move and having lost contact with my father, I found myself working at the local car mechanic shop. I befriended my coworkers and spent countless days in the back room between customers and on my breaks, studying hard for my college classes and balancing work and school.
I spent four years studying for my college classes while working at the mechanic. I was raising enough money for my younger brother and I to live comfortably, paying my mother’s rent and proving to be useful underneath her watchful gaze. A majority of my education was spent with my interest in government economics, where I had earned my Bachelor of Arts degree. During my time in law school, I was a research assistant for my colleagues and found simple joys in taking part in their studies and debates. I moved out soon after to head to Karakura, taking up the college programs there to further my studies as desired. I looked into positions that were available at the town hall and found the perfect opportunity to apply as an intern. I applied for the internship at the town hall and shadowed those who allowed it, watching trials take place and learning as I went. Once I was twenty five, I was given the opportunity to work for Karakura as a lawyer to the general public and, having completed my studies and earned my degrees, I took the job. I was there for a few years, enjoying my time as a lawyer and taking part in various trials. My brother had been in a terrible accident near the end of my time there and I had to take my leave to focus on his situation, leaving the faction and nursing him back to health the best I could once he had been released from the hospital after months of being there. Now I’m back in Karakura and looking to start up my career once more in the one faction I know I can work well in.

Nationality & born location:
I am German, born in Rudesheim Am Rhein, Germany.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
German, Japanese, JSL

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
A strong reason I believe I’d be a good candidate for this job is my ability to represent the people of Karakura as well as those in the faction without any hidden intentions or two-faced reasoning. I’ve never been biased when making a decision and I’ve experienced, as well as read up on, plenty of trials to know how one typically works and takes place. Experience in jobs such as this one are important for deciding on those who are deemed acceptable for an important role. I’m capable of adapting to any situation that may be brought to me and I can keep a level head in any situation. I know that being a governor holds plenty of responsibility and I’m confident I can meet the requirements. I can make an impactful change with the help of my colleagues and I yearn for Karakura to be the best it can, to get out of this era of criminal activity taking hold with a vice grip. The old are getting older, the young are dying before their eyes and joining gangs, becoming delinquents and getting arrested. I plan on providing Karakuran residents with a positive view on the town hall and those who work in it, completing work efficiently without any draw backs. I know that, as a governor, I can be the voice citizens need. A voice of reason, a voice that draws the good in people forward, a voice that makes proposals with the towns best interests in mind. I will listen to any concerns brought forward and bring them up to discussions. I can, and I will, earn the respect and trust of our citizens.

P.S- I wrote this entire application on my phone and I hope that any grammatical errors that are found aren’t too much of an issue. My phone is funky.
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to ACCEPT this application

Your application was great, and really stood out to us above the others, Please reach out to me on discord at oZinth#0001 and we'll get you started! welcome to the team.

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