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Accepted Governor Application | UhmMoe


Level 29

In-game Name:
UhmMoe (Main)

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have roughly 2 two week bans and 1-2 twenty-four hour bans, but I can't find the appeals because they were some time ago (2020-2021) and on a separate forms account.

Discord Tag:
Moe !#1735

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do.

Timezone & Country:
MDT, United States.

Links to any current & past applications:
There are more but I've chosen to not post the many language application to save you time, and some applications were on a previous account I can’t find them.

Describe your activity on the server:
5/10 I’m active though not as much as before, due to the time of year it is, I’ve been told that I’m more or so dependable in the middle towards the later day mostly because of my timezone, things that mostly keep me offline are sports, and work when it comes down to it.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
With my experiences on Srp throughout my extended time on this server, I’ve had a quite scattered/checkered past, specifically what and who I chose to engage in RP. I have gained friends and better myself in both writing and roleplay thanks to this. In SRP I’ve had a long amount of experience in different parts of the server that I have long enjoyed, and now that something new has come up I believe its only right to give it the best shot I can, in the past, this wasn't an open thing to the public and Morley a “Trusted player, and or staff member” role (At least to my knowledge), so knowing this it gives me all the more motivation to try my best for this position. Though my experiences are somewhat all over the place, that is the exact reason that I’d like to and that is exactly what I want to do with this, I truly believe this will be a great experience from a learning stance and a bonding and this will give me the chance to attempt something that has been practiced and would like to be put to use, I really would like to interact with the community and give them a glimpse of what I can do, I’d like to expand on my reputation and full view of how i'm seen on the server and how my newer character is seen, I’d like to challenge myself with this new roleplay and push myself into trying new things expand my horizons of things I use in the future, I want to make roleplay fun and fun enough while doing so that others as well have fun to have others enjoy the experience as well and hopefully give them enough joy that they would like to join the faction as well, the endless roleplay experiences that you can go through just amazes me, the different sceniors and such that you experience down this long road is really the part that really motivates me to want to do my best at this job.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I’ve read and I’ve taken them into memory, I’ve learned to understand them as much as I can, and I swear to follow and respect these rules throughout my time.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Firstly a character for my goal is in overall lower the crime rate of the town, this being off would be an extremely hard task to complete though it is do-able it will take time, he’d like to aid in the effort to the change towns way of giving safety towards the townspeople and improvement of this town by being able to provide ideas to other governor’s and or the Mayor during meetings and such. And once, my motivation for applying for this role is to experience something regarding Government roleplay, another goal of mine is by the time I’ve decided to leave my law position I’d like to be able to say my character has had enough character development and involvement with the community to have a long-lasting impression, and also enough knowledge of the different situation that he’d experience in the past and present to better himself and the people around him. Another goal I’d like to achieve is to better my reputation on the server and on forms, as my forms page has this role will give me more motivation to continue and progress on being active on the server. Another personal goal of mine, Is to use this to better me in any way I can, from seriously roleplaying as an adult character with an important job, to plain out interacting with new people that I am soon to meet such as fellow colleagues or family members and or citizens of Karakura.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
The responsibilities qualification in order to be a part of the highest ranking status like governor in Japan for the first one you must be knowledgeable understand what you do why you do it and you must prefect yourself to do this flawlessly a Japan governor is stationed and is in charge of the Interior auditor's office and overall the entire banking and giving out government identification cards to citizens of Karakura this being they have a lot of interaction with people and they create the sense of friendship between the government and the people within it making a bond they settle feuds and issues throughout their range with a unbiased opinion and look on the situation, their voice is essential and can determine how much the people respect and treat their government which could be one if not the most essential duties as a governor ( how you let your government and yourself be viewed by the townsfolk this can be viewed as a easy task or a hard task depending on the persons), lastly a study that should be done well is overlooking cases and documenting the entire thing.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand this and oblige by this rule, and I will understand this if it ever happens.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand this and oblige by this rule, and I will take this into account and be as active as I can be.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes and I oblige this rule.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have, and I’ve understood and agreed with them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I would be able to.

The following writing would be in cursive with a Montblanc fountain pen.

Full name:
Yoshiro Parker.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:

Political science.
Criminal Justice.

Business Leadership.
Social and Behavioral Science.

Work experience:
I have very broad work experience, from working at gas stations at a young age to becoming a well-known psychologist outside of Karakura Japan, First of most, as a youth, I played sports on the school team which helped me find a love for working and communicating with people, It allowed me to gain more understanding of rules in this world of ours and it drove me to try harder to better them, the activity part didn't really work with me due to my not so athletic composure, this drove me down a path of looking for work, and at the age of sixteen, I gave in my resume to a commonly known gas station and started my first government noticed job, Although it wasn’t the best start it still built my drive to do better in the future, and this gave me the first steps at getting into college and starting my own Business.

Slowly after long weeks of work and piling up money for a good 2 years and getting a small loan from my Biological family, I had enough money to travel out of the country to an above-average College where I took my time and educated myself to succeed, I was dedicating myself to learning the way around the political world, I viewed court sessions and studied Law and Justice and to improve myself by going the extra mile and after I hit the required amount I continued to appear at these court sessions afterward for my own benefit, Quickly after my time in college, I received my diploma in Criminal Justice, Law and Justice. Which led me closer and closer to my final goal, or what I thought was my final goal, after taking a short break from everything I quickly picked back up my studies to fix what I lacked and forgot, I had figured out that I’d like to work in the Counsel department (Justice Catalyst Law) and soon to be governor, and now I’ve begun hopping around parts of Asia learning different cultures and such that might be able to help me in the future, I slowly grew my name out a bit for my own self-motivation and had one more thing in mind and that was to pursue a career of more importance and attempt to become a Governor.

Political background:
At the moment I don't have much “Political background” apart from my job in the Counsel Department (Justice Catalyst Law), and knowing this I’d like to change that, with the number of hours and teachings that I’ve committed myself to in the past and the long studying hours that I’ve gone through I’d like to put it put to use in something I'm very passionate in, I’d like to use the knowledge that has been sitting around for a while to excel in the arts that I’ve grown fond of and make what I love to be my permanent job.

Nationality & born location:
Japanese, Japan (Kyoto)

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, JSL, Korean

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?:
I believe that I am an amazing candidate for this position because of the following. I see myself as a good caring yet straight forward person, I do what is needed and I use the most reasonable way possible and to get to the resolution, I’m observant well focused man and have learned and taught myself to thrive and be focused under pressure from past experiences in this town I’ve learned to react and interact with many different types of personalities without fail, I’ve been in a great deal of working experiences quite like this but it doesn't fall under a “Political Job”, But regardless I have a keen eye solly made for percistancy and observation, I enjoy viewing things as a person without biased, I only speak and break into the conversation when my input is needed or if I’ve seen enough from either party, I’m intelligent and sharp witted and a rather fast worker, though what many people in this town resort to is violence I like to defend myself with words and away from physical contact this being I think before I act and choose my next action wisely, I’m passionate and love the environment, I’d enjoy and do my best to strive in this line of work, this is what the area I excel at and have put years of my life to learning, at the moment I might look unclear or rather still, though I can assure you that will not be a problem as I’ve learned my way of conversing with people and have a rather nice conversation at that, all together I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read my application and I hope to be in line of work with you, whatever the outcome I truely wish you have an amazing day.
- Sincerely, Yoshiro Parker
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to ACCEPT this application

Your application was great, and really stood out to us above the others, Please reach out to me on discord at oZinth#0001 and we'll get you started! welcome to the team.

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