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Denied GracedAngelY Shop application


Level 27
Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:

When I'm on vacation
5 PM to 12 AM EST
5 PM to 1 AM EST
5 PM to 2 AM EST
6 pm to 1 AM EST
4 pm to 2 AM EST
5 PM to 12 AM EST
5 PM to 12 AM EST
When I have school
4 PM to 11 PM EST
4 PM to 10 PM EST
4 PM to 9 PM EST
5 PM to 11 PM EST
3:30 PM to 11:30 PM EST
On weekends when not on vacation
5 PM to 3 AM EST4 PM to 12 AM EST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I am aware that I will be removed if I'm inactive.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
IC Applications - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Denied Denied - Denied
OOC Applications - Denied
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Main account - KPD
Alt account (One I'm applying on) - Grade 12

Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/
What shop are you applying for?:


Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I want to be a shopkeeper because ever since I joined SRP the shops have been the most interesting part to me they are always fun to go to even if I'm not buying anything they always have an excellent design and nice workers which always makes it a good time to go there but aside from that there is running the shop with the stock and workers and design I love having the freedom to create and shopkeeper sticks out to me for having that I'm not a builder so that isn't something I'll do by myself but the idea of having the freedom to help other people work to make money on SRP to buy things to have fun is just something I've always wanted along with selling stuff that other people can buy for their characters so they can look better or even have fun and sure I know I've only been on SRP for 4-6 months but I know if I get accepted this will be the best part of my time on SRP. Even some of my best moments on SRP have been spent in shops either working for them or buying stuff in them.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
What I plan to do with my shop is make it a nice place to come and hang out while also buying gifts for people or things for yourself it will be a mix of a general store and a hangout spot where you can relax with your friends it will have a western vibe looking like an older store with pictures of people from old western Japan. This shop is going to be unique in the way that the store will open at planned times meaning that people will know when it's going to open the store will never open during school hours even if I have to reschedule openings for it because I want everyone to be able to come to my store.

What will you sell in your shop?:
The items I'm going to sell are gifts such as rings and essential accessories while also selling essential cooking items like eggs and stuff like that. I will also sell custom accessories that people offer me that would relate to Western Japan

How many employees do you plan to have?:

I plan to have 30 employees not including me

What would your application look like?:
There will be interviews 2 days before applications are reviewed to ask additional questions - Cashier Application Security Application

What positions will people be able to apply for at your store?:
They will be able to apply for Cashier and Security and if they do well at that they will be promoted to head of those departments however they are not able to open the store managers will be considered higher-ups in the store and will be above the 2 head of cashiers and of security while not being able to open the stores themselves the only ones that can open the store are Head of Managers and the owner who is me if I'm asleep head of managers don't need to ask but if I'm online they do have to ask if they can open
What cashier does
The cashier is one of the basics they are the ones that sit at the register for people that want to buy things obviously they are not able to open the store on their own an as the rules go there can only be 4 cashiers per opening so not every cashier will be able to go to the openings this is because if all 8 went we wouldn't have enough registers for them all while 4 will fit all the registers while also making sure we almost always have all the registers full their pay will be gained from the sales they make.
What Security does
Security is another basic role that most people know this one guard the store usually having 2 at the front doors making sure nobody with ballistics or bats enters and then another 1 inside the store making sure no fights happen if people decide to start a fight in the store this 1 will call for police and then do everything to make sure the fight stops without hitting the people fighting there will be a max of 3 security per opening security makes 30,000 - 40,000 per opening at max if sales aren't good then security may get paid less but they will usually get paid 30,000 - 40,000
What Head of Cashiers does
The head of Cashiers is simple they organize which cashiers stay at each register head of cashiers will only be made if a cashier is doing really well and deserves a promotion meaning that head of cashiers will know all the rules of being a cashier meaning they can also sit at registers if we do not have enough cashiers if we have enough and a head of the cashier shows up they will be given a certain amount of money from me depending on how sales were if they fill in at a register they get paid the same way cashiers do.
What head of Security does
They decide where each security on duty goes however they do not decide which ones are showing up just where they go as that is for higher-ups in the store to decide, Head of security will get paid more than normal security a base being 50,000 - 60,000 yen just like head of security if there isn't enough normal security head of security can fill a spot however most of the time head of security will just be making sure normal security is doing their job right
What manager does
The manager is the third highest spot in the store before head of managers and the owner spot they are able to give out directions to anyone below them they can call out mistakes of other employees but can not fire anyone without asking me only help out others manager is able to be either cashier or security if we don't have enough of either during an opening otherwise they will be paid 70,000 to 80,000 per opening once again this can change depending on the money made managers will only be made if head of cashiers or head of security is doing well enough to be promoted cashiers and security can not be promoted to this without being promoted to head of security or cashiers first
What head of managers does
Head of managers is the only position beside the owner that can open the store they do need to ask me before doing it but they can open the store and decide which employees are allowed to go the opening this role will make half of whatever I make by the end of each shift after paying the employees and if they are opening the store when I'm not able to get online they are required to send me a screenshot of how much they were left with and pay me half so I can put it towards stock
What the owner does
I will be the only owner of this store but I am able to decide who goes to each opening I can open whenever if absolutely needed for whatever reason I can fill in for security or cashier however it's very unlikely I will ever be doing this as there is more than enough people to fill in and I will try to open whenever the most people are free half of my money that I make will go towards stock and possibly more if we don't make a lot one opening

How many people will be allowed to have each position?:
Head of Cashiers-2
Head of Security-2
Head of Managers-1

What would your store rules be?:
Citizen Rules
1. Do not yell in the store if you yell in the store after getting warned you will be kicked out
2. Do not start a fight in the store if you start a fight you will be kicked out and cops will be called
3. You can only purchase 5 of one item at a time
4. Animals are not allowed in the store
5. You must be 20+ to buy alcohol from the store if you do not have an ID you will not be allowed to buy alcohol
Worker Rules
1. You must get 3 quotas per month as a cashier or security
2. If you get arrested and don't have a good reason for it you will be fired
3. You must give 45% of your total earning to me or the head of managers (depending on who opened) as a cashier
4. Security gets paid depending on much money is made each shift
5. There is a max of 4 cashiers allowed per opening
6. There is a max of 3 security per opening
7. You must be at least 16+ (icly) to work

8. You must get at least two openings per month as cashier
9. You must get three openings per month as a Security
10. If you are inactive for more than 5 days without a valid inactivity log you will be removed
11. Failure to pay the owed amount each opening as a cashier will result in you being heavily punished and most likely removed
What will your shop opening advert be?:
Are you bored and want to spend money on nice accessories for friends or even lovers who knows that's not for me to know or maybe you want to relax with some friends and chill for a bit well you can do either of those here at &dKANSAI &fwhatever you want to wear we probably have. look at your GPS and come head over here (The coords would be here) we look forward to you shopping here today!
Extra details will be added if people suggest any better ones
What would your discord look like?:
The discord will look like a discord that's focused on the theme of Western mixed with a cozy place to relax in
The general theme would be a mix of these two things

The store would have an accessories section and a seating area
Who owns this store and what are they like?:
The store's owner is Qiu Jing she is a young 45 years old and her backstory sure is a complicated one so let me explain it to you!
First, we will start off with her school education

Qiu before her parents passed away was a really good history and math student taking many advanced history classes from grades 1 to 12 she also took a couple of advanced math classes but that was just for fun. What she was really passionate about was history she loved how Japan was full of old history and knew at a young age that she would love to travel around Japan learning its history of it her parents did give her a Chinese name when she was a little confused about but she didn't really care she was alright with her name. When they died she was about 19 she so moved around a lot not having much time to focus on studying because she was moving around a lot she took a 4 year break from taking history classes. However, when she was exploring Japan, she would learn tons of history from the people living in other spots in Japan. She may have not taken any history classes from 19-23 but she sure did learn a lot from the native people of Japan. Finally, when she moved to Karakura at 24 she knew despite being 24 she should probably get a full history degree getting her bachelor's degree in history from 24-25 sure she was a little bit older than everyone else but she didn't really care. Next was her master which in Karakura was easier as it was only another 2 years so she was studying more history going for her master in it 26-28 by 28 she had her master's are she was ready for the last part which was the PhD in it this was by far the longest as it would take 5 years for her to get it as you need to be really good at what you do to get a Ph.D. and usually it takes 5 years so this degree took her from 28-33. By 33 she had her PhD in History and would be ready to teach however she wanted to make sure she was ready to take another 10 years to study history to make sure she was ready for it. She spent those 10 years out of Karakura exploring all of Japan again getting as much history out of it as possible
Before Qiu's parents died she had a good life her parents cared about her they had quite a few expectations but they were never super high they supported whatever she wanted to do they just wanted to make sure she enjoyed it and was good at it. They were always nice when she was 1-16 years old but at 17 something about them changed. They always seemed a little distant barely paying attention to her or caring about what she had to say they would just agree with whatever and go back to sitting just doing nothing. Qiu was confused thinking maybe she just hadn't lived up to their expectations this started to make her a little bit sad and start to barely take care of herself over time her hair became a mess and like her parents, she didn't care about what was happening around her. But, Even if she was similar to her parents in that way there was still something off. Every day their health got worse and they would be sick while Qiu felt completely fine. One day they left the house without Qiu but she decided to follow them to see what was really going on with them when she followed them into a building that looked abandoned. Inside it was unlike the outside super clean and with no dirt. Just as she entered she suddenly realized this wasn't any regular building. This was a gang meeting building. But that wasn't enough for Qiu she had to know why her parents were getting sicker each day if only she knew what she would figure out later that day. She silently followed her parents into the main meeting place while they were eating food she went to the back where food was being cooked. She noticed the chef making food when she saw him put poison in the food. At last, she figured out that it was the chef of the gang who was poisoning them. But Qiu didn't tell her parents, why well simply because they hid this entire thing from her. Qiu went home that night knowing that it wasn't the right thing to do but her parents were criminals they brought this on themself. The only guilt Qiu felt for what happened that night is when in the night when they got home they slept. They never woke up that night. Qiu cried that night but she knew it was time to travel to distract herself from what she had caused. She spent those 4 years traveling around Japan before finally her life in Karakura
This was the best and worst few years of Qiu's life she never made many friends in Karakura from 24 to 26 she was studying history while trying to make sure she had at least some social life although it was very little. She kept the secret of her parents from everyone knowing that they would all hate her if she did tell them. Nothing much happened in these 2 years. However, during the time of her master's degree, she couldn't say something during the first year she watched a gang war where she watched many people nearly get shot some getting shot. Qiu kept a long distance from it not wanting to get shot herself. She saw a cop lose his leg which was the biggest surprise to her. During that year she also watched cops raid a house nobody saw her through. She wasn't popular or well-known in the town she was just a nobody and she didn't care as long as she could pass school and make some living for herself in Karakura. The 2nd year was worse Qiu met a fisherman named Arlo she never quite got his last name. He had told her about how he lost one of his eyes to some crazy person and he couldn't go back to the beach without risking his life. He said he knew that girl wanted to kill him. However, she had been arrested when Arlo told her one day that she had been bailed out. Qiu didn't love Arlo in any way just a friend kind of way so she cared about him not want him to get hurt so she made sure to protect him. The first year of her going for a Ph.D. was nothing special Arlo was still alive nothing bad happening to him. It was the 2nd year of her Ph.D. when he suddenly disappeared. To this day she still doesn't know what happened to him. She finished the rest of the 3 years she needed before she knew exactly what she wanted to be. A history teacher but first she knew she had to leave town to learn more about the history of Japan.
Qiu knew in order to prepare for her teaching history she would have to take a small break to travel more and learn more about the history of Japan. Her first year she just traveled around wildly not sure where to go. In the 2nd year, she decided to stay in the main city of Japan, Toyko. This was much different from Karakura every street was busy and usually with a lot more to do. This is where Qiu spent 4 years studying more history by asking locals and taking a few college classes. She did like Toyko but there was just something about Karakura that she missed with all the interesting things that happened there daily. Qiu loved the place she really did but Karakura was better so she left. She knew she wasn't ready for Karakura though so she decided to try one last place to learn. Her old town. She knew it would bring back bad memories but she had to go there to figure out what that gang was about. She did spend the first year actually studying history but she knew this was more important. She took a deep breath before entering the place. As she entered it was empty as if everyone had already left after her parent's death. She explored the place finally finding one last note left from her parents saying "Qiu no matter what happens to us we know you are smart enough to find this, We know you have always wanted to be a teacher please keep following that dream for yourself we will miss you, sweetie". After reading that Qiu broke down crying knowing it was somewhat her fault they died not telling them when they did care about her. She spent those last four years studying everything she could about Japanese history. Finally, she knew it was time
Well, it was simple how she became a teacher but let's start at when she first got back in town. After 10 years of studying, she knew everything she believed she could know about Japanese history. She began by buying an apartment with her savings it was nothing huge just a small 50,000-a-month apartment at complex L. She went to the school asking if she could talk to any teacher and she asked them for advice on how to apply. They gave her that so that's how she could write her first application. She put tons of effort into it really wanting this job she still hid what happened to her parents from everyone but knew it wouldn't be long before she told someone. It still haunted her but she tried to let it go hoping being a teacher would help her enjoy life and forget about what happened.
It was only a little bit of time before Qiu realized that teaching wasn't her thing she knew she liked history and things about it but she realized she didn't like kids at all and didn't have the motivation to plan lessons due to everything that had happened to her before this and despite all the effort she put into wanting to be a teacher she just wasn't quite motivated to be a teacher so she told the vice principle she wanted to quit this was only 1 month of her life that's how quickly she quit it was not her thing and she knew it was time to pursue different things in this town using her knowledge
After she quit so took a month to decide what she wanted to do and after that month passed she knew precisely what she wanted to do have a shop in Karakura that sells gifts and accessories and snacks from Western Japan as that was her favorite part of Japanese history she used the small amount of money she got from being a teacher and put it towards the shop she then spent another 4 months preparing the things she would need for the store getting the accessories from online to sell to people she even knew the design she was going to go for but it wasn't that easy she didn't have much money and no natural way to get the shop for herself so after 4 months of talking to people she knew and looking up online ways get stores she finally figured out what to do she decided to work at Joi-Kon making a decent amount of money off it when the owner of the store shut down the store she knew this was all the money she was going to need to buy the property and that is how she became the new owner of Kansai

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